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6,247 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
A speed hack is working on IGC files. Server owners beware of it Similar to cheatengine speed hacking, it speeds up the game hence attack speed and damage are increased drastically. download link
Last reply by oishii, -
- 1 reply
Hello IGC Community, I have a problem with the reset fruit, in the description appears as a reset of 1K of points but instead of resetting 1K points, it resets all stats... How can I fix this?
Last reply by joinmu, -
- 3 replies
It will now allow us to announce guild registration and there is only 8 hours remaining for registration. Any idea as to why this wouldn't be working?
Last reply by oishii, -
- 13 replies
Hello sorry for disturbing but i have purchased server installation 2 days ago and still waiting for response can anyone tell me when it will be possible to bi installed ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Hi, anyone have the same problem with ConnectServer? Its using 50% of my CPU and 370 MB in RAM. But GameServer_N is using only 2% of CPU and 400 MB RAM. Whats wrong with this CS? Btw, there are no other logs, only that few lines when you open CS first time and noone is connected. (I am using v3) Just to compare, some free ConnectServers are using max. 10 MB RAM.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 11 replies
Hi all ! I have 1 problem with editing values from Master tree... How i know I need to change values only in server files Data/Skills/MasterSkillTree.txt For example "Defense Increase" i found this skill in "SkillList.txt" -> ID 309 -> Opened MasterSkillTree.txt and i found in column nr. 10 (SkillID1) number 309 , 6 rows with this ID -> i changed value from column nr. 11 (Info0) in all this rows from 60 to 90... But, in the game is 60.20 (default) Why? Or need to change and in another file? MasterSkillTree.bmd from client ? O_O Thanks!
Last reply by Zentinial, -
- 6 replies
IGCN Hello friends, I have a mounted server with version, so far I've found some problems: add command, No adds points instantly in vitality and energy. Required relogin to take effect, which does not happen with the command strength and agility. skin command, not used to make any other user. to choose a random monster (example a spider: Nº 3) transformed into a bull, no matter the monster you choose. In the description of the server files plus ex702 i read these: Client Side FeaturesFeatured and Innovated 3D Camera How does the 3D camera is activated? I appreciate your answers. greetings Sorry my bad english.
Last reply by joinmu, -
- 3 replies
In the last Castle Siege, the damage was incredibly LOW between enemy characters. This is my config from IGC_CastleSiege.ini CastleSiegeDamageReductionPercent = 10 ; expressed in % :: VALUES: 0-100 CastleSiegeSelfTeamDamageReductionPercent = 100 ; expressed in % :: VALUES: 0-100So, "Friendly Fire" is OFF, meaning that the config below is working OK, friendly characters deal 0 dmg to each other. But, maybe the config from above is working the other way round? because they seem to deal 10% of the total damage. Meaning TOTAL DAMAGE instead of REDUCTION % What is your config? I don't want to change it blindly for tomorrow's siege
Last reply by Martaino, -
- 6 replies
Hello people! :) I have a some problem with gaion event, my problem is that the event is mostly working, apart of the last level (Sunday), which requires "complete secromonicon" to be accessed, but Its possible to find only the "sixth" part of secromonicon... So it is the problem due to bugged item-drop? or where i can find a solution to fix it ? Thanks!
Last reply by napam, -
- 10 replies
I opened my server and it is runnig well, after 2 hors the gameserver gives error ; Cant find monster attribute. 656(user.cpp 3834) After that server gets disconnect and also connectserver delete the serverlist. so I have to reload the server list, help me in asap please
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
Hi, igc.toolkit not used to edit glow.bmd have some editor to change all the item? greetings and thanks
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
Wizzy, old forum is offline...You can please give me on this forum tutorial where i can see how to add free VIP (for example for a 2 weeks) for accounts who are created first character? Thanks :)
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Are there way to throw away exe items? Its kind of hard to go town and sell it town so I want modify so want to know are there way to throw it away on the ground? It usually say it can't Thanks
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone. I have a problem when adding a ChaosCard in NPC Chaos Card, to put "combine" the interface is frozen and can not do anything else, I can not cancel or close anything, the only solution is to close the client (ALT + F4 ) Any idea what it could be and issue? I'm using the update v3 Update Sorry for my bad English, I'm using google translator. Best Regards
Last reply by oishii, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello one doubt! If I want to add a pack of 20 Point complex, to drop in itensbag as I do using premium tool kit
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 2 replies
Is there a possibility to customize ex702 with old custom items from silver edition of s6e3 before to have same function? To be specific jewel of kondar and kundun.
