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6,247 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Dear all friends I would like to disable some commands, but i do not know how . i have tested it by using ";" and "//" all and reload command too but still usable can some one tell me how ? in IGC_command.ini Thanks Advance,
Last reply by Chamroeun, -
- 6 replies
Sometimes when players join to the character they got skills/buffs. Sometimes players have 5-6 buffs and from cashshop (exp, drop...) And monster god element skill? O_O Someone have this problem? Or this is bug?
Last reply by MuLand, -
- 2 replies
hello, in my game client s803 excelent visual color is verry low , but in option.txt i have this settings: [OPTION] Volume=5 Effect=4have solution for increase color effect, visual effect ?
Last reply by ezramod, -
- 0 replies
after event Arca War complete monster in Ubaid Area not drop setitem but monster in Alkmar Area Drop normaly. how to fix problem?
Last reply by bankxmen, -
- 1 reply
Hey, i thinking to make arena only for players with some reset or rebirths. Is that possible and how should i do that? so far i can edit only moving level limit... thanks in advance.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
I change 15 = 1175 to 1000000 the result +1-7 not +15 how to fix it ? Set 1st Data\Item\LuckyItemInfo_Second.det // -- Chance to draw item of specified level (per section 2-6) -- Rate n/1000000 -- Total in column rate must be equal to 1000000 -- // ======================================================================================================================================= // Index Level(2) Rate(2) Level(3) Rate(3) Level(4) Rate(4) Level(5) Rate(5) Level(6) Rate(6) // ======================================================================================================================================= // --------------------------------------------------…
Last reply by bankxmen, -
- 1 reply
Shared file DUMP GameServer Regular!85Q0TJzT!qDue0FyFKuP8s1SHhtNVFNuC5Uhr5vyn_4fINecy360
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
Hello, sorry if i duplicat this post but i don't find anything. How to change ZEN price when characte DIE because in my server when character die cost is 30.000.000 ZEN .
Last reply by KeyMan, -
- 3 replies
What do or what make this config ? ; ============================================= ; Mixed Skills Settings ; ============================================= ; --------------------------------------------- SternTime = 4 SwellManaTime = 60 CloakingTime = 60 IceArrowTime = 5
Last reply by muphil2015, -
- 2 replies
Hello How i can increase zen drop in my server? Thanks
Last reply by KeyMan, -
- 3 replies
Hello, It is possible to have the item both Harmony and Sockets in same time? Furthermore, the ancient as well?
Last reply by j2power, -
- 0 replies
As topic says, today all my DataServers got crash, after this i checked the log files, and found: 20:16:11 SQLSTATE: 01000, Diagnosis: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]ConnectionWrite (send()). 20:16:11 SQLSTATE: 08S01, Diagnosis: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]General network error. Check your network documentation. 20:16:11 SQLSTATE: 01000, Diagnosis: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]ConnectionWrite (send()). 20:16:11 SQLSTATE: 08S01, Diagnosis: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]General network error. Check your network documentation. Maybe someone know what is it? SQL server are at localhost, bef…
Last reply by napam, -
- 1 reply
How can I disable reconnect system on server version
Last reply by Antiferna, -
- 1 reply
Hi all and sorry for repeating if you have topic about this already, also sorry for my english. I'll try to explain my idea as good as possible. So i want to make something that will allow give different extra stat points for each player after reset. For example player do reset and get 100 points, after second reset he gets 200, but i want him to get after first reset 5100 and after second one 5200, so +5000extra after each. And for other player set extra points to 10.000 and so on. Is that possible and how should i do that? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by tezca, -
- 3 replies
