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6,239 topics in this forum
- 14 replies
Server Season: Season 13 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hi, we have some issues, which we can’t fix. First issue: Some bosses bugging regularly – they desappaer while someone killing them. Most offen it is Nightmare, Selupan and Ferea boss. Second issue: In itembags config we have set drop 5 ruud boxes and in item condition we have set 1 box with items but sometimes does not drop anything or drop 10 ruud boxes. All bosses have 3 hours respawn time. Third issue: Ferea lord – you are promised fix for his respawn time config – still not fixed. Fourth issue: Missing config for editing 4th improve skil…
Last reply by Shanahan, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi, Some of the players are reporting that they're having repair costs so high that it (almost) exceeds the maximum zen count. Are there any ways to deal with that, i.e. just lowering the price for repairing/purchasing high level items in general?
Last reply by haolihai2021, -
- 0 replies
I hope to be able to use good features soon.
Last reply by heroiz, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi, I'm trying to understand how the Rate of the drop works. For what I have read on the "Item Bags System Description" Rate: Drop rate of items from the section, n/10000 So here it doesn't matter if the "Probability Rate" between all my drops exceeds the 100% For example in the photo from above on the right section I have 3 different drops with 80%, 60% and 40% So this values are right setting like that? Or the three of them must sum 100%
Last reply by xxcaozxx, -
- 4 replies
Hello Everyone, Do we have other configuration for Duel and Guild War PVP Rate? It seems only Arka and Castle Siege has their own configuration for damage reduction. Thanks in advance for those who can answer my noob question. God bless and take care!
Last reply by genebreezy, -
- 2 replies
I have a query with the terraim6 which is from world 7 which is from the arena map or stadium whatever you want to call it, it happens that many users have said that the arena terraim is defective or that when it collides with certain walls it moves them back, it makes them bug and it even disconnects on that map, as I put many spots they go further than other maps, but it has become defective, so I wanted to know if someone has the correct terraim6 or how could I do it? , I wanted to search for magichand to do it myself but I can't find any available, it's as if magichand had disappeared from all google or can it be done with igc tolkit premium? does anyone have a sugges…
Last reply by KarLi, -
- 0 replies
Hi folks, Have anyone managed to edit the description of SirLesnar? A lot of players have troubles with the Arca registration and they don't bother googling so I wanted to make it easier for them and explain. What file is that? (if possible) I searched all the langs and server files but just can't find the string :S
Last reply by zander1989, -
- 3 replies
I set the time for the castle. However, it does not work at the time set by the castle. The file I modified is BloodCastle.xml. Do you have any additional files to modify? Thank you as always to everyone who answers.
Last reply by Shanahan, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I am thoroughly reviewing the files to use the /reset command with a specific item requirement. But I haven't been able to find it. Is there any way to make the /reset command work with this configuration? Thanks!
Last reply by pkserver, -
- 2 replies
Hello Everyone, Does anybody knows the Light Wizard and Lemuria socketed items? I tried to find socketed items from itemlist.xml but I can’t see any new socketed items for the new classes.
Last reply by genebreezy, -
- 1 reply
Can I change the mini level setting to the master level setting? Or is there a way to put the min level and master level at the same time?
Last reply by pkserver, -
- 2 replies
I was wondering if anyone has managed to create a shop invasion. For example MOSS npc will appear for 15minutes. I tried to configure it the way I configured every other custom invasion, via the monsterSpawn_group.xml but I've noticed that shops do not work. I just need to know if its possible or not :) and if anyone has managed to do it, thanks
Last reply by Zentinial, -
- 0 replies
Does anyone have this editor? EachMonsterMapDrop Generator RC? you can't download from the official theme.
