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6,247 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
I have been working on the game client to present it to players and one thing I have found is that the complexity of installation and dependences at the PC cause a large amount of support trouble Would it be possible to recommend a method of packaging the client with launcher, VC redistributables in a convenient install package? RAR works fine for distributing but getting players to follow instructions is not at all easy. Especially with language barriers.
Last reply by Tchornobay, -
- 0 replies
all servers running ok i loged in and i close Castle siege server << the charcters still there on crywolf ?> how is that
Last reply by finalchance, -
- 3 replies
Hi , who know why after last update don't drop any scrol or skills? All from Category 15 don't drop.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hello Guys, i need to know what is this in my log antihack gs : 21:48:31 [aranamix][Elad] Attempt Multi-Ware dupe: and This : 16:29:4 [satikk][bko][][1057-F257-96A0-DE3A-7336] AntiHack breach -> Code: 80000 he already dupe? or is bad configuration mine? and the agility hack ? Regards.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
hi guys i have proplem with CS server NPCS not there i dont know why also i try to spawn npc on lorancia ( that NPC Wich Teleport you to Barracks) but when i click on it nothing happend it seem some proplem there any one can help me ?
Last reply by finalchance, -
- 1 reply
Hey there, I'm having such a big problem with the forbidden words on the server, even if i say "Lord feather or some other words (spanish)" its say warning attemp 1/3 till the server finally kick me off Where can i configure that? P.S: I've already edited IGC_ProhibitedWords.txt Thanks
Last reply by joinmu, -
- 1 reply
I have some idea, but i need /grand reset command in game,like /reset comand. Can someone help me to solve this problem....
Last reply by tezca, -
- 4 replies
Hello, Has anyone tried adding custom monsters? Server sided is pretty straight forward, but when it comes to client side, god help me.. I can assign name for NPC using bmd file but how to skin? I've searched for tutorials, found some useful information but there's no way I can work with Olly dbg on my own. So if there's anyone who's succeeded adding custom npc please let me know, might pay if explained properly. Client: Season 8 Episode 3
Last reply by Specter, -
- 0 replies
How to edit HP for DK? I add 32k stats but DK have only 32k vit, but nit 96k. how to fix?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 7 replies
How to enable or disable ancient +excellent on server items? in igccommon I see only for socket items but for ancient?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 0 replies
I have this problem, if a player is PK "phonomaniac" and he joins party with a NON-PK player "commoner" he is able to warp using /warp command. As this new PK system. If a phono makes party with a none phono he can purchase on npc and much more.
Last reply by eradicate, -
- 9 replies
19:7:58 [ANTI-HACK] [lucik][dino][xxxxxx] Agility check FAILED - Server:15000 Client:0 20:9:19 [ANTI-HACK] [lucik][dino][xxxxxxx] Agility check FAILED - Server:15000 Client:0 20:11:36 [ANTI-HACK] [luncik][dino][xxxxxxx] Agility check FAILED - Server:15000 Client:0 How to make not disable agility check but settup it corectly?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 0 replies
IN antihack log GS many time are log; Attempt Multi-Ware dupe what its problem ahat need to donfig?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 0 replies
Hello Guys, im having this problem from yesterday, now i cant up this gs_cs..., its not responding and i have to close..., is very rare.., yesterday works fine, now no.., i delet the folder , y create and i install from 0 the GS_CS, but still Not responding, the others gs, works fine.., but i dont know why the gs_cs still in not responding... :/ Regards. some sugestions please? ready..., gs_cs not start because i change the time start event..., i put the old configuration and start again .. Regards.
Last reply by BlueBird, -
- 4 replies
Fist of all, let me introduce my self: super naab owner with no gaming experience except simple basics. This should clear out why I'm posting this kind of questions seeking for a little help :) Some players asked why there are no mobs in arena. I have no idea why, what's arena for and if there should be some mobs. If anyone will be kind to advice me in this matter. If there should be some mobs does anyone have some spawns I could use pls? Thanks.
