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6,247 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Hello, The problem is that we are full in party of 5, but elf cant buff me (RF), because elf cant see me in party, how to solve?
Last reply by napam, -
- 0 replies
Hi all.. Not too sure if it is a bug or not.. DL skills will not cast when darkhorse is equipped while mu helper is active. Could someone please show me where can i check that? Which file can i see darkhorse settings and mu helper as well. TIA!
Last reply by muphil2015, -
- 0 replies
Unfortunately I was not able to spread wings creating 2.5, because the items do not fall as they should, those active in the ItemList.xml but still do not fall. Any special way to activate or simply is not enabled this feature for Season 8?
Last reply by romansote, -
- 0 replies
Hello, Please correct me if im wrong, if i set: 2015-04-17 00:00:00 - 2015-04-24 00:00:00 Castle Siege will start on 2015-04-23 19:00:00 and end on 23:00 (default configuration of Data/Events/CastleSiege.dat). Right? Thank you. 1 // DO NOT REMOVE SECTION NUMBER 1 0 0 0 // Register Period 2 1 23 59 // Idle 3 2 0 0 // Register Mark Of The Lord 4 5 0 0 // Idle 5 5 12 0 // Castle Attack Guild Notification 6 5 19 0 // Ready For Castle Siege 7 6 19 0 // Castle Siege Start 8 6 23 0 // Castle Siege End 9 7 0 0 // End of Cycle end
Last reply by napam, -
- 0 replies
Hello I got this problem Ca someone help me to fix it , Video: Thanks
Last reply by unknown123, -
- 1 reply
Hey hey, good morning. Need to understand how to remove ancient from lucky system, is it possible? // -- Chance for an Ancient of specified Tier (per section 2-6) -- Rate n/1000000 - Total in column rate must be equal to 1000000 -- // ================================================================================================================================= // Index Rate (Section 2) Rate (Section 3) Rate (Section 4) Rate (Section 5) Rate (Section6) Description // ================================================================================================================================= // ---------------------------------------------------------------------…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 13 replies
Hello Why i got problems with this server Update i got problem when i run it Arca and Market Servers are not supported on Season 6 Version . Please upgrade files to IGC Premium Plus How to fix this update issues as wel i got dc when i m trying to log in
Last reply by unknown123, -
- 3 replies
Hello i get an other problem on update server How to fix it Thanks
Last reply by Antiferna, -
- 6 replies
HI all , In last update (last files) need to settup all items price Zen in client files and server files? or if in server files items Zen=0 how it costs? and how need for repair?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 16 replies
Hello Can someone help me to fix this error Thanks
Last reply by unknown123, -
- 6 replies
Hello How i can fix this problem on my server S8 E3 Thanks
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Hello, how to turn off kill boss notice (golden invasion etc...)? Thank you for answering edit: modified, to remove language string in English.ini
Last reply by MuStarter, -
- 2 replies
Hello i have a problem , why i can have more lvl than 400 if in my server is set up normalmaxlvl 400? Thanks
Last reply by unknown123, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hello, today we found SQL State Error on DataServer with version, and we are quite convinced that the error is with us. Cause it incorrectly characters in Character name?
Last reply by MuStarter, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys, i find everything to change on eggs, summon books, and other stuffs.. but i didnt find how to decrease % of Wings of Angel and Devils.. can someone tell me where have this options? thx in advance
Last reply by oishii, -
- 1 reply
We can open DMP files with some tool?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 5 replies
Hello, I'd like to have running 2 versions of IGCN. First for the official server - tested version. (ex. for now) Second for testing purposes - not prepared/tested. (ex. Is it possible to set it up? If so is it possible with 1 license? Thanks for info!
Last reply by Zeus, -
- 1 reply
Hello I want to ask how i can make availaible to use /vault 0-9 ? Thanks
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 6 replies
Hello I want to ask how i can reset master lvl for S8 E3 ? Thanks
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
How to reload PlayerCount in GameServer.ini while GameServer runing?