Last reply by BOPOHA, -
- 3 replies
I purchased a custom script this time. As a result, I added three new items. I modified three files in total: item.bmd, itemlist.xml, itemtooltiptxt.bmd The problem is that the added item itself works well when created and used by the editor. I can't drop it. When I add it to the allmonsterbag file, I can't drop it. And if you add it to the box and use it, I set it to drop. I can't drop it. What's the reason? Here is an example of a code. <Item Index="202" Name="cardadd" Slot="255" SkillIndex="0" Width="1" Height="1" Serial="1" Option="0" Drop="1" DropLevel="0" ReqLevel="0" Defense="0" Durability="0" ReqStrength="0" ReqDexterity="0" ReqEnergy="…
Last reply by ghdqhqht, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
@Dudi What's up community, my question is the following: the marriage system, is it a bug or does it only work badly for me to make the report in the bug locator. I carry out the normal marriage, you deviate 2 with the corresponding coordinates and commands, the server sends the news that character 1 married character 2. So far so good, I can use the / teleport without problem, the error or abuse comes as follows. pj 1 divorces pj 2. Successful divorce message comes out. Character 2 could still use the teleport to character 1, but that's not all. If pj 1 marries pj 3. pj 3 can teleport with pj1. If I repeat the example an…
Last reply by Jabnez, -
- 2 replies
Hello, has anyone come across this issue where Personal store items listed are bugged? I am not sure yet weather it is cause by the off-trader DC via gameserver or just people somehow copying items. Before I make a post in the bug tracker I just wanted to ask: I did disconnect offtraders, shouldnt their items disappear from the list as well?
Last reply by zander1989, -
- 0 replies
GuardianAddExpPercent need additional everyone I only use GoldFenrirAddExpPercent. Guardian Ice Dragon requires additional experience.
Last reply by hugab1, -
- 1 reply
I see that the reflex goes from 6 to 366, but it rarely goes 80k or 170k in damage towards the mobs in hp, is this really normal or not?
Last reply by Maiev, -
- 2 replies
Why there's no update in download page? Nvm I already downloaded it and it's just apps. Ok np.
Last reply by Dudi, -
- 2 replies
Hello Everyone, I hope everyone is doing well today. I have 2 questions listed below because I was having hard time looking for the configuration and I even checking the old topics here in the forum regarding these questions. 1. How to adjust item's amount when selling it to the NPC? I would like to set [Bound] Wings to 0 Zen when selling it to the NPC. I have already checked the itemlist.xml but the money configuration there is already 0 as default. 2. How to reduce success rate when upgrading 4th wing's elemental option (Purple Option)? using Elemental Rune?
Last reply by genebreezy, -
- 4 replies
Hello Everyone, How to increase the attack speed, movement speed and aggressiveness of this pet? I tried to increase the movement and attack speed of this summon pet in monsterlist.xml but it was not working. The Summon Pet Bali is not even aggressive and it takes more than 5 seconds before its next attack. Thanks in advance who can answer my question. God Bless!
Last reply by genebreezy, -
- 3 replies
Hi, Does anyone know how to fix Lord of Ferea skin? It's super broken lol. He has this light coming out of him all the time Has to be some files on the client side I guess?
Last reply by oishii, -
- 0 replies
Hello Everyone! Is it possible to add Guardian Pets such as Ghost Horse, Ice Dragon and Pierce Lion with options in Ruud Shop? Anyone can provide a guide? It seems I made incorrect configuration in Ruud Shop file because the options was not working.
Last reply by genebreezy, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hello @Wizzy , I just want to ask regarding this MasteryExcOptions about BonusOption -1 / 1 / 2 / 3 is there any description about this bonusOptio. is the bonusoption a Mastery Bonus Option? I tried removing the Mastery Bonus Option from ruud shop but i can't find the right formula since there's no description. Is there any control about the success rate of having mastery bonus option? Thanks!
Last reply by oishii, -
- 2 replies
Currently I have tried to delete a guild, is it a clan that I create by test and then I try to delete and I can't, no effect arises, can the others do it? , I clarify that I do not have any member, I am the only one in that clan as a master
Last reply by zander1989, -
- 19 replies
Last reply by Trepik, -
- 5 replies
Hi, I'm trying to make the /reset command require a specific item. But I had no results. Looking for files and files, I found one that says resetitem.xml located in data/items/ My questions are: - Can I request a specific item to use the /reset command? - what exactly is the resetitem.xml file?
