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6,247 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
After Equiping any transformation ring, my client freezes, and after minute or two throws me to the start of the map, is something bugged with Transformation Rings? Tried Panda Ring and Cow Ring
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Error after chaos castle.
Last reply by ezramod, -
- 4 replies
Hello, Is theere any tutorial/guide how to create multiple/additional/other rate server on same server machine, using the same client ip, just changing ports !? First server is still working fine without problems, also just upgraded both servers with newest updates/patches... Of course, I tried, I changed different ports but on turning on DataServer2 i got error: And this when turning on GameServer: LAST UPDATE I HAD IS .28, TODAY I UPDATED TO 29...TILL THE NEWEST .33, now in-game command /addstr /add.... is not working/affect immediately, you need to switch after adding points - it should be like that…
Last reply by RobiZ, -
- 2 replies
I tried to enable the CRC check system on my server today and no one can stay connected ... the log shows that this is ... 23:31:13 [ANTI-HACK] (kapela)(BUDOSUM)( Invalid Game-Client files (Recv/Valid) (Main:8A06C31/8A06C31) (IGC:DC80C2F4/0) (Player:2B60A617/0) (HackDB:F710000/0) (SkillCRC: 2F409452/0) 23:31:13 [ANTI-HACK] (tayan)(BIN-LADEN)( Invalid Game-Client files (Recv/Valid) (Main:8A06C31/8A06C31) (IGC:DC80C2F4/0) (Player:2B60A617/0) (HackDB:7F/0) (SkillCRC: 2F409452/0) 23:31:15 [ANTI-HACK] (admin)(DarkAngel)( Invalid Game-Client files (Recv/Valid) (Main:8A06C31/8A06C31) (IGC:DC80C2F4/0) (Player:2B60A617/0) (HackDB:0/0…
Last reply by dym, -
- 6 replies
good day someone tell me if you are like and how do I set up the need for the streng and acted for the work item. For example, when the player resets (with items) there is no need to put the points to str and acted for the item to run the defense. My server has few resets, and are using this to put SET's strong in elf energy and do rebuild removing the str and agi spent to put on energy.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hi there, Anyone tell me how to fix this issue about party matching system. Maybe I did some mistake but I have no idea to fix this. I made a party matching then another client can see it in the list but join button isnt available. I am using blue mu gens system, chracter has same gens ATM. I am also using 3000 level max. Any suggestion will be appreciate that. Regards, I found reason why, in the database partymatching maxlevel is 800, maybe its default. then how can I change maxlevel in database? probably its very simple solution but I am not good at SQL things.. Anyone???? Fixed with some modification with DB.
Last reply by ezramod, -
- 0 replies
hello who can offer some example for this table because in my database register guild no appear in MuCastle_SIEGE_GUILDLIST and i add manualy but i have some problem when press LIST in Guild List from Guardsman NPC in Valley of Loren. Need to be TRUE All guid: DEFENSE / Attackers?
Last reply by ezramod, -
- 1 reply
i want to change item price ( buy/sell price ), and i can't see any file config that. so, how to change item price
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Hello Create a theme reported many problems with the last update applied on my server, I do not understand why it removed. Have a little more education, I'm paying every month to make things work well, I'm not asking for a gift. And every time I fix one thing, leave 20 who were not working well, see that topic is always the same story. Now I need a solution to all problems: Many stopped working skills with the stats in 32767. SD load bar more than normal and leaves a black line on the screen. You off without reasons or server every few minutes to try to enter. And several more problems that I will continue to report as testeando. Thank you
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Hi all ! I have a problem with DataServers, 2 errors: 1) This errors are always in DS: 2) This error appear when some player enter to the character. Please help me. Thanks
Last reply by MuLand, -
- 5 replies
Hi all, have somme problems with last update. After I change server files and client .igc.dll all tiem in log I see CRC error - DC why? in igc_common crc I change with corectly. but after update patch all time crc and dc ? IN GS log CRC failed no response - DC all time reconnect then people select character
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
how to edit quest item drop rate ( scroll of emperor...) ? monster-map .....