Hi my GS freeze after some day works. I read logs but nothing to found. I see only this log maybe not good. <font color='#F5F5F5'> [16:05:21] [Blood Castle][Bug Tracker] (5) All Monster Kill Success(Max Kill Count:-1 / Kill Count:408) </font><br /> <font color='#F5F5F5'> [16:05:21] [Blood Castle][Bug Tracker] (5) All Boss Monster Kill Success(Max Boss Kill Count:-1 / Boss Kill Count:266) </font><br /> <font color='#F5F5F5'> [16:05:21] [Blood Castle][Bug Tracker] (8) All Monster Kill Success(Max Kill Count:-1 / Kill Count:3446) </font><br /> <font color='#F5F5F5'> [16:05:21] [Blood Castle][Bug Tracker] (8) All …
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Can some one write how to fix that ? Very often 1-2 time perv day have this issues on Data server. ERROR: SQL state error detected. [23:47:21][[SQL Error] Error executing: UPDATE Character SET cLevel=303, mLevel=83, Class=34,LevelUpPoint=54, mlPoint=0, Experience=414976060, mlExperience=4797219290, mlNextExp=4871795040, Strength=360, Dexterity=10065, Vitality=500, Energy=910, Money=493750, Life=1841.000000, MaxLife=1435.000000, Mana=2019.000000, MaxMana=1942.000000, MapNumber=33, MapPosX=237, MapPosY=135, MapDir=3, PkCount=102, PkLevel=3, PkTime=0, Leadership=0, ChatLimitTime=0, FruitPoint=0, RESETS = 0, Married = 1, MarryName = 'MA3OP', WinDuels=0, LoseDuels=0, BlockCha…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
I'm trying configure customs sockets on I can't show none item with socket option. ItemList.xml (option=1 and type=3) <Item Index="43" Slot="0" SkillIndex="22" Width="1" Height="4" Serial="1" Option="1" Drop="1" DropLevel="147" DamageMin="230" DamageMax="249" AttackSpeed="100" Durability="170" MagicDurability="0" MagicPower="0" ReqLevel="0" ReqStrength="90" ReqDexterity="90" ReqEnergy="0" ReqVitality="0" ReqCommand="0" SetAttrib="0" DarkWizard="0" DarkKnight="2" FairyElf="0" MagicGladiator="1" DarkLord="1" Summoner="0" RageFighter="0" Type="3" Dump="1" Transaction="1" PersonalStore="1" StoreWarehouse="1" SellToNPC="1" Repair="1" KindA="1" KindB="1" Overla…
Last reply by TheNightmare, -
- 2 replies
is this map really not in Season 8? If so, please advise how to disable this map? TIA!
Last reply by muphil2015, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hi community, Can someone explain me better this configuration from Commonserver.cfg ? ;======================================================================================================================== ; KALIMA EVENT ;======================================================================================================================== KundunRefillHPSec = 400 ; KundunRefillHP = 15000 ; KundunRefillHPTime = 60 ; KundunHPLogSaveTime = 120 ; KundunRefillHPSec: Each seconds the Kundun will recovery 400 HP. Tested, and work. KundunRefillHPTime: Each 60 seconds, Kundun will refill its hp by KundunRefillHP value ? Tested, and the tim…
Last reply by KeyMan, -
- 6 replies
Hi all. Last update a good and works fine and client too. But some time see some issues : If character make resets and use items in red color (not lvl or not some stats) after 2-3 min playng have disconected. Can change this settings?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 5 replies
; MARRY SYSTEM ;======================================================================================================================== MarryEnabled = 1 ; 1: On, 0: Off MarryLevel = 50 ; Required Level to get married MarryMoney = 200 ; Required Zen for Wedding MarryMapID = 2 ; Map Number where Marriage is allowed X1-----Y1 MarryX1 = 14 ; The values work as a square area | | MarryY1 = 25 ; where is able to get married | | MarryX2 = 14 ; It does not work as two different coordinates | | MarryY2 = 26 ; where players have to stay on. Set 4 cords to x2-----Y2 MarryHomosexual = 0 ; 1: On, 0: Off ; MarryItemRequire settings if enabled will affect heterosexual couples, **…
Last reply by muphil2015, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello Guys, Some Trouble with Sphere (Penta). Item.bmd has pointing correctly the model , client side model exist. Server is fine too. i've loaded Sphere (Penta) on my Warehouse, this is what i see: I can move , the item, and so on. But if i drop it, i can see its model correctly ! someone has this same problem ? Some Suggestions ? Also, if i proceed with making mix sphere + seed, shows correctly: Edit: Can someone edit the title of the thread to "Sphere Level 5 Visualization problem" ? NOTE: Server Side & Client Side has no cus…
Last reply by KeyMan, -
- 6 replies
My Dataserver Crash without reason, and after my GS close and empy "crashdump.dmp" file is generated.. DS Ver: I think that is a some player with bad items or bad name.. What u think?