Last reply by oishii, -
hello IGCN, two queries 1- to add item, the name does not appear when full + socket? 2- where the wings are invisible are added? greetings and thanks
Last reply by oishii, -
- 2 replies
Where to change effect of Jewel of Life? Jewel of Life increase +4 defence of defence item I want them to increase 40 each level How can i change this? Thanks
Last reply by joinmu, -
- 5 replies
Does anyone here notice that Kanturu and Aida are dropping a lot more exe items than any other map. My itemdeopper is 25 and my exe is 1/9000 Any confirmation?
Last reply by Zentinial, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
I can ask you what different between two gameserver_n and gameserver_a in server suite? And pls help me open more sub server. THanks
Last reply by tomlowther, -
- 6 replies
ex702 is very new with me. Im looking for the Delbin or Delvin NPC to do 3rd quest. Any body know where is he? And how to put him into Lorencia maps?
Last reply by oishii, -
- 2 replies
Hello guys, after I update the files I can't log in to a character. Here is the GS Log Someone knows how to fix it?
Last reply by Jdev, -
- 7 replies
it seems like character level over 400 can't enter illusion temple, one of another igcn guy is also others too?
Last reply by oishii, -
- 2 replies
Jewel of Harmony is maximum +13? Wheres +15?
Last reply by oishii, -
- 5 replies
RANDOMLY this happened... [15:19:24][0][protocol.cpp][SCSendServerList][[Server] No active servers found - disconnect: (Index: [0])] [15:19:24][2][IOCP.cpp][ServerWorkerThread][WSARecv() failed with error 10038] [15:19:24][0][Engine.cpp][UserDelete][Disconnected: (0)] [15:19:24][2][IOCP.cpp][IoSendSecond][WSASend(673) failed with error 10038 ] [15:19:24][2][IOCP.cpp][CloseClient][error-L1 : CloseClient connect error] [15:19:33][0][Engine.cpp][UserAdd][Connection Accept:] [15:19:33][0][protocol.cpp][SCSendServerList][[Server] No active servers found - disconnect: (Index: [0])] [15:19:33][2][IOCP.cpp][ServerWorkerThread][WSARecv() …
Last reply by Jdev, -
- 3 replies
GameServer crashes soon as character accept duel request from someone It is pk server ; [1 - Disable PK on Server]; [0 - Enable PK on Server]NonPK = 0 ; [1 - PK Can Warp ; Buy from NPC ; Drop Item up to +15]; [0 - Standard PK System]PkLimitFree = 1 Anyone have information about this? Thanks!
Last reply by Lineager, -
- 3 replies
My internet ISP provide have only dynamic IP. How to activation licenses? Any way or idea? THanks
Last reply by Jdev, -
- 9 replies
So.. this is an issue I've been having since the beggining of time.. When there are a lot of people fighting in the crown room. Is there a way of solving this? what could be causing it? For example I get a lot of people fighting in the same place in normal server, and it may lag a bit but it never disconnects. In Castle Siege people are reporting they get disconnected like 10 to 20 times during the entire event.
Last reply by Jdev, -
- 4 replies
MAX ExcItemDropPer = 9000 ; 1/ExcItemDropPer What is the max value that we can have here? We had 3000 and now that we changed it to 9000 it seems like they drop more frequently than before... Maybe it's just tour dumb luck who knows.
Last reply by MuFatality, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
someone could tell me how to set the minimum 3rd level wings, much happens that server failure, the basis for creating these wings are 3% increase you would like a little thanks
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 3 replies
hi i have problem my login and register to the server is in md5(memb__pwd)... i need the script of md5 for sql 2012... and i need the file some one can help me?
Last reply by salazaga, -
- 2 replies
We are having an issue where Golden Box is dropping Arch Angel Sword and it is not in our drop list.. Any idea? We are Editing Golden Box.XML in IGCEVENBAG .33 V3 VERSION
Last reply by Zentinial, -
- 2 replies
I'm trying to make normal item to put PK option using jewel of guardian I changed item.ini from server side and item.bmd from client side to make type 2 and req level 380 But it doesn't work to put jewel of guardian options (380 PK option) do I have to change somewhere else too? Thanks!
