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6,247 topics in this forum
Exp Problem
by Cani-
- 9 replies
Hello, I have problem with exp gained in my server. I can see always in the left corner that i have 120% exp and I dont know why. Because I have disabled the exp event, the exp should be 100%. This is happening every time even if i open a new char. Picture: How can I disable this exp event? Thank You.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello, I am getting error I am trying to start game. I have installed C++ 2010 x86 VC9 and .NET Framework 4.5.2. Anyone knows what can be a problem?
Last reply by jacubb, -
- 7 replies
After I updated to 9.0.41 season 6.3 these event mobs dont drop anything. Goldens are not dropping BOK, Kundun doesnt drop anything medusa etc. Only mobs that are dropping stuff are the normal mobs P.S: They have their normal items in there respective item bag files...
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
hi, I want to know Elements and Seed Sphere for combination success rate Modify which file?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
I have one set of questions you wish to support. - Buff not lost arrows eff can add when creating characters. - Offtrade when items are purchased, do not disconnect - I can not use the command has the ball, socstart. - I want more buff Party exp Boun item for all characters.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
hello, I need to set up how to prevent the wings drop, ItemCalc.lua I did not see the introduction and instructions
Last reply by Wizzy, -
Guild Charge
by Cani-
- 2 replies
Hello, It is possible to charge zen for creating guild? If yes, how can I do that? Thank You, Cani.
Last reply by Cani, -
- 2 replies
Hello, Someone know where can I see the specific rate of Talisman of Wings ? Or where can I edit the rate? I tried to do 4 wings combination with Talisman of Wings without even 1 success of the same talisman. Thank You. ??? Someone knows how to edit Talisman of wings rate?
Last reply by Cani, -
- 1 reply
hi, Element drop items that no element attributes, I want to know which files to modify?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
Reset Fruit
by Cani-
- 4 replies
Hello, Why when im editing the names of the fruits in itemlist and Item_eng Im getting result just when the item is on floor, but no when the fruit is on my inventory. ty.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hello i have 2 simple questions . 1. How can i rise the lvl for droping the low level items also the Kalima ticket too becouse when im 420 lvl i cant drop it .... 2. When Trying to add some MUUN in NPC Monica i have to edit only the muunexchange.bmd and muunexchange.xml ? Or there is something more which have to be edited .... Thanks in advice .
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hello! I want to ask a question about something. I had an issue in another server files about case sensitive MEMB_INFO > memb___id column It wasn't set case sensitive and for example my account ID is "example1" and if he login with id "Example1" (here E is big letter) it was causing a problem. Now I checked igc database MEMB_INFO > memb___id column is not case sensitive too but when I tested logging in with different cases of same user id, it didnt cause any problem for me. Can this situation cause a problem ? I didn't want to edit column on database not to cause anything bad with server files / tool work proper. I am asking just to be sure. Have a good day.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Main.exe error, 3D Camera does not run on Win XP. run main.exe not open Google Chrome
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hey, I am wondering, it it's possible to make custom socket items on S9 files. I remember, that it was possible on older versions, there was a config file with list of all items what could have sockets, but currently I didn't find anything like this in server configs. Thanks for help.
Last reply by originalroot, -
- 4 replies
I saw igc auto update guide in igc.launcher forum. But I don't have that editor which is configuring cVersion file with a password. Can't we configure our own autoupdate without premium tools ? If we can, how? please. Have a nice day.
Last reply by Elif, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
How to totally remove original dates from battlecore notification? boxed in red in below image.
Last reply by GOVERNOR, -
- 1 reply
Hello, Imperial Guardian BOSS supports custom drop it?
Last reply by Vintage, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I wonder, can someone share with their configuration little bit or the place, where to edit Dark Lord Pet damage correctly !? Currently, some of players, for example, with 4k Command using Raven they hit only 12 damage to Noria Spiders...should it be like this by Default configuration or no ?
Last reply by RobiZ, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi, im getting this error when trying to open item shop in game. and also any ideas what going on?