Last reply by TheNightmare, -
- 1 reply
Has anyone been successful with making LMS event work on current version? .14
Last reply by DFGaMeZ, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I'd like to know what is the point of this section: Since we all do want your (IGC) feedback of what we requests - no-one there wants to do modification on their own - can you just look there and change the status of it, or create a new category for us. So we could discuss the modifications that most of us wants? For ex. the simple one: It's there for couple months now, but it's still request for you guys. Or: Or:…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Hey, i'm looking for an editor / tech support by IGCN tools to edit spots, exp, drops, npc's and such... i'll pay and we'll work with TeamViewer so i can watch and learn, also i would like some support regardin client editing and lang add, please cantact me Skype: itaymlb or PM Season 6
Last reply by Unique, -
- 3 replies
Hello, i try to use offline trade: my config is this: [common] Enabled = 1 ; Enables / Disables Entire Off0Trade System CoinType = 1 ; Trade Currency: 0 - Zen, 1 - WCoinC, 2 - WCoinP, 3 - Goblin Point ; Maps to enable the OffTrade on :: VALUES 0/1 :: ON/OFF ; To add new map add config MapXX where XX is the Map Number [maps] Map01 = 0 ; Lorencia Map02 = 0 ; Dungeon (1-3) Map03 = 0 ; Devias Map04 = 0 ; Noria ........ = 0but when i write comand in game appear: not allow in this map, where is wrong?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I just need to know if im one unlucky and getting ERROR CODE: 4000 on when im running GameServer???
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
i found something in forum about Dynamic EXP but is OLD , i want to know how is calculate this dynamic exp in s803 , in information write: ExpMultiplier: Regular Experience multiplier in this case if i have base exp = 5x with this settings: <range id="1" resetsMin="0" resetsMax="1" levelMin="1" levelMax="400" ExpMultiplier="3.0" MLExp="1.0" />base exp * ExpMultiplier = final exp (5*3.0 = 15x) this is correct ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
Hello, As i see IGCN has released Offlevel as custom feature, when it will come to public usage, or how much the price for this kind of service if it will continue work as 'custom' feature? Thank you.
Last reply by napam, -
- 2 replies
New Players start to the game. I want to begin with one daily Seal of Wealth. And I want to be on the clothes and weapons. How do I do this. new Players have a 1 day Seal of Wealth and New Player for example BK i want Leather Set and Knight Blade Sword and 1 daySeal of wealth. How do i do this ?? Thank you.
Last reply by alexix, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I not all time understend how works This items Pet Panda , Skeleton , ring skeleton? How corectly edit settings for exp? THX ???
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
hi everybody! i use the last update .13 and i have two problem with trade and store items on warehouse. i atach 2 pictures show the "barrier" to store items.... anyone have this problem too? i dont have this problem in .12 version....
Last reply by DFGaMeZ, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi wizzy, i have some problem with elf. I change several values on calcharacter and Skill lua. And i cant see increment of damage for triple shot and multi shot Skill. Is configuration problem or missing config for elf?
Last reply by DFGaMeZ, -
- 3 replies
Hy, after some last update a see on Grand master 20k vit = 20k hp its normal? I think not good
Last reply by DFGaMeZ, -
- 3 replies
Hello, is it possible to somewhere edit the rotation of dropped item? For. ex Jewel of Soul has same rotation like in inventory but the Jewel of Life has different rotation then in inventory. Thanks!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I need to be able to use special chars in server side translations (ěščřžýáíé) I tried to save it as ASCI and UTF-8 but both just create some random symbols, how can I set it up? Thanks!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Works more that max ML poin 200 for season 6 or not? If max ML its 200 need to change points pers skil from 20 to 10 how its made need only server side change or and client side?
Last reply by j2power, -
- 0 replies
Have some error with DL horse. can some explain?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 2 replies
Dear all The item name Horn of Fenrir is disappear when it's Hp is drop to 0 which is mean it's death how can make that item like Dark horse's Darklord when it is drop to 0 we can repair how can i make Horn of Fenrir dont disappear dose it's possible for doing that ? please help me how to that if some one know how to do ! Thanks advance,
Last reply by Chamroeun, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi, I have this weird issue since I'm a customer, it's about npc marlon. His default behavior it's to teleport between maps devias, noria, atlans and lorencia (in gs logs apparently in elbeland too but I never found him over there). My settings are QuestNPCTeleportTime = 90 in commonserver.cfg, but sometimes, after a few days with GameServer opened, he stops teleporting/spawning, I mean, you can't find him in the server. You have 2 options, one is restart the gameserver, and the other one is put npc marlon in MonsterSetBase with a fixed position and reload mobs. Does anyone have or had this issue? I'm currenlty using latest x8 version Best regards.
