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6,216 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Hi, Somebody know if there is any way to prohibit the trade of items with more than "X" number of excellent options?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hello, i can't add master LVL Points to Some last Retaliation Skiils !! P.S in Retaliation 295... all what is not setup to 20 points i can't add ! Obsession - no problem ! I simple not setup all to 20...But Retaliation have error...
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Is there any config to make PK players imposible to enter no pvp server?
Last reply by eradicate, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I'd like to do exp events on the server. How to do that? Is there a possibility to do that automatically? For example normal exp rate is 600x, but between 6-8pm it raises to 800x everyday or just 2 days per week?
Last reply by Gabberry, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline How to disable exc item drop? 3 Updates earlier it was working like this: ExcItemDropPer = 0 Now it doesn't work like ExcItemDropPer = 0 ExcItemDropPer = 10000 Exc items still drop, in drop manager there is no exc items.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: last version Database Type: MuOnline Hi, possibly this question already this answered or resolved but the meeting and my English is not bad. How do I enable so my users can run 2 main.exe? I.e. 2 main.exe at the same time. Thanks!
Last reply by Sistem, -
- 3 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hi, i've doubt about seperate IGC.DataServer for each GameServer such as GameServer1 -> DataServer1 GameServer2 -> DataServer2 GameServer3 -> DataServer3 GameServerArka/CS/Market -> DataServer4 I tested it's work but with issue about event notice or something. For example AcheronGuardian will not notice and can't entrance from RegularGameserver (if it used different DataServer) And idk if it's have problems with ArkaWar/CastleSiege/Other... So i decided to turn it back to same DataServer in order to function normally. My question is how we can seperate DataServer ? or we need to…
Last reply by except0r, -
EMPTY items
by BHood-
- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline hello i have a problem with drop on La cleon map only there is some weird in drop item players drop empty item (+option; +Luck; +2; +3 etc) and cant see them in inv and I in essential tool too how to fix that i put 2 screens
Last reply by BHood, -
- 0 replies
Hello I've Wonder About This Config if I Want To Use Day 10 of Every Month To Start CS How To Config it <CastleSiegeEvent Enable="0" FriendlyFire="1" ResetAccumulatedTimeAfterKill="0" LordMixDailyLimit="1" TowerEntryWithoutAlliance="0" CrownSwitchMinGuildPosition="3" CrownMinGuildPos="0"> <DamageReduction OppositeTeam="40" SelfTeam="20" /> <CycleSettings Days="14" StartYear="0" StartMonth="0" StartDay="0"> <Cycle Stage="1" Day="0" Hour="0" Minute="0" /> <!-- Register Period --> <Cycle Stage="2" Day="1" Hour="23" Minute="59" /> <!-- Idle --> <Cycle Stage="3" Day="2" Hour="0" Minute="0" /> <!-- Register M…
Last reply by Mpsmith, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hi, I have a problems with the Multi account and party bonus because I try to enter 2 accounts at the same server and its impossible :/ if you know how to do it please help me. and the other thing is the Party bonus system I dont know how it is work because I edit everything and nothing happen, if you do a party the experiencia is really bad. Can you help me? Atte. Jorge
Last reply by BHood, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
hi, my MEMB_STAT not update you can see last Connect 2017-02-22 how to fix ? or Can i execute Me_MuOnline_without_MD5.sql again Regards
Last reply by pumb, -
- 4 replies
When is the release main.exe 3D Camera for s8.3 & s9.2 File cracker for free in have 3D Camera then We File License please let do not slowly behind him :P download :
Last reply by galanaso, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hello, Is there already no camera on s9? As i know wizzy told that it will be released on s8e3... Tried to search, but no results, also in client tried to click F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 button and rotate the camera with scroll mouse button, still no result..
Last reply by galanaso, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I setup SQL Server 2012 run Season XII I config pass "sa" SQL Server and IGCDS the same When I run IGC.DataServer error :
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: 57 Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hi guys, I have a question, Moss the gambler keep dropping me Brova spear even though the item is not in the GamblingLottery.xml file. How can I control this item? I would like Brova to not have Excellent options, but I can't do that cuz i dont have it on my list... (I'm using the default gambling list) Thanks!
