IGC.Essential Tools
The Essential Tools is powerful editor bringing you huge possibilities to manage your server. We appreciate any suggestions related to the product.
163 topics in this forum
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Server Season: Season 15 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: X5.1-3 I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: My database is another server, how can I run it? "This Software works with genuine IGCN server files only."
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 9 replies
1-3 Will the Artifacts item tool be updated?
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I have old DB with 16 bytes Item structure so I use the Converter of IGC.Essential Tools and it works with the items of warehouse but the items inside Inventory is not converted?
Last reply by mofonix2012, -
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Server Season: Season 12 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello.How to deal with the configuration file in IGC.EssentialTools.exe can not be started after translating into Chinese?Example: the name of GC.EssentialTools \Data\IGC_ItemList.xml cannot be started after it is translated
Last reply by Bigman, -
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Server Season: Season 14 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: .11 I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hi! I found these error on the accounts affected: [!] Account: 'XXXXXXX, Last Disconnect Time: 9/12/2018 3:17:00 AM; (Error: Invalid object name 'BattleCore.dbo.T_ENTER_CHECK_ILLUSION_TEMPLE'. Another thing the system erases account too or only characters? beacouse accounts persist existing regards!
Last reply by Arkaniz, -
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Server Season: Season 16 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hey there.. i dont know what happened... very suddenly i can't click 'ACCOUNT EDITOR' to edit accounts but i can open characters.. or else the whole tool .exe closes here is a crashlog, for now i have to go through 'Character editor' and click Edit account, but needs to be fixed ofcourse, maybe i missed something but i didnt change nothing about except updated. https://mega.nz/file/EIxUSKiI#W5KsYwk5dHINKH-hggEJPN1HRzZ7IAQM2-3wgdclJX8 Thanks!
Last reply by Bigman, -
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When the editor is open and minimized in the taskbar, does not recognize the new accounts or newly created characters. To do so, you need to close it and open it again. Sorry for my bad English, greetings!
Last reply by Bigman, -
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Server Season: Season 15 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: How to add an identifier for the app hidden in System Tray? I run 3 Essential Tools and 3 inspectors and all of them look the same. I have to do trial and error to find the right one.
Last reply by Maiev, -
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Server Season: Season 14 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: When I try to put Muun pet into Muun inventory, the warning post appear "Only Muun Inventory items can be added to Muun Inventory". How can I fix this problem? https://ibb.co/PGCXpCL
Last reply by Wizzy, -
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1. if you can add new items ancient (mahes, frigg, horus, etc) 2. also to view inventory Muun and Roomy
Last reply by Bigman, -
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Server Season: Season 10 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: latest Hello i have this problem when allow to create DL/MG/ etc from new account in Essential Tool 9:07:37 PM] (SQL Worker) [Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_T_VIPList'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.T_VIPList'. The duplicate key value is (test). The statement has been terminated.] [iNSERT INTO [Me_MuOnline].dbo.T_VIPList VALUES('test', '2017-03-19T21:03:11', '0')] It's wrong setup by me or bug or...i don't know...
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 3 replies
The AntiDup not work, I showed that I detect and remove 99,603 items. Then went back to pass and did not detect anything. But entering the game and all the dup items have not been deleted .. log: http://www.sendspace.com/file/18pn7d http://oi60.tinypic.com/258bgjc.jpg
Last reply by Lineager, -
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bigman hello, wanted to know how to use hardware ID ban. where I get the code hardwareID? greetings and thanks
Last reply by Wizzy, -
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Server Season: Season 10 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: Hello, There is any possibility to make automatic backups under database maintenance section? It is really annoying to log in to server every time just for making backup and it would be nice to have some automatic system for it. Thank you! Regards.