Last reply by MandraMU, -
- 1 reply
after having applied the update this bug appeared to me and my servers are not starting , someone knows why that might have occurred this error ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
I have searched the FAQ and forums to get an answer to this. How do you access the extra warehouses/vaults made as per Wizzy's guide in the Tutorials. Is there a command you use on the client?
Last reply by tezca, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
When editing these files there are some rules that need to be applied (it seems) How many sets can be included in the client? There are 64 in the default files 0-63. Is that the limit or can more be added? Must those sets be sequential or can you start a new set group at say 100 The number in v29 seems to be something one more than the number of set items. Is this what it should be? v30 is the first full set option and the value of that option is in v35 The values for options are limited to a byte or 255 in size. However 255 can also mean null Is there anything else I need to know? It is possible to change items in the itemsettype.bmd and it seems to follow …
Last reply by tezca, -
increase hp
by Dohko-
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
as I can increase hp of the characters?
Last reply by DFGaMeZ, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I just need to know, if im counting my SD correct? SD Formula: SD = (str+agi+vit+ene)*1.2+defense/2+(lvl*lvl)/30 After 3rd quest my SD went down to 6.5k only, But when i test my SD with my friend, it looks like i still got my SD, just dont see it cuz after my sd went off my friend started to hit me more for hp but there still was sd numbers on hit so now im totaly confused is this just visual bug or what? Thank you and have a nice day!
Last reply by napam, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Appears for me on and Started today about hour ago. Anyone expect this problem to?
Last reply by napam, -
- 14 replies
Hello, I have problems to access gold channel, do not know if it's missing in the configuration file server or list.bmd serverinfo.bmd, both have no knowledge of configuration, if they can help me! Obs: Nothing was tweaked in GameServer folder
Last reply by MuStarter, -
- 1 reply
Hello, i read in forum about 380 Item (Venom, Dragon Knight, ...etc) and this item request lvl 400 when have excelent option, why this? Because client add 20 LEVEL when have excelent option, i know this. But in this mode how to put Excelent Venom Armor, for example, in Goblin Machine ? A solution is to reduce request level to 360 for normal item and when item have excelent option request lvl 380. But WizzY you can do much more easy, remove this add 20 level from game client and read exaclty reqlvl from item.bmd, because for the moment is like a BUG excelent Venom Armor request lvl 400 and cannot put in goblin machine, Excelent Hades Armor request lvl 420 and cannot …
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I noticed that when i use the command "!" (without quotes) to speak as admin it is only shown in the server where the admin is connected but other subservers. Is there a way to send message as admin to all subservers at the same time? Thanks.
Last reply by j2power, -
- 5 replies
Hello, i have problem with drop from bok of kundun - drop Full Option My settings is this: Bok +5 <ItemBag> <BagConfig Name="Item_Kundun_Box+5" ItemRate="10000" MoneyDrop="0" BagUseEffect="-1" BagUseRate="10000" /> <SummonBook Enable="0" DropRate="0" ItemCat="0" ItemIndex="0" /> <AddCoin Enable="0" CoinType="0" CoinValue="0" /> <DropAllow Wizard="1" Knight="1" FairyElf="1" MagicGladiator="1" DarkLord="1" Summoner="1" RageFighter="1" PlayerMinLevel="1" PlayerMaxLevel="MAX" MapNumber="-1"> <Drop Rate="10000" Count="1"> <Item Cat="0" Index="31" ItemMinLevel="0" ItemMaxLevel="0" Skill="-1" Luck="-1" Option="-1" Exc="-1" SetItem="0" S…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
I have an elf character, and disconnect the Antihack. Just about this elf ! why is this happening? My client is not published , and I disconnected.
Last reply by DFGaMeZ, -
- 19 replies
Yesterday im setup new server v. On default config im not see any ZEN drop. I try to find in FORUM, but no luck :( Please provide additional information, because on DEFAULT config ZEN not drop. someone please explane me, how to turn on ZEN drop in ver ?
