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6,247 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
EDIT: Problem solve thanks to search dumb me didn't search at first xD SOLUTION: Hello i receive some complaints about this error from my players: i was able to found some solutions over google but none work for them my client package contains those requrie Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable (im using the VC11compiled IGC.dll) any help? thank you!
Last reply by Zeus, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
I have two licenses for the server files. One is for the main server and the other is for a test server. I also have the premium tools and launcher. I am currently running everything on the test server and will move to the more powerful main server this weekend. I want to use the premium tools on both servers but if I can only use them on one then it should be the test server I want to use the launcher server on both servers if possible but the main server (new) is the most important I can get the hardware ID for the new main server easy enough. I can see how to request a transfer of the license to a new server. What I am not sure about is what is the best way t…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
hello could someone tell me how to open more that 2 clients in 1 pc because what I have configured for open more than 1 cliente in one pc someone cant help me sorry the bad inglish i speak spanish
Last reply by mumutants, -
- 3 replies
In c8 added support for multiple languages.(Thank you IGCN)We have installed for our players Russian language and it works great.question such. How to disable the creation of nicknames in Russian?Because the database does not understand the Russian language. Or how to make so that database understand Russian language?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Hello, just wanted to ask, is there somehow possible to allow Rena (Item) to be stored in Vault, client shows "Cannot be stored in Vault" by default. Thanks!
Last reply by Zeus, -
- 1 reply
hey if someone try to open the game two times he get error that the server is full... i want to know if have option in the files server to change it that two main.exe?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Have are question. Some time ago i write abaut client S6ep3 on windows xp sp3, have some problem. After last update this problem don't deasapere its ok? And all time then close client apear info abaut close cheat engine why ? ? no answer
Last reply by Wizzy, -
Question abaut skills Have SKill dmg % but how obtein its? Its very big. wizzy can explain please ? I wont to adjust some skils ML aand regular. But in character info all time some % . For best adujust I need litle understend where is +dmg % and where +dmg.
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I've problem, firstly I want to notice I didn't edit anything that relays on server/map config. The connection between GS and CS is so slow, it takes like 6-9 sec to move for ex. from Lorencia to CryWolf. I've 1Gbps connection, not that low server params. Any tips?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 22 replies
Can't connect to game, All tiem Account already connected. try to disconnect them from joinserver it says there are offline. MEMB_STATS=0, GS nothing, in game from another Account dcfriend acc offline.
Last reply by Tchornobay, -
- 2 replies
Need help with corectly adjust UGC_bufferbot, in this config some thing strange after elf cast , dmg not increase but ddeacrease. Then DL cast dmg deacrease too. Then SM cast thery fast deaspear cast. //================================================================================================ // IDX SPAWN MAP X Y DIR CLASS VIP ZEN STR DEX VIT ENE CMD NAME(MAX 10 CHAR) //================================================================================================ 0 1 0 130 129 3 0 0 10000 500 500 500 500 0 "Helper SM" 1 1 0 130 110 3 1 0 10000 500 …
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 0 replies
Ca some one help to add for example heal life from bk to mg? yeh anybody know?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
Hello, I'm new here and I searched here and in Bug Tracker about vault lag. Sometimes when we work with Vault (moving items mostly) vault get stuck and we cant move items, it's needed to close it and re-open, only then it works again.
Last reply by Zeus, -
- 5 replies
Hello. Somebody know why GS have a lot consumption of RAM memory ? i have 16gb and when i restart all server (machine) ram is completely FREE, just windows consumption, when i put online my servers, gs_c, gs_a, gs_n and other gs_n in total 4 servers, consumption IS NORMAL, alittle bit consumption, but.... with 7 or 10 days online ""WITHOUT crash or closing and reopening"" the consumption of ram is very hight, a lot !!! more than 2GB each server !! I use last updates, but all start with the new "launcher server" frome there all start for me, i saw a increase RAM consumption in all GS. what do you think ? here image.... check trabsparent orange square.. In thi…
Last reply by tezca, -
- 2 replies
Unlike the Demon and Spirit of Guardian plus most other items the Unicorn expires and cannot be sold or otherwise removed from an inventory. Is there any other way except using the essentials editor to remove it (and then only when they are offline) ? I have enabled everything I can to allow trading and selling of shop items.