Last reply by Unique, -
- 1 reply
<ExpSystem CalcType="0" DebugMode="0"> <StaticExp Normal="10.0" Master="20.0" Event="20.0" Quest="30.0" /> I have 100 exp or 10 exp ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hi all! I've a problem during maintinence server expire time in that table can't stop and i want to know 1. how to increase time to all buff in this table Example I 've Close Server For maintinence 3 hour and i wanna to increase expire time to all player 3 hour 2. how to stop expire time during maintinence thank in advance
Last reply by Mpsmith, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: 57 Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hi guys, I'm having little problem, when I get buff from bot in lorencia and im trying to move map, the buff disappear. can i change that anyhow or its knowing thing? Thanks!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: 57 Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hi guys, I would like to make 2 servers gold in subserver2 of first row 1 (=0) and the second row How do i configure that? Thanks :D
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline I noticed that IGCN docs is linking to the express edition of the microsoft sql server software and probably you are aware there are some important limitations such as using 1 single cpu core, 1 gb ram limit and 10gb database limit in the express version compared to standard, eterprise, etc. While database limit is fine, what do the developers recommend for bigger servers? Will the 1CPU core, 1 GB RAM limit going to affect in any way a server with let's say ~1…
Last reply by xander007, -
- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hi everyone! I have a problem with golden comunications of events ,invasions, news and GM messages (!text and !!text ) someone know how to fix that?
Last reply by BHood, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: 57 Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hi guys, when people playing in party and they are getting dc the party closes, do you familiar with that? is there any solution to that problem? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by eradicate, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline How do I change evomon drop? No boxes but monster. When i kill evomon in event stages it drops Dark Horse +skill. I cant find anywhere config for this. Any help on this?
Last reply by eradicate, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hello, wings option on IGC_ExcellectOption has option on 2.5, 3lvl, angels&devil and conqueors wings Increase chance of Fully Recovering Life by %d%% On max stats this option is OP, is there a way to disabled it?
Last reply by drakelv, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hi, How to configure the range of the options of the third class wings created in the machine of chaos? The problem is that the machine always creates wings level 0 without options without Luck. I want the machine sometimes to create wings with some options.Thx. PD: I put items exceletens with 6 options and I get the same result. I need help. Thxs Nothing?
Last reply by Cora, -
- 9 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Monsters with AttackType 17 are not attacking players. EX: yeti, grizzly. Any fix for this?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I'm tryin' to adjust the defense of all characters, but i can't until now I'm tryin' to put function CalcDefense(Class, Dexterity) local Defense = 0 if(Class == CLASS_WIZARD) then Defense = Dexterity / 30000 elseif(Class == CLASS_KNIGHT) then Defense = Dexterity / 30000 elseif(Class == CLASS_ELF) then Defense = Dexterity / 30 elseif(Class == CLASS_GLADIATOR) then Defense = Dexterity / 30 elseif(Class == CLASS_DARKLORD) then Defense = Dexterity / 30 elseif(Class == CLASS_SUMMONER) then Defense = Dexterity / 30 elseif(Class == CLASS_RAGEFIGHTER) then Defense = Dexterity …
Last reply by BHood, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: 57 Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hi, I would like delgado give wcoinp with item. The problem is that: If my bag is full then delgado tells me to make some space, but he gives me the wcoinp without taking my luckycoins. How can I fix it? Thanks! Solved by making boxes.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: 1.15 Database Type: MuOnline Hej where can i change so i can use Twisting slash after i do reset ? right now it says i need to be lvl 80 to use it
Last reply by benczek, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Exist some fix for Dark Raven durability?