Last reply by MandraMU, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi. Some players complain, that main.exe uses many CPU. I just tested it on my PC and notebook, it's average complitation, and main.exe uses ~ 18-23% CPU. It's not much. But, for interesting i try to check it on official webzen servers, and there are only ~ 0-6%. May be some IGCN module uses this CPU, like anti-cheat / anti-hack? If it does, it is possible to switch off AC / AH ? I use good anticheat, and for me needed just autoupdate and hashcheck. It's just question from analyze, because if possible to decrease cpu usage, i can not miss this opportunity. Thank you!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Where in this version edited drop execellent items? commonserver.cfg -> ExcItemDropPer = 1 ; n/10000 and drop Excellent items 6 opt Thanx Where in this version edited drop execellent items?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
In my config i set to disable socket option + excelent option, but i want excelent option for same item withot slot , for example Hades Armor with excelent Hades Armor with Socket slot i add this in selupan config, but hades armor with excelent option no drop, drop only hades armor with socket or sample items withtout slot
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hello, I'm trying to setup Cash Shop through ToolKit, and I didn't find where I can setup if the item can be gifted or traded - is there any config for this? I'm using S6E3 (x8 series) Thanks!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Hello, im new in this forum and i have some problem with drop: i add Sealed BOX to drop in Aida like this: <!-- Drop Aida Map --> <Monster Index="-1" MonsterMinLevel="60" MonsterMaxLevel="150" MapNumber="33" ItemRate="50" ItemCount="1" CoinReward="0" CoinType="0" CoinValue="100" PlayerMinLevel="1" PlayerMaxLevel="MAX"> <Item Cat="14" Index="113" ItemMinLevel="0" ItemMaxLevel="0" Durability="-1" Skill="0" Luck="0" Option="0" Exc="0" SetItem="0" SocketCount="0" ElementalItem="0" DropRate="1" /> <Item Cat="14" Index="122" ItemMinLevel="0" ItemMaxLevel="0" Durability="-1" Skill="0" Luck="0" Option="0" Exc="0" SetItem="0" SocketCount="0" ElementalItem="0"…
Last reply by ezramod, -
- 1 reply
How to understend SellToNPC="1" or SellToNPC="2" and ect ... what its diferece? what its NPC 1 , NPC 2 ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
allowing only 10 digits in password when entering the game in the Main ex702 version only accepts 10 digits in password, but now accepts more than 10 digits. As I can make the main only support 10 digits in password
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Help please some body have this issues, after restart DS, GS some Accounts disapear!? How to know why or how to fix?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hi hwo know how to fix this error? very important , server are very often close
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I'm still using 8.04.18 server files. And I'm not able to delete character - error "Bad personal ID" I tried to change it but it's still not working. Any ideas? Thanks!
Last reply by napam, -
- 0 replies
- 19 views impossible to pick up Lucky Ticket GS LOG How to solve this problem?
Last reply by MuLand, -
- 0 replies
the mace mastery keeps crashing the enemy. No chance to move and attack. As I can remove a bit rate of this skill ? reflec cause mace mastery, It is normal?
Last reply by Dohko, -
- 0 replies
Hello I saw some time ago this setting that said MarlonExtra stat or something = 1 anyone knows where is it? cant find it :P
Last reply by eradicate, -
- 0 replies
I don't see NPC Moss mercheant on loren market. Some mistake? IGC_ShopList <Shop NPCIndex="492" MapNumber="79" PosX="113" PosY="143" Dir="3" VipType="0" GmShop="0" MossMerchant="1" FileName="NPC(492)_Moss.xml" /> <!-- Loren Market -->
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 2 replies
Hello, someone has a Query to add zen to start with new PJ? I tried following guides online, but I have damaged the database. Thank You!
Last reply by MeTa, -
- 5 replies
Hi, I want to item use 7,14,... days only. How to set?