Last reply by drakelv, -
- 0 replies
Well, i saw Playpark and GMO have Country Flags, and i got file BMD and OZJ but don't know how to add item to my server. Can anyone tech me that?
Last reply by kells2t, -
- 4 replies
Hello Everyone! I would like to increase the damage, attack speed and defense of Elf Buffer summon pets. Which specific file should I configure? Anyone can give me a guide? Thanks in advance brothers!
Last reply by genebreezy, -
- 2 replies
Hello Everyone, Is there a chance to increase guild war points from 20 to 50 or more? I was trying to find both client and server side but there was none. Thanks in advance to those who can answer my question. God Bless everyone!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 4 replies
Hello guys! Is possible to allow to use the Erretel Emblem for change Rank 4 and Rank 5 Erretels for mastery too? Looks like its limited to rank 3 and i dont find a config about that.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Please help me with some questions. 1. If I want to add more than F to the package box, should I copy the code line and set the index number differently? 2. When you wear a pink panda ring, you will see a brown panda. Can I change it? And where can I modify the experience ratio of the brown panda ring and the pink panda ring? 3. I want to get a character code number from SQL and make a ranking board. Do you have a method or list of character code numbers? 4. Slayer's Sword Innesia skill does not kill the monster. Do you know why? 5. Which file can I modify to adjust the performance of the 500 Series jewelry in Section Index="20"? The jewelry doe…
Last reply by MrJunior, -
- 4 replies
The probability of getting 3 full options is too high. What do I need to fix to fix this? <Option Index="1" RandomWeight="40" RangeVal1="6" RangeVal2="6" RangeVal3="29" MaxVal="30" Or is it this? maybe this be an outdated version of harmony? ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Chance rate of strengthen item with Jewel of Harmony, 1-100 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- StrengthenItemSuccessRate = 60
Last reply by heroiz, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello, I would like to ask how can I get image / calculate number of image for ruud shop v5 column. Example seal of ghost horse. 7645 Seal of Ghost Horse Seal of Ghost Horse 3 150000 81 -1 0 7645 -1 1015 4 1012 0 1011 0 1014 2 -1 255 -1 255 -1 255 -1 255 -1 255 -1 255 -1 255 -1 255 -1 255 -1 255 -1 255 -1 255 -1 255 -1 255 -1 255 -1 255 Based on what I can assume that Seal of Ghost Horse hold certain number? I put it as 81 and Ingame it looks following:
Last reply by MrJunior, -
- 2 replies
Hello Everyone, As we know that we can configure our store by changing the value of Zen to Ruud or wCoins. However, when a player is in offstore status with items set to Zen, the Ruud is no longer working and those items from offstore can be bought using Zen. What seems to be the problem? Did I missed something in the configuration or is this bug or maybe normal? Anyone can answer me please. Have you experienced this in your Server?
Last reply by genebreezy, -
- 2 replies
I am confused of LW and LM. LW = Light Wizard LM = Lemuria Mage or LW = Lemuria Wizard LM = Light Mage
Last reply by genebreezy, -
- 1 reply
hello guys, I have noticed that the exp is limited or when leveling you cannot do more than one level so you have 99999 in exp, do you think that can be modified so that when leveling you do 3 or 10 levels for each level?, that is, kill a mob and in exp 9999, well, it gives you like 5 levels or 10? , I would like to be able to understand this a little, where would I do it or how would it be done?