Last reply by GoodGodd, -
- 0 replies
[23:03:25] [MapServerMng] [test2020][vivi JG [0x7A] - Move Map Request OK : MAPSVR_D:14 [23:03:25] [MapServerMng] GJSetCharacterInfo() - Inventory Already Saved [test2020][vivi] (12189) [23:03:25] (12189)(test2020)(vivi) Character closed [23:03:25] [MapServerMng] User Quit without JoinServer logout-send [test2020][vivi] [23:03:25] (12189)Disconnected : [] hello,Siege Server Players enter disconnects?
Last reply by vick, -
- 1 reply
I am using S6e3 and I need a way to remove all RF capes (1st and master lvl) from possible reward in chaos mix combination. I deleted all RF items from dropping and need cape to not appear in mix (deleting overpowered RF char from my server) Is it possible to remove the capes or cannot be done?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
- 39 views Drop all Devil's Eye and Devil's Key to these, I can modify it?
Last reply by vick, -
- 3 replies
Hello i would like to ask something new in NPC Marce but when i added it and when i Reload the Shops from regular server I got this error So whats wrong and how should i fix this ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
- 28 views the same player multiple accounts can not enter it? Tip: The number of full. in fact only 30 players.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 5 replies
[00:41:47] --- START OF SetAllBots() --- [00:41:47] [0] BOT [SM_Helper] Type: [0] Added Map [0][122][114] [00:41:47] [1] BOT [BK_Helper] Type: [0] Added Map [0][124][145] [00:41:47] -- END OF SetAllBots(). Loaded in 0 msec --- [00:41:54] [Auth] Connected to Auth (1) Not connect your authentication server?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 7 replies
Hello, I whould like to know if it is possible to change the price the NPC is selling rand items. If yes, how can I do that? *I'm not talking about jewels or about PriceSetting options. Thank You.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
IGC_MonsterSpawn_Event It seems invalid.... <!-- ####################################################################### // (1) Golden Goblin - Kanturu Ruins // (2) Golden Goblin - Aida (1 ~ 2) // (3) Golden Goblin - Tarkan (1 ~ 2) // (4) Golden Goblin - Acheron // (5) Golden Goblin - Karutan 1 // (6) Golden Goblin - Karutan 2 // (7) // ####################################################################### --> <Spot Enable="1" StartDay="1" EndDay="31" StartHour="0" EndHour="23"> <Spawn Index="652" MapNumber="37" Distance="30" StartX="1" StartY="1" EndX="255" EndY="255" Dir="-1" Count="30" /> <!-- Golden Goblin (1) ~ 10 --> <Spawn Index…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
hello, i have some question about DropUseRate from IGC_DropManager.xml for example if i setup DropUseRate = 1000000 , i have succes rate 100% to user my settings from my list?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
I tried adding custom items but everytime i start launcher, it auto closes when i add .bmd file. What can i do to stop it from auto closing?
Last reply by Hopzgames, -
- 2 replies
Hello, Wher can I edit the drop of Jewel of Guardian. I know that it is drop in land of trials, but how can I edit the drop rate? Thank You, Cani.
Last reply by Cani, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello, I want to make, that all characters what is created, are spawning for Example: in NORIA. DefaultClassType: MapNumber=3 1. Creating Character -> Check Database Info: Yes it was created with MapNumber=3, 2. Joining the Game, and spawning intro Lorencia, why? GameServer result: [MapserverMng] CheckMoveMapSrv() - MapServer Check OK [test] MAP-0 / SRV-0 (State Map: 0 X:132 Y:129)
Last reply by napam, -
- 7 replies
Hello, I start converting my monstersetbase to season 9 (from s8), when i put the "Safety Guardian" monster, it says "Storage is not available on Battle Core", something wrong? I missed something when updating to season 9? 240 0 0 147 145 1
Last reply by napam, -
- 3 replies
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Hello how to control experience with this pet ? i know wizzy says "You cannot edit values of options of those items" in this post: but, really something is wrong with panda, because is supouse give you 50% more exp, and give like 200% and i think is a lot exp, that why i asking, how to control it? This information is from webzen global mu "us" Pet - EXP rate increased while using pet (Panda, Skeleton) 50% EXP rate increase for Panda Pet (Premium EXP Bonus: 10%) 50% EXP rate increase for Skeleton Pet (Premium EXP Bonus: 10%) Ring - EXP increased while using ring (Brown Panda Ring, Pink P…
Last reply by dym, -
- 0 replies
Hello i would like to ask can be enabled AGM to recruit Guild members ?