Last reply by Bigman, -
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Hi, I found the following errors 1.- options displayed by the editor are not reflected when you get the item in the vault 2.- the item shows odd number + ..... 3.- The editor is supposed to be 100% compatible with season 10, because reason does not let 9 select options that support these items (Bloodangel) *Personally I like to have the old design (S9 editor) because it has more options and is faster for administrator use. http://fotos.subefotos.com/d17506299fdd9e23c9f008aa1c328167o.png
Last reply by Wizzy, -
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Server Season: Season 17 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: latest I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Creating Brilliant orb option: Mastery pentagram Option, but ingame don't show empty: https://prnt.sc/26q5sqw one option https://prnt.sc/26q5tde
Last reply by Bigman, -
Buff Editor
by Maiev-
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Server Season: Season 15 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hi, This module from essential tools seems not working correctly I try to modified some existing buffs without success. Also it does not display all buffs a character has. Hope these can be fixed, it is useful when an user has an issue with scroll or buffs.
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 4 replies
when I want to delete character or change nickname pops mistake http://scr.hu/25h9/gb8xg
Last reply by SnoT, -
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Server Season: Season 12 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: Using s12 editor can not add luck to bloodangel weapons is not active
Last reply by Bigman, -
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Have installed Microsoft Framework 3.5.1 Have installed Microsoft Framework 4.5 Have installed Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 and have this error: http://www.pictureshack.ru/images/93933_tools.jpg Essential Tools ( don`t work and have error like the picture )
Last reply by Bigman, -
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Hello, Is there a reason why I can't generate several anceint items like Enis and etc? I just trying to generate them like every other ancient item but when I look into it in-game its not anceint. Regards.
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 6 replies
IGC.EssentialTools and Toolkit cant use I'm using sql server 2008 r2 64 bit and using windowns 8.1 always show error
Last reply by furio, -
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Server Season: Season 10 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: 1.07.04 When i try to run Muun Converter, Essencial tools crash. This is my current db. /****** Object: Table [dbo].[IGC_MuunInfo] Script Date: 08/04/2017 21:44:24 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[IGC_MuunInfo]( [Name] [varchar](10) NOT NULL, [MuunItemType] [int] NOT NULL, [MuunItemSerial] [bigint] NOT NULL, [ConditionVal] [int] NOT NULL, [AddOptStartTime] [bigint] NOT NULL, [AddOptExpireTime] [bigint] NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO
Last reply by Wizzy, -
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- 18 replies
Hello i can'tmake an account with Essential tools http://i62.tinypic.com/21k9g0m.png database is fresh btw. nothing modified. wat i did: ~After i done enabling Ip pipes or the one that instructed in FAQ(the stuff in SQL config network thingy), i went to open the Ess.Editor. ~Bam success!! ~Making dummy account to test-ingame ~and there.. the error in the screenshot.my info: SQL server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise X64the error on screenshot: [15:36:00] [Error] Could not Create Account. Details: Invalid column name 'Items26'.this msy config: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "DBUsername and" "DBPasswor…
Last reply by Craven, -
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Server Season: Season 6 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hi . Exist some option to see accounts logs purchases and temporal items/seals purchased for any account? Because is very important for example one user notify "WCoins dissapeared" or some like that . How can we know if it is true or not? Checking cashshoplogs.txt is very complicated and tedious Regards!!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
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It appeared that I added invalid items to a package on cash shop, now it won't let me delete, I try to remove with essential tool, but it keeps showing error: https://postimg.org/image/bbdycolbt/
Last reply by Lineager, -
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Server Season: Season 15 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello Community, I just want to ask regarding this deletion of characters since i made a closed beta test and now i'm on open beta phase i want to clear their characters/inventory/credits/items/cashshop inventory etc and stay their accounts only. Can you guide me on which tables i need to check to make the cleaning of character a fresh start? Thank you!
