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6,224 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hi Again I Try To Find Files To Set Price of Tetra Crystal (Greater) Tetra Crystal (Standard) Tetra Crystal (Minor) cuz when hover on item before sell item show 1000000 Zen but i check in Itemlist price is 0 and i can't find file to set price in client side anybody help me ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hi Again Today I've Trace Player on Server and when he use blood howling and kundun hp gone so fast i think damage around 120k - 130k and i don't want to change skill cal formula how can i make kundun and other boss immue to this skill ? Monsterlist File Here <Monster Index="275" ExpType="0" isTrap="0" Name="Kundun7" Level="147" HP="5000000" MP="0" DamageMin="2000" DamageMax="2500" Defense="1500" MagicDefense="0" AttackRate="2000" BlockRate="1000" MoveRange="3" AttackType="150" AttackRange="15" ViewRange="10" MoveSpeed="800" AttackSpeed="2000" RegenTime="43200" Attribute="2" ItemDro…
Last reply by Mpsmith, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: 9.1.51 Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline hi there, i set: GoldFenrirDurabilityRate = 99999 but the fenrir still dies, when i set FenrirDefaultMaxDurSmall = 99999; he wont die BUT every other fenrir is not dying as well.. I would like that only the golden one wont die. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by Unique, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I see This Warning From IGC_OffTrade.xml what a problem ? if i enable it cuz many of customer complain to enable off trade in this map
Last reply by Mpsmith, -
- 3 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hello, I see that player give 1 Mastery Reward when they killed another player in Chaos Castle. (by search on gs-log) This meaning [6 player= 6 Mastery boxs and more in 1 round] and they create dump character for many kill. I wonder that's work correctly from webzen? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by Dudi, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: 9.1.51 Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hi guys, I have a misconfiguration that caused me that many players got harmonies, now im trying to get rid of them so i want to that the success of crafting harmony will be lower, how can i do that? Thanks in advance. ive found it in commonconfig. thanks anyway
Last reply by Unique, -
- 0 replies
When creating 2lvl wings with 90% burn, not just one time but many times. used: sacred armor exc.+mana, add+6, dark soul glowes exc.add+4, satan wings+4 +luck Where i can configure drop rate for spirit of dark raven and dark horse, it drops a lot now. My settings now: SoulOfDarkSpiritDropRate = 10 SoulOfDarkHorseDropRate = 15
Last reply by puisiits, -
- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hello, I would like to ask coz ive been searching for answer here but is there anyone here having problem with NPC Shops selling pots with Durabilty 30 and 50 coz everytime i bought it in NPC it shows right durability like this But after i switch character it shows this The code i used is these <!-- Apple--> <Item Cat="14" Index="0" Level="0" Durability="0" Skill="0" Luck="0" Option="0" Exc="-1" SetItem="0" SocketCount="0" Elemental="0" Serial…
Last reply by Expert, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Is there a way to track who gifted what on Xhop?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline I'm using default configuration for buffer bots, but how tested sm bot gives 100% of soul barrier, how i can reduce it to minimal how it is in normal servers? Also, there is available bots for all characters, now i have only for bk and sm...
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: 51 Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hi guys, I would like to reduce the rate of lacleon socket items drop. its very high and people get every second new socket item. how can i do that? Thanks in advance
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline There are missing some skills in itemlist, also from drop: 1. earth prison 2. plasma storm 3. illusion If anyone have this skills added in itemlist?
Last reply by Dudi, -
- 3 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Whenever I try to edit accounts I get this error: But the problem is: in the create table script from the muponline.sql Script The table created doesnt have the columns WcoinC and WcoinP : Why is that?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline 1.Set ItemDropPer = 100 and ExcItemDropPer = 10000 in commonserver.cfg 2.Set HP1 on BERSERKER/GENOCIDER and spawn for 30/30. 3.Kill BERSERKER/GENOCIDER wait for 1 hour. 4.See result. There's no exc vis shield drop from those monsters.As I understand that Vis shield DropLevel=75(exc+25) should drop from monster lvl 100+ also refer to But it's work if set drop via IGC_DropManager.xml ... what cause of this issue?