Last reply by BHood, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
My players noticed SM range is very huge like evil spirit and this is report is coming from multiple players. Someone know how can we edit range of ice storm skill ? Thank you. Edit: Modified in IGCData\Skills\IGC_SkillList.xml > "Distance"
Last reply by j2power, -
- 2 replies
Hi all ! How i can set my configuration of this quest system? Is not in IGCQuestData.txt Or how to add new quests in this quest system? Thanks
Last reply by BHood, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hi, I have a problem, I would like to know how to set a VIP_TYPE in a ticket to sell on the X (CASH SHOP)and what is the name of the item to the respective vip_types, basically: is that possible to sell VIP by the X (cash shop) even if its just one vip type
Last reply by rogoni, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
Hi. I'm using default IGC_Commands.ini file and after married, characters can't use /teleport cmd, it doesn't do anything.
Last reply by lemiks, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: 57 Database Type: MuOnline Hi guys, I have 2 questions and I hope you guys can help me with them. First, I would like to reset all my characters but not my users, do you guys have an sql script that doing that? if you dont, can you tell me which tables to reset? Second, I would like to sell in NPC gold tickets with different levels of vip, I saw its possible in CashShop, but is it possible in NPC? Third, can I make item disappear after it expires? cuz now if they are buying item and it expires when they wear it, they still can use it. I'm talking about cloths and weapons.. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: 1.15 Database Type: MuOnline Hej i will like to change Respawn time for Miniboss Death Knight Hydra Zaikan For all of them how can i do it ? i try to change RegenTime="86400" to 15 but i dont see any difference
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 5 replies
Hello, As topic says, i need to configure properly my Moss Gambler NPC, because i have a problem when im buying random "staff" its gives me swords....
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 10 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: 57 Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hi guys, I have two servers, one with dynamic exp and the other with x9999 static. both have the same regen configs and same files except the exp thing and monsters config ofc. in the dynamic server the regen system works fine but in the easy server its not working at all, when i put the overridesetting = 0 medusa drops only zen. what can possibly prevert the bosses to drop items? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by BHood, -
- 5 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: season 6 ep3 Database Type: MuOnline Item name with full sockets is not displayed Season 6 ep3 Possibly solved by changing the fonts, But where I change the fonts, in client season 6 ep3
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 8 replies
I don't know if it's a bug that's why posted here, need to confirmiration ! So playing with RageFighter got problems like: hits same damage all the time (not random numbers)wearing satan gives ridiculous small damage bonus (almost nothing)wearing cape+15 gives also ridiculous small damage bonuself damage buff gives very small damage bonus (only to RF this problem)Imp on other classes gives damage prety much as it says 30%, ELF damage buff to other class gives much more damage increase, but to RF almost nothing...and I'm very surprised about RF Cape, which also gives almost nothing....Here are some screenshots, as you can see with Energy Elf buff / without, with wings/sa…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 5 replies
Hello, how to enable Ancient options on this item / set items !? I have a problem like this: - got this item from drop in LOT...I know how to enable socket options where you can add one item per one, but where and HOW should I edit which file, to enable ancient options... Anyone can HELP, please !?
Last reply by RobiZ, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: mu season 6 ep3 Database Type: MuOnline Items custom does not show additional sockets option
Last reply by elangelave, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Siege How to set cycle 5. GameServer_Siege Thanks very much
Last reply by muphil2015, -
- 1 reply
Greetings, I use a network tunnel adapter and i have big issues with disconnects, any advice please? GS log when players got disconnect : [17:48:33] WSASend(912) failed with error 10038 [17:48:33] error-L1 : CloseClient connect error [18:25:34] WSASend(912) failed with error 10038 [18:25:34] error-L1 : CloseClient connect error [18:25:48] WSASend(912) failed with error 10038 [18:25:48] error-L1 : CloseClient connect error [18:30:53] WSASend(912) failed with error 10038 [18:30:53] error-L1 : CloseClient connect error [18:33:21] WSASend(912) failed with error 10038 [18:33:21] error-L1 : CloseClient…
Last reply by drakelv, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
My players are getting dc from the server and losing their itens, what can cause that? and also the panda ring and skeleton ring are losing all durability when you relog! *when I open the vault, I got dc and lose my itens every time!