Last reply by tezca, -
- 2 replies
I cannot find a way to allow a GM to clear PK status to 0 kills. the /setpk command makes it go to the highest amount of kills [GM_ONLY_COMMAND] Sets specified player to maximum PK Count Level, usage: /setpk <player_name> /clearpk is a character command only and I have tried it with /clearpk <player_name> and it does not work. We need to clear PK status after having a PK event or players cannot resume playing. I want to leave ingame pk clear disabled for players but allowed for a GM and the configuration suggests this is possible. Any ideas on this?
Last reply by tezca, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys. Where i change the % to create/month seeds? I want to change the general %, and the % for every type of seed. Thanks! anyone ?
Last reply by mulandia, -
- 2 replies
Hello guys, when i see the pjs hiting mobs, i see them hiting very fast, but is a visual bug..., i see another server from igcn, that dont have this proble, is season 6 ep3 too..., why i have this problem ? Thanks.
Last reply by BlueBird, -
- 10 replies
Hello friends. Someone has balanced pvp like GMO? THX...
Last reply by j2power, -
- 2 replies
Please guys Fix this issues buy sell zen Recconnect system ( sometimes keep reconnecting for much time but no use ) Mail System not work propaply and RF armors > i have only small image on 6.3
Last reply by finalchance, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I tried to open the client on mac os with wine without good results, can anyone recommend me any app to open the client?
Last reply by romansote, -
- 2 replies
Hello community ... I find that this happens . The server is hosted at vps . Regards
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys Any one Can explain This Events how to configure them ? Rena Registering ??? Lucky coins Registering ???? Exchange i understand it but the register lucky coins ? what can give? and how to config and where exactly to config Arka Wars Configurations?? Thanx my Seasson 6.3 :P Also How to control of drop lucky coin ?
Last reply by finalchance, -
- 11 replies
Is there option in GS server to reload MonsterItemDropRate.dat in GS or requires to restart GS?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Hello guys, What table and procedures i need to move in ME_MUONLINE? Thank you!
Last reply by MeTa, -
- 1 reply
Hello dear customers, Maybe someone know where i can enable or disable this event? Also same question about "pouch of blessing" event.
Last reply by tezca, -
- 6 replies
hey i downloaded client s7 and i try to open the main.exe but is not working it not open to me Nothing does not happen... why is it?
Last reply by eitanamirx1, -
- 1 reply
Hello. Do you know where can translate duel windows buttons ? i mean.. when you send duel.. other player see duel windows and it have 2 buttons (Accept and Cancel) but text appear like "korean text", i cant find where exactly change that to spanish or english. i search in dialoge, text, slide, some files (image ozj etc etc) from interface folder and i cant find it.. do you know where ? Really? 13 views and no one was taken bothered to tell me something? reviewed at least your client to check if are translated these buttons or not ? :S
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
I have a guy that when he try to open the cliente, its crash and generate the MuError file, it only says: ###### Log Begin ###### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mu online 1.14q (Eng) executed. ( 2015/02/12 21:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <System information> OS : Unknown 6.2 Build 9200 () CPU : AuthenticAMD - AMD Unknown 3214Mhz RAM : 1MB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Direct-X : Direct-X 9.0 ----------------------------------------------------…
Last reply by jogoso, -
- 3 replies
Need some info for how to edit (settup) Gens reward !? Can some one help?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Have today some DataServer crush like this dump file dont have , but have some logs from DataServer Maybe you can help me to solve this problem.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
solved, please delete topic
Last reply by napam, -
- 3 replies
I got some errors in GS I search forum but can't find any topic that describe errors and how to prevent them: Agility check FAILEDThis is always treated as hack or could be any other reason? How can I fix this if this is possible: Too long time passed after casting magic Magic Attack Error: Invalid Skill: 230 Limit error : (MagicDamage.cpp 933) error-L3 : nDx 0 m_SendBufLen 53 error-L3 : nDx 53 m_SendBufLen 0
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hi, I've been searching for a while, trying also, but no luck. I wanna add a new map, but here's the thing, I want to do that but with a different id. For example, Terrain7 (Arena map) as Terrain6. In client, only renaming files doesn't work, MU client throws error that .att is corrupted. I tried MagicHand editor to decrypt Terrain and encrypt with new id, then MU client throws same error with .obj and .map. So, I tried editing .obj with some tools I found over the web (Encrypt Decrypt and DragonmuEng), same, decrypted .obj, edited map number and encrypted again, but with .map file I didn't find any application to change mapnumber, so I decrypted .map and opened wit…
Last reply by j2power, -
- 3 replies
Have somme issues. After lost connection 5-10 sec all its ok works great maybe 15 secunds. But if coneection lost for 30 sec reconnect only show progres bar and load long time but not reconnect. How to fix or what its problems?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
Hi. In Doplleganger events, apear monstr but not more. How to increase number of monsters? help please , very rare comme monstr.