Last reply by joinmu, -
- 4 replies
Information please where can I configure the RANK Errtel the pentagram: NPC Adriel, just lvl up up 3 ranks; When I try to go to Rank 4 shows no information and no combination and validates! If someone power of this information as set? Thank you. Douglas Mutoca
Last reply by MuToca, -
- 17 replies
I would like to know if you have some tutorial for configuring Last PVP event standing We're having difficulty putting it to work: When you start nothing happens. 1) must have a specific map? What recommendable 2) and need to create a so gameSever for him? 3) How to configure the awards 4) When we get the full file it already comes configured or have to do some configuration? I thank you the explanation Douglas Mutoca
Last reply by MuToca, -
- 3 replies
Okay, everything I edit a spawn via toolkit premium and if I finally edited everything with mobs.. It give crash to my game server. But its not a crash... It like game server just exits without any error and launching of game server is good too.. Is it because of editing of defense of mobs in monster.txt or monstersetbase.text And monster always spawn for a while and where in the blue LORENCIA Devias Noria **** they go too? God.. I I can't keep resetting my server mobs always. It is wrong to increase mobs count in game server.INI? What is summoncount in game server.INI?
Last reply by Lineager, -
- 2 replies
Hi all ! How to correctly add map exile (map number 5)? I tryed to add it with simple copy of another map from the client (transformed to Object6 and World6 folder). In the server (MapList.dat) all is fine... Map06 = ./Terrains/Terrain6.attAnd in Data/Terrains/Terrain6.att exist the file. I have this error in client when i teleport my character in this map... (i have this file(in World6): Thanks :rolleyes:
Last reply by Nike, -
- 3 replies
When inventory is full and receive cash shop item it vanish Server it says [inventory Insert item] Error : Failed To Insert Item Type:14, TypeIndex:44 to [test][14444] I reported this in issue tracker Anybody having same problem?
Last reply by MuFatality, -
- 2 replies
Does gens ranking reward given one time a month like public server? There is no way to change it? 1 month seems to long -.-
Last reply by joinmu, -
- 4 replies
Can't find it T.T My gameserver is crashing from few days I don't know which option is making it crash thank you
Last reply by Lineager, -
- 5 replies
hi i have a problem if i'm bk full resets(32767)and i doing buff i have 700000 - 1000000 vit and i cant to kill him... where i the file that i need to change it ?and how? up.... some one please can help me??
Last reply by Lineager, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
One of our players pointed out a very interesting bug/glitch. The player makes a party with level 1 character... the level 1 character stays in lorencia and while the higher level character goes to fight else where...the higher level character is earning 3x the normal exp gained... I am noticing this in log : FULL LOG available upon request [13:29:26] [Party] Experience : Map[Aida (1 ~ 2)]-(111,15) [XXX][XXX](226) Experience: 120018588 + 129674 MonsterClass : 308 http://IGE-NETWORK.COM/staff/exp.jpg Any explanation? Is this a bug? PARTY EXP SETTINGS ARE AS FOLLOWS : ;============================================================================================…
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
When i make Seed sphere (Earth) 5th one through item editor it tells me name of item but doesn't show item description like other seed sphere (lighthing,fire ) - all works fine also seed sphere(earth) doesn't work when i combine it shows me combining effect but noting happens eventually... THank you
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 5 replies
For all of sudden i run my CS server and no Mobs... What is going on? It happens just 1 day ago..
Last reply by Lineager, -
- 4 replies
- 37 views *** **** Selupan killing me and No Mobs ever spawn on CS and Arca..
Last reply by Lineager, -
- 1 reply
hello, how to increase the element drop? slot1 = 70 ; 0/100 slot2 = 60 ; 0/100 slot3 = 40 ; 0/100 slot4 = 30 ; 0/100 will activate when the fifth socket? greetings and thanks
Last reply by MuFatality, -
- 9 replies
It's real to make sockets set/item with 380 lvl option (pink option)? I tryed, but when i look in the game, option dissapear from item... Thanks Or sockets items with harmony option? :|
Last reply by Lineager, -
- 1 reply
Why my topic was deleted? I created topic with question about install beta update... In this category
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 6 replies
Maybe I'm not knowing configure please see the video until the end IGCCommon.ini [Mastering] //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-- Master level experiance multiplier bonus :: Formula exp *= (ML_AddExperience + Party Bonus + Vip Bonus) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ML_AddExperience = 100 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-- Minimum Monster level to gain experience for mastering //--------------------------------------------------…
Last reply by MuToca, -
- 5 replies
Im using ex702 right now When i add pentagram through item editor it has no slots so when i make it no elemental system says uncorrect elemental also even though i put it in my character it doesn't give me new elemental thanks for advice!
