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6,247 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
What for these options are related with ? I wanted to know before edit. InfinityArraowMPConsumptionPlus0 = 10InfinityArraowMPConsumptionPlus1 = 15InfinityArraowMPConsumptionPlus2 = 20InfinityArraowMPConsumptionPlus3 = 25 Thank you. What *** **** is this will someone explain if someone knows? :D
Last reply by kicker122, -
- 5 replies
is working chaos castle because to me it does not work. someone who can report that
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
What kind of font used in the season 6 ep3
Last reply by sahminan, -
- 1 reply
hello, Players offline not automatically connect .
Last reply by kicker122, -
- 7 replies
Hi. Have anyone tried Avast antivirus paid version? I know McAfee makes false detection, and now Avast free version. Any suggestion for what antivirus software to use for client?
Last reply by except0r, -
- 0 replies
Some of my players stuck on 303 ML level My settings: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Maximum Mastering level character can reach, original values: S6E3 - 200; S8E3 - 330 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MaxMasterLevel = 330 After they reach 303 LVL they dont get any more EXP. In GS logs no errors. my bad, exp system was old info that max lvl is 703 solved :D
Last reply by gincha, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I am looking for someone who can Balance my server x9999 32K Max stats I am willing to pay Scenario(My current server now)Player 1 with 32K max stats wearing trash armors & weapons can 1 hit Player 2 with 32k max stats wearing Full option set.The good armors and weapons are nothing in my server. PM me or Reply in this thread.
Last reply by xglore, -
- 3 replies
Hello. My castle siege was working fine in time but somehow it starts +1 hour from the settings. I set it 16:00~18:00 in castle siege files but I don't understand why it doesn't started in the correct time Here is the image right now; Here is the castle siege cycle settings. <CycleSettings Days="7" StartYear="0" StartMonth="0" StartDay="0"> <Cycle Stage="1" Day="0" Hour="0" Minute="0" /> <!-- Register Period --> <Cycle Stage="2" Day="2" Hour="23" Minute="59" /> <!-- Idle --> <Cycle Stage="3" Day="4" Hour="0" Minute="0" /> <!-- Register Mark Of The Lord --> <Cycle Sta…
Last reply by Elif, -
- 11 replies
Hello , Can someone explain me the difference between Ilusion Temple Renewel and the Illusion Temple. On S9 the classic one is gone because i can't find any cfg file , if is not where i can configure it. For the renewel what type of invitations you use because on the cfg files on events is nothing about parts of invitations drop etc. What NPC you use Miraje or Mait ? And the change fenrir option is gone? Thx
Last reply by Cora, -
- 2 replies
Hello good day, I have a problem on my server player with 32K max stats wearing trash armors & weapons can 1 hit any player even the player with good set(full opt.) Scenario: Player 1 with 32K max stats wearing trash armors & weapons can 1 hit Player 2 with 32k max stats wearing Full option set. The good armors and weapons are nothing in my server. If this is not a bug and the problem is on my config I am willing to pay for the config for my PVP Balance. (I haven't changed anything in my Cal/SKill config.) And is it possible while performing maintenance I am only(Game Master) able to enter ingame and players is not allowed to enter during maintenance.
Last reply by xglore, -
- 7 replies
Hello I have a problem about LVL on game client because It shows the Level of Normal and Master please see the picture below.
Last reply by xglore, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello, Cant find ID in editor to add in NPC shop this RF skills: EDIT: FOUNDED! Increase of defense 15-34 Increase of Strength 15-35 Increase of Defense rate 15-36 If someone know ID's of this skills please help me.
Last reply by napam, -
- 4 replies
[iGCDS.ini] MachineIDConnectionLimitPerGroup = 20 [iGCCS.ini] MaxConnectionsPerIP = 20 [Gameserver.ini] ; Connection Limit to actual Game Server (per Server Group limit is located in \DataServer\IGCDS.ini)MachineIDConnectionLimitCount = 5 I checked more than 5 ppl doesn't connect from same pc. They play i cybercafe. I checked memb_stat that IP address has 7 accounts connected and more than 7 ppl they can't connect to my server. What can it be ?
