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Wizzy started following Release S
[FIX] Corrected default configuration of elite monsters in MonsterList.xml [FIX] Elite monsters did not apply debuff correctly [FIX] Corrected default configuration of MiniMap.xml [FIX] Corrected default text strings in CustomText.xml/bmd [FIX] Purchased Item Banks did not save in certain scenario
FuerGrissa started following NoticeSystem Plugin improvement
I would like to suggest some additional parameter to the plugin. PvPNotice Add the ability to specify a certain map for which pvp notice will be activated. For example I would like to activate it on arka battle or castle siege, in battle maps, and forbid it on other maps. Tnx in advance!
My suggestion? To define and enable all paid plugins and their respective functions by account level? With the amount of resources you have been developing and we customers are buying, we would have more purchasing power if some of the resources had these configurations. Since the current VIP system is very limited. We don't have much to offer VIP users, and in order to offer good resources we are forced to create exclusive channels for VIP, but this often ends up separating the players too much and then the servers are empty or it ends up looking like there are no players. (When the server is in the initial period) Please think about it carefully, buying the resources is not a problem, but buying the resources and continuing with so many limitations ends up being a big disadvantage. My server is new, and I am paying for most of the resources I am buying out of my own pocket to offer good resources to the players.
- Yesterday
matheusq94 joined the community
It is like limiting ability of gaining money to yourself
MrAngry83 started following Bank BaseMaxItemCoun by Account Level
For example, if a player’s level is below 1000, they can only upgrade the bank up to level 6 out of 10. (Admins can configure the level requirement to unlock additional storage levels.)
Hello IGCN Team, Currently, the Alchemist Bot only supports trading a limited range of items (e.g., Ancient items). I would like to suggest enhancing the plugin to support all item types stored in the database. Why this matters: It increases the flexibility and usefulness of the Alchemist Bot. Provides a better, more personalized trading experience for players. Therefore, I hope the development team will consider adding compatibility for these item types in upcoming updates. Thank you for your continuous support!
- Last week
Aries Nguyen joined the community
stormsiskin joined the community
Hello Developers, It would be great if the event list system could be improved. I was recently asked for this as a suggestion on one of my servers. So I would like to pass on this suggestion, since you have started building custom UIs for the game. What would be the suggestion: The possibility of: Listing active events, Listing active invasions created through (MonsterSpawn_Group) Showing the number of monsters that are still alive from invasions created in (MonsterSpawn_group) Showing the maps where these monsters were spawned. Time remaining for the invasion to disappear if it is not finished by the players (When eliminating all monsters) This would be an improvement for the plugin in general and would be extremely important. We have the dashboard but it does not show this type of information.
It would be interesting if we could change the ranking list. Add daily, weekly and monthly rankings. It would be possible to remove certain information and/or add new information.
Klasik Networks changed their profile photo
[FIX] Added item bank UI file that was missing in initial upload of previous release [FIX] Charging certain coin types did not work correctly for item bank [FIX] Selected legendary set options did not apply their effect [FIX] Selected options of Legendary Fairy shields did not apply their effect
@Wizzy On this example: I can define the BaseMaxItemCount by the Account Level, then this will be open the opportunity for selling the BankMaxItemCount with another values. Then would working of according by AccountLevel.
I do not see how it could work. Any example?
COKPAT joined the community
Hello developers, I recently purchased the plugin and noticed that you did not add a setting to allow us to sell bank slots separately by account level. It would be very important if you could enable these account level settings in the plugins. These are new paid features that can help contribute to the server. Is it possible to add the possibility of defining the number of slots according to the account level?