Last reply by napam, -
- 1 reply
I have a problem, these skills have much effect. Cause much reduction in defense and attack the opposing character . How to configure this? -- SkillID: 221, Weakness - PvP - (Summoner, Bloody Summoner, Dimension Master) function SummonerWeakness_PvP(Energy, Curse, PlayerLevel, TargetLevel) local SkillSuccessRate = Energy / 50 + Curse / 6 + 17 local SkillEffect = Energy / 300 + 3 local SkillTime = Energy / 300 + (PlayerLevel - TargetLevel) / 150 + 5 return SkillSuccessRate, SkillEffect, SkillTime -- SkillID: 222, Innovation - PvP - (Summoner, Bloody Summoner, Dimension Master) function SummonerInnovation_PvP(Energy, Curse, PlayerLevel, TargetLevel) local SkillSuccessR…
Last reply by j2power, -
- 3 replies
Hi! I would like to make an event like weekend exp boost for my server. could someone please teach/show me which file need to open? i was searching thru the forum prior to posting but to no avail so seeking someone who can help me with? This is what i exactly what i want to happen. Start exp boost for a period of time say - start at saturday morning then will end at sunday evening. very similar to HappyHour but not limited to an hour only. TIA!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 8 replies
Hello i have problem with NPCs in game , it's not happen nothing when i m clicking on them Why and how i can fix ? Thx
Last reply by unknown123, -
- 2 replies
How do i edit Gens Warp List to show that its has Gens Map I have set server side to MuBlue Gens config.. So maps like Atlans/Aida have Gens PvP .. but how do i show it on client side Aida(Gens)
Last reply by TheNightmare, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
hello to all the IGC! I wanted to know about the new tool "toolkit" I own 3 servers on the same machine (dedicate server) being Easy Hard Very Hard. I use the 3 servers in separate folders I use a database for each server ServerInfo Maker 1- Port ConnectServer 2- Port ChatServer I use the same client for all servers ... If a player plays the Easy server for example can play hard without downloading a new Client, only need create a new account on the site Hard. I understand that this new form of ChatServer will harm my game system ... what should I do?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
So now in S8E3 u said WcoinP is now Wcoin, but on server side is WcoinC now Wcoin, how does this work?
Last reply by eradicate, -
- 0 replies
Hi all. Need help becouse are more problems with new system items. On version 8 all works fien but after update to version 9 last udpate in game have some mistake , all items then repair need more zen , more than 40% of sets ancients don't works, Who have season 6 and all itesm are works ok? How to settup itemlist_s6 I see more setting and don't know what doing this. How understend new settings? <Item Index="1" Slot="2" SkillIndex="0" Width="2" Height="2" Serial="1" Option="1" Drop="1" DropLevel="57" Defense="24" MagicDefense="0" Durability="68" ReqLevel="0" ReqStrength="120" ReqDexterity="30" ReqEnergy="0" ReqVitality="0" ReqCommand="0" SetAttrib="4" DarkWizard="0" …
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
when i made serverinfo.bmd I need fill main option, but i cant crack main.exe to get the version and serial, so i can do is change IP But, wizzy tell me that i just need to write serverinfo and put in /Local, no more need to do I get confused, so how can i find serial and version of main.exe? i am a noob can any admin help me with this? I try many times, it instantly showed:"You are disconnected from server" what can i do
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
If i want to set the bet for Moss Gambler is 10pcs Jewel of Bless + 2m possible? thanks.
Last reply by muphil2015, -
- 6 replies
Good day, I have this error on my server all after the upgrade Somebody else with this problem? Any solution for this? Tks all.
Last reply by DFGaMeZ, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I have big unbalance on DK with buff have 2.5 million HP, what is big unbalance, of course no one can kill they. Maybe someone who already did this, can help me? Big thanks! EDIT: Found: RegularSkillCalc.lua -- SkillID: 48, Swell Life - (Dark Knight, Blade Knight, Blade Master)function KnightSkillAddLife(Vitality, Energy, PartyBonus)
Last reply by DFGaMeZ, -
- 3 replies
s8e3 main supports new item? I try to add item RF S8 and are not visible.
Last reply by Zeus, -
- 2 replies
Is there anyway to make client lighter for older cpus? or to disable some features? Improve fps or something?