Last reply by drakelv, -
- 3 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Just restarted gs, but in server it keeps reconnecting my account... and it can reconnecting for hours without results.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
1. Players are reporting that after update they can't play with 2 accounts from one pc. 2. Pentagram drop rate makes me crazy, it drops from every monsters in nars and acheron...
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hello, I just want to ask what's wrong with Chaos Goblin coz im trying to make an invisibility cloak but it says " Improper Item for Combination" when im putting the Blood bone and Blood scroll in the combination window
Last reply by Expert, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hi, have some problems and already long time cant fix that. Skill Treaple Shot works but then mana its to low more that need to consumption elif not use mana from inventary , and elif hit but no have dmg and arrow. how to fix ?
Last reply by drakelv, -
- 2 replies
Hi everyone! My players complain about seedsphere combination rates. While they are trying to put seeds to spheres they fail a lot as they told. 4-5 spheres fail in a row and I couldn't any files related with seedsphere combination rates. Anybody have any idea ? Someone ? Seedsphere combinations are fine. Problem is if you drop earth seed +0 item level or configure in game shop earth seed from editor +0 item level again. Earth seed correct item level is +2 then it works fine. Otherwise it always fail.
Last reply by drakelv, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hello. One guild hostile another one while trading with a trick. That guild now cry and wants to cancel hostility. Can they cancel it ? Hope someone know :)
Last reply by Dudi, -
- 7 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline If i'm going to remove all items from IGC_MonsterItemDropRate and IGC_DropManager and will set in IGC_ItemList to all items Drop="1" they will be droping anyway like in normal server?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Hello, i have one problem with reset, why the characters after reset lvl 1 can use all skills ? like twisting slash, fire scream , etc.? where can i config this? Thanks. some one knows about this ?? please.
Last reply by drakelv, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline how I can use one of two types "Seal of Ascension and Seal of Wealth" if general use 2 this spell it will have a total exp too large. I'd only be able to use one of two types of Buff Effect on. Thanks you.
Last reply by omasa, -
- 5 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Can't find sign of lord in itemlist, is it with name rena?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi Today I Try To Make Cash Item to gift buff for new player and i wonder about UniqueID1 Field It's Alway Show 673 on any cash item I Wonder 673 coming from ? and It's alway 673 forever ? or 've change with condition ? Thank in advance for any answer
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 1 reply
Hi all guys! I need help! Yesterday users contact me saying that the GS disconnects randomly until 5-10m wich are online and show this msj at general: your-account-has-expired-you-will-be-disconnected-from-the-game How can i fix it? my users are loosing VIP Days :S! PD1: All users are VIP, bought at Cash Shop, has days remaining... PD2: I found this in wz forums sorry if is not allowed in this forum i only tryng to help... http://forum. webzen. com /forum/en/mu-online-english/mu-online-issues-feedback/457915-your-account-has-expired-you-will-be-disconnected-from-the-game
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hello, I just want to ask if how can i change the drop of Golden Tantalose and Golden Crust ( Golden Invasion ) When i killed golden tantalose in tarcan it drops BOK + 3 instead of BOK + 5 and the Golden Crust drops BOK + 3 instead of BOK +5 Thank you!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hello, i cant edit the config of extra percentage in the server.. View this screen: My config in IGC_Data: Events/IGC_BonusEvent <BonusEvent Enable="0" DisplayNotice="1"> <Event DayOfWeek="-1" StartHour="8" EndHour="10" ExpMultiplier="1.3" MasterExpMultiplier="1.3" ItemDropBonus="3" ExcDropBonus="5" /> <Event DayOfWeek="-1" StartHour="14" EndHour="16" ExpMultiplier="1.3" MasterExpMultiplier="1.3" ItemDropBonus="3" ExcDropBonus="5" /> <Event DayOfWeek="-1" StartHour="19" EndHour="22" ExpMultiplier="1.3" MasterExpMultipl…
Last reply by tootuyo, -
- 8 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hello, today I was testing the Dropeo of the Data/Commonserver.cfg of the items with 50% and it turns out that of 10 monsters, 9 throw me things.Probe with 25% and 7 throw me things. Probe with 1% and 9 throw me things !!How is the drop possible?Also probe in IGCData / IGC_DropManager by putting 1000000 to 0 and the drop is still as if it had almost 100%.Does the drop system really work? I hope they can help meMy server is slow, x12 exp and 5% but the drop dont work!