Last reply by napam, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline i would like to ask how to modify the fortitude buff and others For example: the BK is gaining to much life with that buff with lower points How can i change which kundum is dropping ? Example: Gold Dragon drops Kundum +1/+2/3 and i want to change it to Kundum +4 how can i do it
Last reply by Scoorpion, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Need to hoock some dll to main. Its posible have somme litle guide for that and its worked?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 9 replies
Hi, have somme issues with mesage in common ceats with russian spell. Then people write in private or in post , all its ok but then write in russian in common cheat all time apear error, Use prihibides symbols detected. how to fix that?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hi there, In essential tool - item editor there is a code for items right (FFFFFFFFFFFF)? I'm looking for hex code for lucky coins. Code's witch are generated are different on every lucky coins in inventory so, entered code at website module not working. I tried 16 or 32 long and many more. How do I can find right code for items? In game buff items. They can be used somehow in game, like with NPC or I have to adding them to players acc manually? Many thanks
Last reply by GoodGodd, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hello, I would like to ask you, if anyone knows how are calculated required stats for the items. I was trying to figure it out and find a formula, how it's generated, but without any success. Basically I need to know: Formula for calculating required stats how it's affected by item's level how it's affected in excellent/non-excellent item how it's affected by life option Formula for calculating damage and defense how it's affected by item's level (I already find out) how it's affected in excellent/non-excellent item Thank you for the help. Also I think that maximum durabi…
Last reply by jacubb, -
- 0 replies
after launch server for a while when join raklion event, after selupan is born Coolutin will born a lot (around 50-60) is it normally ? config in file is below <RaklionEvent> <Monster Group="0" Index="459" MapNumber="58" Distance="0" StartX="145" StartY="31" Dir="-1" /> <!-- Selupan --> <Monster Group="1" Index="460" MapNumber="58" Distance="0" StartX="141" StartY="27" Dir="0" /> <!-- Spider Eggs 1 --> <Monster Group="1" Index="461" MapNumber="58" Distance="0" StartX="141" StartY="28" Dir="0" /> <!-- Spider Eggs 2 --> <Monster Group="1" Index="462" MapNumber="58" Distance="0" StartX="142" StartY="28" Dir="0" /> &l…
Last reply by decepticon, -
- 3 replies
Is it possible to control the mix result from the Lord Mix? Like for example I want it to give 3 to 5 excellent options. Event bags only have controls for Excellent or Not, Item Level, Ancient or not, Additional Options, Skills, and Luck. And by the way, after using the Lord Mix, how many hours to wait so the Castle Lord can use it again? I waited for 24 hours and attempted to use the Lord Mix but I can't use it still.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: .54 Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hello, Just had Castle Siege on my server, new CS owner Guild Master could enter LOT, but other cannot, they made allience, same thing...I decided to restart GS_CS (I did this already 1 week ago, everything was okey), so disconnect everyone and then closed GS_CS window, then I tried to run GS_CS again, it just opens a window (little bit loading) and then nothign appears and still showing a white/blank window, when I try to enter with my character (which was left on CS server) it cant teleport and do anything...screenshot: - any solutions !?…
Last reply by RobiZ, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Mastery More than 2999 attribute points on the invalid Please help me thank you
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I have tested all the possibilities but it doesn't work my exp table and this help me with this: In this video I'm showing that Shadow Phantom Soldier ir not working properly. I need to configure some file? If yes, what file? Even in default configurations, no character and NPC buff is working. help please
Last reply by rogoni, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline hi, some friend is getting this message "your account is bloqued" but it happen with every account he made, so how to fix it? that only happen with him, example i try with the same account and all work fine, but all account that try from he ip/hardwareid say this message, ive check blacklist and hardwareid bloqued from launcher data and that emply...