Last reply by Elif, -
- 2 replies
Hi! How i can edit the minimap image (no NPC) ? I can find it :C
Last reply by TheNightmare, -
- 2 replies
Hello there my other players can't connect ingame it says "Server Full or "You have disconnected from the Server" Any idea how to fix this problem?
Last reply by xglore, -
- 0 replies
Hello, Horse should not be able to recover hp while have 0 HP? or its a bug? Regards. up.......
Last reply by Cani, -
- 1 reply
Good moring, any one knows where i can found the files to configure it this drop? i dont want it in drop, i need to take off from drop thnx - Ring of GM (13-42) -
Last reply by sahminan, -
- 1 reply
hello, i'm just curious how i can disable the battlecore popup message upon entrance and also i've noticed that ice queens in davias drop magic book (Fire,Wind..) in a crazy rate which file is handled their drop rate? also, i'm just curious which file is handling the balancing between all characters and if by editing this file you have to edit client as well cheers for the info.
Last reply by Tchornobay, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I have items which when full opt to 5 sockets your name disappears, which does not allow to look at the level of the item (+1, +2, +15, ..). Any solution?. This item is one of several that have the problem: (Hades Gloves) English language: Thx.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
Gens Points
by Cani-
- 2 replies
Hello, It is possible to add gens points reward for gens quests and player killing on batlle map? If yes, where? Regards. Hello, There is an option to do that? Up...
Last reply by Cani, -
- 10 replies
Hello guys, i've tried to add another server with different rates same accounts and i keep failing im using igcn premium plus s9 if anyone has some free time on his had and can help please let me know CHEERS!
Last reply by kicker122, -
Hello, Just wanted to ask what type of protocol IGCN is using for S6 EP3 - Japanese or Korean ? Also, what it's for S9 ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 5 replies
Hello can someone tell me what is wrong in my settings It seem that my 2 players are banned from the server they can't connect(they are all same ip), when they logging in they're stuck And this is my gs logs
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I have a serious problem, I have my own antihack system, and it seems that I cannot hook on server side ( for a test gameserver ) "GetQueuedCompletionStatus" it`s always returning error code : 6. Wich I think it means "Invalid Handle" ? Hooking anything else, works fine, and I could for example just encrypt packets to player, but then another problem occurs, on client side, I cannot hook Recv() because the main.exe will exit. I would really like if you could tell me if you are blocking hooking on server side, so I can use my antihack system 100%. I`m using madhook x64, and everything is clean and safe. The dll server side will attach remotely to hook send(…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Hello. I want to set fenrirs can not be traded. I didn't see any trade option in itemlist.xml. is there a way to disallow trading specific items? Thank you.
Last reply by Elif, -
- 1 reply
Is there such option where I can make it possible so when you open a new character and start playing, it automatically gives 3 or 5 hours of EXP boost, I mean seal of wealth or something? Is it possible?
Last reply by ezramod, -
- 5 replies
Hello. Ahmmm sorry that's my bad. I missed to change ports in the changelog note. "NOTE: New authorizations ports required to use the update, CS: 42658, GS: 42654, run Game Server first to re-activate license" But somehow my gameserver updated my license and running fine now. I couldnt find old ports in server files but they are in windows firewall inbound rules. I wanted to ask before change it if it cause a problem ? And I wanted to ask do we have any problem if I keep running my server with the current ports untill my next maintenance on June 11~12 we are planning. And is there anywhere else I should edit these ports from firewall rules? Thank you.
Last reply by Elif, -
- 6 replies
Hello Dear Administrator's and Member's... Can anyone help me about Query scripts? I need to do Reward for All member's... Prize 500 WCoinC Can anyone help me ?