Last reply by napam, -
- 2 replies
my settings: //############################################################ //# -- INTERNATIONAL GAMING CENTER NETWORK //# -- //# -- (C) 2010-2015 IGC-Network (R) //# --------------------------------------------------------- //# -- File is a part of IGCN Group MuOnline Server files. //############################################################ [common] Enabled = 1 ; Activates the event :: Values 0/1 PVPMap = 6 ; Map Number the event is going on PVPMapX1 = 146 ; X1 Coordinate for the event area (square - place for event) X1 ---- Y1 PVPMapY1 = 78 ; Y1 Coordinate for the event area (square - place for event) | | PVPMapX2 = 160 ; X2 Coordinate for th…
Last reply by Dohko, -
- 1 reply
Question if ssettup max level not 400 but 500 , how afect ML? ML and 3rd job can make from 400 lvl or max 500? can some one write answer ?
Last reply by Antiferna, -
- 3 replies
HI, exist some converter for itemlistsetings old? Or toolkit can export item.bmd to new format itemlist?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 3 replies
Hello, Just wanted to know if the new ItemList_s6.xml which has StoreWarehouse property does work in Season 6 too? So I would be able for ex. to put rena to warehouse? Thanks!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 11 replies
Hello, 1. Anyone knows how to edit the font size of the CLIENT?(Main server Name, subserver Name, cash shop item names etc.)..what tools is needed and what file to be edit? 2. How to change the name of subserver?. Is it posible that name of main server is different from subserver? thanks.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
Hi with the new update I got an error. the golden fenrir changed to red How I can fix this error? regards
Last reply by tezca, -
- 3 replies
Hello, Can anyone can tell me where i can edit awards for Gens Quests? For example, "Kill sapi-duos", gives to player 5 contribution points, but must give 10. So players are crying that it must be 10, but my server gives only 5.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
How i make Balance betwwin all characters ?? someone can send me the file edit please?
Last reply by Yakov, -
- 0 replies
1. Hi, can I modify coord of respaum after character make Reset in game? 2. Its posibble to add for character hwo have 5 point perv lvl 500 point after reset and for character hwi have 7 point per lvl 700 after reset?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 0 replies
Dear all I want to change message color like : gpost will appear red color post will color yellow color gm speak will appear blue color or etc Please kindly tell me where to config this , thanks advance.
Last reply by Chamroeun, -
- 3 replies
Can some body explain 1) Fortune pounch need be comment for works corectly? need to be commented // ? 2)What events are Fire Flame Ghost Event ? // ####################################################################### // -- (1) Fortune Pouch Event - Kanturu Ruins // -- (2) Fortune Pouch Event - Aida (1 ~ 2) // -- (3) Fortune Pouch Event - Tarkan (1 ~ 2) // -- (4) Fortune Pouch Event - Lost Tower (1 ~ 7) // -- (5) Fortune Pouch Event - Atlans (1 ~ 3) // ####################################################################### // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] // --------------------…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
monster does not give exp, monster does not give exp.
Last reply by bankxmen, -
- 13 replies
Disconnect the minute of being online. Common.ini UpDate: ;############################################################ ;# -- INTERNATIONAL GAMING CENTER NETWORK ;# -- ;# -- (C) 2010-2015 IGC-Network (R) ;# --------------------------------------------------------- ;# -- File is a part of IGCN Group MuOnline Server files. ;############################################################ [General] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Version Selection, configure appropriate to current license type :: VALUES 0 - S6E3, 3 - …
Last reply by Dohko, -
- 2 replies
Hi I have the S8E3 version, when I press the A key the MS Skill tree window does not appear. A
Last reply by j2power, -
- 1 reply
Its for s6ep3 too or only for new version? [Acheron] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Spirit Map Drop Rate, n/10000 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SpiritMapDropRate = 100 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Spirit Map Minimum Player Level to drop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SpiritMapMonsterDropLevel = 32 [EventInventory] ;-----------------------------…
Last reply by Dudi, -
- 2 replies
Help! Update files , update ServerInfo.bmd and IGC.dll . Error client version?