Last reply by tootuyo, -
- 0 replies
Scrolls for dark wizard and for summoner not droping at all. in itemlist file drop is enable for scrolls Drop="1" Solved.
Last reply by puisiits, -
- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hello, I just want to ask about this Lucky item ticket is there a way i edit the levels they can get for example they exchange 1st lucky item gloves they can get 0-15+ level coz right now i can see that the max level is +6 Thank you!
Last reply by Expert, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline is it possible to reload IGC_MonsterItemDropRate, can't restart server every time when make a changes... already tried reload with common data, item drop, items and nothing...
Last reply by puisiits, -
- 11 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hello, I just want to ask why i cannot pick up Ancient Items of Grow Lancer? I dropped it to text from Devil Box with this configuration <ItemBag> <BagConfig Name="Item_(14,259)_Devils_Box" ItemRate="10000" SetItemRate="0" MoneyDrop="0" BagUseEffect="-1" BagUseRate="10000" /> <SummonBook Enable="0" DropRate="0" ItemCat="0" ItemIndex="0" /> <AddCoin Enable="0" CoinType="0" CoinValue="0" /> <Ruud GainRate="0" MinValue="1" MaxValue="10" /> <DropAllow Wizard="1" Knight="1" FairyElf="1" MagicGladiator="1" DarkLord="1" Summoner="1" RageFighter="1" GrowLancer="1" Play…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline When connecting to server from same ip but different computers, it shows full server for one of us. Why is like that?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hello. I have several problems with the machine of chaos. I try to create the Feather Of Condor, and the combination is always failed. IGC_ChaosBox [Wings] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Maximum success rate of Feather of Condor chaos combination, percentage, 1-100 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FeatherOfCondorMaxRate = 90 IGC_VipSettings <VipSystem LevelType="1" SendRatesChangeMessage="1"> <Message Day="[sERVER RATES] Day Rates on going!" Night="[sERVER RATES] Night Rates on going, enjoy!" /> <VipTypes> &…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline I was trying to experiment how to lower RF Attack Success Rate to make the RF more exciting when it comes to PVP and have another alternative build other than pure vitality but i could not achieve it. Dear IGCN, In which file do i need to modify RF ASR? Hope you can answer me on this. Thank you.
Last reply by muphil2015, -
- 13 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: 10.0.18 Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hello , yesterday a player complain to me , the Blood Castle didn't give it to him any reward. So i check't my files , everythins is ok and the rate is 10 000 (100%) Then today i tested few times (6-7 times) , i test BC7 and BC 2,3 (All the rewards are the same in all BC). In the BC 7 i always get the reward , but i get a Mastery Box (which has the lowest rate from there and i get 2 of them , but the event bag is not set it to drop 2 mastery box). But in BC 2 and 3 i never get the reward. So Wizzy or anybody else , what's goin on? <ItemBag> <BagConfig Name="Event_Bloo…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 11 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: 51 Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hi buddies, I'm trying to add new warp to Barracks of Balgass, i used Wizzy guide but it keeps warping me to Arena map... Map number: 41 i did everything just like the guide says... i tried few various names like: Barracks Balgass'_Barracks Balgass'_Barrack Balgass_Barrack Balgass_Barracks Refuge Baglass_Refuge And more.. its so annoying.. Thanks
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline in all the GS \ CS it give me that error
Last reply by Wizzy, -
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Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Monsters multi spawn Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Monsters spawn in one point, but how i understand they should be spawned from start coordinates to end coordinates. Example: <Spot Type="1" Description="Multi~Spawn"> <Spawn Index="24" Distance="10" StartX="204" StartY="92" EndX="190" EndY="80" Dir="-1" Count="6" /> </spot> But they all the time spwn in here: StartX="204" StartY="92" I'm doing something wrong? This is a bug or what is it?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hello, I would like to ask if it possible to just have Max 3 sockets and Max 3 Exc option in game? Thank you!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline The server has 2 Gameserver 1-Regular 2-Regular(GLOD) I need Regular to use Events\Raklion. And Regular(GLOD) does not use Events\Raklion.because PK on Server Disable. how to do this. thank u.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hi i wanna know if is normal on Expiration Items that those can be placed in the chaos machine? i dont know if is a bug or is just configuration problem Expiration items normally cant be trade, cant be place on vault, cant be place on any machine, cant be place it on personal shop... I hope is just my bad, but, expiration items can be place in the chaos machine to improve it and when they pass to other level of improve the expiration time disappears its became a regular item so the item can be place on the vault and offcourse can be trade, i use this items as an started pack fo…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