Last reply by jacubb, -
- 7 replies
Hi, i'm have problems trying to set up the autoupdate launcher from webzen. I edited IGCCS.ini and configured the hostURL as : ftp://xxxxxxxxxx/ then the login, password and port. I edited the launcher so it can connect to the connect server. It does connect. But it says Can not connect to FTP. I tried many things like: using http server, (http://xxxxxxxxxx/), also, tried the IGC patcher but it does not work too. I do not see any error log in the ftp server's log neither in http server 's log. I assume that CS is not sending the ftp information. Thank you in advance.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
Socket Count
by Cani-
- 7 replies
Hello, I found something strange, if takes for example Selupan Item Bag file, it have sokets items with SocketCount="0" by the default, but actually drops 1 socket max. Other bags like Medusa and others may drop sockets items with up to 5 sockets while SocketCount="0". Description says: 5 ~ up to five slots (for versions later than Season 6 item must be of Type 3 in ItemList.xml) So if I want to drop socket items which generated rando socket count up to 5 on item with type 3 I cannot do this? If really no, so up to 4 sockets will work? can we have a better explansion for how to drop rand sockets up to 5 for all of the socket items if its possible. Thank you, Can…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 8 replies
I've tried adding a new custom spawn/event and for some reason it did not spawn the monster only the notice this are the steps i've done IGC_MonsterGroupRegen i added a new unique index for the spawn and i took the golden kundun i made sure i changed the mosters index to golden kundun index and also the name which i took from the monster list also eventID i made a unique ID for the spawn and then in ItemBagScript i added the eventid as well like so ItemBagScript AddItemBag(BAG_EVENT, MyUniqueID,0, 'Monster_(657)_Golden_Kundun') -- DropFunction /3/ in general i made sure that my new spawn is set to Index"1" after that i saved and made a common reload when the time ca…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
i can't Registrationof Arca War 1. i go to Register Sign of Loard 2. wait time to Registration of Arca War now server side show Guild Master Registration time(count down) 3.i go to npc and choose 2.Registration of Arca War (Guild Master) 4. npc say we'sorry The Registration period has ended Please try again next time. (in same time server side show Registration of Arca War periad) by the way it only happen on me_muonline in MuOnline main server Arcar War work fine ( config on same day and time )
Last reply by bankxmen, -
- 2 replies
Hello people. My players report chaos machine rates are low a lot. But when we test success rates they are very good even from configs. Is there anyone else having reports in the same issue ? Our rates in server side; [PlusItemLevel] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Maximum combination success rate for Chaos Machine regular combination, percentage, 0-100 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mix10Rate_Normal = 60 Mix11Rate_Normal = 60 Mix12Rate_Normal = 60 Mix13Rate_Normal = 55 Mix14Rate_Normal = 55 Mix15Rate_Normal = 50 ;-----------------…
Last reply by ashton, -
- 12 replies
Hello, I'm trying to set up a 4th sub server does not work, attached images please guide me in my problem. Problem: Not shown in select shows server ConnectServer DataServer GameServer [GameServerInfo] ; [Name Of Server/GS, Max 10 Alphanumerical Characters] ServerName = GS1 ; [ServerCode 0 - 19 Server type: MAYA like] ; [ServerCode 20 - 39 Server type: WIGLE like] ; [ServerCode 40 - 59 Server type: BAHR like] ; [Limit reached] - (per single Data Server) ServerCode = 60 ; //////////////////////////////////////////////…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Hi. Is Gemstone config in a special file? because DropManager doesn't seem to work on Gemstone.
Last reply by Lineager, -
- 1 reply
Hawing some error some time, any idea how to fix? Line 737356: [18:22:10] SQLSTATE: 22003, Diagnosis: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int. Line 737357: [18:22:10] SQLSTATE: 01000, Diagnosis: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The statement has been terminated. Line 737545: [18:22:24] SQLSTATE: 22003, Diagnosis: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int. Line 737546: [18:22:24] SQLSTATE: 01000, Diagnosis: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The statement has been terminated. Line 737549: [18:22:24] SQ…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hello Dear Member's And Administrator's... I dont understand why i cant create Rage Fighter and Summoner withour Card. Im already read all Forum and Bugtracks.. i Found this Topic And Do all Like this... And take a Successfully from SQL...And Restart all Servers. Then i Register new Member and Creat new Character.And Edit Character Level to 400 Now i can't Create Summoner And Rage Fighter... Already Doing This Steps 2.1 Special Character Creation at level 1 of Regular Character (from beginning) 2.2 Special Character Creation at desired level of Regular Character Waiting for Help.Ty
Last reply by sahminan, -
- 4 replies
Anyone know where to disable announcement texts of moss the gambler ? Thank you.