Last reply by joinmu, -
- 7 replies
Hi, I'm using The only config I find on Duel system is in commonserver.cgf DuelSystem = 1 So I target someone from the "D Menu" with Duel and nothing happens. I also tried the Alt+Right clic and it doesn't do anything. I really don't know what this could be.. servers are PVP I also checked betweel people from the same or different gens, and with no gens at all in case it has something to do with it.. still nothing. Any ideas on this? I already tried with a fresh Data folder in client and no changes.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Hi placing the IGC.GameServer_N get the following error Version: v3 Upon entering the game automatically closes Regards
Last reply by Mafiux, -
- 3 replies
Anyone have SQL trigger to make MG and DL from level 1? Or information about offset where i need to change in main.exe would be great Thank you
Last reply by joinmu, -
- 0 replies
I just want to understand this a little better: Let's assume: START 2014-08-01 00:00:00.000 END 2014-08-08 00:00:00.000 // -- Castle Settings ---------------------------- // ================================================ // Cycle Day Hour Min Description // Stage (0-7) (0-24) (0-60) // ================================================ // ------------------------------------------------ 1 // DO NOT REMOVE SECTION NUMBER 1 0 0 0 // Register Period 2 1 23 59 // Idle 3 2 0 0 // Register Mark Of The Lord 4 5 0 0 …
Last reply by Zentinial, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, how to solver this drop? on itemlist, drop = 0 on IGCDrop dont have the ID that i found on itemlist...
Last reply by joinmu, -
- 5 replies
How can i make 4 types of fenrir through item editor? Item editor don't have any option for that it seems... Thanks for help!!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 11 replies
ItemDropPer = 100 ; 1[%]: MIN, 100[%]: MAX ExcItemDropPer = 1 ; 1/ExcItemDropPer ItemLuckDrop = 100 ; 1[%]: MIN, 100[%]: MAX ItemSkillDrop = 100 ; 1[%]: MIN, 100[%]: MAX ExcItemLuckDrop = 100 ; 1[%]: MIN, 100[%]: MAX ExcItemSkillDrop = 100 ; 1[%]: MIN, 100[%]: MAX My common config is set like this but Exc item doesn't drop, when i change to ExcItemDropPer to 2 or 100 normal item drops but it seems like exc item doesn't even drop I can't figure out what I have done wrong About items, i just deleted XXX-J item from client bmd and server item.ini thats all < I don't think its this problem
Last reply by joinmu, -
- 6 replies
Hi all. Some time ago party works in Vulcanus (mublue=0). But after some updates can't make party. How know to fix that?
Last reply by diegoads89, -
- 2 replies
I want to move the castle on Sunday do not understand what have changed // -- Time Settings ---------------- // ================================= // Days the entire cycle will last // ================================= // --------------------------------- 0 // DO NOT REMOVE SECTION NUMBER 7 end // -- Castle Settings ---------------------------- // ================================================ // Cycle Day Hour Min Description // Stage (0-7) (0-24) (0-60) // ================================================ // ------------------------------------------------ 1 // DO NOT REMOVE SECTION NUMBER 1 0 0 0 …
Last reply by Zentinial, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I've changed my version to ex702. 200 master level character has 20031721189 experience and the required experience for next level is 623812939932933894? How is that possible? None of characters can reach the next level because the next level requirement seems to be bugged? Any ideas how can I deal with it? My players can't reach level 201 Master
Last reply by MuLand, -
- 1 reply
1 of GM from 1 alliance (not principal GM of alliance) are maked hostility with 1 guild and this GM are maked hostility with all guilds from its ally. This is normal? I think only GM of alliance need to be can this hostility for all alliance or no.. No every GM from alli decide this.. This is bug or from webzen? Thanks
Last reply by oishii, -
- 15 replies
Hi for everybody.... Recently I added new items Ancients in ex702 and am having some problems .. lets go.. 1- when equip the item/sets it does not gave correct damage on mobs ... (main server or gs main) IMG 2- when move to crywolf (example) gave correct damage on mobs ... (gameserver cs) IMG if I remove the items from the char on mainserver (main gameserver) can not equip the items back into char ... to equip the items again only in crywolf map (gameserver cs) 3- The "ag" os stamina dont recover in gameserver main.. only gameserver …
Last reply by Tchornobay, -
- 8 replies
Alright few annoying issues happening and just wondering if we can fix these simply due to my stupidity. FIRST Chaos Castle invitation : It always displays ZERO minutes before entering blah blah blah. That never changes.... SECONDLY : PARTY MENU You can't open it? **No bugs reported on Client Issues Tracker Maybe it's just me?