Last reply by jayclay, -
- 1 reply
Hello support! 1. When I restored License, told me, that there will be OffLeveling. Why there isn't OffLeveling mhm? 2. How to run two windows? I'am trying to open 2 main.exe Then it pop-up with password and e.t.c, I enter the password, but windows shows Server is Full 3. What is 1.1 , 1.0 How to make server a x100 or x1000 And... how to make in game events, there would be extra x10 exp more. And also, dynamic experience, how to make it to drop down...
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
This event dont warp any character at all, i have this configuration in LastManStanding_Config.ini [common] Enabled = 1 ; Activates the event :: Values 0/1 PVPMap = 6 ; Map Number the event is going on PVPMapX1 = 68 ; X1 Coordinate for the event area (square - place for event) X1 ---- Y1 PVPMapY1 = 78 ; Y1 Coordinate for the event area (square - place for event) | | PVPMapX2 = 68 ; X2 Coordinate for the event area (square - place for event) | | PVPMapY2 = 71 ; Y2 Coordinate for the event area (square - place for event) X1 ---- Y2 RegisterNPC = 258 ; Do NOT CHANGE, At at the moment only NPC 258 can be used RegisterMap = 0 ; Registration map for the event RegisterX = 1…
Last reply by Scoorpion, -
- 2 replies
Hello, DS key and DS eye are dropping like hotcake all over the place from low level maps to high level maps. Is there any special file to control the drop rate? I already adjusted to 1 for the drop rate of those items in IGC_DeviSquare.ini but to no avail. ;----------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Devil's Eye (14,17) item drop rate, n/10000 ;----------------------------------------------------------- EyesOfDevilSquareDropRate = 1 ;----------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Devil's Key (14,18) item drop rate, n/10000 ;----------------------------------------------------------- KeyOfDevilSquareDropRate = 1 hope someone cou…
Last reply by muphil2015, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I tried to connect to facebook notifications game. but after entering username and password Select one facebook and check in-game notice. it disconnects me ...
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
How to edittor EncTerrain.att respawn X,Y player die
Last reply by bankxmen, -
- 4 replies
- 62 views update can not be downloaded. corrupted files.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Summoner Berserker + ELF Buff BUGWhen I'm playing with SUM, I buff myself with Berserker buff, it's working fine until ELF buffs me...when ELF put his buff to me Berserker buff immediately disapears...that's my problem, it can be changed or it's bug !? LorenMarket Bank/Vault BUGI can teleport from anywhere to LorenMarket and then back and it's workinf fine, but if trying to open bank/vault in LorenMarket, nothing happens (vault does not want to open/does not show anything up), then I press M and teleport to other map and it teleports me to that map in coordinates 0:0, and I can teleport forever and it's going to teleport you in 0:0 coords...only if I do switch character a…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
Be Careful
by jogoso- 0 replies
Hello to everybody, just i want to say to be careful with some adds are in facebook, about fake team "clone" from IGC.. is the same template, and they want to offer the same, is a fake. wizzy, maybe you want to do something with those guys. sorry, i dont kew where to put this in forum.. so did it here.. if is wrong, please, delete. greetings.
Last reply by jogoso, -
- 1 follower
- 157 replies
when people playing this error comes to them and it close the main ? what is the fix of this issue? Main Stop working
Last reply by dym, -
- 1 reply
hello, I have a problem with the skill of mg "Power slash" when I have more than 25,000 points in agility, strength , energy ... the character is frozen you could do ? as I set it up? some help for this?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
how can i disable chaos items from been drop? s6e3 thanks
Last reply by Unique, -
- 1 reply
Hello, as the title says, the monsters drop eggs should only drop zen. please help do not know how to fix it.