Last reply by Elif, -
- 2 replies
Hello I know this is a minor issue but i just want to edit or remove this when selecting server.
Last reply by xglore, -
- 2 replies
Anyone can help me.. how to transfer acounts,characters, and items from my old data base to new igcn data base thanks in adavance to those people who willing to help me old data base
Last reply by kashmear, -
- 9 replies
I wanna the team of IGC look the possibility to release the plugin "OFFLEVEL" for customers ... I am a customer for years here (since 2013) and don't have plugin .. is very expensive ... :mellow: You know why I'm unhappy? Because the version that was "stolen" has this plugin !! If you least bought the archives of the IGC has better technology who bought! (I'm saying only plugin OFFLEVEL) This is a very great injustice! :angry: Please do something about :wub:
Last reply by Unique, -
- 10 replies
Hello i got an error, btw i create a new sql instance because i want a default name one because of the mvcore needs a default sql instance. solved change the user and pass of sql
Last reply by xglore, -
- 2 replies
Hi. few hours ago was activated my account Premium Plus , I followed the installation tutorial to the letter , but when I try to open the Igc.dataserver remains in " Standby " then appears " not responding " . VPS: Intel Xeon L5420 2.5GHZ Memory(ram): 10 GB S.O: Windows Server 2008 r2 Standard 64-bits SQLServer: SQL Server 2008 r2 Enterprise thank you very much I leave this picture so they can see that I have installed: Net Framework and Microsoft Visual C ++:
Last reply by xenzoenzox, -
- 1 reply
Hello there i tried the solution on the internet(google) I tried to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005,2008,2010,2012,2013,2014 x64 x86. I tried Turn On Dep and also I tried the compatibility/run as admin and It won't start but running on background process. I am using Windows 10 Pro.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
some players claim that the selling price of some jewels is not currect a comment of a player on my forum i've checked that and its true and this are my settings for IGC_PriceSettings ItemSellPriceDivisor = 3 JewelOfBlessPrice = 3000000 JewelOfSoulPrice = 6000000JewelOfChaosPrice = 800000JewelOfLifePrice = 16000000JewelOfCreationPrice = 15000000CrestOfMonarchPrice = 100000LochFeatherPrice = 100000JewelOfGuardianPrice = 15000000WereRabbitEggPrice = 3000000 not sure if important but in the server you cant buy jewels only from drops or X shop (Cash Shop)how can i change the selling price to the right value as above?
Last reply by kicker122, -
- 3 replies
I couldn't find marry event rewards in the files. Not in Common.ini not in Events folder and where is it ??? commands /prop has info see commonserver.cfg and I found it with that helpful info sorry for the topic :)
Last reply by feqanchik, -
- 1 reply
THE problem with the original formula by adding Skill = "1" Luck = "1" Exc = "- 2" The Luck does not work Skill does not work Exc -2 should be original 4 How can I fix Luck-SKILL works? How do I set the minimum and maximum value of opt Exc? (I do not use -1 Exc) thank you
Last reply by sahminan, -
- 1 reply
hello, I set the chaos castle survival but the npc located in the server battlecore not our time event. PD: any news about season 10? <ChaosCastleSurvival Enable="1" MinPlayer="2" MinLevel="280" ExpMultiplier="100"> <Time StartIn="5" Duration="10" TownSpawn="1" Notify="10" /> <TournamentCycleDay EliminationOne="11" EliminationTwo="12" EliminationThree="13" SemiFinalOne="14" SemiFinalTwo="15" Final="16" /> <RewardRate FinalAward="1"> <Gift First="30" Second="45" Third="60" Fourth="75" Fifth="90" Sixth="100" /> <FinalAward Cat="13" Index="276" Level="0" Durability="255" Skill="0" Luck="0" Option="0" Exc="0" Duration="2592000" />…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 7 replies
After last Update i don't change nothing but have in Connect Server log error and can't coneect people. 21.21.00[0][Engine.cpp][userAdd][iP: [] Reached Maximum Allowed Connection] 21.33.00[0][Engine.cpp][userAdd][iP: [] Reached Maximum Allowed Connection] 21.35.00[0][Engine.cpp][userAdd][iP: [] Reached Maximum Allowed Connection] 21.46.00[0][Engine.cpp][userAdd][iP: [] Reached Maximum Allowed Connection] 21.55.00[0][Engine.cpp][userAdd][iP: [] Reached Maximum Allowed Connection] 21.56.00[0][Engine.cpp][userAdd][iP: [] Reached Maximum Allowed Connection] What its problem?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 6 replies
Hello, you can give away items to the cash register in the shop? there any way? Thanks for your time.