Last reply by Dudi, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hey Team, Wonder if someone can help validate my Doppel config. I've been using this and it only seems to work if I set the minimum party count to 1 and party size to 1 only. Meaning, the golden chest ONLY rewards players IF the settings ae such that there's no need for 2 parties to join. If 2 parties join, the golden chest rewards nothing and I have yet to figure out why. Appreciate your help in advance: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <DoppelGanger MinParty="2" MinUserInParty="2"> <MonsterAttacksFirst DG="1" DW="0" DK="0" ELF="0" MG="0" DL="1" SU="0" RF="0" GL="0" RW="0" SLA="0" GC="0" LW="0" LM="0" AttackFirstRate="7…
Last reply by genebreezy, -
- 3 replies
Hello Everyone, I was confused because there was no configuration of Arka War Registration for Guild Master and Members. I am using a default configuration for Arka War which is Wednesday. What is the proper day for the Guild Master to register their Guild including their members? Thanks in advance to those who can answer me.
Last reply by genebreezy, -
- 9 replies
Hi team, I'm sure as many of you, I also observe IGCN servers and notice that some are able to support over 400+ people on a single channel without any delays. I'm recently facing an issue where once a single channel reaches over 300 users, it's likely the channel and it's users (most but not all) will experience 2-3 second delays of monsters spawning and or shops loading. Even with Anti-Lag plugin, the situation is not resolved. I have 1 data server for the 2 channels I have open. Is this merely a limitation of the channel or is it somehow directly tied with my hardware? ---My hardware I am running on a dedi i7 6700K abd 64 GB of ram …
Last reply by Zentinial, -
- 1 reply
Character Elemental Defense formulas changed, after S16 2.2 upgrade, adding character main attribute to its elemental defense calculation. Is this changed related to strong belief? Because webzen still uses the older formulas on its S16 2.2 (i.e Dark Lord doesn't increase elemental defense when adding STR) New Elemental Defense Formula by IGCN: -- Character Elemental Defense - General function ElementalDefenseCalc(Class, Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, Energy, IsSpecialBuff) local Defense = 0 if(Class == CLASS_WIZARD) then Defense = (Energy / 10) + (Dexterity / 6) elseif(Class == CLASS_KNIGHT) then if (IsSpecialBuff == 1) then -- Strong Belief De…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 3 replies
Server Season: Season 14 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hi there, I wanna change my game from English to Vietnamese , can you guide me how to change it ? Thanks.
Last reply by 690666144, -
- 3 replies
PK server, Chaos Castle Blood Castle, Crywolf, 4th job quest, etc. are not working.It works well in NON PK-server setting.Is there a way to solve this problem?Or let me know the file name related to this. plz
Last reply by ghdqhqht, -
- 4 replies
+15 to throw items on the floor The solution is
Last reply by hugab1, -
- 0 replies
Hello guys! My friend and I are currently building a project and we are using the IGCN Premium Plus package - Season 17. Anyway we are facing some issues with the Quest system and we wanted to ask for any ideas and tips that might help us. We were reviewing the Shadow Phantom Soldier quest and we realised that there is no way to remove the skip question. We rly want to stop this Give Up Quest option or to find a way to regulate it somehow so they can only skip through the web page or something like this. We wan't to build the quests from 0 so everything will be custom but we didn't find any alternative quest systems that we can use. If anyone has an idea how…
Last reply by Razzero, -
- 1 reply
Well, in "C" character is work with two weapon (staff and Gun). But in Monster and PVP its not work, how to fix that? Calculator of Gun: (% Weapon Right + % Left ) *0,75 Calculator of MG: (% Weapon Right + % Left) *0,65
Last reply by kells2t, -
For some reason Lemuria cant learn skill skill Scroll of Wizardry Enhance Found naming issue, check screen, where to change this, item bmd and itemlist is fine Wo Mage
Last reply by zander1989, -
- 2 replies
party matching bug help plz There is a bug that allows low-level characters (Level 1) to move to higher hunting grounds by registering for party matching. Is there a solution or a way to fix the party matching?
Last reply by ghdqhqht, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
The battle flag ring (13. 170) cannot control the durability, and Z assistant cannot automatically repair the durability. Who knows how to solve it.