Last reply by krisko194, -
- 0 replies
Hello guys sorry but i have a problem with Dark Elf in refuge . When trying to add a Dark Elf in refuge it respawns a Bull with name Dark Elf .... When trying to skin my self with 340 or 412 skin me into a Bull doesnt work .... What should i do to fix this issue ?
Last reply by krisko194, -
- 4 replies
[18:12:45] Damage value doesn't exist (MagicDamage.cpp 580) [18:12:45] Damage value doesn't exist (MagicDamage.cpp 580) [18:12:46] [DevilSquare] Close [18:12:46] [Devil Square] Sync Open Time. [48]min remain [18:12:46] [Blood Castle] (1) Sync Open Time. [17] min remain [18:12:46] [Blood Castle] (1) SetState CLOSED [18:12:46] [Blood Castle] (2) Sync Open Time. [17] min remain [18:12:46] [Blood Castle] (2) SetState CLOSED [18:12:46] [Blood Castle] (3) Sync Open Time. [17] min remain [18:12:46] [Blood Castle] (3) SetState CLOSED [18:12:46] [Blood Castle] (4) Sync Open Time. [17] min remain [18:12:46] [Blood Castle] (4) SetState CLOSED [18:12:46] [Blood Castle] (5) Sync Open …
Last reply by vick, -
- 1 reply
As the title says i have this doubt,,,, i need to know if the item bags drop % is affected by seal of wealth or Worn Horseshoe drop % increse drop in game.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 7 replies
Hello, ;-- smaller the number bigger the chance he will say something;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GuardSpeakChance = 1 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;-- Guard Speak Sentence;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GuardSpeak = Bla Bla Bla! Not wroking in Season 9, Worked perfect for me in s8.I'm missing somthing or this is a bug? Thank You.
Last reply by Cani, -
- 9 replies
Hello, Transformation Ring player game can not log in. Players log in the game will automatically exit. What should I do?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hello friends i have a small trouble i think when im in BC 8 the Archangel dont want to take the staff ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I kindly apologize for making a second topic but the first one was untortunately misunderstood and then locked. Is it possible to set somehow that the items will be working with not enough stats or levels? The problem with DSC is secondary, I wanted to ask for this feature. We use reset system and if a player puts on the item before reset it doesn't work for whole next one (reset). Which makes item kind of useless. Thank you for advise, possibly you can join the two topics or delete it after while.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I whould like to know how to make this items: Death King's Bone **** Maine's Leather Dark Phoenix Flame Death Beam Knight Soul to not drop in all of the mobs levels. This items got DropLevel="0" , I made them dropLevel="500" this will do that? If not, there is another way? ty.
Last reply by Cani, -
- 2 replies
Hello IGCN, I whould like to ask if someone know any way to enable, selling Items+Harmony option using Personal Shop. I already enabled harmonytradeable in common.ini its work fine to trades. Maybe there is a way to do that in personalstore either? ty. ?? ???