Last reply by napam, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 9 Files Version: 1.05.25 Database Type: MuOnline where i can change this percent. in pet setting not this.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: season x Database Type: MuOnline Seed Sphere penta, Can not be combined
Last reply by elangelave, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline
Last reply by gincha, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline hello guys. if my character is reconect the game.then character will be back to safe area in these maps Acheron、Debenter、UrkMontain and Nars i don't like back to safe area in my reconnect In Season 9,the character can't be back to safe area.. thanks~ :) :) :) :)
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 5 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline There are modules in the tree that can not be filled and do not increase from 1% Does anyone else have this problem? Or is it bug? forum death !
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
I want to set the blood castle max player.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline In T Window there are Event Entry Time. How i can change data in it? Because it's different with server config. Bump it! Cannot find how to edit event entry level there. Or it is have not opportunity for now?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 9 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hello. This is possible to switch basic item drop in Blood Castle 1-4 as it did in Blood Castle 5-7 on Season X?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hello. Anybody know this problem solution? .net framework 4.6.2 Microsoft redistributable package 2015 All windows updates with valid windows 10 license My player still getting error at his new pc.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: 51 Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hi there, im trying to summon destler, he comes but im not getting any drops, and here is the gs log: + RegenConfig: LUA: Thanks is advance.
Last reply by Unique, -
- 6 replies
On my server I can not create Summoner / Rage Faither My server is season 6 eps 3, I must do what you indicate in the following link? 2.2 Special Character Creation at desired level of Regular Character For Rage Fighter USE [MuOnline] GO CREATE TRIGGER RageFighterActivation ON [dbo].[Character] FOR UPDATE AS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @AccountID varchar(10); DECLARE @cLevel int; SELECT @AccountID=i.AccountID FROM inserted i; SELECT @cLevel=i.cLevel FROM inserted i; IF (UPDATE(cLevel) AND (@cLevel >= 200)) -- Edit desired level in this line UPDATE dbo.AccountCh…
Last reply by Sistem, -
- 2 replies
hi, ok this is the thing i did a big search on forum and i found a couple of post talking about the same thing but always focus the problem on the visual 3% rate that is on client side... so i decide to do my own topic about my problem... the whole thing is about the max rate that we can configure on files about wings and condor feather, as you can see on video i was trying to create a condor feather but after about 50 tries(If they are not more) i got 1 feather of condor trying with items on minimum requirements but that's not a problem if you don't want users with wings:D the real problem is... i have on files the max rate on 100 so imagine if i configure th…
Last reply by LaLiTaBluE, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hi I've wonder about online status how did i know who 's online player and offtrade player becuz both of this 've ConnectState = 1
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hello, the greater defense does not work correctly, when using it in party does not last nor 1 second -- SkillID: 27, Greater Defense - (Fairy Elf, Muse Elf, High Elf) function ElfDefense(Class, Index, TargetIndex, Energy) local SkillEffect = 0 localSkillTime = 300 if (Index ~= TargetIndex) then if (Class == CLASS_WIZARD) then SkillEffect = 2 + Energy / 80 elseif (Class == CLASS_KNIGHT) then SkillEffect = 2 + Energy / 80 elseif (Class == CLASS_ELF) then SkillEffect = 2 + Energy / 80 elseif (Class == CLASS_GLADIATOR) then SkillEffect = 2 + Energy / 80 elseif (Class == C…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 7 replies
For the gens (zyroes) quest: - The one with silver Valkyrie it don't drop anything I was hunting for several days but no drop. - How to adjust droprate or fix this?
Last reply by Expert, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hey there, First, dunno if it could be a bug or bad configuration but the problem im facing is: After i buy pets in "in-game shop" i can use it and i can see correct expiration day but after i reconnect it says expired. Dunno what could be wrong. pS: I haven't modified in-game shop yet , it's default one.