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 4 replies
I dont know why its happening this, but im using the last .dll in gameclient , in gs dont show me errors, so.. i dont know whats happen here, please help HELPP !
Last reply by BlueBird, -
- 3 replies
I have some time CS server chrash , but no dump files. How to know what its problems?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 7 replies
want make low rate jewel fall how i do that ? the drop now its so high and i dont know where to edit or how please someone can upload for me file with like 30% drop fall or something low for 30x server
Last reply by Wizzy, -
Bug of Visual
by cry- 2 replies
I don't know is this bug or only visual not working, mg skill damage always stays 200%
Last reply by cry, -
- 1 reply
Hello guys, i have a problem with this, eg: 1 elf have 10.000 points in agi, but only have 200 attack speed, and his hit in pve is very low..., where i can fix it? Thanks. Please? i need help with this :(
Last reply by mumutants, -
- 1 reply
I have something like that: Similar problem (item +7): Weapon created in WS but set was created in Essential Tools. Is there any way to fix that names?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 5 replies
Hi, Is reconnect system working on season 6 episode 3? If it's working, is there any way to test it? I've been trying to test it but no luck, these methods I've used: Limiting bytes per second from main with application NetLimiter until reconnect system window shows up and then letting it normalDisabling and enabling ethernet card to lose connectionAdding a firewall rule to block remote connection to server and then disabling or deleting the ruleReconnect system window still saying "Reconnecting" but never reconnects. I noticed in NetLimiter there is no traffic in or out from main process. I am testing the wrong way? Also I noticed when reconnect system window is show…
Last reply by j2power, -
- 0 replies
Ca fix thet ? Very often character write abaut dupe items in store. in GS log many time write " Attempt Multi-Ware dupe" , how fix thet for more stability?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 1 reply
Hi Error connecting to the server.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Hello, Im having troubles with this, when you kill some mobs, they drop in some times the same item, with the same opt, The same happens with the jewels , you kill one monester and the second drops you the same, and there is some items dont fall like some skills, eg fire scream..., is activate in drop skills, but dont drop, the same with others skills. In IgcToolPremium, i wanna edit the drop feather of phoenix of darkness and the others parts but not exist in the editor, dont exist the last skills too, in IgcessentialTools, happens too, dont have the last skills to edit ... Well i hope some one can help me :) Regards.
Last reply by BlueBird, -
- 1 reply
pepole try to connect some pepole dont see servers at all some pepole get error "Cannot find "MSVCP120.dll re-install the app" and dont see servers i have pepole thy work but 60% dont work help please
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Where can edit the amount of zen drop in Kalima maps? Because on all server maps drop is good, but in kalima very big...
Last reply by Essential, -
- 1 reply
HI all. How to settup Drop in Ilusion Temple? I see this files Event_IllusionTemple(1-2)_Monsters, Event_IllusionTemple(3-4)_Monsters, Event_IllusionTemple(5-6)_Monsters how understend it? What mobs are 1-2 , 3-4, 5-6? IllusionTempleAllowMaxLevelEntry = 1 - ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
How to change MuHelper Zen Req?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Hello guys, i have a question, somebody knows the formula to make the Grand Soul set Like in 97 versión? Thanks :)
Last reply by BlueBird, -
- 0 replies
hello IGCN as I can reduce damage harmony SD option. to have this options pvp goes out of level. greetings and thanks
Last reply by exenegros, -
- 8 replies
Hi guys,i have this problem, the event start , and the event move the people to the room, but we can not hit :/ ... why? Regards.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 10 replies
I long time ago have this problem and persist after last update .16. How to fix thet or that its problem becouse Lord can make 1 time mix . After thet mix don't works. After reload GS Lord again can make 1 time and nothing more . Help please .
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Dear IGC. I would like to do load balancing on my router , dose it possible i want to do that on my router ? does it effect the licence which say only one ip ? or if it possible that would be great Thanks advance,
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 5 replies
How do you suggest us to stop this autokill?
Last reply by diegoads89, -
- 1 reply
lastmanstanding work telpeort all players and pepole kill each other and this return them to ring and dont happen nothing. what to do?