Last reply by Dohko, -
- 1 reply
gameserver just disappear in some chanel to day i have 3 time like this can you guess What's Wrong With This thank you
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 14 replies
Wizzy can help please many people have this issues then play and have launc main.exe and minimise or not minimise but open notpad or scype or somme soft and only press button from keboard soft hwo are opened auto close with error. Can send you taskprocess list from windows xp? I check maybe faund somme mistake.
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 3 replies
Hi! I know that Siege and Arca sub servers are necessary for the correct function of these events. What about the new Market subserver? Is it mandatory? What can stop working if i delete it and configure maps 30,31,34,41,42,79,92 and 96 to run on normal GS? I'm just trying to save some RAM (if possible). Thanks for the answer.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 5 replies
Update Files->ChatServer, GameServer_Market used on season 6? How to fix problem then start Client with old igc.dll apear server list but cant enter to server need update and if I update igc.dll to cant see server list all times disconected!?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 1 reply
Need converter from old Monster system to new ! How to automatyc convert?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
I get this log on GameServer [23:34:22] [eradicate][Eradicate]MI[1,Kris,0,0,0,0] Rank:[0] Expire:[0] serial:[330712481792] dur:[0] Ex:[0,0,0,0,0,0,0] Set[0] 380:[0] HO:[0,0] SC[255,255,255,255,255] BonusOption[0] [23:34:22] [eradicate][Eradicate]MI[5,Kris,0,0,0,0] Rank:[0] Expire:[0] serial:[0] dur:[0] Ex:[0,0,0,0,0,0,0] Set[0] 380:[0] HO:[0,0] SC[255,255,255,255,255] BonusOption[0] [23:34:22] [eradicate][Eradicate]MI[6,Kris,0,0,0,0] Rank:[0] Expire:[0] serial:[9007199254740992] dur:[0] Ex:[0,0,0,0,0,0,0] Set[0] 380:[0] HO:[0,0] SC[255,255,255,255,255] BonusOption[0] [23:34:22] [eradicate][Eradicate]MI[7,Kris,0,0,0,0] Rank:[0] Expire:[0] serial:[0] dur:[0] E…
Last reply by eradicate, -
- 3 replies
Hello. One of my players stuck in Crywolf (Balgass map). What to do for disconnecting? (I trying to disconnect in connectstat table MEMB_STAT - does not work) Thank you!
Last reply by j2power, -
- 3 replies
I can not upgrade my server because my main works with added items, I urgently need to know when the problem will be solved
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 6 replies
Ca use in last update Item bag files from update ? I see many files are changed need more time to settup again.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
hi i use this sql query. To create Rage Ftighter and summoner from level zero. I regretted , now as I get recreated with cards of creating character? as it was in the beginning ! -- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- International Gaming Center, copyright 2010-2014 -- -- -- Script allows to enable creation of Summoner or/and RageFighter without -- a need to purchase Character Cards from Cash Shop -- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// USE [MuOnline] -- set a current MuOnline database name here GO -- ///// CONFIG SECT…
Last reply by Dohko, -
- 10 replies
After passing the 3rd profession the experience you get from the monsters after reset is cutting 2-3 times. After attaining of the level of the 3rd profession to get the reset it is necessary to reach the level 702. The bigger master level is reached the bigger cutting of the EXP for the monsters from the 1st to the 400th levels. How to fix up the cutting of the Master EXP? Thank you.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 7 replies
as I fix this? the original item is green . I would change to see if it solved . did not work.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 5 replies
hi, could typically enter the server 14 (cs) but i do not now why i can move to server 14 i do not move absolutely nothing in the logs apear (12000) ip conected (12001) ip Disconected
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Could someone provide me SQL Query how to reset master skill tree?
Last reply by oishii, -
- 1 reply
Hi , if I use last IGC dll its work with server files?
Last reply by Zeus, -
- 3 replies
Hello, when i try to warp to loren market, it says: and it dose that all the time, i have tried to look for config for that but couldn't find. Anyone can help me with that please? (its the original files npc in lorencia)
Last reply by EREBUS, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I'm trying to set the time duration of the wings 4 which gives award the "Return of the Golden Colossus" event, but can not find the file to configure it, anyone can tell me what it is?