I wondering that why grow lancer almost have miss in attack DMG direct to HP anyone have a problem with this? Grow Lancer can't kill anyone. or anyone can share balance of grow lancer.
Last reply by decepticon, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hello. Today, I was testing the ZenDrop setup all day. I made all the possible changes. I put ItemDropRate and MoneyDropRate to 0 or up to 100000 or more.It does not change, continue to drop more items than zen, the odds are:99% item and 1% zen. It is impossible to change this drop !. I already tried in several ways.I know that the amount of zen to drop is edited in IGC_ZenDrop and it works fine.But what I need is the Zen drop me more than the items. This server is a slow x10 exp. I hope they can help me with this problem or error of the files.
Last reply by Expert, -
- 3 replies
when using version I realize that if the correct installation on the client Mu Helper. Use skills I use Closely and then I ran, I was disconect Mu game Helper. Need your help.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Hello i have problems with Master EXP. Before that i up 400 level Master EXP work - - but points and level not add. After swich character and go again to game - - Master EXP = 0.00% O_O When i reach 400 lvl master exp don't work!!! Screen №1: Screen №2: 3rd quest - have screen: Screen from IGCData/IGC.Common - Please help me fix this problem , bug or what ? Or please write me what i need to do, to fix this problem! I will very happy =)))
Last reply by MuGlobal, -
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline hey guys i wanted to ask what about the 3D cam how can i make it work?
Last reply by omasa, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: 10.0.18 Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline One of the players last night detect another one with a hack system I was looking in logs i coldn't find anything , the Hhas System is Active , and basicaly check almost whole client and CRC system also.. Check the video and maybe you can figure it out how you can stop it. The character stats of that player was like 250 Agi and 400 ene , no way to have that dmg to kill the Monsters one shot. Thank you
Last reply by except0r, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline so I changed BC DS tickets duration to 10, but it still shows 255 times. Any idea how to fix this?
Last reply by Lineager, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I just have a question about database. Under what table and column I can check character last login date?
Last reply by Lineager, -
by roei-
- 7 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline hello guys i got small problem with the helper bots they dont give buff any one of them all settings is ok but no buffs....
Last reply by Wizzy, -
vip system
by roei- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline hello guys where can i edit the VIP setting?
Last reply by sahminan, -
- 5 replies
Hi I'm Try To Create a SQL Trigger To Insert Buff For New Player By Add Buff Effect Into IGC_PeriodItemInfo table But I Wonder About Serial Field That field not auto increasement what should i add to that field ? or find number from ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hello I need help setting up the Zen Drop, I want it 50x more, who can help me? Regards
Last reply by kelzo, -
- 3 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: 53 Database Type: MuOnline Hi there, I saw that basically the guy that hit the boss last and kills him take all the drops, Can i change it? Cuz some players worked really hard to kill the selupan someone hit him at the last mintue and killed him and got all the drops.. Can i change it that the player that did the most hard work (like dmging the boss) with take the drops? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by Unique, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I want to can set Player Kill Murdered Level I want to Set Do not warp Sorry i bad eng
Last reply by musicbenz, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hi all! I looking for help I need to gift 7 day vip to new created accounts. Idk where is the table wich take "default" values to create the account I am using DMncms webs for registers. Thanks :)!!