Last reply by Sergio, -
- 7 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline hello,guys.the death stab visual effect is not include Wind,What supposed to be the problem? thanks :)
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: last version Database Type: MuOnline Hello, I added the objects ancient such as: Horus, Frig, etc to my version season 6 eps 3. They added correctly and without problem, since me based on other ancient version which already had them configured. But I can not display the name of the ancestral items. SS: Does anyone know why this error? Thank you. Thank you for the support that you provide always
Last reply by Sistem, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I know we can confog that from mix.bmd but i can't find StartID and EndID Columns refer to this post in current client version this section removed ? i just want to change success rate match with server configuration
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline We found out that the Poison Bull Transformation Ring gives for example to Summoner enormous damage. Please, where is possible (is it possible) to edit which monster will appear from that transformation ring? I remember that in many other files it was possible but I cannot find it.
Last reply by RobiZ, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: last version Database Type: MuOnline Hi, I'm not sure if this is a bug or problem. In my community a user donated (the user bought a set of Grow Lancer full with jewelry ancestral). He makes the reset and use the command /reset deletes the season 10 options, but the old options are. Only is deleted them options of the season 10. This problem does not happen always, not happens in all them resets. This problem happens sometimes that I not be if it is due to a bug or bad configuration. Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Thanks a lot!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: 10.0.11 Database Type: MuOnline hi igc i cant see any server on my server pic1.-- pic2.-- config--
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I have many reports that assistant guild master is not able to accept guild requests. Is it bug or not included in season 10 ?
Last reply by Scoorpion, -
- 1 reply
I`m experiencing some issue regarding server codes I guess... The issue is that one of my GameServer_Regular doesn`t wants to appear in my game client even with the proper config setted. Bellow I left my current settings, for the server that is causing this issue, so you can see it better. And tell me what is the reason. Note: The GameServer_Regular that doesnt appear is the one with Server Code: 20 The rest appears normal without any issues. Please tell me why my GameServer_Regular with Server Code: 20 doesn`t appear in my Game Client. The GS don`t throw any error or dump when I open it, so is very strange. I will wait for your reply : ) ConnectServer / IGC_ServerL…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Skills are not working Siege how I can activate it on all the map? file: IGC_SkillSettings.ini [SiegeSkills] ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Enables possibility to use Siege Skills in all Maps, values: 0/1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- EnableOnAllMaps = 1
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline how to change it. I tried with some other chacter but I do not see it too satisfied because the difference. Help me.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I Want To Change Shadow Phaantom Quest now Player complain about boss monster kill too much ex. ice queen 30 gorgon 60 i try to find QuestMonsterKill in Lua Script but i don't know quest ep
Last reply by Mpsmith, -
- 3 replies
Hi i was testing the drop of kundun but suddenly after killing him it seems that he is only dropping one item even if the setting is these <BagConfig Name="Monster_Kundun" ItemRate="10000" SetItemRate="0" MoneyDrop="0" BagUseRate="10000" BagUseEffect="-1" /> <AddCoin Enable="0" CoinType="0" CoinValue="0" /> <Ruud GainRate="0" MinValue="1" MaxValue="10" /> <SummonBook Enable="0" DropRate="0" ItemCat="14" ItemIndex="217" /> <DropAllow Wizard="1" Knight="1" FairyElf="1" MagicGladiator="1" DarkLord="1" Summoner="1" RageFighter="1" GrowLancer="1" PlayerMinLevel="1" PlayerMaxLevel="MAX" MapNumber="-1"> <Drop Rate="10000" Count="5"> htt…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 8 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline hi, inside IGC.Server Suite-FULL- the file IGC_SkillSettings.ini is in 2 locations MuServer\IGCData\Skills MuServer\IGCData inside Update is only in 1 location MuServer\IGCData both files have to be there? if is only one, which is the real location for it? Thanks
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I Need To Know ItemData Structure i know only itemdu = durability sy = itemcat anyone can explain this ? i want to make a reward from web sent to gramory case to player but i not understand this field
Last reply by Mpsmith, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hello, I recently moved to another dedicated - just moved all that was working / changed IPs however when I try to connect i cant see any servers after watch 10 times on configuration my network driver is virtio red hat windows server2012 server company is Edis i have installed by my self with vnc the windows
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hi all! I've a puntual question Battle Core Game Server Runs Actually Chaos Castle of Fittest? And Tormented Square event? If i close this server theses two events dont initiate? Who events i loose if i dont initiate Battle Core Game Server? Ty all :)!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Hi I Try To Edit Blood Howling Skill Ref. On Webzen Master Skill But I Don't Know a Varriable in this file where can i get it ? i mean to this if i want to refer to a master skill level what shoud i use ? SkillBonus ??