Last reply by Bigman, -
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- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 15 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hi I proceed to delete a character using ET and I got these errors: [7:47:43 PM] (SQL Worker) [The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK__T_MU_QUES__chara__51EF2864". The conflict occurred in database "MuOnline", table "dbo.T_MU_QUEST_INFO", column 'character_id'. The statement has been terminated. ] [DELETE FROM [MuOnline].[dbo].[Character] WHERE [Name] = 'Fighter'] [7:47:43 PM] (SQL Worker) [The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK__T_MU_QUES__chara__51EF2864". The conflict occurred in datab…
Last reply by Bigman, -
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Characters cannot be deleted using ET [5:42:00 PM] (SQL Worker) [DELETE 语句与 REFERENCE 约束"FK__IGC_MuQue__chara__2B2A60FE"冲突。该冲突发生于数据库"MuOnline",表"dbo.IGC_MuQuestInfo", column 'character_id'。 语句已终止。 ] [DELETE FROM [MuOnline].[dbo].[Character] WHERE [Name] = N'TestAA'] [5:42:04 PM] (SQL Worker) [对象名 'BattleCore.dbo.IGC_HuntPoint' 无效。 ] [DELETE FROM [BattleCore].[dbo].[IGC_HuntPoint] WHERE [Name] = N'TestAA'] [5:42:04 PM] (Characters Manager) Character deletion completed with errors. see above. [5:42:04 PM] (SQL Worker) [DELETE 语句与 REFERENCE 约束"FK__IGC_MuQue__chara__2B2A60FE"冲突。该冲突发生于数据库"MuOnline",表"dbo.IGC_MuQuestInfo", column 'character_id'。 语句已终止。 ] [EXEC […
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 1 follower
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Hi Bigman. When I try to ban the chat of some user, the minimum time is 1 day (for example now, I tried to ban the chat from one user and I have to put to end date 09/08/2020 and the editor shows that the chatban have a duration of 1 day, 23 hours, 59 min). So, is no way in the editor to apply the chatban for hours or minutes like in the game with /chatban command ? Regards
Last reply by Bigman, -
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Hi there, im trying run essential tools but im getting this error. Put all details to config.ini and try all others ways to start it but no luck. i did opened ports for sql in firewall and now going deeper and deeper so i don't want to make to big mess. Maybe someone can help please. http://s11.postimg.org/7h6pgus1f/essential_tool.png Hi all, sort it. I have to enabled SQL Server Browser.
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys, running the Database Maintenance Tool and I get the following error: "(SQL Worker) [Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlClrProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified." I do have SQL Server and SSMS installed on the machine.
Last reply by Alexander Opran, -
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Server Season: Season 13 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Crash Apps when Run Delete All Character or All Account
Last reply by Bigman, -
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Server Season: Season 13 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: I'm trying to edit items in the store, but when I select the account to be edited, the editor will crash. CrashLog: https://legendarymu.net/CrashLog.rar
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 8 replies
Hello When i want to open the "characters" and i choose character then the editor gets crash. After the last update I have a problem. The problem is of 70% characters, What could it be? Thank you for your answer !
Last reply by Bigman, -
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- 4 replies
Hi mates! i have updated the IGC Essential tool, but every time I right click on it to choose VIP Manager the tool crashes and gets closed. Other problem I have is that I can´t modify the duration of Skeleton Transformation ring for example, its duration its 0 and I cant set it up to any value I want. That can i do in this case? Regards -ADM SKILER
Last reply by Bigman, -
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Server Season: Season 13 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: I'm using version just update yesterday Try to pick some MUUN from Item Ediot , 1. Pick Premium Box from Section 19 give crash 2. A lot of MUUN when pick them up give crash ( Almost MUUN from ) Crash log : https://drive.google.com/open?id=15Bm4JSGj8d3uufmSbWlMrc8N17yhNBiI
Last reply by Wizzy, -
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Im using latest essencial tools, when i open an inventory or vault it crashes.