Last reply by Antiferna, -
- 6 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hello, I'm using default configuraion and can't find Lightning Shock Parchment from monsters. Someone experiencing the same? If yes, can you explain why its not droping anymore? Regards.
Last reply by Cani, -
- 8 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: gate Database Type: MuOnline How to change the coordinates of the operation. I found that all of the gate this user ID 503. I can change for each click on the image such as overhead. Breast example I want to use the port 504.505 ...
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 8 replies
Hello. Castle owner guild members can't enter land of trials if leader doesn't open land of trials for non-members too. System allows castle owner can set entrance options of the land of trials and allow him to enter but members can't enter lot if non-members are not allowed to enter. Also castle owner guild master can't enter senior mix room. What is the problem with that system detects castle owner guild but doesn't allow leader to enter senior room and members to land of trials. p.s. guild owner has no alliance. Any solution ?
Last reply by Antiferna, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I tried teleport in like Devias, Elveland but not working, I didnt test the others. Here's my config: <MoveSettings><Move Level="0" MapNumber="0" StartX="1" StartY="1" EndX="255" EndY="255" Name="Lorencia" /><Move Level="15" MapNumber="2" StartX="1" StartY="1" EndX="255" EndY="255" Name="Devias" /><Move Level="0" MapNumber="3" StartX="1" StartY="1" EndX="255" EndY="255" Name="Noria" /><Move Level="50" MapNumber="6" StartX="1" StartY="1" EndX="255" EndY="255" Name="Stadium" /><Move Level="130" MapNumber="8" StartX="1" StartY="1" …
Last reply by Lineager, -
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline hello guys i try to edit IGC_cashitem_info and try to take off all the wings from the shop i delete all the lines of the wings and refresh the ITEM shop in reload main data tab and nothing change in the game am i doing something wrong?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 7 replies
Hello Guys i noticed lucky coin register doesnt work maybe anyone can share an sql Script That people after register Gets Site credits or Cashop Wcoins.?
Last reply by muphil2015, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: 10.0.18 Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hello , I have 1 DataBase for Accounts 2 DB for Servers ,is any way to clear 1 DB (characters,coins & vault ) with no deleting hte account as well. I was try with IGC esencial tools but doesn't have such a option. Thx.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
EXP Master
by omasa-
- 7 replies
File: IGC_ExpSystem.xml <ExpSystem CalcType="2" DebugMode="0"> <StaticExp Normal="1" Master="1" Event="0.0" Quest="0.0" /> <DynamicExpRangeList> <!-- First rule match a player requirements will be applied, therefore order of entries matters --> <Range MinReset="0" MaxReset="10000" MinLevel="1" MaxLevel="50" NormalExp="100" MasterExp="0" /> <Range MinReset="0" MaxReset="10000" MinLevel="51" MaxLevel="100" NormalExp="100" MasterExp="0" /> <Range MinReset="0" MaxReset="10000" MinLevel="101" MaxLevel="200" NormalExp="100" MasterExp="0" /> <Range MinReset="0" MaxReset="10000" MinLevel="201" MaxLevel="400" NormalExp="100…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline hello, I set itembags Exc="-3" not all excellent options It is normal
Last reply by vick, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline hi,my host provaider already change my ip i dont know how to configure server side and client.My server is down and i need suport as fast as posible !!!