Last reply by TheNightmare, -
- 4 replies
Hello, If I modify the values of ReqZen in IGC_CastleSiege.xml it will display the modifeid values to the Ally owner of the caslte, or should I also edit on client side? <DefenseUpgrade><Gates><Defense Level="1" ReqJewelOfGuardian="2" ReqZen="3000000" /><Defense Level="2" ReqJewelOfGuardian="3" ReqZen="3000000" /><Defense Level="3" ReqJewelOfGuardian="4" ReqZen="3000000" /></Gates> Regards. Any answer to this question please?
Last reply by Cani, -
- 6 replies
Hello, Fenrir should transform into a Golden fenrir while ally is win a siege, but it isn't happened in my siege. I'm using Season 9, and I may ask maybe its should work like that I dont really know if webzen changed it. Here I saw some guide:…
Last reply by Cani, -
- 16 replies
hello i found some random errors in the GS log by default without changing any configuration of the server some of them i understand but not sure why they still happen others dont know how to handle with thank you for your information these are the errors also as i did not change most of the things this warrning/error [00:00:00] [Event Management] Invalid date: 2016 05 02 how can i know what event has an invalid date? also i'm curious if the errors are critical and damaging the game play of the server or the server itself and how can i fix em i want to add and make it clear i did not make any modifications with the configuration of the server its a plain seas…
Last reply by kicker122, -
- 2 replies
Hello Dear Administrator's and Member's.... Can any one say me where is Devil Square Reward Files?
Last reply by feqanchik, -
- 5 replies
s9e2 latest revision. windows 2012. Monster always misses when they try to hit me. I got max stats ( 65K ) with full fo set & wings. in monster.txt my rates AttackRate="99999" or AttackRate="9999999" It seems monster.txt doenst change when increase more then 5-6 digits ? Same for monster damage DamageMin="99800" DamageMin="82299800" When try to higher number it doesnt work, lowering the number works fine.
Last reply by TheNightmare, -
- 3 replies
Hello Dear Administrator's and Member's... I have question about Chaos Castle Ancient Reward.. My Players say me about all Ancent drop from CC No + Luck How can i fix it? From Itembags i can't cuz there not have a Ancient Items. But Drop Ancient have...
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
I want to improve the durability of Imp and Guardian Angel. These items are dying very quickly and I want them to last longer. Is there a way I can increase their defenses? Anyone?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Hello Dear Administrator's and Member's... Can any one help me about this Problem? Things that I can not raise the skill levelon the Master Skills And other players the same.On Rage Fighter completely differentAfter the first Skill not add others. Look this is my Test : And this Problem Once I have done Reset If I have Master Level10 then my level is 11 after reset If I have Master Level 50 then i need to UP 450 Level for reset why?My Level in Game 400 But web Site showing 350 And Editor Show 350 what happen?
Last reply by alexix, -
- 4 replies
Hello, How do I change HP formulas for classes. Can't find it on Scripts folder. Regards. Any one? HP formulas for RF.
Last reply by linuxlinux, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi guys, I set reset character at 400 lvl in common.ini but it can be done at 380 lvl. How it's possible?