Last reply by Cani, -
- 0 replies
Hello Sir Wizzy, Sorry to disturb you again. I really can't understand. What is the correct config to make Castle Siege on Saturday 8-9PM And How to manually register guilds? Thanks! (via database or where) Thank you! BUmp
Last reply by The Wizard, -
- 3 replies
Hello, Wings of Angel and Devil Why I did not set Dropped, it automatically Dropped! I modify to which file? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere (Tetra) Sphere (Penta) <SphereDrop> <Rate Level1="50" Level2="40" Level3="30" Level4="1" Level5="1" /> <Level Level1="40" Level2="60" Level3="80" Level4="1000" Level5="1200" /> </SphereDrop> I modified the Dropped Or will Dropped, Where I set up wrong?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Hello, sorry if this answer has been answered yet but I couldn't find any exact advise. We struggle with following problem: if you don't meet item requirements (not enough stat points or level) the item is not working but it occasinally gives disconnect to the player. Is it possible to set somehow that the items will be working with not enough stats or levels? Sometimes our players need points to put the item on and next reset they struggle with disconnect issues cause the req's are not met. Thank you very much for advise!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Sorry if I have so many questions, I am new with these server files 1) How do you edit the drop rate for event ingridients? At the moment 95% of mobs I kill are dropping either devil eye or devil key, I need normal items to drop not just devil square ingridient. 2) How to disable RF items from dropping and RF-cape from chaos machine combination? Is possible or no? I dont like RF char want it disabled as much as possible. 3) Is there a way to delete all of accounts/characters in one shot? I will be doing beta testing for a month or 2 before I open server officially. 4) How to edit drop rate from BOK its dropping 100% excellent, I want only 10% exc and 90% drops ze…
Last reply by Scoorpion, -
- 14 replies
So my server base experience is 1000x, is this right, i should set configs like this to decrese experience after resets? <RangeList enabled="1"><range id="1" resetsMin="0" resetsMax="5" levelMin="1" levelMax="400" ExpMultiplier="1000" MLExp="1.0" /><range id="2" resetsMin="5" resetsMax="10" levelMin="1" levelMax="400" ExpMultiplier="800" MLExp="1.0" /><range id="3" resetsMin="10" resetsMax="25" levelMin="1" levelMax="400" ExpMultiplier="500" MLExp="1.0" />
Last reply by LeThaL, -
- 7 replies
<Monster Index="315" MonsterMinLevel="-1" MonsterMaxLevel="-1" MapNumber="-1" ItemRate="5" ItemCount="1" CoinReward="0" CoinType="0" CoinValue="100" PlayerMinLevel="1" PlayerMaxLevel="MAX"> <Item Cat="14" Index="121" ItemMinLevel="0" ItemMaxLevel="0" Durability="-1" Skill="0" Luck="0" Option="0" Exc="0" SetItem="0" SocketCount="0" ElementalItem="0" DropRate="1" /> <Item Cat="14" Index="122" ItemMinLevel="0" ItemMaxLevel="0" Durability="-1" Skill="0" Luck="0" Option="0" Exc="0" SetItem="0" SocketCount="0" ElementalItem="0" DropRate="1" /> </Monster>Something with your drop system is not okey, i have set that sealed boxes only from mob index 315, but…
Last reply by Seeker, -
- 3 replies
good afternoon, programmers and colleagues at MU. I know I'm not the only one who wonders these things: private servers normally Reset, and others apply different forms of reset on your server and I. these are my questions: ------------- if I have 2 servers with different Mu Online database, not use Me_MuOnline. - Bace MuOnline data: angelo. - Bace MuOnline2 data: angelo. my question is in BattleCore databace, if they are same accounts fails to bugearce ----------- You can create two core server battle ---------------
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
So i made Grand Reset, So i got 0 resets now, but dynamic experience isnt working as it should i got experienced x25 when it should be x1000 . Exp is like i would have 100 resets. Is there different table from wich server reads resets?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I remember taht I saw in S8 filles some place that is refer to the time when players are able to get gens reward. somthing like the first week of the mounth. But now while using season 9, I can't find any place that have any information about that time. I can see now the msg when im enerting to servr that gens rewrd is wating for me. probably beacsue we are in the 6 day of mounth. But I still want to see this. So any help with that? where can I find the file which manage the time of gens rewarding. Regards, Cani.