Last reply by marin1805, -
- 5 replies
Hi, I looked troung MonsterSetBase and I seen the posibility to increase number of mobs in certain areas is limited to a few locations only, like: //[Mob][Map][Distance][startX][startY][EndX] [EndY] [Dir] [Total] [Description] What do I do where I don't have a [Total] colum and I want more mobs? Add them line by line with X Y? Another question is: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -- Icarus [MOBS] // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //[Mob] [Map] [Dis] [X] [Y] [Total] [Description] 2 77 10 30 34 238 -1 //Dark Phoenix Total = -1? What'…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hi , how to understend this option ? What this option do? EnableAntiRefCheckTime = 1
Last reply by joinmu, -
- 2 replies
My config some time not works can't make lord mix items. I have question if i make another drop list items , i need all items put lord mix (-2) if I use and jewel bundle drop or its only for items excelent? cane someone help?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 15 replies
Hello @Wizzy can you tell me how autoparty system works ? because i tried in this ways.. TEST 1: i have 2 characters front in front and type: /setparty 500500 and only say "party password is setted" but they are not make a party TEST 2: same characters i join them in a party manually as normal is and is ok, and then i type: /setparty 450450 and say "party password is setted" now... i bring other character (number 3) and try to join normaly in party just for test and say "other character is already in party" is ok... now i try with the new command... i type: /setparty 450450 and only say "party passwod is setted" but not join me to the party with the others 2 …
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 12 replies
Hello staff Could someone help me with the drop configuration Jewels I would like to Decrease Rate of Jewels of Chaos and increase Rate Jewel of Soul for example Sorry for the ignorance, but with this latest update'm kind of lost .... Thanks
Last reply by BlueBird, -
- 7 replies
Dear igcn staff/members,Many of my players complain about main.exe crash about 2-3 times a day. Example image - as you can see the cause of the crash is 'msvcr120.dll' witch related to igc.dll.[season 6 episode 3,version :] I would like to know if anyone experienced that and if someone has idea what might cause this crash/how to fix it ? At the moment only windows 7 have been complained about it but I had 1 crush my self on window 8.1 but it seem like it is more rare on my pc then window 7 players.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 6 replies
Hello Wizzy, Bigman, Drake and Everyone. I think that with more years old in me, I'm getting dumber. Hope you can give a hand. check this.. i reset all my server, i mean we started again from "0", so i did a backup of "old DB" and put a new one. both called "MuOnline" obviusly. In this moment, server is online and working very very well.. so i need to recovery all "full item" from "old db", so.. i did this... 1.- Create a new DB with name: MuOnlineOld 2.- when i creating it.. i set in path: D:\DataBase\ so here can save all data, because if i leave by default i will have problems with currente DB saved in C:\program files\mssql\etc etc.. (MuOnline) 3.- Then …
Last reply by jogoso, -
- 4 replies
- 25 views!6lpDVBAS!16BZSwqtYL3nwx56lII_Nuj9sHQquX9KYqT064P8qdI This is dmp of game server after closed. What could the problem be?
Last reply by ergunaksoy, -
- 4 replies
Hello there's anybody knows how to configurate the "PK" /move problem? If im PK in a party i can make move. Also if you kill some PK who's making LVL you get PK. And i don't know if the /watch command is working fine, im using but it says "monitoring set" and nothing happens... Thansk!
Last reply by marin1805, -
- 3 replies
Well i have a problem, the one moment to other... in hours.... i dont know whats is happening now....., the ips all ok, in files and router.... but when i enter in game, say, you are disconnect from the server.. SOLVED... I RESTART THE PC AND ITS WORKING AGAIN.......VERY RARE... :/
Last reply by marin1805, -
- 0 replies
HI all, have some isues in all low location monstr hit me with 5 dmg, after buf weaknes this mobs hit me with 400+ dmg :), only in raclion weaknes works good. What its problem?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 2 replies
Hi everybody, recently i try put one different serial in my ServerInfo.bmd to test, and i can join in the server without problems O_O , serials checks work or not?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Hello, Could you tell me some misunderstoods of server files? // ================================================================================================================================ // -- Day / Night Rates settings - (Night always starts at 00:00 - for purpose of night rates configuration) // ================================================================================================================================ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -- Formula: If (SystemTime.Hour * 60 and SystemTime.Minute) < (VipNightEndHour * 60 + VipNightEndMinu…
Last reply by napam, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello, I have noticed that when the character is created it is created according to the data in DefaultClassType table. But when selecting the char it is moved to it's place where it belongs. I'd like to spawn my chars in different location but I guess it's hardcoded or is there a way to somehow actually do it?
Last reply by Some, -
- 3 replies
Hello, How to change Kundun spawntime to 1 hour? Thanks.