Last reply by romansote, -
- 2 replies
Hello good day . I have a small doubt with the character "Rage Fighter" and his skill tree. missing skills ? my skills: Anyone know anything about this? thx !
Last reply by Dohko, -
- 1 reply
I try the customs jewels from 14 194 to 14 234 and i really unknown how working some jewels. Any Info where I can find How work each jewels
Last reply by Zeus, -
- 2 replies
i have problem with master level what to do ?
Last reply by napam, -
- 4 replies
Hey, someone can help me with Evenitembags? i need normal eventitembags like every mu, i just cant find somthing that suite to IGC files. if someone can upload for me the files \ tell me how to edit.. it will be lovely thanks.
Last reply by adarelk1, -
- 0 replies
From saturday/sunday some player stuck on GameServer. There seems to be offline but they can't make reset outside game. When they log out levels are revert to amount the login to game. In sunday to release them I deride to reset GS i menu I chose 'Disconnect with Message 3min'. After that time after that time all player where disconnect but GS shows that 4 players where online - those who stuck. What can cause that, in log I see entry: 2:4:52 [][ViKuS][][] AntiHack breach -> No response 2:4:52 [][Robal][][] AntiHack breach -> No response 2:4:53 [][Robaczek][][] AntiHack breach -> No responsePlayers from log stuck, …
Last reply by VooDoo, -
- 2 replies
hello i cant move to vulcanus i am in a guild and vanert but still apear in red the map
Last reply by mumutants, -
- 2 replies
hi, what is the configuration to reduce refleg? bm, sum, rf die alone with refleg. regards and thanks
Last reply by MuStarter, -
- 0 replies
Dear all 1/ Where i can config RF and DL and MG to narmal like other hero? i want RF DL MG can do quest level 2 cause when i give point per lvl is 1 but when other can do quest lvl 2 so they increase 1 more point ! which is mean they will gain 2 point after quest lvl 2 but RF DL MG are dont have quest lvl 2 so which is mean they will gain only one point please tell me how to balance these hero i want them equal . 2/ some of my clients is getting lag can you tell me how many reason cause clients getting lag . if for graphic but he can play like dota2,WOW,.. 3/ Where to config the price of item selling in shop game ? i want to change some items. Need to hear from you gu…
Last reply by Chamroeun, -
- 1 reply
Mine system working properly? I drop Pandora pick through GM command, click the Mine always get disconnect, use the basic settings without modifications with last RC version of Season 8 gameserver files. mine system will be worknig until the final version? Topic has been deleted? Why?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi I can see im getting master experience but I'm not geting any master points. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Master level experience multiplier bonus :: Formula exp *= (ML_AddExperience + Party Bonus + VIP Bonus) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ML_AddExperience = 200 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Minimum Monster level to gain experience for mastering ;------------------------------------------------------------------------…
Last reply by avisiton, -
- 0 replies
Hi have very often this log its ok? 1) Error iValue == 0, option 175 Error iValue == 0, option 177 Error iValue == 0, option 176 Error iValue == 0, option 178 2) Magic Attack Error: Invalid Skill: 39 (protocol.cpp)(14602) Magic Attack Error: Invalid Skill: 38 (protocol.cpp)(14602) 3) [19:26:18] Item Drop [63][48][16] : serial:21018671 [shining Scepter][1][0][0][0] Ex:[0,0,0,0,0,0,0] Set:[0]
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 0 replies
Dear all i am looking for item which is can drop monster when i have droped that item monster will appear . Please if some one have ever did this kinda share . i wish there will besome one drop some commands here . Thanks Advance
Last reply by Chamroeun, -
Hello I have a little problem. When I throw the box to the ground, get an error and does not open the box . Could someone point me to set wrong? Error: you cannot uso this bag :wacko:
Last reply by j2power, -
- 7 replies
Need to know how to prevent or how block this false connection, all times have many connection in log server its no need. and this log its all days and many IP its normal? Can block this? <font color='#F5F5F5'> [15:38:53] (12230)Disconnected : [] </font><br /> <font color='#F5F5F5'> [15:38:54] Connection Accept : [12231][] </font><br /> <font color='#F5F5F5'> [15:38:54] (12231)Disconnected : [] </font><br /> <font color='#F5F5F5'> [15:38:55] Connection Accept : [12232][] </font><br /> <font color='#F5F5F5'> [15:38:55] (12232)Disconnected : […
Last reply by jogoso, -
- 0 replies
Hi all have a question, in my server pvp events last man studing can't wor how to fix thet? Event start all character a movet on pvp location and all character are phonoman but can't hit can't teleport. Wizzy can help please, i can't understend why not works event.