Last reply by Cani, -
- 1 reply
Hello. I was reading about new system pets, now we call it "mounts", and supose works when you make right clic on pet from inventory, but doesnt works, no mount with right clic and doesnt works with convencional method, just left clic and put in slot, no works.. I testen en Atlans, Icarus, all maps, as webzen guide says, but nothing happen. can some body tell me how works now ? Thanks.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hello Set Bloody Dragon (RF) it doesnt show textures into game, i have added in ItemList.xml (server side) and item, itomtooltip (client side), i checked al and i have "exactly" the same like my configs in "season 8". Set justo dont display textures, i can use, see options, name, all, justo dont see textures, i checked textures files in folder and yes are exists, i replaced from my Season 8 client and its the same i cant see textures. Do you forget added it or something in "main" ? Thanks.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
I updated my Game Server (S6EP3) to .40 and after updates when pressing (X) or Cash Shop. You will get disconnected. Please see attached pictures for reference. Thank you. About the Microsoft Visual Error (I'm the only one having that problem, the rest Disconnected when opening cash Shop) Thank you Wizzy
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 11 replies
Hello, I have read all the topics about zen drop before opening this one. I'm satisfied with my zen configuration and I understand the functions about Zen Drop. But I still missing one part... How can I cancel the level requirment for getting zen by killing any level of mob 1 ~ 150 . Notice: I already tried to kill mobs which is not in my gorup lvl and changing they froup lvl to somthing higher. The problem with is is two things: 1) I'm geeting tons of zen becasue the lvl of the mob is very high. 2)I'm getting High lvl Items. So how can I solve this? any Idea? Thank You, Cani.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Hello, i would like to somebody give me some explanation about how to config my serverlist.bmd, because in S8 all cols has a name and now it havent. here image.. Row Index = number of row v0 = group server number v1 = group name v2 = ? v3 = ? v4 = ? v5 = ? v6 = ? v7 = ? v8 = ? i Tried to set different values, like my serverlist (season 8), but main crash and stop working. Wizzy, maybe some guide may help. (i checked tutorial section but it doesnt talk about new serverlist mode. Regards, PD: i need to set this configs... Group 1 = PvP - NonPvP - VIPNonPvP - PvP Group 2 = PvP - NonPvP - VIPNonPvP - PvP Group 6 = BattleCore …
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
I have tried every possible way to remove gemstone from drop, but it still drops. I removed it from itemlist, added to dropmanager and set drop rate to 0 still drops.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
How can i change the price setting for -J gloves? NPC store says its 0 zen but im unable to buy with no zen.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hello, after we switched to S9 we realized, that excellent items on character don't have that excellent glow and they looks like normal items. Is it bug or it was changed by webzen on S9?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Hello, after we switched to S9 we realized, that items what are dropping from monsters don't have that drop effect like it was before, items just appear on the ground after monster is killed, but also there is sometimes bigger delay, like 2-3 seconds. So I am asking again, it was changed by webzen or it's bugged?
Last reply by quality, -
- 1 reply
There is a problem that was solved in the past but its back... when someone is using a multiclient running more than 1 account... gets a freeze screen... for example if someone wants to PK must press CTRL so if you are holding that button pressed your screen start to be freezed... so the player is not able to pvp very well. As more accounts you are On worst becomes the problem. Please look at the issue... or tell me if there is any way to solve it. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 9 replies
Wicci i have this doubt because i had some complains in my server... Look, as i know when someone Kill teh White Wizard the price (1 jewell of bless) is given to the character who made more damage to that monster and also its his nickname that appears in the global message. But in case of the other mobs that have a message to in your version (because in GMO there is not any message for kundun for example) how does it works?? what is the logic. I had complains because some users killed the kundun in KS and their nickname appeared in the global messages but they were not able to pick up the items, it says "the items does not belong to you" while the "loser" team wa…
Last reply by ashton, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hi All. I have read : have done, not work. You can guide add specific map. eg: Crowolf, Of share gate.bmd. movereq_eng.bmd, IGC_GateSettings.xml, IGC_MoveReq.xml Full map. Thanks All..