Last reply by ezramod, -
- 8 replies
Hello! I follow this guide for add new items to S9EP2[] Beta ( and now i got problem with some invisible items. Images of the problem: Invisible on Inventory: Invisible on the ground: Check the information i have please. 1.- I have the file in correctly folder. (Client/Data/Player/) 2.- BMD work perfectly 3.- Item added to item_xxx.bmd 4.- Item added to Tooltip http://www.…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Ask Custom Items System the development category bow and wing updated or not Category Wing = The problem is that the members are not visible. Titanstech can be resolved, we will continue or not. But our there are problem is can not add Lucky and Option Jewel of Life. Bow = The arrow no off hit. Has not seen any company solved. Help fixes and further development. would be charged increase I'm willing. From fans server set fancy. ;)
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Some of my players have a really bad 'bug'/problem. The seals/pets/rings/etc, in a word items that can be bought from X-Shop for a period of time, seem to expire long before they should. For example two days ago a player bought a pink panda ring for 3 days and it expired after 1 hour, another bought wealth seal and it expired in about 3 hours though it was supposed to last 7 days, and so on. I've checked cash-shop files and the settings are ok, on multi-items i've set 1440, 4320, 10080, 21600, 43200 [1 day, 3 day, 7 day, 15 day, 30 day] for each. Also I did not find any error in SQL.. and the problem appears to happen at random, I for one have a char on my server, bough…
Last reply by LeThaL, -
- 1 reply
Hi there, I have the following issues: BM using mace when it will stun someone, he will do it for 2 minutes and thats too much I kept looking trough the files and I didn't see any settings duration related to Stun or any percentage related to Mace Mastery they are not present in the .lua scripts either How can i limit the duration of Stun and the rate of which Mace Mastery Procs ? Thank you
Last reply by loberia, -
- 4 replies
i try to clear inventtory without delete equiped item with my old code: UPDATE MuOnline.dbo.Character SET [inventory]=CONVERT(varbinary(1560), null) WHERE Name='$char'";but in IGCN files don't work, delete all inventory, have some solution?
Last reply by ezramod, -
- 2 replies
Were i can increase Rena drop on server? Thanks
Last reply by unknown123, -
- 6 replies
Could help me with the portals to the monsters does not work does not go into the area psj monsters.
Last reply by BELET18, -
- 1 reply
Hi there, I am looking for someone who experts about preparing to open private server (S8E3). Korean will be great but if not, whom has to be understanding about Korean private server normal feature, like a monster spot spawning so on... I am willing to pay for it to set it up, any suggestion will be appreciate. Please contact me via private message. Sorry for English..... Regards,
Last reply by BELET18, -
- 2 replies
Been look on all over the config , there is no config to set DL and MG create from direct level. all i found is db script which is for summoner and rage fighter. Could you please guide me. Thank you
Last reply by Craven, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hello I have a problem with these two events , the golden monsters invasion not only shown the event starts and does not leave any. and as for war ark, every time it appears that the register time is over. Please helpme...
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Hi... I need a SQL query to give free VIP all registered accounts from today until September 21. Someone might give me a help with that? Thanks on advance, Regards.
Last reply by MandraMU, -
- 4 replies
Hi, Just wondering about socket options. I know there are maximum socket options is 5. But isit possible to make it limit as 3 socket's ? if yes where can i edit it. because i dont see any config around there. Thank you
Last reply by Craven, -
- 1 reply
Hello i made a dark lord , and when i wanna go to atlans it show me that you cannot warp to battle zone how can i fix? thanks
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
its possible make a config to allow guilds announce with alliance and without alliance they cannot? sorry my inglish, if someone reads spanish.. es posible hace alguna configuracion para que los guilds no puedan entrar sin aliansa?
Last reply by vitaleha, -
- 4 replies
Master skill quest. asks the normal level 410, when it should only be at level 400 and master level 10 level 400 the quest is not shown 410 level should not ask hopefully a solution as it is very important that quest on my server I expect an answer
Last reply by elangelave, -
- 0 replies
Can anyone tell me please where or how can i remove season 8 ancient drops at the last files patch for season 6?.