[FIX] ItemEditor: fix crash when creating 5th wings with specific options [FIX] ItemEditor: fix crash on changing items in special cases
ideiasync changed their profile photo
[NEW] Introducing new Item Banks system available as a plugin from our store [FIX] Corrected visual issue where Extra Exp (C section) was not applied correctly on Exp ToolTip [FIX] PK status could be incorrectly applied during Castle Siege event [FIX] Custom UI reset button triggered reset regardless Enable was set to 0 [FIX] Lighting Chaos Combination Amulet pieces did not auto convert to desired target item [FIX] Added missing AC attribute to MuQuestNPCMove.xml [FIX] Selected excellent options were not preserved on reward item after getting it from Alchemist BOT
zneo joined the community
maispato joined the community
prismo joined the community
Dario joined the community
mubcolinad joined the community
- Earlier
Yes I am aware as I have implemented that balance to my servers as well so that it matches all classes on various resets and stats and it is a pain, especially when facing characters mainly benefiting from one statistic like agility. Not only you have to balance the spells but change lua completely and even then you cant make it perfect not to mention every season its thrown in the trash cause of the changes that come with it. Barrage balance would also solve the issue with classes dealing more or less elemental damage (more speed/barrage more elemental dps) I just said 4th and 5th because that's where the majority of players spend their time in the game but ofc all spells would be great. I get your point, i was just saying its a different solution if this one won't get implemented.
What i was thinking includes also the low level skills because a proper balanced reset server would have the character spells almost strong as the 4th and 5th skills otherwise you see everyone using 1 spell and thats it, i hate that.. Its sooooo boring! Your suggestion with skill pvp damage is not bad but it has nothing to do with dmg count. The purpose of dmg count config file is that you can make your weak spells to have high damage count as 4th-5th spells and to can also trigger RNG functions like auto restore full SD and etc with the same way as 4th-5th spells! By boosting the weak spell formula just creates unbalance because the hit counts are lower and you have to increase the formula by a lot which leads to terrible design.
I could add it yes but it drops on the ground and i have to create a custom box for any ruud drop i want to add that dont exists in a box. Its a nightmare. Basically the ruudgain function is unused, we dont use it because when player gets ruud only drop from a monster they start to cry about bad drop so i dont think any logical admin uses that function. A rework would be wise in my opinion but its your call of course. Im just explaining as much as i can the situation we are in right now. Not being able to set 1 item with random durability value ruins the entire bag balance, you cant put in a 5 item bag 10 items just to have random durability values on a single item, it ruins the drop rates and denies you the opportunity to add a single section with 5 item drops because then if having 10 items and 5 to be similar most of drop will be the item with random durability, i dont know how to explain it better its just not ideal when it comes to random durability items. It would be good to get this somehow done but if you dont want to bother i understand, im just suggesting what is better for i believe the most of admins.
Indeed it does give a lot of control crucially needed for reset server. Perhaps just doing 4th and 5th skills will not be as much work. Those are mainly the issue. Less work heavy solution is this one that i proposed> Skilllist PvP Damage Reduction It is a different solution so I don't want to hijack this topic *sorry johnny 😄 but it serves the same purpose where you can maintain PVM damage while nerfing PVP damage of a spell.
For us the admins this setting is a gold mine but if you think its not worth ok i dont have a problem i just think its better to have this config for better reset server balance purposes.
This would be incredible amount of work to handle this for all skills the way it would not cause any issues but still would, in case of misconfiguration. Benefits are not worth the amount of work.
Never to come in our files, use launcher to download required translations depending on player selection.
The suggestion is simple. Now that we support other languages, it would be interesting for you to add a structure to the local folder that separates the translated files by folders. Eng Por Spn And others, this way we can better organize the files and the client. Avoiding problems such as improper substitution or confusion with the files.
The suggestion is an extension or an additional plugin for the dashboard that allows us to define special missions such as: Number of resets, Number of levels Number of master levels Eliminating specific monsters Performing specific missions After completing missions or reaching certain system requirements, the Player can redeem prizes through the dashboard.
[NEW] Support of Season 20 (main versions included:;; [FIX] Hostname configured in ServerInfo.bmd was not supported [FIX] Characters could sometimes disappear from Dashboard [FIX] Improved specific scenarios when hidden game clients were not restored upon Dashboard closure [MOD] Updated online documentation
First release of dashboard application Discord Rich Presence Events & Invasions Notifications Character Death Notification Characters list with display of basic character attributes such as HP, MP, Level, Experience, etc. Game Window Hide (after clicking on character image in list of characters) Automated game client folder exception for Windows Defender Ability to run Game Client from the Dashboard Fully customizable Template Capable of complete translation into any chosen language Developer ready Cache support Developer ready Database Connection support (PDO)