Last reply by finalchance, -
- 2 replies
- 51 views how i enabled it?
Last reply by finalchance, -
- 1 reply
Visual bug with guard
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
What /watch doing? how it works
Last reply by adarelk1, -
- 5 replies
Hi all. Help me to fix x-shop I put corectly Seal of Ascension but can't bought. Why? IN GS log a write - User does not meet all requerements.
Last reply by Chamroeun, -
- 1 reply
Hey, i`ve never got this error before, and i cant figure it out. Microsoft sollution was "Install all oprional update" And i did that! Problem solved. It seems to be Windows 8 general problem. All you need to do is to change compuner name from Name to name-somethin; ex: My-PC.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
hi how to make 2 servers with defrent configs ( with same connect server and data server) i mean VIP Example Normal what i did ? i make servers and the Vip Server i put it inside other folder ( on same server files folder i create folder i put it with Data + IGC Data) i make mapserverinfo 0 // DO NOT DELETE SECTION NUMBER0 1 1 Smy ip xxxxx13 1 0 Smy ip xxxxx14 1 0 Smy ip xxxxxend Server list 0 "examplenormal" "my ip" xxxxx 12 "example VIP" "my ip" …
Last reply by finalchance, -
- 1 reply
Loren Market NPC dont do nothing
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Wings Level 2.5 added to chaos machine? I remember some old change-log, about adding of wings lvl 2.5 mix. If is added How i can make it? Because if i put "Wings level 2.5 item" to chaos machine, i got error : impropper item. Thank you!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
how to make RageF and Sommonor whithout the cards? just like all players?
Last reply by Essential, -
- 2 replies
HI , i add some ancient sets custom drop = 0 but Cundun drop this items. How to change drop of this items ?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hi Guys.. today i opened the Cashshop Editor, to put Gold Channel on my cashshop... i 've a question.. how i can put gold channel to 30 days vip bronze ( NOT UPDATE THE PLAN ), for example.. account is free.. and will turn 30 days vip bronze... and how to add the same for silver, gold, platinum.. the Gold Channel that exists.. JUST update if you're already vip member... i wanna change it too... someone knows if is possible with the CashShop Editor doo this? thx for your time..
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 2 replies
and other question how to make like this SubServer1 example SubServer2 Subserver3 SubServer1 example2 SubServer2 Subserver3 ( with Defrent DB for each Example ) Advise please
Last reply by finalchance, -
- 0 replies
Have some bug with chat when resolution is higher for example 1900x1080 than chat windows move to left and up. Maybe have some solution to do not move up the chat window.
Last reply by Essential, -
- 4 replies
How i start LastManStanding S6E3? Help Please Please answer !?
Last reply by adarelk1, -
- 14 replies
cannot register gulid during arca war S6EP3 how to disable arca war? or how to fix it
Last reply by adarelk1, -
- 1 reply
How to setup Castle Siege S6EP3?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello again guys, i need help with this, how can i add mobs in arena ? but only in the server Vip . Regards :)
Last reply by Chamroeun, -
- 2 replies
Have are problems , add items new ancient I check all settings and all its ok but in game persists bug.
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 1 reply
Dear all for hosting server game any effect to the router ? my router is slowing after run 1 week or 2 week . thanks for helping
Last reply by sahminan, -
- 4 replies
How does ancient reward works on CC, i dont really understand explanation of this: // If result is bigger than [1st Prize Rate] but smaller than [2nd Prize Rate] then rewards [2nd Prize] - Jewel of Life or Jewel of Bless // If result is smaller than [1st Prize Rate] value it rewards [1st Prize] - Jewel of Soul or Jewel of Creation// Otherwise it reward Set Item (Ancient) // -- Reward Chance Rate Settings --------------------------------------// =====================================================================// [First Prize] [second Prize] [Description]// =====================================================================// ---------------------------------------…
Last reply by eradicate, -
- 9 replies
Cant move to Vulcanos, in the "m" menu its red, when I am using the Move command it works. haven't found any solution's in the forums. movereq_eng.bmd movelevel.dat movereq.dat IGC_Gensystem.ini
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Clicker have some problem with ELF buf in party . Some one know how to fix thet? or how to make for Elf in party make buf not only him but for all party!? How many tiem i test it and settup clicker Elf can't gife buff to another character in party.