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 7 replies
I used the software to clean up the database. After the cleanup was completed, I refreshed the people and accounts. After clicking on the people, I found that it was not cleaned. When I re-registered the account that was cleared, I found that the X store currency still exists. What is going on? What do I need to do to get the database completely clear? https://prnt.sc/r0TjbwiKnXUt
Last reply by Bigman, -
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Server Season: Season 15 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: newest I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: hello i have problem with accounts and characters deletion on the database Whenever I click the delete button the tool crashes a few seconds later. Any suggestions? img: https://ibb.co/F63wD94
Last reply by Wizzy, -
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Server Season: Season 15 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello, is there possible to change in Essential Tool at (DefaultClass Type) "Leader ship" to "Resets" column? I think at default class this "leadership" is non-useful, but if there will be "reset" column will be much better.
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Server Season: Season 13 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: X3.2 I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello, im trying to add some expirable items, like pets, rings and small wings, but the option for expirable items not work :( its not activate . there is some way to fix it ? Regards.
Last reply by Bigman, -
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Server Season: Season 12 Tool Type: IGC.ToolKit (Premium) Tool Version: latest I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: I can't delite account without errors ! https://paste.ofcode.org/QVDFEGDPNYHxiUfaJ5dfvA
Last reply by RZaK, -
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Server Season: Season 14 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Is this feature working in current season and safe to use? I want to delete one item from all characters/vaults. It finds all of them but I am scare to press the delete button and mess up something. Is it safe?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
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Delete individual character doesn't work It simply gives mssql query error and doesn't work I think some tables doesn't match it's name Thanks. [Character] Stats Editor Menu
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I wanted to delete all Small HP / Medium HP / Large HP / Small MP / Medium MP / Large MP / Eite HP / Elite MP / Elite SD potions from my server. After I applied search and delete each one. Players reported ware 1-2-3 pots still there. And I couldn't see any setting to set up how many extra vaults we have in essential tool configs. I need to delete all potions from all vaults because I changed all quantities in NPC and cashshop.
Last reply by linuxlinux, -
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I have this directory error when you update the essential tools and do not know if anything more! http://i.imgur.com/MCaXJV5.png
Last reply by Bigman, -
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Server Season: Season 13 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: IGC.EssentialTools_X3 I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: After update don`t work , when i add Ruud , he crash, if i add items don`t apear, on crash log i have just this error what i don`t understand
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Hello, I have problem with one of my players.. when i try to see his event inventory im seeing this error: [9:13:21 PM] (SQL Worker) [Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'CL_PK_T_Event_Inventory'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.T_Event_Inventory'. The duplicate key value is (x). The statement has been terminated.] [INSERT INTO dbo.T_Event_Inventory (AccountID, Name, Inventory) VALUES ('x', 'x', 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF…
Last reply by caishiqiang, -
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- 19 replies
Duplicated PeriodItemInfo detected Serial: XXXXX http://s26.postimg.org/v85zbpzrd/dupe.png I get this error from many expired items from cashshop in game after update. I have executed MuOnline_3.sql query from update and replaced all gameserver files correctly when server was closed. Many players can't move their expired items because game detects them duplicated. Any solution with this?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 7 replies
Server Season: Season 14 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: It is not possible to add ByPass through the editor, however it is possible to add by the game this is not wrong?
Last reply by Bigman, -
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Server Season: Season 14 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Editing a character with ET will always make it master level 1. It is an issue since it causes it appear at top in rankings above normal level players even tho he is low level. It didnt happen in How to fix?