Last reply by thinhvuonghb, -
- 11 replies
Hello, I have read some topic about chaos castle reward And I understood that: reward A=10 , Reward B=20 , ReewardC=100-(A+ B) the A reward is soul and creation, the B is bless and life and the C is randomaly SetItem(which means ancient). So if all of this ineed true, what is that Event_ChaosCastle_Reward in ItemBag for? *One more question, In ItemBag, Buff_Gladiators_Drop is refer to where? Thank You |May I have a answer please?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I have problem with this --> Data\world101\EncTerrain101.att file not found Archeron have teleport to other map. I enter and all I have this error how I select the game, need with editor teleport to other map ;/ In client don't have this file and folder, your original client!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Hello, can someone explain me, how are data from T_PentagramInfo table assigned to pentagrams? Thank you. Nevermind, I found it. Btw, there is a limit of 255 errtels per 1 character? Because when column JewelIndex reachs 255 and I wanted to add another pentagram with errtel, essential tools crached.
Last reply by quality, -
- 1 reply
Hello, to be honest I do not thing this is a bug of IGC files or updates but we weren't able to find solution so I try to kindly ask for advise and help. After updating server files on last version (it was a few updates together and according to changelogs there were some changes in database) we have struggle with all NEW created characters (through game and IGC EssentialTools as well): - character is created correctly, everything is ok, it logs into the game - if I want to type something to chat, system writes message (Block chat: 65535 minutes remaning) - If I play and earn level or divide points into stats and do character reload, after re-logging, I have level 1 a…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Hi. Maybe someone know hot to enable some skills on new added items (swords) for RF ? Becouse active only dark side
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I whould like to drop in in some event golden fenrir. I want to verify that what I did is correct. <Item Cat="13" Index="37" ItemMinLevel="0" ItemMaxLevel="0" Skill="1" Luck="0" Option="0" Exc="4" SetItem="0" SocketCount="0" ElementalItem="0" /> <!--Golden Fenrir--> Golden Fenrir is became golden when we add reflect option to regular fenrir. So I found by /item command that 4 is the ref option and I puted 4 in exc="4". In the descripition there is no any line that says that number 4 is allow, but its logic. So it will work? Ty
Last reply by Cani, -
- 6 replies
Hello, I saw alot of topics about this event, but I still can't find this event working. this is my config: <LastManStanding Enable="1" DieCount="3" MinPlayers="2" MaxPlayers="500"> <Event MapNumber="6" StartX="146" StartY="78" EndX="160" EndY="60" /> <Registration MapNumber="0" NPCIndex="258" PosX="145" PosY="140" Dir="-1" ReqMoney="1000000" ReqSpecialItem="0" SpecialItemCount="0" ItemCat="" ItemIndex="" /> <Schedule> <Start Hour="13" Minute="0" /> <Start Hour="17" Minute="0" /> <Start Hour="21" Minute="0" /> </Schedule> <RoomSettings> <Room MinReset="0" MaxReset="0" MapNumber="6" StartX="63" StartY="2…
Last reply by Cani, -
- 7 replies
Hello, does anyone know how to fix a negative exp? Thanks in advance!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
1. Its very wierd, after some time, few times a day, all drop rate of jewels incrases, i havent enabled any kind of events like that. Here is my dropmanager only drop system wich i am using. <!--Sealed Boxes--> <Monster Index="315" MonsterMinLevel="-1" MonsterMaxLevel="-1" MapNumber="-1" ItemRate="5" ItemCount="1" CoinReward="0" CoinType="0" CoinValue="100" PlayerMinLevel="1" PlayerMaxLevel="MAX"> <Item Cat="14" Index="121" ItemMinLevel="0" ItemMaxLevel="0" Durability="-1" Skill="0" Luck="0" Option="0" Exc="0" SetItem="0" SocketCount="0" ElementalItem="0" DropRate="1" /> <Item Cat="14" Index="122" ItemMinLevel="0" ItemMaxLevel="0" Durability="-1" …
Last reply by Wizzy, -
Hello, In ItemBag: MuRummy_Reward1.xml refer to Normal game in Mu Rummy event? And MuRummy_Reward2.xml refer to Special game in Mu Rummy event? ty.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hey... Someone is trying to translate my client from english to hebrew - he is editing the eng.bmd files with Pentium tools and it dosnt work. can you suggest us a tool which will work? i can't give him access to my premium tools from safety issues...