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 2 replies
Hi How I make my server to PVP?
Last reply by avisiton, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
I know you are working on s8e3... But our currently S6E3 is imposible. First there is this annoying main crash (lost 700 onlines for this) But the worst is DUPE, there is no way that this long way on the road players can still dupe... Our server economy is based on items. If player dupe then we lose control of everything. I already provide logs dupe is making double login... One account warps to CS Server and somehow the same account can log into a diferent server.,.. What can we do Wizzy? Btw how much would IGC charge me to fix that damn main crash? Just name a price and i will pay.
Last reply by eradicate, -
- 1 reply
For example i want to ban a range of HWIDs like this 105A-0000-0000-0000-4838 105A-0000-0000-0000-____ When u make a virtual pc in your machine only those 4 digits change.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 13 replies
What is this? It keeps disconnect dark lords, only dark lords.
Last reply by eradicate, -
- 1 reply
For some time I suffer from problems with the DataServer muex702 and random errors that cause problems ingame. After the last realse for Season 8 I see the changelog that these errors fixed. Several months we were looking for a problem in our setting, but a few days ago, when we installed totally clean a database and server files muex702, new operating system and the new SQL server, confirmed that the error is not on our side. I have a simple question, it is possible that we used dataserver of S8 at our muex702? Alternatively ask IGC team to give us these errors corrected and the MUE702? These errors: [13:08:37][ Error executing: SELECT * FROM OptionData WHERE Name='p…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
I have a lot warnings with this message <font color='#0000FF'> [00:50:05] WARNING: TRAP MESSAGE PACKET FROM MAIN: 1 c1 8 f3 31 0 0 4e 21 22 </font><br /> <font color='#0000FF'> [00:50:06] WARNING: TRAP MESSAGE PACKET FROM MAIN: 1 c1 8 f3 31 0 0 4e 21 22 </font><br /> <font color='#0000FF'> [00:50:06] WARNING: TRAP MESSAGE PACKET FROM MAIN: 1 c1 8 f3 31 0 0 4e 21 22 </font><br /> <font color='#0000FF'> [00:50:06] WARNING: TRAP MESSAGE PACKET FROM MAIN: 1 c1 8 f3 31 0 0 4e 21 22 </font><br /> What is? THis is information about not lifted trap from main.exe. however, I assume you use ex702 because…
Last reply by loberia, -
- 3 replies
Once of my client have problem when they join the game using launcher , he open internet game his computers join only 5 PCs but after join one more pc game say game server is full,but if one of five computers left ,the sexth one can join server that is mean that ip join server using launcher only 5 machine in one IP , do u know where i can config this ? here is file i config +IGGCS.ini -MaxConnectionsPerIP = 30 or do i need to reload ? if where to reload ? else please tell me how to solve this problem cause i have many client open internet game ! Thanks Advance, Chamroeun.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
MasterSkillCalc.lua If have full master points on: Mana shield is 100% Tryed in MasterSkillCalc.lua to change settings to high and low values, allways 100% -- Calculations for Skills in Master Skill Tree -- Soul Barrier Strengthener (wizard) function WizardMagicDefense_Level1(Dexterity, Energy) local SkillEffect = Dexterity / 10 + Energy / 10 + 10 local SkillTime = Energy / 10 + 10 return SkillEffect, SkillTime end -- Soul Barrier Mastery (wizard) function WizardMagicDefense_Level2(Dexterity, Energy) local SkillEffect = Dexterity / 10 + Energy / 10 + 10 local SkillTime = Energy / 10 + 10 return SkillEffect, SkillTime end -- So…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Hello I need explanation of how IGC.dll configured to change version .