Last reply by oishii, -
- 3 replies
Hello I have a problem with exp , i edited my exo from igccommon twice , but is still the same , without party the exp is working very bad , is work well just in party how i can fix it Thanks
Last reply by oishii, -
- 1 reply
Alloha! In my files, reconnect system set to 1 (enabled). But, it works sucess 1/20 time. 19/20 time – reconnect failed, please restart the game. On beta tests, when i install files problem was like that, but i don't take care. Now, many players complain, that system doesn't work and i decided to test it by my self, and yes, it doesn't work for me. Can you try, or maybe some tip? Thanks.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
<Item Index="28" Slot="0" SkillIndex="56" Width="1" Height="4" Serial="1" Option="1" Drop="1" DropLevel="139" DamageMin="98" DamageMax="122" AttackSpeed="45" Durability="90" MagicDurability="0" MagicPower="109" ReqLevel="380" ReqStrength="91" ReqDexterity="73" ReqEnergy="17" ReqVitality="0" ReqCommand="0" SetAttrib="0" DarkWizard="0" DarkKnight="0" FairyElf="0" MagicGladiator="1" DarkLord="0" Summoner="0" RageFighter="0" Dump="1" Transaction="1" PersonalStore="1" StoreWarehouse="1" SellToNPC="1" Repair="1" KindA="1" KindB="2" Overlap="0" Name="Rune Bastard Sword" />Hello this item , can be equipped on both hands , I want to be equipped in one , with shield. As I can…
Last reply by j2power, -
- 14 replies
Are there config fro Zen drop rate? I want to use zen system but rate seems too high and giving kind of lag;
Last reply by mantas5524, -
- 6 replies
Hello, I have runned the Castle Siege, and some guilds are registered on the castle siege, now is the "Sign period", and the problem is that i see all registered guilds on my Database: MuCastle_REG_SIEGE table, but ingame & EssentialTools, doesnt show it, also if i click in EssentialTools "register" button, its does nothing, any errors of table in my MuCastle_REG_SIEGE?
Last reply by oishii, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Well I have a problem i dont finde to change the exp of the server in the commonserver.cfg no exist the addexperience like other files. I try to add but dont work. Where can i config the exp now?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 0 replies
Hi Maybe u can help me version Wings of Angel and Devil (not CashShop) - after drop (Golden Kundun), have End time Where i can change Exp Time and add other items? Thanx
Last reply by Kos, -
- 4 replies
Hello. How I can change HP of statue, boses and gates in Imperial Guardian event? I tried to check settings in IGCData\Events\ImperialGuardian\IGC_ImperialGuardian_MonsterStats.dat but there is no monster index. My version of server - Thank you.
Last reply by gorky, -
- 5 replies
Hello, 1. I would like to request for the information on how to set the channel gold. 2. I have tried the gold channel ticket but didn't work. How should I fix this?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 6 replies
Hello. I faced a problem with reconnect system on my server (8.3 / version) . When I turn off GameServer or disconnect Internet on my local computer, a message in game appears: Your are disconnected from server. It is OK. But after Internet connected again or GameServer turns ON again, the table does not pass off and to remove it I have to restart the game. How to fix this issue? Thank you!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Can i find Personal Store List somewhere? Like Waiting Party,Waiting Guild List, etc. (IGC_WaitGuildMatching,IGC_WaitPartyMatching).
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Dear 1 I would like to know why my items can not wear after i reach it's level please tell me how to fix problem ! and it is 420 item Thanks advanced,
Last reply by Chamroeun, -
- 2 replies
hi, how can exchange the Rare Item Ticket 11 for Gold Fenrir? http://i1336.photobu...zpsuxtpzhva.jpg Thanks
Last reply by unknown123, -
- 1 reply
hey everyone i have problem with crywolfmap i want to add this map to my menu map but i have problem when i want to move to cry wolf i get error and dc MoveRec_Eng.bmd MoveRec_eng settings GateSettings Gate.bmd what did i worng?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
hello i have problem with the x shop when i login the x shop i get dc from the game why is it? im using client s8.3
Last reply by Yakov, -
- 3 replies
IGCN Hello, someone has the query to add more baul to the data base. greetings and thanks
Last reply by MuStarter, -
- 1 reply
Wizzy: I made a mistake with the theme of logs and apologize . But we need to solve this problem for the good of all. Eh reliving again and again experience this problem . I discovered that the problem starts when you open the GS -CS Tell me so I send logs need , or give you access to the VPS and patch to enter the game and relive yourself the trouble. This problem is me away users. Working together to solve among all . From already thank you and excuse my English . translated by google translator