Last reply by ashton, -
- 4 replies
I use the MuBlue battle-zone system for Gens and all is well till the actual PvP, players asking why they have to keep pressed the CTRL key in Atlans/Swamp/etc in order to kill enemy Gens member, while in Vulcanus that is not needed [you can hit players just by moving your cursor over them and clicking them - no ctrl pressed needed]. I used search but did not find anything about this. So I'm here because I want to know if there's any way to make all map in MuBlue system work the same as Vulcanus.
Last reply by LeThaL, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, I already know how the IGCData\Scripts files work and what do they contain. My question or request for advise is following. I would like to make BK and RF stronger for MvP but only in the sense of attack. They have good damage (if they conquer monster's defense), but they miss the monsters even on high stats. The changes I have been doing are following. We decreased damage in CharacterCalc and also adjust some skills in Regular/MasterSkillCalc. Is there any possibility to increase just attack (basically that I will penetrate the defense better) or is it the best way to decrease all the other characters and then decrease also defense of monsters? Hope yo…
Last reply by Scoorpion, -
- 2 replies
Hi, anyone know the ram usage per 100 user for Season 8 server ? Thanks
Last reply by AlienHack, -
- 7 replies
First of all sorry if this topic is duplicated, i searched around the forum and it seems that im the only one with this problem. When you recive an Item you can see (visualy) that the item is excellent, but when you put your mouse over it, you can se that's a common one, no exce opts, you can trow it to the ground etc. I tried to use IGC_Random exe options, normal random exe options but i always get the same resoult. Btw, when you set and specific exe option like "1" (Mana) all works fine, but soon as you put "-1" it gets bugged. Here is my actual .xml config file. And sorry for the long quote guys. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- // =…
Last reply by LeThaL, -
- 0 replies
hello, dear customers, i have some problem with PVP balance, and i don't know what to do with rage fighter class, my problem is this DIMENSION MASTER Grand MASTER Fist Master i put in duel Dimension master with Grand Master, Grand Master receive damage with Inovation buff = 10.000 maxim i put in duel Dimension Master with Fist Master , Fist master receive dmg with Innovation buff = 35.000+ i try to add General defense for Fist Master, i try to add General Defense Succes Rate for fist master but same effect. who can help me with some ideea
Last reply by ezramod, -
- 2 replies
- 52 views users gets dc when connect to server
Last reply by Wishdream, -
- 1 reply
Hello, So im having this issue with the recent update (.27), the client is disconnecting after five seconds. I updated everything correctly and configured the Auto Update with the game client files and the problem appeared. I even tryed by updating the Game Client manually but appears that the IGC.dll (s6) is not updated?, because i didnt have this problem in the previous update. (I checked the version of the previous IGC.dll and its the same version as the last one added in the IGC Server Suite)
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
why when some pepole click on main and nothing happen ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
// ============================================ // -- 5 : Imperial Fort Event Monsters // ============================================ // [A] MonsterID // [B] MapNumber // [C] Distance (Move Range) // [D] Zone // [E] Day // [F] DescriptionThis is how the description of adding monsters for Imperial Fort Event looks like, but in reality it is like the following: // ####################################################################### // -- Map Number=69 ~ Imperial Fortress 1 // ####################################################################### // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] // ---…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 8 replies
good staff I would like some help to solve the problem I'm having with the box of kundum +1 to +5 When you drop , they do not open and some not delivering items can someone help ?