Last reply by sahminan, -
- 0 replies
;-- Maximum Guild Members per Guild;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MaxGuildMember = 20 Hellow i put maximum members per Guild = 20, but in game it still =40 picture: how i can chang this? thank you very much ------ Hola puse el maximo de miembros por clan a 20 pero en el server en los clanes se sigue viendo por ejemplo 18/40 el maximo como 40 no 20, donde puedo modificar para que se refleje el cambio? muchas gracias---------------------------------- is something wrong with my post? days.. and i have no aswers
Last reply by vitaleha, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline <BloodCastle Enable="1" MaxEnterCount="4" EarlyFinishRestriction="0" EarlyFinishMinTime="300"><Time ToOpen="5" PlayDuration="15" ToClose="1" /><ContributionPoint MonsterKill="1" GateDestroy="15" StatueDestroy="30" /><MasteryRewardPoint Minor="25" Standard="45" Greater="75" /> I set the wrong there???
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hello!. i cant find the config of elf soldier for configure your buff. Please help me. Thanks
Last reply by tootuyo, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline When I equip Muun and pet at the same time, only Muun is showing on screen. Is this a bug?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 6 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline <BagConfig Name="Monster_Erohim" ItemRate="10000" SetItemRate="6000" MoneyDrop="1000000" BagUseEffect="10000" BagUseRate="-1" /> <SummonBook Enable="0" DropRate="0" ItemCat="14" ItemIndex="217" /> <AddCoin Enable="1" CoinType="0" CoinValue="100" /> <Ruud GainRate="0" MinValue="1" MaxValue="10" /> <DropAllow Wizard="1" Knight="1" FairyElf="1" MagicGladiator="1" DarkLord="1" Summoner="1" RageFighter="1" GrowLancer="1" PlayerMinLevel="1" PlayerMaxLevel="1000" MapNumber="-1"> <Drop Rate="10000" Count="10"> <!--破坏之剑--> <Item Cat="0" Index="16" ItemMinLevel…
Last reply by Tchornobay, -
- 3 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline is it possible to eliminate the effect of reflection that freezes when it is received? Mostly From blade knight sometimes their combo are not working properly because of this effect
Last reply by Tchornobay, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hello IGNC, I'm a MuOnline antihack developer. I need encode/decode packet to make new antihack method for more security, I has successful on packet C1/C2 but failed on packet C3/C4. I has try used SessionCryptor module (Season 9 IGCN - source: ragezone) but no way to got a correct output packet. I think my encryption key is wrong, so can you give me a correct encryption key? My key now using: BYTE DES_XEX3[24] = { 0x0C, 0xB0, 0x66, 0xCC, 0xEF, 0x92, 0x8C, 0x5C, 0x65, 0xF4, 0xAC, 0x3F, 0x71, 0xF2, 0x7B, 0xCE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };Thanks …
Last reply by omasa, -
- 1 reply
I'm trying to add Golden Fenrir to Chaos Card, but Its not working for me. I tested in Eventbag files, and it works fine, but not in Chaos Card for me. All I get is regular Horn of Fenrir. IGC_ChaosCard.xml: <Section ID="10" DropRate="1000000" SkillRate="0" LuckRate="0" OptionRate="0" ExcRate="1000000" /> --- <Section ID="10"><!--Horn of Fenrir--><Item Cat="13" Index="37" MinLevel="0" MaxLevel="0" Skill="0" Luck="0" Option="0" Exc="3" /></Section> Anyone can help me with this please? Thanks anyone
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I see there have 1 or 2 InventoryType in Ingameshop_Item table i want to know what meaning of InventoryType row .
Last reply by Dudi, -
- 2 replies
All npc's, all items glow shows like +6 even it's +9 or +15.. whats the problem?
Last reply by puisiits, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline (Question) / offlevel and normal activates in safezone?
Last reply by linuxlinux, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Someone knows how to shorten the duration of the "Bondage" effect, since it lasts 30 seconds immobilized the character
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline Hello IGCN, I need to hook a third party program to avoid the client not to exit, appreciate please if you could teach or probably allow some third party programs? Thank you
Last reply by muphil2015, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
i want change buff effect. ex: Scroll of Health Increases HP by 1000 ( default 200 ) how to do that ?