Last reply by jogoso, -
- 3 replies
In file description is says // Monsters above level 149 should have rates configured always to 0 but it seems like 149 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 // 1150 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 // 1151 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 // 1152 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 // 1 same as other rows? 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 // 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 // 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 // 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 // 1 Thank you. // Monsters above level 149 should have rates configured always to 0 Does this mean total has to be 0 or these // [2] - Magic Book (Items: Group: 15 ~ Indexes: 7-14, 16-19, 21, 23-24, 35, 44-48; Group: 12 ~ Index: 11) // [3] - Jewel of Bless// [4] - Jewel of Soul// [5] - Jewel of Life// [6] - Jewel of Creation// [7] - Jewel of Chaos have to 0? ------…
Last reply by BlueBird, -
- 2 replies
hi i have done installation with That Guide copied same server files and Edit SQL server and use and pass ( on old server i mean) and i have made serverinfo.bmd on client side and also and i run DS CS GS all work fine but when i try to log in to game direct Dissconnect it dont show me servers or server name like that when the bar >>>>>>>> after complet it DC ( notice i have Copyied firewall setteings from that same server (old server wich it work fine) and i have Change tha path) anything else to do ? and what i need to chek ?
Last reply by finalchance, -
- 7 replies
Too long time passed after casting magic. [cipedro][Marijuana] (230)(84007) Hi very often some character have this log , its problem with internet connection ? or need to fix?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hello, for instance I put to Balgass or Erohim %80 of drop of a group of item, and %5 some jewels. It is okay. What if I decrease the drop %80 to %40, what will be changed? Balgass or Erohim will drop something different? HardCoded?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
Hello IGCN how are you guys i suggest for IGCN to make Tutorial how to install Server from 0 to 100 % i think this will be helpfull and will not cost people who dont know and it will be famous for IGC on youtube all people will see how IGC work hope someone accept that XD thanx regards
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Hello, Maybe anyone had this? I just maybe maked something wrong when updating server, but i have all default configs in IGCData/Events/ImperialGuardian Where i can try to find the problem of it?
Last reply by eradicate, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I have a problem when editing EventBags. I put 2 Drops 100%, but only drops 1 of 2. I wish caisse 2 drops, it would be possible? Example, drop 3 pieces of random armor + 3 jewelry Thank you.
Last reply by mublood, -
Hello wizzy, i need you say me how long i have to wait to the fixes i need? about the i sell a bless from drop mob to shop and gives me 400.000.000 millons, and the same with the wings..., the same happend me now with the silver medal and gold medal, i cant control the drop from item bags, i put 100 or 10 but still very high the drop..., and i cant control too the drop of jewels ... is very high (in events more)..., sorry if i mad much... but im lossing time and money, i cant relased my server slow x8 exp like this..... again 10000000 apologies, sorry for bothering much, but i hope you can understand me too. Best Regards.
Last reply by BlueBird, -
- 0 replies
Hey there, I need some help modifying my Item prices... Some items like "Chaos dragon axe", in the time of getting it by npcs, i'll able to get it for the price of 800k then, if i like to resell it to the npc, it gives me like 400 millions of zen How i can configure that correctly? Thanks Also, the prices that it appears on the time of resell to the npc, like the chaos dragon axe When i see it on my inventory with the NPC, it says Selling Price : 0 But when i try to sell it to the npc, it gives me a lot of money too
Last reply by cacoiv, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Dear wissy I need to update my version . Where can I pay for your service to update ? Regards. Chamroeun.
Last reply by Chamroeun, -
- 14 replies
Use after update to Castle siege can't run!? I don't change any settings. How to ifx or there its the problem? I try delete all data from DB and make new start CS but nothing . GS error : [16:35:06] [CastleSiege] CCastleSiege::LoadData() - Date Order is wrong : 10080 Some can help with this error?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 11 replies
Hello again, i need help with this... i have a problem i dont know if something changes in the last update but now i cant control the drop of jewels...., i put 0 in chaos and still droping how like 10.000 .... <.< if are in 0 why still droping !! dont talk in events like ds and bc..., i cant control the drop !! >.<. THE SAME ITS HAPPENING WITH SILVER MEDALS AND GOLD MEDALS, BEFOR I CAN CONTROL IT.., BUT NOW I PUT 20, 10 , 5 , 1 . AND STILL DROPING IF LIKE IN 9500... :/ i dont know if for the update or what, but i need some suggestion, i need help please..... // ===================================================================================================…
Last reply by BlueBird, -
- 6 replies
Hello people, i have a problem, when some mob drops me a jewel of bless or soul, and later i sell it to some shop, gives me 400.000.000 of zen...., but later dont happen more (i think) because, i take another bless from drop , and sell it again and gives me 3.000.000 millons..., i have to fix it..., but i dont know how......., later i have another problem..., when i sell a wings the first wings, gives me 50.000.000 millons of zen..., i have to fix it too..., but dont have from where...... Thanks. Regards.