Last reply by lhpa, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
How can I fix this issue I can´t move to Icarus I press the m but the map Icarus still on red, the char has the level req but anything.
Last reply by Arturs Rins, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 16 Files Version: Last Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Example: I have a BK lvl 10 in Lorencia that's in a party with a SM lvl 70 thats in Losttower7 How do I set that the BK can't use automove party to SM until he's level 70 aswell? because right now he can move to any map, even Ferea or biggers maps at level 1
Last reply by ghdqhqht, -
- 3 replies
Server Season: Season 16 Files Version: Server Suite (S16 P1-2) Database Type: MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hi, I tried Mu helper Plus in season 16 and it didn't work, I would like to know if someday you intend to activate it and create a configuration way so that we can determine the spots that it looks for a vacancy to evolve. sorry for my english i don't speak well
Last reply by heroiz, -
- 8 replies
It happens that I can't use inertia sword at level 1, but if I raise points in my tree of powers 3 for example, if I can attack without problems, does it happen to someone else? oh and I use the update
Last reply by ChaveMestra, -
- 1 reply
Hi, After the update I can't open the document saved in the previous cashShop version (.todf). Anyone had the same problem? Can anyone help me to resolve this? Thank you!
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 0 replies
After configuring the proxy server, the following log sometimes persists. // --------------------------------------------------------- // -- Maximum simultaneous connections on CS TCP_PORT // --------------------------------------------------------- MaxConnectionsPerIP = 1000 // --------------------------------------------------------- // -- Maximum packets per second received from specified IP // --------------------------------------------------------- MaxPacketsPerSecond = 500 I have increased this, but the log comes again. Change the LauncherProxyWhiteListIP to public ip and wait for the result.
Last reply by heroiz, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing well today. I would like to ask how to increase the Blessed Weapon's Archangel's Will buff effect. I tried to check this buff in skillList.xml but I am not sure if that was the correct. Thanks in advance to those who can answer my question. God Bless!
Last reply by genebreezy, -
- 1 reply
Hello. Most of them were without any answer, but right now, due the new forum board, we can't see any old suggestions. Questions: 1) Do we need to write new suggestions? (repeat old ones) 2) If suggestion will be decline/applied, how do we receive information about this? 3) Is there any deadline, when we will receive results about all of our suggestions? No need to ignore it for months and years. Please check all suggestion and give us the information - which of them will be in work, and which you decline.
Last reply by drakelv, -
- 4 replies
Hello everyone, I hope everyone is doing well. I would like to ask if what specific file where I can configure or increase the combo damage of BK? I tried to find the possible files in server side and I was having hard time looking for it and also I can't find any answers here in the forum. Anyone knows where I can configure it? Thank you in advance for those who can answer my question.
Last reply by genebreezy, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hey squad, is there any way I can limit the multiwarehouse function to VIPs only? Thank you,
Last reply by Zentinial, -
- 4 replies
Hello! I upgrade from S16 P1 to P2. I finish all the steps but now when i want to enter to the game i get a desconnection when i enter the user and password, on GS i see this in logs: [12:13:08] Connection Accept : [20600][] [12:13:13] Error-L1 : Socket Serial 20600 18 o_serial:255 serial:88 [12:13:13] WSARecv() failed with error 10038 [12:13:13] gObjDel() idx 20600 c 0 f CIOCP::CloseClient m_Index : 20600 [12:13:13] (20600)Disconnected : [] [12:13:13] error-L1 : CloseClient CIOCP::ServerWorkerThread On MuError decoded file (client) i see this: > Login Scene init success. Send Request Server List. Send Request …
Last reply by zander1989, -
- 1 reply
How do I turn off the new harmony system on the socket items?