Last reply by romansote, -
- 3 replies
soo, lately im having trouble with Market server when Warping back to Normal Server client freeze , tho i havent touched or modified the default settings, which is this, does anyone have had this problem ? if yes, could you please tell me the fix to this problem, would be greatly appreciated,
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I'm want to command IGCData\Bots\xxxxx.XML (Bot Trade)
Last reply by maxmanaman, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: ss10 Database Type: MuOnline Error number of item > 3. Video:
Last reply by Wizzy, -
Hello, Where can configure some LOT (Lot of Trial) monster ancient item drop rate and some other things like this !? Is there any file specified for LOT on includes some LOT configurations ?
Last reply by boomeey, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline My problem, my server loads first server with gs code: 1 as last server. IgcServerList <Server Code="1" IP="xxxxxxxxxx" Port="56900" Visible="1" Name="x9999" /> <Server Code="12" IP="xxxxxxxxx" Port="56912" Visible="0" Name="x9999M" /> <Server Code="3" IP="xxxxxxxxxx" Port="56913" Visible="0" Name="x9999A" /> <Server Code="19" IP="xxxxxxxxx" Port="56914" Visible="0" Name="x9999CS" /> MapserverInfo <MapServer> <ServerInfo Version="1.05.25" Serial="PoweredByIGCN800" /> <!-- Version Format: n.nn.nn, Serial format: 16 alphanumerical charac…
Last reply by gincha, -
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline hello guys i need small help i try to login my muonline database and keep getting this error that i need "DTAclient" but when IGC help me to install the server i saw that he (the technician) can login at any time but now when i try to login with all the right names and passwords i get this error
Last reply by roei, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline please help check main error run main.exe on windows xp sp3 but not show windows game and get dump file. dump file :
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Is it possible to have 2 type of Chaos Card drop different number of sockets? Example: Mini Chaos Card drops 1-2 sockets, Gold Chaos Card drops 3 sockets.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hi. How to add Ruud to Chaos Cards?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline 1. i cannot found how to setup scroll of emperor drop rate and other quest drop rate can you tell wich file to set up 2. if i want to set up socket item drop from monster and drop from itembag only 3 socket where to set up no need more 3 socket in server thank you
Last reply by Mpsmith, -
IGC patcher
by roei- 0 replies
hello i wanted to ask if i use wampserver how do i need to make my settings? [AutoUpdate] Version = 1.05.91 VersionFile = version.dat HostURL = FTPLogin = FTPPasswd = FTPPort = 21 one more thing i got problem with my helper bots they dont give buffs even if they are showing on the map any idea?
Last reply by roei, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi, any of you having trouble to run client game on GTX 1080? I'm having delay in grahics and when i'm trying go online it's crashing before map is loaded. S6E3 Cheers
Last reply by GoodGodd, -
- 11 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline hello guys i wanted to ask if there a way that i can make a support to text in right to left cuz that the big points i want people to talk out lang here can someone please try to help me?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: 51 Database Type: MuOnline Hi, I've changed the gens config that 900points player can become a leadership rank, but the gens system isnt reward the player, even though he is Grand Duke: see the message the master gives me:
Last reply by Unique, -
- 1 follower
- 19 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline For example buff from Wornhorse or seal of divinity its can gain itemsdrop in IGC_DropManager?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 11 replies
Hello, dear customer , i want to know if in your server apear same problem with Darkness Pentagram and Twisting Slash Skill, if BK equip darkness pentagram have big dmg if shoot with twisting slash, 60k-80k-110k, i search in files something about darkness dmg wthout succes, have solution ? i will post soon a little video about this problem. is not twisting slash, is only pentagram with Darkness Type, do 113k dmg blue dmg: See Video i test with other skill and same big dmg, how to reduce this dmg from darkness pentagram Wizzy, i post in forum because i don't know is bug or is only my fault, bad config…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hellow after update .54 pjs are disconnect from server at lvl 390 and some ones can't even use the items lvl 380 because when they try to use, they are disconnect from server Apreciate any type of help
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: cashop Database Type: MuOnline What is this error? Finished goods purchased out of time to use immediately?
Last reply by omasa, -