Last reply by oishii, -
- 2 replies
HI all. Who know how to modify atack speed Elf Charachetr? Elf atack speed dexterity 50/1 need to change. THX
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 0 replies
Hello, Maybe some one have trigger to run castle siege every week? (+7 days). Thank you. Okay, i just probably solved it with put in jobs this - EXEC WZ_CS_ResetSiegeGuildInfo 0 Where 0 is my CS server number, time is a hour after my Castle Siege, Thanks goes to AfonsoLage , finded this in OLD IGCN forums.
Last reply by napam, -
- 1 reply
Hello, there's anyone knows if the command /watch is working? Im trying to use it but nothing happens. Thanks
Last reply by napam, -
- 11 replies
There are some accounts that when you register online the client simply says account invalid... However after changing the password to something shorter the client recognizes it again... Any ideas? Should I limit the characters for PW in MuCore?
Last reply by jogoso, -
- 4 replies
Hello how active the warrior ring to char's new, my came off. Warrior Ring (40) Warrior Ring (80)
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Hello, 2 things about this map. 1) i press M to go, but not exist to move to this map , i write /move valleyofloren , and nothign /move landoftrials and nothing xd, /move deeploren, and nothign xd... 2) where is the npc to registrate and play the event in valleyofloren? and 3 ) its other..., where is the npc to registrate in the LastMandStanding, in lorencia doesnt there..., i try going to the cordenates where have to be , but the npc not exist there..., i search in every map, but i cant find him... Thanks :) and have a good weekend :)
Last reply by BlueBird, -
- 9 replies
Hi! We updated all drivers, graphic card, DirectX, Visual C++ , NET.Framework, We have tried everything ! but the problem continues .. How can we solve that?
Last reply by MEGAMIND, -
- 1 reply
Hello I wanted to ask something, as possible to switch off certain items drop? For example archangel weapons...
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 5 replies
Hi everyone! The power Chaotic Diseier is very very strong , and I need configure it but can't find where can do that anybody can help with this?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hello People, I wanted to ask what happens, my connect server tells me fail in the authentication ... step after installing the update mentioned before, I did as says txt installation.
Last reply by BlueBird, -
- 2 replies
Hello community, I'm looking for some help for this. I'm trying to make a second button like (Another type of server). If you see the picture you will see the red circle that i marked, that's where i want to make a second button appears to change the Mu Legends Chile (Olimpo) - VIP SERVER To the Second button I want to separate Public Servers VIP Servers Thanks!!
Last reply by cacoiv, -
- 2 replies
I need some help to modifying correctly my server info (Servers). As you see in the following picture, i have 3 sub servers working 1) Mu Legends Chile- 1 (Non-PVP) Connect 2)Mu legends Chile-2 Connect 3)Mu Legends Chile -3 (Gold PvP) Connect First of all, i want to change the names of it, getting away the "Non-PVP" stuff. And second, i want to divide sections i mean, keep 1) Mu Legends Chile- 1 (Non-PVP) Connect 2)Mu legends Chile-2 Connect As 2 Sub servers in 1 and 3)Mu Legends Chile -3 (Gold PvP) Connect As other server If you could please help me Thanks
Last reply by cacoiv, -
- 5 replies
Hi all. Somebody know how to make then chreate a character give double exp for 1 day?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 1 reply
I have a problem with people, see if a person enters the server 2 (gold) and I enter the server 14 and 15 I'll see who is supposedly on server 2, as 14 or 15 if I get to 15 I'll see the person who is in the server 14, it's like those 3 were linked servers: /, you will have idea why? :( Regards.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
When connect limitation is 1 and get DC, trying to connect usually gives user message saying already connected. Anyone have idea to improve this? Thanks.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hello I'm having trouble editing the item "Dark Soul" (SM), I usually edit but when will dropalo drops a adamantine item (DL) golden, I noticed that the two names Dark Soul in each item (Helm, armor, gloves etc.). Can be if it is some ID problem ... It was not made or a change in the client and server. Looking forward.