Last reply by MrJunior, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I see an error in the client files where the full name of the "Mage: Lemuria" is not displayed on the iteminfo. Instead it only says "Can be equipped by Mage" Does anyone of you know how/where to find the character name? I would rename the character. I found in decoded Lang in the text(kor): 5923 "Mage: Lemuria" - but changing it only affects loading screen and character panel and not items themselves. Checked in the infotooltips and item tooltips .BMDs but I only see the "Can be equipped by %d" So it has to be coded elsewhere? This is what I mean:
Last reply by zander1989, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello Everyone, I tried to find possible answer here in the forum but it seems I can't find one. I was trying to remove the NPC BK and Wizard in Lorencia but I was having hard time looking for the configuration from the data folders. Anyone can answer me with the specific location of this configuration? I would like to disable those NPC. Thanks in advance to those who can answer me.
Last reply by genebreezy, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 17 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: What's up community, my question consists of the following: The animation of the golden dragons flying on the maps can be deactivated? All this to considerably reduce lag. I do not want to disable the golden invasion, but only the animation of the dragons flying, someone who can support me, attached image.
Last reply by MrJunior, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 17 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: [00:23:53] SQLSTATE: 01000, Diagnosis: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionWrite (send()).[00:23:53] SQLSTATE: 08S01, Diagnosis: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]Error general de red. Consulte la documentaci�n de la red. Dear greetings, does anyone know why it shows this error in the DataServerLog? I have checked my OBDC many times and they have no problems.
Last reply by Mpsmith, -
- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 17 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello, I'm not sure if this is normal but everytime i reload the Monster on Regular GS keeps on going not responding like 40 seconds then it returns back to normal. Only the Regular GS is having this issue. I'm using the latest package with the default settings as I just installed it earlier and found out the issue. I asked a friend that runs the same version and telling me that it only took him seconds to reload the monsters Dedicated Server Specs: OVH CPU : Intel i7-7700K - 4c/8t - 4.2 GHz / 4.5 GHzMemory : 64 GB DDR4Stor…
Last reply by oishii, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
How to remove old JOH (s16e1) options ? The old players with dd7 (yellow options) are invincible, compared to new s6e2 players who are forced to use the new harmony system. Is there a way or script to remove all those old options?
Last reply by Trepik, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 16 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello! I have a problem with the IllusionTemple. The event runs perfectly but when a player participating in the event dies, they are teleported to LorenMarket and the event ends. It should revive in the same event, and it doesn't. Some help?
Last reply by MuToca, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 17 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: The blood castle can be entered 4 times a day by default, can it be changed?
Last reply by muromania, -
- 4 replies
Hello, Is it possible to change skill Swell Life level requirement from 120 to 10 ? I tried to edit "skill_eng.bmd" file and of course "IGC_SkillList.xml" file, but still asks for 120 level to equip/even if its equipped and you make your BK character reset, you can use/cast this Swell Life buff until you have 120 level... @Wizzy ?
Last reply by RobiZ, -
- 0 replies
Hello, As in Season6 server files you can not changed/edit or view the exact formulas for PK Time, wanted to ask if there formulas are still 1:1 correct or little bit different ? (formulas down below) Asking, because the topic I found is from year 2014 (maybe something been changed in 2015, 2016...) ? Related topic: Question #2: is there any formula for clearing PK Time faster, by killing monsters ? If yes, could you please share it, very necessary information for server (different mob levels, faster clear time instead of just staying in spawn, etc.) Please, let me know @Wizzy - thank you ! if PK_Time …
Last reply by RobiZ, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 17 Files Version: Season 17 Part 1-3 Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: I made a test in my test server using my Lastman Standing Event configuration and all goes well but after applying my configuration in my main server and then during the event, we can't make any damage to other players inside the Lastman Standing Event. What seems to be the problem? Also, I think the Lastman Standing Event rewards count is bug. It is only giving the winner x1 reward even the count configuration was 7. Here is my Lastman Standing rewards configuration: Picture:
Last reply by genebreezy, -
- 2 replies
Hello. I wanted to edit client footer information before login but I couldn't see "Server powered by IGC-Network" in text_eng.bmd And couldn't find in any other file. Can someone tell me which file to edit it in s6 ep3 ? Thank you.