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Server Season: Season 16 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hi. I try to edit the buff of 2 characters (with others works fine, but I have 100k characters so I dont know in how much of them can happen this problem too) The crash log is the next: [2021-05-03 15-03-41] 벂⮔ꪙ쯔쵙볏⮪ꪩ쯹쵓볉⮮ꪽ쯈쵂볅⮥ꫤ쮜쵧볋⯫ꪮ쯐쵊볜⮮ꫭ쯌쵙볅⮻ꪢ쯎쵈볃⮤ꪣ쯝쵏볋⯫ꪣ쯓촋볙⮮ꫭ쯙쵅볉⮤ꪣ쯈쵙뱙⯫ꪨ쯒촋볏⮧ꫭ쯘쵂볉⮨ꪤ쯓쵅볋⮹ꪤ쯓촅벧⯁쮜촋벊⮮ꪣ쮜쵸볓⮸ꪹ쯙쵆버⮟ꪥ쯎쵄볝⮃ꪨ쯐쵛볏⮹ꫣ쯨쵃볘⮤ꪺ쯷쵎볓⮅ꪢ쯈쵭볅⮾ꪣ쯘쵮볒⮨ꪨ쯌쵟볃⮤ꪣ쮔촂벧⯁ꫭ쮜촋볏⮥ꫭ쯯쵒볙⮿ꪨ쯑촅볩⮤ꪡ쯐쵎볉⮿ꪤ쯓쵅볙⯥ꪊ쯙쵅볏⮹ꪤ쯟촅볮⮢ꪮ쯈쵂볅⮥ꪬ쯎쵒볊⯹ꫣ쯛쵎볞⮔ꪄ쯈쵎볇⯣ꪙ쯷쵎볓⯫ꪦ쯙쵒벃⯆쮜촋벊⮮ꪣ쮜촃볨⮾ꪫ쯚쵦볋⮥ꪬ쯛쵎볘⯫ꫡ쮜쵤볈⮡ꪨ쯟쵟벊⯧ꫭ쯹쵝볏⮥ꪹ쯽쵙볍⮸ꫭ쮕촦베⯫ꫭ쮜쵎별⯫ꪄ쯻쵨복⮎ꪾ쯏쵎별⮿ꪤ쯝쵇볾⮤ꪢ쯐쵘버⮉ꪸ쯚쵍볧⮪ꪣ쯝쵌볏⮹ꫣ쯐쵂볙⮿ꪛ쯕쵎볝⮔ꪏ쯉쵍볌⮸ꪒ쯯쵎볆⮮ꪮ쯈쵎볎⮂ꪣ쯘쵎볒⮈ꪥ쯝쵅볍⮮ꪩ쮔쵤볈⮡ꪨ쯟쵟벊⮸ꪨ쯒쵏볏⮹ꫡ쮜쵮볜⮮ꪣ쯈쵪볘⮬ꪾ쮜쵎벃…
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 2 replies
When I wanna add errtels to a pentagram in the ET all errtels are shown as this: Erretel List does not exist. (DB:0) What I am doing wrong? I have the SX3 ET (I can create Lv.4 Wings)
Last reply by Maiev, -
- 1 reply
When i try to add a muun pet to muun vault, i got one error, Invalid column name, i check the script original and it doesn't had: http://image.prntscr.com/image/17c3b23a10724c31b34774c30aab32af.jpeg http://image.prntscr.com/image/17c3b23a10724c31b34774c30aab32af.jpeg This is normal or is a bug?, because i check and i have all columns that igcn give in the script
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 2 replies
error creating or VIP GM IGC.EssentialTools [10:20:49] [Error] VIP Already Expiration date passed! please correct. [10:21:03] [Error] Could not SET VIP. Details: Converting data type varchar to smalldatetime produced a value out of range. The statement has been terminated. http://i.imgur.com/oF56sdt.png
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
error 7:42:12 AM] (SQL Worker) [invalid object name 'MuOnlineC.dbo.T_User_CheckSum'.] [DELETE FROM [MuOnlineC].[dbo].[T_User_CheckSum] WHERE [AccountID] = 'Duresa' table T_User_CheckSum no exist in database
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Server Season: Season 15 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Can't press on character "edit items" comes this error, and can't do nothing, only force close editor.
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 2 replies
[10:44:30] [Error] Failed to save skills modifications. Details: String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated. Keep getting this error while trying to edit skills on 8.03.33v3 with Essential tool verions: Hm...?