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 9 replies
hello one player in my server told me that he have bug with the master level and i check it and is it true... and i dont know what to do the message: Character - Hidd3n - master level stuck on 256 Character - Pizdulice - master level stuck on 160 I don't take master exp on both characters after level 400
Last reply by romansote, -
- 3 replies
This begins after update. I'm testing with some friends the server after the last update; But after a while playing the game no longer give experience. No one should have to do with the update, but do not know what I'm doing wrong. If a spot is killed first, this delivery experience, but appear again, does not grant experience. Can anyone guide me on this? Sorry for my bad English.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
Hello dear IGCN Customers, This is like quiz, i wanna ask if only I got the freeze same as on Do you still have freezes on Why i dont reported this to bug tracker? I thinking it is my individual problem. Thank you for answers. Freeze is 2-4 times per day.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
they released a new update, and not solved the problem of added items, tell me when will be ready. I think I am the only one working with items added to your server, I await your prompt settlement
Last reply by elangelave, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, after last update Bonus event start not via config , its only my GS or all have this issues? <BonusEvent Enable="1" DisplayNotice="1"> <Event StartHour="20" EndHour="21" ExpMultiplier="10" MasterExpMultiplier="2" ItemDropBonus="30" ExcDropBonus="5" /> </BonusEvent> After update event start on 19 hour on 00 ... ect
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 1 reply
I have very often this error [16:31:55][[Sires] - Muun Data save] [16:32:07][[SQL Error] Error executing: UPDATE Character SET cLevel=362, mLevel=0, Class=96,LevelUpPoint=28, mlPoint=0, Experience=1792219984, mlExperience=0, mlNextExp=35507050, Strength=800, Dexterity=800, Vitality=604, Energy=887, Money=413658741, Life=1958.000000, MaxLife=1727.000000, Mana=316.000000, MaxMana=1528.000000, MapNumber=29, MapPosX=20, MapPosY=17, MapDir=2, PkCount=18, PkLevel=3, PkTime=0, Leadership=0, ChatLimitTime=0, FruitPoint=0, RESETS = 1, Married = 0, MarryName = '', WinDuels=0, LoseDuels=0, BlockChatTime=0, PenaltyMask=0, ExGameServerCode=65535 WHERE Name = 'NASDAQ'] [16:32:07]…
Last reply by napam, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Hello, Something wrong for me, when im trying to mine, im getting DC, but what settings i must check? I checked default client, anyway DC. So the problem is in Server Files, but where? I just modified only shops/itembags/spots via BigMan Editor... What can cause this issue?
Last reply by napam, -
- 6 replies
I have this problem with some players. What font does player need to install? Already shipped him my arial font and no luck.
Last reply by lemiks, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I have a problem. ChaosBox always generates RageFighter layer. But never DarkLord! My Settings: CapeOfLordMixMaxRate = 90 %
Last reply by Dohko, -
- 5 replies
hello IGCN as configured castle siege? set to begin Sunday 19 pm greetings and thanks before DB: 1 2015-04-13 00:00:00 2015 - 04-20 00:00:00 False False True GUILD 0,000 0 0 0 Data/events/CastleSiege //================= //Castle Settings //================= 1 1 0 0 0 //Register Period 2 1 23 59 //Idle 3 2 0 0 //Register Mark Of The Lord 4 5 0 0 //Idle 5 5 12 0 //Castle Attack Guild Notification 6 5 19 0 //Ready For Castle Siege 7 6 19 0 //Castle Siege Start 8 6 20 0 //Castle Siege End 9 7 0 0 //End of Cycle endData/commonserver CastleSiegeRun = 1 ; 1: On, 0: Off CastleSiegeFriendlyFire = 0 ; 1: On, 0: Off CastleCycleStartYear =0 CastleCycleStartMont…
Last reply by sahminan, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I need to ask why this two NPC's is not added by default in s8, for Rena NPC i see the message "Temporary disabled due to lack of compatibility with Season 8 Game Client", but what about Delgado? Can i enable it? Maybe some of customers are enable NPC Delgado, and can tell me if it works?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Alloha! I need to change the drop probability for some items. For example i want to decrease the drop probability Spirit Map Fragment. It's drops very often. I want to erase drop Muren's Books from Ice Queen and Gorgon and make it drop for example in Acheron. I understand how to add item in drop (by DropManager), but how to decrease some?
Last reply by originalroot, -
- 1 reply
Hi , in events Medic all times regenerate hp FULL of monstr. How to deacrese time regeneration or how matc hp regenerate?
Last reply by eradicate, -
by Dohko-
- 7 replies
Hello I want to know how to edit the name of the items. The new itemtooltip different? Where edit the name of the item ?
Last reply by Dohko, -