Last reply by RobiZ, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Server Season: Season 17 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hey IGCN Customers, Starting this topic to share some best practices around bosses disappearing? I see many of you throughout the last few years have topics about bosses disappearing. For me, roughly 3.4 days of uptime will result in bosses disappearing and/or not dropping loot. Losing many high end players as a result of this issue. Can anyone share some tips and tricks to help a young buck such as myself out? Appreciate you.
Last reply by Zentinial, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 17 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: i have this error when i try to update 0.2.02 ( to 2705, Level 16, State 4, Line 2Column names in each table must be unique. Column name 'ItemJOHOption' in table 'dbo.IGC_GremoryCase' is specified more than once.
Last reply by Shanahan, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello, does anyone has problems with CPU usage after update as me? My GS now using 10%+ CPU without players online, on numbers was x3-x4 lower. I changed .exe GameServer_Siege, GameServer_Market and GameServer_Instance from to and CPU was decreased from ~90% to ~60%. GS GS
Last reply by Trepik, -
- 6 replies
Hello, is it possible to host mu server website on other pc or hosting? Thanks
Last reply by zander1989, -
- 3 replies
Hello I am looking for a person who could set our muweb on cloudlinux. Please pm or fb me. Many thanks
Last reply by oscaralexander, -
- 8 replies
Server Season: Season 15 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Recently i have been looking for a good anti ddos protection (any kind of attack) for my web and server. I've heard about cloudflare but i dont really know if it is going to really help me with my web protection, and for my server i have no idea. Im hosting my server on OVH GAME dedicated servers and i read about they have an own ddos protection but how good is it? i would really appreciate if you help me guys.
Last reply by oscaralexander, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 17 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: what i wanna do is : when a player creates a new character to have all the quests already done .there will be no more Dark Wizard will be directly Soul Wizard. hope you understand my broken english :rolleyes:
Last reply by urekke, -
- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 17 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello everyone, I have a question about wings lvl 4 excelent options. When i used them in cash shop one to 1 wing i get specific options ( summoner ) others no, and after i buy one and have only luck... Any sugestions how can i do to add exc opt?
Last reply by IulianH, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 17 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hey I want to make sure my invasion monsters cannot be ignored - is there a stat I can change either on MonsterSpawnGroup or the monsterlist file to reduce the chance of the monster getting defense ignored? Is it block rate? Thanks
Last reply by Zentinial, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 17 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Talisman of Ascension 1~3 I would like to revise the amount of experience obtained. In which file can I modify it?
Last reply by Maiev, -
- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 16 Files Version: (S16 P2-2) Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Could you add files to the itembags folder for the new elite monsters from AshyAida and for the new Cow monsters. I am also interested if it is possible to add a file for a drop to the of Santa's village location
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I am not able to configure the Miracle Moss Shop. <MiracleBoxShop Enable="1"> <RewardSettings> <Section ID="0" SkillRate="5000" LuckRate="3500" OptionRate="3000" ExcRate="100" /> <!-- n/1000000 --> </RewardSettings> <ItemRewardList> <Section ID="0" Active="1" Name="TEST 1"> <Input> <Item ItemCat="-1" ItemIndex="-1" Cost="1000000" /> </Input> <Reward> <Item Cat="2" Index="5" MinLevel="0" MaxLevel="0" Skill="1" Luck="1" Option="0" Exc="-2" SetItem="0" SocketCount="0" ElementalItem="0" Rate="100" /> <!-- Crystal Sword --> <Item Cat="0" Index="25…
Last reply by lfrancatto, -
Question, Speed Server
by Guest wellingtonnbs-
- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 17 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: can anyone help me with a speed server? if you open a speed server is there any way to transfer the characters? I don't know how this speed server system works here.