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Hi do not know much how this works, but configure as follows : then **** the event CS through the GSCs . and when I tried to enter the castle gives me error "Only guild members of the castle lord May enter" And the event was loaded properly because I could configure the gateway to land with the same character . The registration period is running But I can not enter the castle who dont like the castle owner. Help if anyone knows the reason , please tell me .
Last reply by Dohko, -
- 0 replies
How can I modify and what modify in this files from location Scripts/Include?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I'm using this config in eX702 ServerFiles and still getting Jewels of Creations and Jewels of Life with low lvl monsters. 2 0.0001500 0.0010000 0.0010000 0 0 0.0015000 0.9963500 // 1 3 0.0001500 0.0010000 0.0010000 0 0 0.0015000 0.9963500 // 1 4 0.0001500 0.0010000 0.0010000 0 0 0.0015000 0.9963500 // 1 5 0.0001500 0.0010000 0.0010000 0 0 0.0015000 0.9963500 // 1 6 0.0001500 0.0010000 0.0010000 0 0 0.0015000 0.9963500 // 1 7 0.0001500 0.0010000 0.0010000 0 0 0.0015000 0.9963500 // 1 8 0.0001500 0.0010000 0.0010000 0 0 0.0015000 0.9963500 // 1 9 0.0001500 0.0010000 0.0010000 0 0 0.0015000 0.9963500 // 1 10 0.0001500 0.0010000 0.0010000 0 0 0.0015000 0.9963500 //1Is this …
Last reply by eradicate, -
- 6 replies
well .. i have a problem with this system ! i need help...., or the system isnt work fine....., the monsters drops me a creations in low lvls, like yetis, in losttower, atlans etc..., but i trying put 0 and nothing, still droping creations...., and now change the configuration ..., you will see how are now mi monsterdropitemrate. I put now 0.0000001 in creation monster lvl 36 for yetis, with the hope stop droping, but not work.. // Total - per row must be equal to 1 - representing 10000000/10000000, 1% = 0.0100000 36 0.0209331 0.002545 0.0015975 0.0084455 0.0000001 0.002756 0.9674759 // 1 …
Last reply by eradicate, -
- 4 replies
hello I would like to ask about these information please if any one could tell me it would be glade, and thanks for sharing the answer for help 1-I want to reset all account with no character 2-all character when created will receive 100 point free 3-where can close even Rabbit invasion ? I cant find the file to close ! Thanks Advance
Last reply by Chamroeun, -
- 3 replies
Have too question. 1) Its posibble to make Cryvolf , Valey of Loren, Land of Trial on some server with normal ? (not 2 normal and siege but all in one) 2) What max level can make on server 500 or 1000 ? not includet master level (302 level).
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
Have some problems with registration to castle siege, maybe need some more players in guild or some other problem?
Last reply by Essential, -
- 3 replies
Can`t add harmony options to the items 380lvl , where can enable this?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 8 replies
Have a question, maybe I'm wrong but this is formula <DynamicExpSystem> <RangeList enabled="1"> <range id="1" resetsMin="0" resetsMax="10" levelMin="1" levelMax="702" ExpMultiplier="2" MLExp="1.0" /> <range id="2" resetsMin="11" resetsMax="20" levelMin="1" levelMax="702" ExpMultiplier="1.8" MLExp="1.0" /> <range id="3" resetsMin="21" resetsMax="30" levelMin="1" levelMax="702" ExpMultiplier="1.5" MLExp="1.0" /> </RangeList> </DynamicExpSystem> Why if I have 300 lvl and 0 master level have party or not have party exp are ok but if I have 300 lvl and 200 master lvl exp in party or not party are deacreased some like 25% !? Wh…
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 11 replies
Have big problem with CS_GS, all tiem server works fine but then Castle siege many problems many DC , then write are text apear with delay in 2-3 secunds , how thix thet help please!?
Last reply by Wizzy, -