Last reply by Zentinial, -
- 1 reply
hi i have a problem with the gm box i drop it, and sometimes i dont get nothing... is dont working... what to do?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 6 replies
I just found only one topic in old forum for this problem, its - The problem is, i just create an NPC with toolkit editor premium, and there i put DS/BC tickets like this: 13 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 // Devil Square Ticket 13 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 // Blood Castle Ticket In my IGCCommon.ini i have EnableSellAlItems=1, and when i buy DS/BC ticket, i cant DROP it, or cant SELL it, where is my problem?
Last reply by diegoads89, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I am testing ex702 files and I found a problem. I am not sure, if its a bug or not, so I created topic here. I tried to search on forum for similar problem, but I didnt find answer. My problem is, that even when I joined gens I am not able to warp to Vulcanus from "M" menu, only with command "/move Vulcanus". Next part of that problem is, that when I am in Vulcanus, I dont see that blue circle what should be under character in battle zones. I tried also change GensBattlezonesFromMuBlue value from 0 to 1 and I test other maps (Aida, Atlans, Kanturu), but there isnt blue cicrle too. I have fresh files without any config changes. What can be wrong? Or its a bug? Than…
Last reply by MuStarter, -
- 6 replies
i have Serious problem with the server... i open the gameserver_N and after 1-5 hours i have Fall login and i cant to open the sql and Sometimes i have dmp files after the Fall img:
Last reply by Nike, -
- 1 reply
Good day, I have a question is that when you buy the golden ticket to deliver the vip vip subserver for this not give a range of vip, is there any way to set it in SQL? I would like you to buy this gold vip automatically return the user
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Now i use update, but i need fix glow color of new items which is fixed in - IGC.dll. Now question: If i will use IGC.dll from, i will not have a problem(i don't know, disconnect, crash main....)? Thanks
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Hello, can I ask you to share images from IGC.EssentialTools? It will be really nice from you, if you can do it. Thanks in advice.
Last reply by Scoorpion, -
- 1 reply
In commonserver.cfg there is a portion of the information that does Medal Event MedalEvent = 1 ; 1: On, 0: Off SilverMedalDropRate = 200 ; SilverMedalDropRate/10000 GoldMedalDropRate = 150 ; GoldMedalDropRate/10000 ItemDropRateForGoldMedal = 100 ; ??? TO CHECK ??? MAY NOT WORK ??? ItemDropRateForSilverMedal = 100 ; ??? TO CHECK ??? MAY NOT WORK ??? It doesn't seem like we are having much luck adjusting the SILVERMEDALDROPRATE and GOLDMEDALDROPRATE Even if I set it to 5000/10000 I am not seeing a difference. We also tried adding the item code 11 14 X X X to the IGC DROP MANAGER however it mistakes it for BOK and starts dropping B…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
It has come to my attention that the White Wizard event timer is located in two different areas and I am slightly confused as to which timer actually controls the event: EXHIBIT A: RingAttackEvent.DAT //############################################################ //# -- INTERNATIONAL GAMING CENTER NETWORK //# -- //# -- (C) 2010-2014 IGC-Network (R) //# --------------------------------------------------------- //# -- Modify if you know what you do only! //# -- File is a part of IGCN Group MuOnline Server files. //############################################################ // -- Time Settings --------------------------------------------- // =======…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 5 replies
We are puzzled as to why Lucky Coin 20 and 30 exchange is not working properly... We had it working before on the older server files version 7.X.X.X, but now we are not having much luck. I will post my eventbag files <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- // ============================================================ // == INTERNATIONAL GAMING CENTER NETWORK // == // == (C) 2010-2014 IGC-Network (R) // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // == Modify if you know what you do only! // == File is a part of IGCN Group MuOnline Server files. // ============================================================ // STRICTL…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 5 replies
How to fix problem with many time freeze then apear login panel? I have windows XP and Windows 7 from 5 start 3-4 tiems freeze. Some time all its ok if I delete .dmp but not all times its ok.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 7 replies
I have 1 question: How to make databases from server more compact? I have database(.mdf; .ldf) with really big memory (i think) for example 1 server: totally 20 GB (database MuOnline[2 files]) + file with Backup (,bak) 96 GB. How to make even backup (.bak) files more compact? Thanks
Last reply by Nike, -
- 5 replies
How i see in the tables from EVENT_INFO_BC_5TH i have points for BC but question. How to make this points? And how much points for every i don't know... kill statue, bridge, monsters, how is calculated? Thanks
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 9 replies
Hi before upgrading to the ex702 worked "Medusa" and now does not work Regards
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
hi i have a problem when i have blood castle so when is start its moving me to devias what can i to do?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Is there a way to configure gens battle maps? other than what is set inside gens config //-- Activates MuBlue Gens System//---------------------------------------------------------------------//-- When set to 1://---------------------------------------------------------------------//-- Battle Maps: Atlans, Aida, Kanturu, Swamp of Calmness & Vulcanus//---------------------------------------------------------------------//-- When set to 0://---------------------------------------------------------------------//-- Battle Maps: Vulcanus//---------------------------------------------------------------------GensBattlezonesFromMuBlue = 0 I would like to add Devias or oth…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
where to set damage character on Castle siege??