Last reply by borjomi, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hi please help me I tested the drop of kundun but it only drops zen. Here is the config of the item bag. <ItemBag> <BagConfig Name="Monster_Kundun" ItemRate="1000" SetItemRate="0" MoneyDrop="0" BagUseEffect="0" BagUseRate="10000" /> <SummonBook Enable="0" DropRate="0" ItemCat="0" ItemIndex="0" /> <AddCoin Enable="0" CoinType="0" CoinValue="0" /> <DropAllow Wizard="1" Knight="1" FairyElf="1" MagicGladiator="1" DarkLord="1" Summoner="1" RageFighter="1" PlayerMinLevel="1" PlayerMaxLevel="MAX" MapNumber="-1"> <Drop Rate="3000" Count="5"> <Item Cat="0" Index="17" ItemMinLevel="0" ItemMaxLevel="4" Skill="1" Luck="1" Option="0" Exc="0…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: .77 Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello, Tried to use Search in Forum, but could not find topic about this, sorry if this question is already asked...but I wanted to know, why Inventory can not be opened why MuHelper is running (turned on) ? Is there any reason for it ? if yes - what kind of reason it is ? if not - can it be turned on/off, so MuHelper can be running with opened Inventory ?
Last reply by RobiZ, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 17 Tool Type: IGC.ToolKit (Premium) Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: How can I add option level 380 to set dragon knight on xshop?
Last reply by MrJunior, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: 1.78.85 Database Type: MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: I tried searching the forum for answers but I cant find any. Where can I find the item drop configuration for S6 server files another thing is the file to set the required level for MG and DL. All that I can see is the drop manager but I cant seem to find the item drop where I can properly configure all of the existing item drops for monsters. If someone can help me please it is much appreciated.
Last reply by MrJunior, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 17 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hey how do I add a timer to the Max AG Boost Aura in client side? No Timer: Need to add timer like this:
Last reply by MrJunior, -
- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 17 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: If you use it, I want to create an item that stats point can acquire. Can you modify items with similar functions? What items have similar functions? Or, please give me a file or advice that I can edit. *ex If you use it, 10 stats point add. You can get up to 1000 points. Drop the item on the schedule map.
Last reply by ghdqhqht, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
You can't unlock blood angel sets for new characters and you can't create brilliant sets for all characters. Is this a problem that will be solved in a new update?
Last reply by Trepik, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 17 Files Version: Season 17 Part 1-3 Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: How are you guys? I hope everything is well. Anyways, I wanted to remove the contribution points in Gens Quest by editing Data/Scripts/Quest/Quest_Reward_Ep17.lua but unfortunately it was not working. Is there anyone from you guys guide me how to properly configure this thing? My plan is to remove the contribution points given by Gens Quest because I just wanted my players to farm Contribution through killing players only in Vulcanus map. Here is my screenshot for preference only: LuaQuestClass:SetQue…
Last reply by MeTa, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 17 Files Version: latest Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello Guys... What mean letter "S" in Character Characteristics like (S) ATK Power Thank you !
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: "1.78.85" Database Type: MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello, I have a newbie question here. Where can I find the file to adjust the drop and exp rate of the server? Thank you so much.
Last reply by ai91ras, -
- 3 replies
Server Season: Season 17 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: How to modify and where to modify characters in Gen sql. HELP ME TOT
Last reply by ghdqhqht, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 17 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Can you get rid of the hitting motion of the character in the pk attack? As far as I know, the motion occurs after the sd shield is consumed. sound is uuk uuk uuk uuk
Last reply by ghdqhqht, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 17 Files Version: latest Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello Guys Who can explain how works LangBase.xml ? How the server determines what language should be shown to the player if I have more than one active language in LangBase ? I can set up somewhere to display the exact language to the player? For example, if a player uses ServerInfo with 1252 then LandBase will show to him, English strings, if 1251 Russian - etc.... Or is there another way to set up multilingualism? Thank you
Last reply by RZaK, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 17 Files Version: Database Type: Me_MuOnline + MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello, Inferno skill damage increases by 8. I want to change to: Inferno skill damage increases by 16. Is there are somehow i can do that?
Last reply by Maiev,