Last reply by feqanchik, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi guys, Is there any way to change item price and sell price in shops? I added some items for VIP shop but the price need to be changed coz it's to low. Many Thanks in Advance GG
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi guys I changed moneydrop in some boxes and i notice they didn't changed. I reloaded and restarted server and it's not drooping new amount. Odl was 30000 new one 300000. <BagConfig Name="Item_Red_Ribbon_Box" ItemRate="1000" SetItemRate="0" MoneyDrop="300000" BagUseEffect="0" BagUseRate="10000" /> Thanks in advance. GG
Last reply by feqanchik, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
hello, i cant find 2 main configs tried everything and no success. 1: i'm trying to raise the zen drop % but its either the zen amount goes up or nothing (i need all the monsters to drop zen no matter what) 2: devils eye and devils key drop rate is very high even tho i disabled their drop they still keep droping i want to lower the drop of them 2 items to low. 3: Launcher server issue, i dont get ant errors any nothing but. when i change the port in CS to 44406 and i connect through the launcher, the game button is grey and i cant click on that, tried everything from firewall settings to changing ports and nothing on the launcher it says CS ... N/A thanks for the…
Last reply by Bigman, -
Hello Dear Administrator's and Memmber's I Have This Error...I wanna know what happen with my DS_BattleCore.. [20:46:53] SQLSTATE: 42000, Diagnosis: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Could not find stored procedure 'WZ_IBS_AddCoin'.
Last reply by feqanchik, -
- 2 replies
Hi. I know this is not server files related, but does anyone know why I can't use skills/pk in lorencia ring? Is it just the skin? Any way that I can fix this?
Last reply by Lineager, -
- 0 replies
hi guys, im having this issue on 4th wing drop on hellmaine boss and kundun greed drop, once the items has been drop it is unable to pick up the angel and demon wing . saying " this item does not belong to you". does anyone here have this problem ? and how to resolve this issue ? i have referred to itemcalc.lua script i havent edit the default script if anyone have more info about this issue or have solved this issue kindly appoint me on which settings i have to change. thank you, issue has been solved.
Last reply by YanexGG, -
- 0 replies
When Finish Blood Castle Not give Reward Jewel of Bless or other what i from Toolkit Premium.... WcoinC Reward Work... But Jewels not work... Screen for Reward Config : Sorry i find now .... I must Check Gremory Case
Last reply by feqanchik, -
- 6 replies
When i want to teleport to CryWolf LorenDeep or Loren market Client is Freeze... Im already check this steps: 1) Open All Port's UDP and TCP From (Firewall) 2) Restart All Server 3) Ask to Hosting about ports blocking ( No Block ) 4) Check all files 5) Try to teleport from lorencia gate to Loren Deep Always like freeze....
Last reply by feqanchik, -
- 7 replies
Hello i have 1 problem i can open MU Item Shop
Last reply by dualiTy, -
- 1 reply
About 2 days Marlon disappeared.And i try to Restart Server.Try To Reload Monsters.. I dont know why Marlon disappeared Help me please
Last reply by sahminan, -
- 1 reply
Hi for everyone! I've tryed add Vip Shop for only "Vip Platinum" but all level vip buy and Free users too... IGC_ShopList.xml " VIPType = 4 PS: GMShop='1' coz I've block normal account buy.. skip this part ... I just did it to buy one to solve the problem
Last reply by jacubb, -
- 1 reply
Correct me if im wrong 0 // DO NOT REMOVE SECTION NUMBER 3 end // -- Castle Settings ---------------------------- // ================================================ // Cycle Day Hour Min Description // Stage (0-7) (0-24) (0-60) // ================================================ // ------------------------------------------------ 1 1 0 0 0 //Register Period - Starting at day 0; 2 1 12 0 //Idle - and lasting until day 1 23:59, when the Idle state starts and ends at this same day. 3 1 19 0 //Register Mark Of The Lord - Because at day 3, the register of sign starts; 4 1 20 0 //Idle - And it ends on the same day, because at the begnin…
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi. So everytime I press X ingame, the client automatically closes without any error. Does anyone know what causes this? Season 9ep2
Last reply by Lineager, -
- 1 reply
I have info in logs like Line 151070: [13:43:02] [dungphu4][ThienNu][] ClientHack Detected : Editing AttackSpeed [74][76] [74][76] Line 159462: [13:43:54] [Serzoth][Serzote][] ClientHack Detected : Editing AttackSpeed [53][71] [71][71] Line 222941: [13:50:37] [petermax32][Wind][] ClientHack Detected : Editing AttackSpeed [11][36] [17][42] Line 296765: [13:58:20] [acceene][BuffPro][] ClientHack Detected : Editing AttackSpeed [62][64] [62][64] Line 548799: [14:21:22] [dungphu4][ThienNu][] ClientHack Detected : Editing AttackSpeed [74][76] [74][76] Line 748228: [14:39:23] [rein][Perkons][] C…
Last reply by ezramod, -
- 3 replies
Is there a way or option for me to close off /offlevel command only for my PvP server? I want /offlevel to only work on my No-PvP server. Can I do that? How? Thanks.