Last reply by MuFatality, -
- 1 reply
Hello IGC community, I want to know how do I configure the drops for each boss and also the life of them.
Last reply by Zentinial, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi, At top of the client screen there are some ugly black squares. I let you a video showing this down here. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks in advance. Best regards.
Last reply by j2power, -
- 21 replies
I did a version update and players who get disconnections every few minutes
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
I am wondering if anyone in the community is having issues with the MultiShot spell for ELF. The level requirement is 220, however when we try to learn the spell it seems that it cannot be done. We tried switching from MuseElf to High Elf and all of the levels but we cannot seem to get it done. Any suggestions as to why this may not be working? I checked bug tracker and searched MULTISHOT in forums however I got zero hits so I assume we are doing something incorrectly. Thank You.
Last reply by netzo, -
- 2 replies
hi my server 9999 exp and is easy but i have a problem to get zen is very hard when i killed monsters i get 200000 - 500000 zen and is not too much where i change it?
Last reply by adarelk1, -
- 3 replies
Hello ladies and gents, before I file this bug report I was curious if anyone running EX7 is having issues on the V2 update with Doppleganger and Last Man Standing: DOPPLEGANGER Once you have Dimension Mirror and you try to enter, IMMEDIATELY the client closes... Log Says the following: Last Man Standing: THe move map is set to 6 and the minimum is set to 2 players. However it just warps us all to Lorencia and then says event ended because not enough players...
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
Im running server with custom items on but just wondering why i cant make socket+joh on new custom items ? compare to other server file is allow to have those socket+joh on new custom items. ANy solution how to make it appear as socket+joH ?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
my server is easy(9999 xp) and i have problem if i want to change my item to + 8 or +9 is failed and is change to + 0 where can i change that?
Last reply by Perezoso, -
- 2 replies
hello what is the name files for edit santa cursed event... i dont find that
Last reply by adarelk1, -
- 0 replies
How to configure the Castle Siege event?, Try to configure the tools and not let me register, the register button does not appear for another guild to participate.
Last reply by Perezoso, -
- 3 replies
How i can add for some items this Resistance option? In client i found it, but in ItemListSetting.ini - not. Where is this config in server? Thanks
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Is there a possible way through configuration and customization that we can place Jewel of Harmony over Ancient Items in ex702 version and up? This would really be helpful.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Hello.... Sorry for post it here, i dont know where to put it. Wizzy support section doesnt Works, in customer área client... if you clicked in contact us tab Works.... but... write a message and try to send you will see what happen.. doesnt sends and cant show website, i tried with 3 internet explorers and is the same. i really need to contact you, is about license request. Thanks
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi, There is a bug with the mana, at least with the Dark Lord character. In commonserver.cfg the five max stats are set to 32767. Here is a video showing the bug: I remember a team who had a config option called "IsFixMaxGage" in server side which if you set it to 1 the game automatically fix the hp and mana to 65535, I quote this because it might be related. Thanks in advance. Best regards.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
- 75 views How i see in this topic eredicate talk about bug with dynamic exp in the party. Exist this bug or no? In last update exist this bug or no? Thanks
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 9 replies
virus update
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 6 replies
The Box of Heaven drops nothing. Somebody knows how to fix it?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
I have enabled CanTradeFullExcItm and still I can go full items Help please, thanks
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 6 replies
Sepulan is warping at an incredibly fast rate and we want to slow the warp delay. We also want to figure out why Sepulan event opens every 5 minutes. Any suggestions? Thank You
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I have just one question. In database is table C_Monster_KillCount, but I don't have any data stored here, does this feature works or it's just empty table and there never will be any stored data? I am using S6E3, but I asked one customer with eX702 and he has this table empty too. Thanks for answer.
Last reply by Scoorpion,