Last reply by Unique, -
- 2 replies
Hello Guys, I whould like to know to where this itembags configs refer: Item_(14,262,0)_Guardman_Captains_Box Item_(14,261,0)_Guardsmans_Box Item_(14,260,0)_High_Devils_Box Item_(14,260,0)_High_Devils_Box Item_(14,258,0)_Minor_Devils_Box Item_(14,257,0)_Gift_of_High_Knights Item_(14,256,0)_Gift_of_Knights Item_(14,254,0)_Gift_of_Henchmen Where can I see wheere they drop or what is this itembag to where it is refer? I did not saw this bags in common.ini or cfg Thank You.
Last reply by Cani, -
- 1 reply
Hello i want to ask about 2.5 ingredient, I want to know where where i can adjust drop rate like Example: For wings for BK , MG u need to go in Aida (105.149)to **** Maine and to find **** Maine Leather
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Hello, In ItemBag SantaClause Reward(1),(2) and (3). to which event this itembag connected? Ty.
Last reply by Cani, -
- 4 replies
Hello Guys, I suffering alot of errors from gameserver as a result of editing the new configs on season 9. for example: IGC_DoppelGanger_DropInfo. <DoppelGanger> <SectionRateSettings> <!-- All rates expressed as n/1000000 --> <Section ID="1" SkillRate="1000000" LuckRate="500000" OptionRate="500000" ExcRate="40000" /> <Section ID="2" SkillRate="1000000" LuckRate="500000" OptionRate="500000" ExcRate="40000" /> <Section ID="3" SkillRate="1000000" LuckRate="500000" OptionRate="500000" ExcRate="40000" /> <Section ID="4" SkillRate="1000000" LuckRate="500000" OptionRate="500000" ExcRate="40000" /> <Section ID="5" SkillRate=…
Last reply by Cani, -
- 1 reply
hi there, today i had my second crash since i installed S9E2 several days ago the crash happens random and I had just 2 since 26 november including the one i had today 30 november this is the windows error report: Fault bucket , type 0 Event Name: BEX64 Response: Not available Cab Id: 0 Problem signature: P1: IGC.DataServer.exe P2: P3: 56589970 P4: IGC.DataServer.exe P5: P6: 56589970 P7: 00000000000e2293 P8: c0000409 P9: 0000000000000000 P10: Attached files: These files may be available here: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\AppCrash_IGC.DataServer.e_a22f8fdfc2b0298e5eab794cf020f7768f424a8a_3c3405ee Analysis symbol: Recheckin…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 5 replies
Hello, I'm really having problems on my PK Sub Server. (Server 2) As you can see on my config below I set it as a PK Server. But you can't PK on Server 2. No damages when you try to hit another character (including duel) I really need to resolve this as soon as possible. thank you.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
I have this problems that I can't solve Duel System is not working (Even enabled) Blood Castle Chaos Castle Devil Square All three not working. And any guides to edit cash shop? Additional: Can't see damages on PK. Thank you
Last reply by Wizzy, -
Hi please tell me in which is to potions when you buy in the store they are rejoining 250 3
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hello i would like to ask how to fix the showing of Master Level + Normal level ? Example when im in game and when i press C not showing only the Normal level its showing the both the master level + normal level and i want to make it to show only the normal level
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
In IGCCommon there is no place to edit pkclear price or its on or off.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Dump File for Error :!NVFAFa6R!hREa0GFh0PH-QH5tZ8BVvsa2erRX9PFrFv8IHzaLCV8 Windows 7 64Bit Step 1 : Run Main.exe Step 2 : Main Error Picture : how to fix ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Hello Guys, There is a reason why I can't see item drop effect of throwing, droping item or etc. I see the item directly appear on the floor after i pressing to drop. instead of the regular effect which can see the item from higher place getting to the floor. *This is happening to me in season 9, in season 8 it was like it should. Any one got this too? ...