Last reply by finalchance, -
- 1 reply
Seed Sphere [earth] Element attribute increases by ( Then nothing duno why this image and when trying to add it on item this image then this is video uploaded by player please advise
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 7 replies
Hello, In old igc forums there were post with triggers to summoner and rage fighter, can anyone share them?
Last reply by tezca, -
acc not work item from the list below. aggregates in cash shop tested at Level 1 and 2 Item Acc List: Mahes Black Dragon Bes Eclipse Serket Iris Apis Valiant Hapy Ancient Khons Dark Steel Horus Holy Storm Bragi Dark Phoenix Alvis Grand Soul Frigg Holy Spirit Tyr Thunder Hawk Surt Glorious Elune Demonic Magni Piercing Groove Dorov Tree Hill
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Hello, What name is of 'Ambition set' in EssentialTools? I can found only Shield. or we dont have this? Thank you.
Last reply by Lineager, -
- 4 replies
i dont have baracks and vulcanus in red and i cant go in thier crywolf i click on it and dont do anything what to do please?
Last reply by Lineager, -
- 2 replies
hi guys i have this issue when players wana to create guild this massge come to them cannot regester guild during arca war how to dissaple and enaple arca war ? i have tried to close game server a but no use any idea ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Hi, I got problem when trying close client by Menu->Exit. Game window disappear but process (Main.exe) is still present in Task manager and not closing, I have to kill process manually before start client again. Problem does not occurs when closing by Alt+F4 or 'X'. Server files: IGC.dll: OS Client: Win7 64, WinXP I already install MS runtime 2012/U4 and 2013. What can cause that?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
hi guys i saw there is 1 cor only on monster setbase i mean ( X ,Y) and on other guides i saw ( X,Y , X,Y) i want to make spot ( wich all mobs stay in same point and they cant move XD please if someone can help post here thanx
Last reply by ergunaksoy, -
- 1 reply
hi guys i have Many servers and on one server the CS server is without NPC why? i have replace the Data and IGC data and i try to delet the CS file and replace it with one from server suite ( i download form IGCN) and on all ways i have same proplem No NPC there ??? why any help on that ?
Last reply by ergunaksoy, -
- 0 replies
Little question who test it IGC_SetItemDrop items drop can be equal = 0.05 ? or only round digit 1,2,3
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 9 replies
- 122 views How to edit the (Battle) like the Vulcanus,for example Atlants? (battle) Atlants
Last reply by ergunaksoy, -
- 0 replies
How to disable that rf move a character when it attacks with Chain Drive
Last reply by eradicate, -
- 15 replies
GM Commands /skin nick monster , don't work. GM can't change skin to another playr why?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I'm having a problem with acheron quest .... My usres go to acheron map, request the quest for the elemental items and they are moving in all map like any other user and when they are disconnected and try to enter again, but they can't, why? have other class code like this : Class = 35 ? ***, like scf .... i don't move nothing with quest because is really bored read all lines, i just patch all files like ever, but i have problems with my users, almost 10 users have the same problem .... Any help ? I'm using latest igcn file :) .15 Editor:…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Some items are dropping up to +6 on kanturu2 like ashcrow armor or so, what can be making this behaviour? Can it be monsteritemdroprate?
Last reply by eradicate, -
- 4 replies
How can realod IGCData folder without restarting GameServer? Option Reload Common Settings restart only Data folder.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Then add point for this ML skill nothing to change on character. How to fix thet?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 2 replies
hi guys i want this new accounts get 100 wcoinc and 100 Credits ( when someone regester new account he have that) any one can help on that ? i watched forum i found one but not worked with me ( this for admins who say read XD hi wizzy and others happy new year)
Last reply by finalchance, -
- 12 replies
Hello guys, im having problems with this usser, he dont wanna say me , what cheat use... apart "cheatengine" , i saw him running without boots +5 at lvl 1, and hiting very fast...., he only say me i use only cheat engine..., i dont know is true.., but is a big problem now for me... some one have an idea what can be he are using? Ready, he say me where he take hacks working for season 6 ep 3 : all hacks in this web can be used in this files season 6 ep 3 : Regards.
Last reply by ergunaksoy, -
- 4 replies
Have some problem character Elf get exp and master points. But can't put points on skil. Why?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 2 replies
Hi, What do I need to change to give all new characters Zen and Equipment on creation? Thanks. P.S. What does this do when enabled? CheckSumCheck = 0 ; 1: On, 0: Off
Last reply by joinmu, -