Last reply by j2power, -
- 1 reply
Pepole in my Server Dupe Jewels what to do ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Urgent help when i click register in lucky coin my game stuck
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
My players facing mu helper problem . Mu helper auto cancel after 1 hour afk , that make my players cant even afk . Any customers experienced this problem ? Thank you
Last reply by Craven, -
- 1 reply
edited with IGCToolKitPremium the ServeList to see the VIP and leaves me free just serve free as in the following pictures, please help Cliente: ServeList
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Ring of Honor dosent drop when i put it in shop marlon dosent accept it
Last reply by unknown123, -
- 0 replies
some players try to open main and get this file name : stack_20150808_1724 (date-hour) and in it : Client Version [Exception Address] 0xa205da5[Exception Code] STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATIONStackWalk failed: 487
Last reply by Yakov, -
- 8 replies
I have a user with graphics issue This user say that old version (ex702) work fine. Somebody know how solve this issue???, some player have the same issue - Video Drivers Updated - Flash players updated - Lastest client installed and updated
Last reply by LeThaL, -
- 3 replies
Im so confuse about : limited group and count how can i set it up to 10-20 clients in 1 pc ? its allow in 1 pc up to 3 clients only not more than that.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
when they combined in the machine Adniel burning elements which can help increase the rate
Last reply by KINGSDAP, -
- 5 replies
Got a problem, I removed everything from the Golden Kundun item bag file and added other items, but when you kill him you have a slight change to get a pair of Wings of Angel and Devil + the random reward specified in the file.. How can I remove those wings from dropping if deleting them from its file didn't work ?
Last reply by LeThaL, -
- 4 replies
Does anyone know how to fix this problem?? Some times gates from Blood Castle dont work and keep closed even when the users kill all mobs. It does not happen always but it happen 1 or 2 times per day. Anyone have or had this issue??
Last reply by ashton, -
- 2 replies
How to increase bufftime Greater Defence & Greater Damage (Energy elf buffs)? I look in Skills, 31 column - bufftime. No work. Thanks. Already resolve it, buy CalcRegularSkill, close please.
Last reply by j2power, -
- 1 reply
I'm move database zTeam to IGC Work OK. but not move Character.Quest I want code quest class3 query example query MuMaker code class3. what code class3 by igcn ?
Last reply by j2power, -
- 3 replies
hello IGCN where increasing the percentage of success of adniel npc. 1- increase porsentaje errtel level up? 2- increase drop staves 3 and 4 socket? greetings and thanks
Last reply by KINGSDAP, -
- 1 reply
1) One of my player says he has a problem wile playing with two or more windows. He says that when he is on with two windows, his other programs start crashing. He said that he can turn on like VLC, firefox,skype and other programs, but every time he presses anything on the keyboard, the program crashes. He said that when ever this happened, DEP popes up and says that it needs to close this program to prevent damage to the system, and when ever he tried to access Windows Task Manager, his explorer.exe was shut down by DEP. He said that he tried to work around this by disabling DEP, but now all the programs keep crashig/closing witout the DEP poping up. He is using windows…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello, I did a little research on forums but I didn't find answer so I am creating this topic. My question is - on what position starts master skill tree data in column MagicList in table Character? Thanks for help. Bump.
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 4 replies
Hello Idk why , but some players got always DC , can someone explain why ? Thanks
Last reply by sahminan, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I really need i deleted everything from database (Me_MuOnline/MuOnline), by using command: USE Me_MuOnline/MuONLINE DELETE FROM .... DEL.... That's how i cleared my databases, now i registered again, i turn my server on, seems everything is okey, then i login in game with my account , i create new character with random name and it shows in char list 0 (65355 - smth liek that) and when i presso n char and lgo in it freeze and later dc ! In gameserver log error:
Last reply by RobiZ, -
- 1 reply
Customisable on / off message
Last reply by muphil2015, -
- 2 replies
hellow i follow this guide to create a trigger for RF and summoners creation but when i create it no acepts the level. leave the text as it was with the default level in 200 but still I can create the pj at level 1! i do something wrong? thanks for help
Last reply by vitaleha, -
- 0 replies
hello, wizzy i want to know what happend if in files IGC_MonsterItemDropRate.xml "Total per row must be equal to 1.0000000" is not equal with 1.0000000, example <Monster Level="0" MagicBook="0.0000000" JewelOfBless="0.0000100" JewelOfSoul="0.0000100" JewelOfLife="0.0000000" JewelOfCreation="0.0000000" JewelOfChaos="0.0000000" Items="0.0000000" />
Last reply by ezramod, -
- 2 replies
Can you change what monsters are being summoned from Monster summon books and their numbers ? For example when u use a Kundun's Greed book it summons Golden Kundun and 5 Golden Tantalose. I for one don't need the additional Tantaloses and would really love to get rid of them - not to mention the fact that those Tantaloses also have a change of dropping whatever is in their itembag and that kinda messes the entire system since Titan > Tantalose > Hellmaine > Ero > Kundun was supposed to be the order [basically they can reroll the entire system from just 1 book.. which is a problem].