Last reply by Cani, -
- 1 reply
Hi there, Can you guys tell me the events corresponding for this item bags? Item_(14,254,0)_Gift_of_Henchmen Item_(14,256,0)_Gift_of_Knights Item_(14,257,0)_Gift_of_High_Knights Item_(14,258,0)_Minor_Devils_Box Item_(14,259,0)_Devils_Box Item_(14,260,0)_High_Devils_Box Item_(14,261,0)_Guardsmans_Box Item_(14,262,0)_Guardman_Captains_Box Thank you
Last reply by Dudi, -
Grow Lancer
by Cani-
- 2 replies
Hello, What is GrowLancerCreateMinLevel = 200 in IGCDS filles this is refer to? *Updated* This is for the new class, he is available in S9?
Last reply by Cani, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I unfortunately wasn't able to find out how to fix or set following correctly, so I' like to ask for help: When I put whatever item which supports socket options into an itembag, it automatically drops with all 5 same sockets (the first one from possibilities). Is it possible to fix it so it would drop with no sockets and no socket slots? (= none) <!--Titan Helm--> <Item Cat="7" Index="45" ItemMinLevel="9" ItemMaxLevel="0" Skill="0" Luck="-1" Option="-1" Exc="-3" SetItem="0" SocketCount="0" ElementalItem="0" /> This is how my EventItemBag looks like. Thanks for advice! Best regards.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Good day.. i would like to know what is the minimum version files needs to update to season 9 ep2 [ ] still using this Update Do i need to use the update Update Update Update upto Update Manually? or can i just run the update sql from to our version
Last reply by sahminan, -
- 0 replies
How its maximum multiplier or what max value for playng no bug its for monst/statue/gate - HP, DMG, DEF ?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 5 replies
hi there, i'm having some issues with Siege Server i cannot move to it at all i tried M and /move same result Regular GS log [16:03:14] Use GM Command -> [ x.x.x.x ] [ sook0 ] [ GMLord ] / Target : [sook0][GMLord] : User SetPosition [16:03:14] [MapServerMng] Request to Move Map Server : (14) - [sook0][GMLord] (12017) [16:03:14] [MapServerMng][sook0][GMLord] GJSetCharacterInfo() - MapServerMove Character Save Start (12017) [16:03:14] [sookie0][GMLord] Item Save Complete. Money [ 79959104 ] [16:03:14] [QuestExp] AllQuestInfoSave [sook0][GMLord] EP[1] QS[0] [16:03:14] [QuestExp] AllQuestInfoSave [sook0][GMLord] EP[2] QS[64] [16:03:14] [QuestExp] AllQuestInfoSave [sook0…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
I tried to find a solution for this, but couldnt find. Client just randomly closes without any kind of errors by itself, its only for few people.
Last reply by Seeker, -
- 2 replies
hi there, i'm having an strange issue with the S9E2 client all i did was download the full client from here: and get the patch from this archive: IGC.Server Suite-FULL- text looks ok when u select server and character select (though i cannot see how i can create the new class as its not in that list) this is how it looks after i connect to the server: any ideas what i can do to fix this? PS: i had/have no issues running the S8E3 client, everything looks ok when using S8E3 client never mind it's ok now i installed font ARIALUNI.TTF from IGC…
Last reply by alexix, -
- 3 replies
Hello i would like to ask how to change the drop rate of Devil's eye and Devil's Key drop rate ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
How can i change Wcoin or add a new currency? I tried changing throught text_eng.dbm but didnt change all of it.
Last reply by Hopzgames, -
- 5 replies
Hello, Raven damage seems to be super low. Dark Lord: Level 37, Command stats: 220. Wrath Wizardy Mana Health buffs on. Elf soldier buff on. Raven: Level 1, Base attack: 222-270 Damage output on Skeleton: 8 per normal hit, however looks like Raven hits with Excellent dmg and Ignore dmg without having the effects from items/buffs. Shall I report it as a bug or there's some config somewhere?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
How can this be fixed?
Last reply by Wizzy, -