Last reply by alex26, -
- 5 replies
<SocketSystem SphereDrop="0" TetraDrop="0"> <SphereDrop> <Rate Level1="50" Level2="40" Level3="30" Level4="1" Level5="1" /> <Level Level1="40" Level2="60" Level3="120" Level4="802" Level5="902" /> </SphereDrop> <TetraDrop> <Bronze Rate="100" LevelMin="50" LevelMax="300" /> <Silver Rate="1" LevelMin="50" LevelMax="300" /> <Gold Rate="0" LevelMin="50" LevelMax="300" /> </TetraDrop> <Seed ExtractMoney="1000000"> <Sphere CompositeMoney="1000000" SetMoney="1000000" RemoveMoney="1000000" /> </Seed> <SocketRateSettings> <Socket CatID="0" Count1="6000" Count2="4000" C…
Last reply by YanexGG, -
- 20 replies
hello, dear customer i have S9 files, and my player get DC in blood castle, when kill monster, DC is random not always i try to configure antihack and my last value for antihack is: [AntiHack] ;--########################################################################################################### ;-- IMPORTANT NOTE - Main.exe and GS have additional - independent from config below Anti-Hack System built-in ;-- which does not requires additional configuration - below options are optional to set - disable if causes ;-- any sort of issues for you ;--########################################################################################################### ;---------…
Last reply by ezramod, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys! A lot of my players are angry because the stun duration time is very long when they complete the master skills. Where i can reduce this time on all characters? Thanks!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
Hello, i have problem with reconnect system. Standard reconnect system works very slow - 3/4mins i must wait. Additionally it works just for 3 per 4 disconnects (like 75%). I thinked that i must change DNS to IP and upgrade my launcher. I made it. Changed DNS to IP and upgrade to the newest update launcher. Additionally, my auto reconnect party no works. If i get DC when i come back - i don't have party... What i do wrong?
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I have used search function before and could not find any relevant info about it, in-file description is not so details about this so I must ask for more info. ResetAccumulatedTimeAfterKill: Resets accumulated time after killing Guild Master, 0/1 What does it exactly reset? more info about this option will be appreciated. Regards.
Last reply by Cani, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I would like to confirm how to reload changes in IGCN_CalcCharacter.xml and MonsterGroupRegen.xml. anyone can tell me? Regards.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hello, non-excellent 380 lvl item requires 380 level, but excellent 380 lvl item requires 400 level. And I am wondering, if this is how it should work and how it's done on GMO server or if it's a bug. Thanks.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hello, my players report me a problem with disconnect: "Hi I keep getting disconnected on my alt RF everytime i equip the ancient helm i have." Problem is report from 3 RF at the moment. When he equip other helm = no disconnect.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hello, when configuring that after killing the Selupan 3600 seconds (1 hour) appears not Selupan reappears, How can i fix this? <!-- // ============================================================ // == INTERNATIONAL GAMING CENTER NETWORK // == // == (C) 2010-2015 IGC-Network (R) // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // == Modify if you know what you do only! // == File is a part of IGCN Group MuOnline Server files. // ============================================================ // // Appearance - delay time in seconds in which Selupan will appear after killing all the eggs // BossZoneClose - delay time in seconds in which …
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
hello, like i say in title, in my server if player let offline level in Lost tower do reset in 30 min. for 30x exp:( , only in this map, i check exp increase for that map but i don't find nothing wrong, who know how to fixit?