Last reply by jogoso, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hi, I'm having some kind of issues with Castle Siege and Land of Trials and don't understand how it works. For example, as Guild Master and owner of the castle I can enter on Land of Trials: But can't enter on Castle Lord being Master or Member of Guild's owner of Castle: And also, as Member of Guild's owner of the Castle I can't enter on Land of Trials (you can see this character in previous screenshot dev.dw): This is MuCastle_Data info: Version …
Last reply by MEGAMIND, -
- 1 reply
Due to RC exp table size increased to big int which support more than 21 million. Right now character who is over level about 600 have minus exp and when I update to RC they still have minus exp which means they need to recover from minus to 0 and than meet exp requirement that is done in new exp formula in lua. Are there ways to fix this or above is only way? I could use sql to calculate every character level and input there current exp but it is kind of work that I need to. Thank you
Last reply by eradicate, -
- 1 reply
Hi IGC support .after i open gameserver it appear error and it say Error (CODE 40000 ) (HWID: 105A-FD6D-9B9A-2D39-7EE6-6401-91B8-4360) and the data server always stand-by . how can i fix this problem . thanks advance .
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 5 replies
Hello, Is it just me using latest update [RC2] every set part from BOK drops +0+4+luck+zen and weapon +0+4+skill+luck+mana or anyone else? + Every lucky item exchange ends up with +12 option.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I would like to find out how the eventbag drop system works with multi drops. Let's say I configure nightmare to drop 5 items. A. Drop system picks 5 items from EventBag and drops them.B. Drop system picks 1 item from EventBag and drops the item (proceeds action 5 times in total).Which is the right answer? Thanks.
Last reply by joinmu, -
- 35 replies
Hello wizy. I open this new topic to ask, why gs take 30 or 40 seconds to start ? i have .11 version, i still dont update to .13, but in .10 and .11 taking a long time to start, and last version like .08 .09 dont happen. i know gs have to read all instructions lines when start, but can you do something with that in next releases, i think .13 is the same, i dont know. "maybe" the reason to take a long time to start gs, is it have to connect to your server auth and your servers resolve connection little slow, i dont know. thanks.
Last reply by jogoso, -
- 1 reply
Hi all ! I have problem, 1 day ago my server not change ConnectStat in MEMB_STAT(anytime = 0). I tryed to simple connect to the game.. result: ConnectStat = 0(i'm in the game).. Why? Thanks Ops, i found solution, sorry.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 5 replies
Hi need litle help. RF have very HI skill dmg dark side , use original formula. All people have this big dmg?
Last reply by Some, -
- 9 replies
Hey, I've just set up default IGC package and once I logged in I have noticed something strange: What can I do to solve this matter? Sorry, haven't been with IGC for a while, some things might have changed that I don't know :) Using latest package of server suite + latest update [RC2]. Peace!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
Hello Wizzy. Can you explain more about this option in files server RC V3 ? ; Item Count on Map, for busy or high exp servers with long item disappear time set to higher value or decrease item disappear time MapItemCount = 400 in a fact, simples words please.
Last reply by jogoso, -
- 1 reply
hi IGC what is ID of Last Man Standing NPC ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Good day, I was wondering if i change ExpCalc.lua does it affect client experience bar? or is it necesary to modify client as well?
Last reply by eradicate, -
- 1 reply
Hi everyone. I am trying to remove the annoying " Push " but can not find the way . Is there any way to remove the "pushed " into the skill " Twisting Slash Mastery" and " Death Stab Mastery" ? Any solution for this?
Last reply by j2power, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, I've been getting this message in the GS_CS , means someone is sending packets? How do I solve it
Last reply by MEGAMIND, -
- 3 replies
why Gold and silver medals Drop only on LT7 and - ( imean from lorancia to losttower 7) tarkan and above nothing ? how we can control this ?
Last reply by MEGAMIND, -
- 0 replies
1. IGCData\IGCSkillSettings.ini - could you explain what the "levels" there represent ? [both Infinity Arraow and Soul Barrier] 2.if I want to remove item from the drop and setting its drop to 0 at data\items\ItemListSettings.ini doesnt work, would it work adding it to the custom drop with value of 0 ? something like this for exampe - 14 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 150 0 0 //Harmonywould that disable harmony item drop from monsters ? and if ill want harmony to drop on specific map only would this be ok ? - 14 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 150 0 0 //Harmony 14 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 -1 0 150 0 0 //Harmony just want to know if its valid syntax or it will might cause issues.
