The requirements depends mostly from count of Game Server instances and online count. As far as the online count of players increases it may be necessary to upgrade your hosting configuration.
Minimum requirements should not be lower than listed below - based on default Server configuration (2 Data Servers, 1 Connect Server, 6 Game Servers) with 90% players load
Hardware Requirements
IGC.Premium subscription plan
- Minimum: 2x3.5 GHz
- Recommended: 4x3.5 GHz or better
- with AVX instructions support
- Minimum: 8GB
- Recommended: 10GB or more
Disk Space
- Minimum: 80GB
- Recommended: 160GB - excluding Operating System requirements
IGC.Premium Plus subscription plan
- Minimum: 4x3.5 GHz
- Recommended: 6x3.5 GHz or better
- with AVX instructions support
- Minimum: 12GB
- Recommended: 16GB or more
Disk Space
- Minimum: 100GB
- Recommended: 200GB - excluding Operating System requirements
Additional Software Requirements
Operating System - supported platform x64 only
- Windows Server 2012 or later
- Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or later
Database Engine
- Minimum: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SQLEXPRADV_x64_ENU.exe) or later
- Recommended: Microsoft SQL Server 2019, or later
Visual C++ Redistributable Packages
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable Package (x64) Download - install on server machine
Microsoft .NET Framework - to be installed on server machine
- Microsoft Framework 4.8 Download
- File Compression - for extracting software shipped
Configuration files editor - for easier viewing and editing
- Any suitable for own needs, recommended: Notepad++
Lua Scripting - for easy script edit and syntax check
- Any online editor being able to check syntax of Lua in ver. 5.3 or dedicated Lua Edit editor