Last reply by Lineager, -
Error gens
by Mafiux-
- 9 replies
Hi Error registering gens http://i.imgur.com/vvzBlME.png Regards
Last reply by Mafiux, -
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- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 16 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: I get this error when I want to edit the item for the character https://i.postimg.cc/ZKDsNsFq/12232323.jpg
Last reply by Bigman, -
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- 5 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Trying to find an item using essential tool item finder but im getting this error. What does this mean?
Last reply by Bigman, -
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Server Season: Season 15 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: last I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello! Do you know what is this error? Maybe an error on datatype of my Grand resets column?
Last reply by Bigman, -
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- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 13 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: latest I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: When i try to delite all account with Esential Tool i have this error... https://pastebin.com/dBALQK4i I use SQL Server 2017 Stardart. P.S If i will use SHA256 PasswordEncryptSalt can be what i want ? or 1234567890 ? After i setup SHA256 i can't login in game...Login or Password Wrong !
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I have following 2 errors appearing one after another when I open Skill Editor. First. Second. Situation details. 1) This started to happen after I truncated some tables with character data (I know which tables can be truncated and its not first time, so I am confident its all done right from my side). 2) Also used Delete All Character from ET. 3) I created new character. 4) I can normally open this character both in-game and edit/save it using all ET editors except Skill Editor, then I just get these 2 errors. What I tested. 1) ET configuration is correct. 2) Character exists in database 3) Tried creating character both from game and editor - same resul…
Last reply by Krims, -
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Server Season: Season 6 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello, I understand that this problem is solved in this post: http://community.igcn.mu/topic/2652-duplicated-perioditeminfo-detected-serial-xxxxx/?hl=duplicated+perioditeminfo However, I still have the problem and I can't fix it. I'll show you a video of the problem since it's the fastest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FdVVDVDbYM I would like to know how to solve the same, thank you very much. Thanks for the support :)
Last reply by Sistem, -
- 3 replies
Server Season: Season 17 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello, I am trying to create a pentagram with errtel inside of it. I am creating a full pentagram with 5 slots and this is what it looks like after creating it I am using the default package from the download and I haven't touch anything aside from the credentials for config.ini Thank you!
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 14 replies
Hi, I'm using lastest version of ET. When I wish to edit an Errtel Mastery, it only let me edit it rank 3. The box in rank 4 or 5 appears "None". But with a common (non mastery) Errtel, it does show options in box of rank 4 or 5. Is there a way to modify this? Thanks!
Last reply by Arkaniz, -
- 0 replies
how to Create Errtel of Integrity Rank 1 +10 Elemental Attack Success Rate Rank 2 +3 Elemental Attack Dmg (in PvP)
Last reply by soft666, -
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Server Season: Season 14 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: 10.00.03 I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Is it not working for me. Everytime I select an account it shows the following error: Database Select Operation Failed. Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 49. How can I fix this?
Last reply by Maiev, -
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- 15 replies
ESs after extract and click on it then error Specified cast is not valid Specified cast is not valid
Last reply by Bigman, -
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when run ESS toll error [ReadItemListSettings] Error
Last reply by finalchance, -
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1/.Ess Tool Dont work on my server duno why i press on it http://i.imgur.com/sYdvWeB.png this error always comming on what to do ?
Last reply by Bigman, -
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Server Season: Season 15 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: 11.03.01 I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: When using account cleaner or reserialize it crashes constantly. No crashlog is created. Dupe scanner works DB Backup works. Everything else makes it crash. https://ibb.co/2ShM07T Tool Crashes quite frequently also when accessing "Accounts" settings. Every other setting like editing inventory etc works without issues. Just the Accounts. All the frameworks are installed, the tool was setup by you to begin with so it should be fine.
Last reply by Bigman, -
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Server Season: Season 13 Files Version: Server Suite (x13) Database Type: MuOnline I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Essential Tool automatic close every 2 minute. on my server I try ET for setting account. It's automatic close. another Tools is work.