Last reply by LeThaL, -
- 1 reply
I haven't still test all the maps and I also haven't test by palying in fullscreen, but if you're using windows mode and you are teleporting to Aida1/Aida2/CryWolf, your character shows up not in the middle of the screen...example, in Lorencia everything is fine, but Aida.../CryWolf not ! Screens: Solutions !? 2) Also, where can find Event times for events: Golden Invasion / White Wizard / Bone King ... ???
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I can attack the members of my own party with control? where I have the option if there is one
Last reply by Wishdream, -
- 3 replies
Hi, is there any way to force screenshots will be saved in a specific folder inside client folder? eg. s8client/Screenshots/ as at the moment, all screenshots are being mixed up inside client home folder. Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!
Last reply by muphil2015, -
- 11 replies
Hi, I have errors on dataserver, this is normal, or have some problem? 1, " [21:32:34][ Error executing: SELECT * FROM OptionData WHERE Name='MikaDze'] "2, [21:49:43][sqlSTATE: 24000, Diagnosis: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid cursor state] 3, [22:00:09][sqlSTATE: 42000, Diagnosis: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][sql Server]Incorrect syntax near '?'.] [22:00:09][[sql Error] Error executing: EXEC IGC_QuestExpUserInfoLoad_Sec 'small', 19, ?, ?, ?] [22:00:09][sqlSTATE: 42000, Diagnosis: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][sql Server]Incorrect syntax near '?'.] [22:00:09][[sql Error] Error executing: EXEC IGC_QuestExpUserInfoLoad_Sec 'small', 18, ?, ?, ?] …
Last reply by furio, -
- 4 replies
After last update some mobs are super strong, anyone having same problem?
Last reply by muphil2015, -
- 1 reply
Hello I wanna ask , were i should be config drop from land of trial ? Also when i can restrict it just for CS owner Thanks
Last reply by Wishdream, -
- 0 replies
This is for the ones that are having problems with the drop of the new ancients pendants and rings. Just open you IGC_ItemSetType.xml file with Notepad or any other text editor. Search for this part: <Section Index="13" Name="Pets, Amulets, Rings and Misc"> <Item Index="8" TierI="1" TierII="0" TierIII="0" TierIV="0" MixLevelA="0" MixLevelB="0" /> <Item Index="9" TierI="9" TierII="33" TierIII="0" TierIV="0" MixLevelA="0" MixLevelB="0" /> <Item Index="12" TierI="5" TierII="0" TierIII="0" TierIV="0" MixLevelA="0" MixLevelB="0" /> <Item Index="13" TierI="7" TierII="0" TierIII="0" TierIV="0" MixLevelA="0" MixLevelB="0" /> <Item …
Last reply by Wishdream, -
- 6 replies
Hello there, MU Helper is bug. (I think) Auto loot Pentagrams (Muren's Book / Scroll of Etramu) , even its not on "Add extra item" in Mu Helper. Mu Helper auto loots Pentagrams all the time
Last reply by unknown123, -
- 1 reply
Hey, how can i set commands like /gpost to charge credits, and /pkclear to charge amount of zen ? for example.... Thanks!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
need help someone can tell me how to config setitem drop in Acheron map after finish Arca war i try to config it but i don't know where to do it thank you
Last reply by bankxmen, -
- 3 replies
Hello Can someone explain how to set up Loren Deep event <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- // ============================================================ // == INTERNATIONAL GAMING CENTER NETWORK // == // == (C) 2010-2015 IGC-Network (R) // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // == File is a part of IGCN Group MuOnline Server files. // ============================================================ // // ### LorenDeepEvent ### // Enable: Activates or deactivates the event, 0/1 // // ### LorenDeepEvent::Schedule::Start ### // Hour: Start hour of the event, 0-23 // Minute: Start minute of the event, 0-60 /…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hello I wanna know were i can set up , drop in kalima map , i checked and i didn't found , which file ? Thanks
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Hello I want to add in DoppelGanger drop , items with sockets slots How i can add it? Thanks
Last reply by unknown123, -
- 3 replies
How to remove Harmony options on ancient items All for All I forgot to turn off the function CanUseAncHarmonyItem Previous Item Added the option Harmony How do to remove option Harmony All for All
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
1) Hey...if i'm wearing 380lvl/400lvl items, item options start working only on required level !? 1.1 - could it be possible that you can get DC if you are wearing that from after you do reset on 1 level and if your stats after reset arent enough as required !? 2) If, for example, i'm editing some .xml file, isn't it allowed to write a comment like this: <Drop Rate="10000" Count="1"> <!-- MY COMMENT HERE --> <Item Cat="12" Index="15" ItemMinLevel="0" ItemMaxLevel="0" Skill="-1" Luck="-1" Option="-1" Exc="-1" SetItem="0" SocketCount="0" ElementalItem="0" /> </Drop> ???