Last reply by Some, -
- 5 replies
hi IGC i have proplem Sience Installation done by u and i never touch these items duno why it happend with me ? about RF armor i have Tested 2 items But 1 working and 1 not about buy and sell i never touch it can u chek this please?
Last reply by Some, -
- 1 reply
Hello community. The most users of IGC are using OVH hosting, that is due to his low cost and very good DDoS mitigation system up to 360 gbps, but now there is a new problem with OVH and attackers, as you know OVH takes a minute or two to start mitigation in that meanwhile all current users get disconnected. Attackers now they dont attack for 15 hours non-stop like old days, now what they do is they start attack strong enough for mitigation to start, then they stop, an hour later they start attack again and so on, every time they start attack all players get disconnected. I believe autoreconnection would help this problem deeply. Thank you. PS: Sorry if missed se…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Sometimes(~60%) my players got disconnect when are move in the GS_CS from GS or from GS_CS to GS, i don't know ...why.? where is my mistake? MapServerInfo.dat: 0 80 0 1 SIP 5692099 0 0 SIP 56921end1 // DO NOT DELETE SECTION NUMBER80 0 30 9980 0 31 9980 0 34 99//-------99 1 30 -199 1 31 -199 1 34 -1end Thanks
Last reply by Some, -
- 3 replies
This is bug or I have somme bad settings ? All character from 1 to 400 lvl have 100 SD not more.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
1. Config % drop Jewel of Life,Jewel Of Soul,Jewel of Soul ? 2. Fix level item +0 & fix socket item 3 Slot http://muonline.webz...ex700-plus-item 3.Config % upgradelevel item +10-15 ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
1. Can you explain what is differences making top header like below? 1 <<3 0 1 184 127 187 130 -1 7 // Spiderend 3 <<3 0 1 184 127 187 130 -1 7 // Spiderend It seems to work same way 2. Below seems to cause lag, is it correct or just my thinking? Usually is is made like below, three below is different map 13 0 1 184 127 187 130 -1 7 // Spider... x100end 13 1 1 184 127 187 130 -1 7 // Spider... x100end 13 2 1 184 127 187 130 -1 7 // Spider... x100end But not putting end after one and make it whole thing as one 13 0 1 184 127 187 130 -1 7 // Spider... x100 3 1 1 184 127 187 130 -1 7 // Spider... x100 3 2 1 184 127 187 130 -1 7 // Spider... x100end by putting "…
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 0 replies
IN GS log very often write entire << Too long time passed after casting magic>> how to fix thet ? and what its problems? THX
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 6 replies
Hello, wizzy Why these errors appears when start gs ? [18:38:17] [Invalid Location]: MAP: 0 X: 108 Y: 156 POSTABNUM: 59 [18:38:17] error: Monster location setting error user.cpp 3671 [18:38:17] error-L2 : 59 class : 0 [18:38:17] [Invalid Location]: MAP: 0 X: 108 Y: 156 POSTABNUM: 60 [18:38:17] error: Monster location setting error user.cpp 3671 [18:38:17] error-L2 : 60 class : 0 [18:38:17] [Invalid Location]: MAP: 0 X: 108 Y: 156 POSTABNUM: 61 [18:38:17] error: Monster location setting error user.cpp 3671 [18:38:17] error-L2 : 61 class : 0 [18:38:17] [Invalid Location]: MAP: 0 X: 205 Y: 206 POSTABNUM: 65 [18:38:17] error: Monster location setting error user.c…
Last reply by jogoso, -
- 8 replies
Follow Image How i can fix it? Thanks =)
Last reply by Some, -
- 1 reply
I try save a item in warehouse, but server says a problem apparently serious "These items may not be stored in inventory" And server says: I follow information in these files: ItemListSettings_ex700.ini //Texture Model Type Index Slot Skill X Y Serial Option Drop "Data\Player\" "Pantmale110.bmd" 3 109 4 0 2 2 1 1 0 Name level Def MagDef Dur ReqLvl ReqStr ReqDex ReqEne ReqVit ReqCmd SetA C0 C1 C2 "Item Name" 126 126 0 132 0 226 122 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 C3 C4 C5 C6 0 1 0 0 item_eng.bmd LineIndex Unk1 Unk2 Unk3 Unk4 Group Index Model Folder Model Name Name 109 109 20 0 0 10 109…
Last reply by Some, -
- 1 reply
// -- Event Start Hours ----------// ===============================// [Hour] [Minute]// ===============================// -------------------------------4 // DO NOT REMOVE SECTION NUMBER0 006 00end 4 // DO NOT REMOVE SECTION NUMBER6 0024 00end Which one is more correct to way to write it? I was wondering if writing it wrong would affect server. Thank you.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 5 replies
hello IGCN in GS not allow to purchase any item. in gs works fine. GS is problem or you need to configure something else? regards