Last reply by ibanote, -
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- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: My Essential Tool unable to lock items, please help and advise. Thank you
Last reply by muphil2015, -
- 3 replies
Having issues deleting characters. [10:11:05 AM] (SQL Worker) [Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlClrProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. ] [EXEC [IGC_DeleteCharacter] N'Wizz' IF COL_LENGTH('[MuOnline].dbo.[IGC_IllusionTempleLeague_UserPoint]', 'mUserName') IS NOT NULL DELETE FROM [MuOnline].dbo.[IGC_IllusionTempleLeague_UserPoint] WHERE [mUserName] = N'Wizz' IF COL_LENGTH('[MuOnline].dbo.[IGC_IllusionTempleLeague_UserReward]', 'mUserName') IS NOT NULL DELETE FROM [MuOnline].dbo.[IGC_IllusionTempleLeague_UserReward] WHERE [mUse…
Last reply by StefanoAAguiar, -
- 10 replies
Server Season: Season 14 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: X4.1 I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Good day! I am trying to clear my DB of accounts and start a new. When I try to delete the accounts using the Tool it just crashes. Note: The accounts in total are just about 20 and characters up to 100 with this small amount I assume that it should wipe easy.
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 1 reply
Hi there is a big when I try to make a rave's plate armor. If ty to make rave's armor it's always appear kantata's armor not rave's armor. Please fix this problem about this bugs. there's also bug with the chamer, agnis, and drake. Here the pictures of the bug for referrence https://s18.postimg.org/y3hnwzont/image.jpg
Last reply by Bigman, -
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Server Season: Season 14 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: X4.1 I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello, good day to all, i have this problem, give me an error that says "skills load images failed. Could not find a part of the path" . But i already download the paths "resourses" 1 and 2 and still giving me this error.. Regards.
Last reply by BlueBird, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 10 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hello, You said Essential Tools will be fixed by Tuesday 18.04.2017 but for me is still not working. It says: The sofware works with genuine IGCN server files only. Is it not working only for me now? What is happening?
Last reply by infernomu, -
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- 7 replies
Server Season: Season 15 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: For some reason when I try to run the Editor it doesn't work, even trying to run it where the game server is.Running the error message is always triggered Does the editor no longer work with remote connection?My SQL is on a different machine if I changed the settings to (local) it runs but it obviously won't work because my database has its own machine separate from the server. How to solve this ?
Last reply by MrJunior, -
- 10 replies
So as the title states my essential tools not working. It is telling me that it only works with genuine IGC files (obviously im using genuine files) I have noticed there was another person with the same problem but i did not see the resolution. Is it from the dev side or my side problem? My configs are all good and i am running the tools on the same machine as the server. Here is a picture https://ibb.co/hMF8qJh
Last reply by Wizzy, -
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Inventory in ItemEditor not refreshing when character is in select-character screen or even logged out unlike previous season versions. Yes, I did exit Inventory and click on it again.
Last reply by Lineager, -
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Hello! Why don't work IGC.EssentialTools ??? - http://prntscr.com/dqkwyp Yesterday all work fine mhm ?
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 1 reply
Server files work without problems, all ports are open. But when running Basic Tools it gives a connection error https://ibb.co/W5mVczF
Last reply by Bigman, -
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Server Season: Season 10 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: 1.07 Is it possible to make ET to give more than 65k stats in N.Points? I tried but its bugged
Last reply by Bigman, -
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- 5 replies
hello, i have problem ET crashes when i run delete all characters from database maintenance and not creates crashlog please help, i have latest net framework 4.8 CRashlog from Event Viewer
Last reply by Bigman, -
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Server Season: Season 12 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Dear IGC I have some issue with IGC.EssentialTools.exe. The IGC.EssentialTools.exe. file will not function after I changed the configuration files into Chinese.For example, after I changed the item names of GC.EssentialTools\Data\IGC_ItemList.xml into Chinese the tool will not start.Please advise me to fix this problem. Thank you!