Last reply by Wishdream, -
- 0 replies
Hello I want to ask , is possible to increase dmg of lucky sets ? If yes how ? Thanks
Last reply by unknown123, -
- 2 replies
Hello I have a problem , one guild own the CS and they can't enter on Castle Siege seal map , why ? How i can fix this issue
Last reply by unknown123, -
- 22 replies
- 132 views Each update gets a problem and makes you establish three new ... ! this cool After installing the update of this 21 not connecting to the server already checked firewall is all right , there was no change... Already tried everything not know what to do someone help ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Hello! I just want to ask about the editor for example on BOK + 1 i only want to have max of 2 exc options only? can i set that or do i need to do it one by one? Thanks!
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 3 replies
Hello How i can enable to put jewel of harmony on ancient sets as well ? Thanks
Last reply by Wishdream, -
- 4 replies
Copied everything 1:1 to new server machine, license is already activated...created serverinfobmd, newest patch (IGC.dll), but when I click on Server List, it throws out Disconnect ! Then did step by step, turned on DataServer (everything fine), turned on CharServer: ChatServer error: [3:12:03 AM] [ERROR] -> [Failed] [No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it] please
Last reply by RobiZ, -
- 3 replies
Some players have this: Attack Speed Is Wrong MagicSkill (200) and few thousand of lines with it any idea if few thousand lines of it would be false speed hack or hithack alarm? and what does Attack Speed Is Wrong MagicSkill (200) (100) means (second part of (x))?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi, I have two servers in different folders. In one server I have some rates on [PlusItemLevel] in IGC_ChaosBox.ini, in the other server I have those rates increased by 5, example, PlusItemMix15Rate = 75 in one server and PlusItemMix15Rate = 80 in the other. But when I enter in game, I go to chaos machine and both servers show me the same percentage with the same item and same options, 65% in this case. Am I doing something wrong? Is there any visual bug or something? I'm running latest x8 version, Thanks in advance. Best regards.
Last reply by j2power, -
- 1 reply
Hey, can someone could help me and little bit explain, how to put, for example, %5 drop chance of Loch's Feather in Icarus map all mobs & specified mob...which file...please copy full Row Code !
Last reply by Wishdream, -
- 1 reply
Hi Guys. I don't want to show "IGC website url & custom copyright" to my users. I don't want them to know. How to EDIT or DISABLE Client copyright text?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 5 replies
Does anyone know if this is posible to be done? and how? i mean if the party leader got DC the party is still on and just change of party leader in an automathic way to another member. I saw this system active in a server wich used IGC files but i dont know how to do that, Can anyone help me in that please?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
Hello Were i can fix reward on DoppelGanger event? Thanks
Last reply by Wishdream, -
- 0 replies
can we make snake summon book drop snake more than 1 per 1 book i think in i drop 1 book and drop alot of snake can some one help me to config this snake book thank you
Last reply by bankxmen,