Last reply by ezramod, -
- 5 replies
Hi Guys i Am askign what is ID of Last Man Standing NPC and Where always spawn ? also Where to configure it
Last reply by alex26, -
- 4 replies
Just like in this thread I did the exact same things. My new sub server shows on Select Server menu but when you click it, it disconnects for some reason. Here is my IGC_ServerList.xml. I did just like what it should be <ServerList> <Server Code="0" IP="" Port="11900" Visible="1" Name="Regular" /> <Server Code="1" IP="" Port="11901" Visible="1" Name="Sub" /> <Server Code="12" IP="" Port="11912" Visible="0" Name="Market" /> <Server Code="13" IP="" Port="11913" Visible="0" Name="Arca" /> <Server Code="14" IP="" Port="11914" Visible="0" Name="Siege" /> <Server Code="1…
Last reply by alexix, -
- 1 reply
Hi, How to reduce or remove Wings of Angel & Devils drop from Golden Monsters (from summonbooks)? Thanks
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Item_(14,159,0)_Purple_Box <ItemBag> <BagConfig Name="Item_Purple_Box" ItemRate="9000" SetItemRate="8000" MoneyDrop="100000" BagUseEffect="58" BagUseRate="10000" /> <SummonBook Enable="0" DropRate="0" ItemCat="0" ItemIndex="0" /> <AddCoin Enable="1" CoinType="0" CoinValue="1" /> <DropAllow Wizard="1" Knight="1" FairyElf="1" MagicGladiator="1" DarkLord="1" Summoner="1" RageFighter="1" PlayerMinLevel="1" PlayerMaxLevel="MAX" MapNumber="-1"> <!-- <Drop Rate="8000" Count="1"> <Item Cat="14" Index="13" ItemMinLevel="0" ItemMaxLevel="0" Skill="0" Luck="0" Option="0" Exc="0" SetItem="0" SocketCount="0" ElementalItem="0" /> …
Last reply by vick, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I would like to know if IGCData-->Scripts-->Skills lua files will be reloaded if reloading skills in gs. Regards. Same question with cards, there is an option to reload cards bag and lua skills? without restarting gs? ty.
Last reply by Cani, -
- 5 replies
hi,Wizzy <Shop NPCIndex="416" MapNumber="51" PosX="29" PosY="236" Dir="2" VipType="0" GMShop="0" FileName="NPC(416)_Rhea.xml" /> Will NPC INDEX = 416 control file random bonus items Where?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Got 4 little problems ! 1) Sometimes after doing reset spells/magics disappear, today one player magis/spells also disappared even if he was not doing reset, he had 400lvl, he logged out from game for 10hours, logged back in and magis/spells were lost, why it might happen ? 2) A lot of players who had problem 1) master level comes up to 110lvl, even if they havent done 3rd quest yet, why its happening like this ? 3) Summoner magic Sleep is not working, I haven't touch/edit that magic at all, any solutions ? 4) Summoner magic Berserker is not giving any dmg bonuses at all by default configuration ???
Last reply by RobiZ, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hello, Have a ancient set of raves plate armor+helm+pants, but set seems set options dont work... Any ideas?
Last reply by Tchornobay, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
help me ??
Last reply by dualiTy, -
- 1 reply
Hello, Is it possible to change zen drop while you are in party...actually I want to increase zen drop just a little bit while you are in party, is that possible ? If yes, which file it is, can't find !
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Hi ! How to Change "Home" Town for Characters? WHen player is created or die.. respawn on "Home" town, how i can change this? i hope that is not hard coded :c
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello, As topic title says, When i join gens, and left, there was a message "You left the gens. Your contribution has been reset to 0." What it means? Why i cant rejoin?
Last reply by napam, -
- 1 reply
Hi, How else can I edit Cash-Shop in game prices/remove product without ToolKit Premium? Is there any tools I could use? Thanks
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
IGC.EssentialTools is not working, can someone help to fix this problem ? Config.ini file I wrote correct DB info, after launching IGC.EssentialTools some kind of update was necessary, I run that and as always this comes up: - after clicking Yes, nothing happens...
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 2 replies
Hello i want to put event selupan and from crywolf items ancient how i do this ?..
Last reply by dualiTy,