Last reply by Mpsmith, -
- 3 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline At the moment, both player's SD and AG restore in every round when in duel. Is there a way to disable that system? Character build will not optimized with that system, hope there is some way to disable that. Thanks!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 5 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hello, Today i tested the characters with starting equipments but when i try to open vault it disconnected me but no logs or error on the Gameserver screen This is the code i used Vine Set + arrow + short bow and with Pentagram box USE [MuOnline] UPDATE DefaultClassType SET Inventory = 0x0F00FFFFFFFFFF00004000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000014FFFFFFFF00004000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0A0116FFFFFFFF00007000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0A0116FFFFFFFF00008000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hi Again I Try To Find Files To Set Price of Tetra Crystal (Greater) Tetra Crystal (Standard) Tetra Crystal (Minor) cuz when hover on item before sell item show 1000000 Zen but i check in Itemlist price is 0 and i can't find file to set price in client side anybody help me ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hi Again Today I've Trace Player on Server and when he use blood howling and kundun hp gone so fast i think damage around 120k - 130k and i don't want to change skill cal formula how can i make kundun and other boss immue to this skill ? Monsterlist File Here <Monster Index="275" ExpType="0" isTrap="0" Name="Kundun7" Level="147" HP="5000000" MP="0" DamageMin="2000" DamageMax="2500" Defense="1500" MagicDefense="0" AttackRate="2000" BlockRate="1000" MoveRange="3" AttackType="150" AttackRange="15" ViewRange="10" MoveSpeed="800" AttackSpeed="2000" RegenTime="43200" Attribute="2" ItemDro…
Last reply by Mpsmith, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: 9.1.51 Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline hi there, i set: GoldFenrirDurabilityRate = 99999 but the fenrir still dies, when i set FenrirDefaultMaxDurSmall = 99999; he wont die BUT every other fenrir is not dying as well.. I would like that only the golden one wont die. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by Unique, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I see This Warning From IGC_OffTrade.xml what a problem ? if i enable it cuz many of customer complain to enable off trade in this map
Last reply by Mpsmith, -
- 3 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hello, I see that player give 1 Mastery Reward when they killed another player in Chaos Castle. (by search on gs-log) This meaning [6 player= 6 Mastery boxs and more in 1 round] and they create dump character for many kill. I wonder that's work correctly from webzen? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by Dudi, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: 9.1.51 Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hi guys, I have a misconfiguration that caused me that many players got harmonies, now im trying to get rid of them so i want to that the success of crafting harmony will be lower, how can i do that? Thanks in advance. ive found it in commonconfig. thanks anyway
Last reply by Unique, -
- 0 replies
When creating 2lvl wings with 90% burn, not just one time but many times. used: sacred armor exc.+mana, add+6, dark soul glowes exc.add+4, satan wings+4 +luck Where i can configure drop rate for spirit of dark raven and dark horse, it drops a lot now. My settings now: SoulOfDarkSpiritDropRate = 10 SoulOfDarkHorseDropRate = 15
Last reply by puisiits, -
- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hello, I would like to ask coz ive been searching for answer here but is there anyone here having problem with NPC Shops selling pots with Durabilty 30 and 50 coz everytime i bought it in NPC it shows right durability like this But after i switch character it shows this The code i used is these <!-- Apple--> <Item Cat="14" Index="0" Level="0" Durability="0" Skill="0" Luck="0" Option="0" Exc="-1" SetItem="0" SocketCount="0" Elemental="0" Serial…
Last reply by Expert, -