Last reply by exenegros, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I have a question about chaos box or chaos machine, how it works?, when you try to make an item like Condor Feather in this case, if you fail all items dissapear right?, but we will see what happend here: Hyon Dragon Helm exe +9 Wings of Soul +9 If i fail, this is the result: Hyon Dragon lost aditional and downgrade to level 7 The same with soul wings, now is Level 7 without aditional The machine just take all Jewels, itens just dow…
Last reply by Mile, -
- 9 replies
Hi Guys! Im developing an Master Reset module to my website. Im new in ex702, i have some questions about que master lvl. If i want to reset only the master lvl, what i have to do? Set mLevel = 1 Set mlExperience = 0 ? Set mlNextExp = 0 ? how it mNextExp works? Thanks !
Last reply by mulandia, -
- 1 reply
Where can I find% drop item in the ancient land of trials? Thanks ! ? up
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 7 replies
Hi! I can't delete Expired item's from the character inventory , can't sell in NPC's , can't drop, can't put in store. How delete these items from inventory of users?
Last reply by mublood, -
- 4 replies
what is IGC Files requerments to work ( for players ) Players sometime download client many times and it dont work and i dont know why they said other mu online works only mine not work with some of them any idea what requerments from players for game client Some issues 1- he click on luncher nothing happend at all 2- he click on luncher and it open but the botton GameStart still Silver color ( so he cant click on it ) Please guys if someone have idea tell here
Last reply by finalchance, -
- 0 replies
When between the player and the monster is another player you can't kill monster with Firescream skill. This is a bug or "made by webzen"? Thanks
Last reply by Nike, -
- 1 reply
Hello, can you please tell me, what caused this crash? I because when I opened server to public, GS keeps crashing each 30 seconds on latest version. But here on forum someone wrote that .12 is really stable, so I would like to know, why my GS is crashing. Thanks for answer. Btw, next patch .13, when it will be released? I just need to know, if it will be in this week or no, thanks.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
IGCN hi, what is the function of the file? IGCData\CashShop\IGCCashItemInfo.DAT that item is prmera two lines? 2 176 // ================================================================================================================================================================= // GID ID Group Index Level Dur Skill Luck Option Exc Ancient Socket Element Type Period Description // ================================================================================================================================================================= // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…
Last reply by exenegros, -
- 1 reply
When character is attacked by monster or user, character stops attack for 1 second? maybe something like that. I saw many free server that modified so that character has no getting attacked motion. Making them able to attack monster and user even he is getting hit. Maybe removing some files from client folder or something has bee modified in server part? Thanks.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
Hello friends, I would like to know how well the skill of editing characters for PVP, since the inner WB gets too high, I would also change the time manashield, and well everything you need to do PVP, I hope your support and thanks from now
Last reply by joinmu, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I'm having problems with dataservers (weeks ago), i never care about this, because it just happend with 1 db (Server 1 - fast), because i think it's old, but now happend in my medium server (new database, based on new releases), i try to check the problem and can i see 2 things: 1. The gameserver is working ok, without problems 2. Dataserver is on standby, of course it show active, but it's not saving nothing Image Dataserver Gameserver When it happed, my users can't enter ... just log on, after the main keep on black and no more, i see in the dataserver…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 10 replies
Hello before updated my server, i have version... and nobody can create a new character with symbols in his name, just then can´t by the system security., but whit this new update v2, they "can" make it how can i solve that ?
Last reply by TheNightmare, -
- 1 reply
I get this message alot in GS Anyone know what does it mean? Limit error : (MagicDamage.cpp 933) Thanks
Last reply by Wizzy, -