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 1 reply
I modify character names to have this error log , How should this mistake be resolved? If anyone knows how to fix it , Can you tell me? Thank you very much for your help! [4:14:07 PM] (SQL Worker) [对象名 'BattleCore.dbo.IGC_HuntPoint' 无效。 ] [UPDATE [BattleCore].[dbo].[IGC_HuntPoint] SET [Name] = N'BBBBB' WHERE [Name] = N'AAAAA'] [4:14:07 PM] (Characters Manager) Character Name Change completed with errors. see above.
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 13 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: x3 I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hi: i want to use ET on more PCs (apart of licensed one). What should i do?, because when i tried to use it on my personal PC i got the classic SQL connection initialization error. i have no problem with ET on the licensed PC as i said. Please help me!. Greetings.
Last reply by akemi22, -
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Hi. I don't know if it is neccesary to create a bug report for this, but when I try to use the account editor from ET (season 15), the editor get crashed.. I noticed that is happened because some problem with reading Me_MuOnline db, but I review the db for errors and don't see anything weird or missing.. And of course, I configured appropriately the config file from et It is possible that my memb stat or memb info are bugged ? Because the server is online and working fine.. Regards Here is the crash log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1G7TtaDz9p1B56qTLqFBcyfdeGlJ1IyaQ
Last reply by xxcaozxx, -
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- 7 replies
Server Season: Season 15 Tool Type: IGC.ToolKit (Premium) Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: I'm wondering, how to make Evolution Stone(Green Capsula) at Toolkit, to evolute each Muun pet? Because there is Evolution Stone but there is "no name" evolution stone and with this stone you can't upgrade any muun even if they have 5/5 lvl, so there needed to be for each muun own named Evolution Stone.
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 11 replies
Hi guys, After upgrade im getting this error from essential tool. I did try new installation of tool. I did update for Visual C++, .NET is up to date. If anyone can help it will be awesome. Cheers GG
Last reply by GoodGodd, -
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Bigman, there is a way to add on finder the options of S4 Wings on seach filter? Today is not possible to find that kind of items based on their options (graded options) Thanks!
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 0 replies
Server Season: Season 9 Files Version: Database Type: MuOnline Hello, Someone know how to generate enis parts? They cannot be created by the latest Essential tool atm. There is a command for it? Regards. Great no one is know how to generate enis parts? so akward.
Last reply by Cani, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 12 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello,I have three questions to ask for help1. server how to set up new equipment and weapons support 9 attributesHow does2.IGC.EssentialTools.exe distribute 9 attributes?3.IGC.EssentialTools.exe inside the configuration file I translated into Chinese, can not start the program, how to set upCases:<Item Index="0" Name="波刃剑" Slot="0" SkillIndex="0" TwoHand="0" Width="1" Height="2" Serial="1" Option="1" Drop="1" DropLevel="6" DamageMin="6" DamageMax="11" AttackSpeed="50" Durability="20" MagicDurability="0" MagicPower="0" ReqLevel="0" ReqStreng…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
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Server Season: Season 13 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: .05 I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hi Guys i need to found a S4 Wing Full Options but on item finder i cant select S4 Wings options. There is a chance to found it? Regards.
Last reply by Bigman, -
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- 4 replies
Server Season: Season 15 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello, is there any guide for delete all characters? i tried many times but can't delete all characters: Best Regards!
Last reply by adriannx, -
- 1 reply
Server Season: Season 6 Tool Type: IGC.Essential Tools Tool Version: last version How to add HP and Dmg and Defense on the wings? The editor will not let me choose "HP", directly edit them with "DMG". In Exchange for command if I can dropear wings with HP! Is there any way to edit with HP or Defense? Thank you.
Last reply by Wizzy, -