Software and Company Feedback
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39 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
It seems like the promised Season 6 update has been left behind. It's been 3 years since the last update, and we're still waiting for the new features that were promised by the devs. As customers, it's frustrating to see such a long wait with no updates or communication.
Last reply by Long Nguyen, -
If it's a season pass, you only have to pay the fee when the season changes, but you shouldn't be charged the season pass fee even when the part changes.
Last reply by zander1989, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Poderia me convidar pro discord novamente, eu desativei minha antiga conta após ser invadida por hacker
Last reply by caccoi, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I have a question about how to use the forum. not move the bug trackers you created earlier? I'm wondering if the bugtracker I wrote earlier still exists, should I rewrite it?
Last reply by Trepik, -
- 0 replies
I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Dudi, Appreciate you manning the fort on this mini holiday break. I appreciate you answering our bug tracking tickets and ensuring we can deliver the best possible experience to our players. Small thanks to you and of course the over all IGC team. Thanks,
Last reply by Zentinial, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Please igcn team, could you share all your images from season 17, they are very good and would save us work to be able to handle them at ease, keep in mind that we are also clients, I would ask you to please give us those images to be able to handle them on our server , since those that are on the internet are not of all good quality like yours
Last reply by Trepik, -
- 0 replies
I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: I love you all for fixing the MG Spiral Charge Abuse... I can finally sleep at night. <3
Last reply by Zentinial, -
- 2 replies
I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello IGCN, I am here to write a feed back in my experience as a customer here. Service Quality /Support Quality - 3.5/5 Your service might not as prompt as expected but we're glad that you still listen to us. Product Quality - 2.5/5 Honestly, we are glad that IGCN still supports updating higher Seasons in MU Online for private server owners like us. But IGCN need to step up when it comes to Product Quality. There are many consumers out there willing to pay more just to have a very good quality of a Product. IGCN needs to listen more about the customers who actually cared about this company. Many lost hope about t…
Last reply by sahminan, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello IGCN Team! Are you thinking for develop in the future MuOnline for iOS or Android? I already see some projects about this, and some servers working in mobile devices. Today the people play more on mobile devices and less on PCs. Do yo have plans for the future? Thanks!
Last reply by KarLi, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: When to develop a multilingual version of the server supporting tools, IGC is now facing the whole world, the lack of language is a big obstacle. sorry if this is wrong section for my topic, but I didn't know where else should I post it. I'm sorry, there are some mistakes in translation. :wacko:
Last reply by Bigman, -
- 2 replies
I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello everyone , im browsing igcn forum for many weeks now and i saw many people online constant so what i think is to add a live chat for all premium users who are online in forum so we could ask questions and help others on live chat instead of write posts with pointless questions. I think this would help many users who just want to ask a simple question and they dont want to open a post and wait for an answer , users can answer faster like this to each other . Thanks for the great job IGCN and the great quality of the server files you provide to us.
Last reply by johnnyssk, -
- 1 reply
I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hello. I thinking about your Gallery it is really outdated. I suggest putting up lots of arts about the server. For Example Character Arts that can be used for backgrounds, simple Launcher editing, Promotion Designing, etc. Of course you can put your IGCN Watermark somewhere on those images. I thought of this because its hard enough to get HD images online for Mu Season 14 and up. Some fan arts or Deviant Arts wont cut it as well. Its a good additional resource for us customers who are using your services. You can also make a separate subscription for a "Special Gallery" if you don`t want to make it included in the current s…
Last reply by drakelv, -
- 1 reply
Good, usually the support of IGCN is very good, maybe a little locked in your own idea, well this would only be if we talk about make POST in relation to servers > to SX, since from now and even more when it came out the SX, the season 6.3 customers were very affected by the delay of replies, updates. And the few answers they give us they call it "pending" and there it remains until a very future revision. I am aware that SXII is HOT but with so many years of life that has have the s6.3 are not many our orders (in comparison), then .. It would be a lot to request a little more attention? Monthly payment is paid for both s6.3 and in > SX and our servers, for us, …
Last reply by MEGAMIND, -
- 5 replies
We are igc customer since Dec 2015 newly for 6 months and I am happy to be customer of igc and their files and service I can say that I appreciate with. Server files, toolkit and all fine for us but one thing since the begining hurt us a lot. We lost many player because of igc team's purpose about to promote premium launcher with a bad politic on free launcher. Not to provide auto update and resolution/window mode options for igc quality files are most unfair purpose for a high quality team I think. Here is my first topic in the first week we bought igc files s6 ep3 Just for that autoupdate s…
Last reply by xander007, -
- 1 reply
I am appreciate with igc team's work. They always work serious and their service is too much for many dreamers in this sector. Mu online private gaming servers is a big and serious sector now. One more time I want to say "thank you" to everyone who is working in that great team. I want to give some points by 10 for each tag here; Service Quality (10/10) Product Quality (9/10) - Why s8ep3 still in packages? / free patcher IIS problem fixed? / free patcher provided with resolution editor for new customers? Resources (10/10) Support Quality (9/10) - Some issues can take longer than we expected. e.g. s6ep3 dc issue for durability / e.g. illusion temple statue respawn bug Cu…
Last reply by drakelv, -
- 30 replies
Hello, will abide two years as a client of IGCN, today I feel very unmotivated by filtering files, today competition may have the same quality of files to us that we have endeavored to acquire this service which is not economic. While it will not have the same quality support to users today and does not care that a private server has some bug, is normal, we will offer us that others have not? Long time coming announcing the 10th season ago, until today there is no information that let us alone about continuity team, I would like that they could now deliver a preview of the work, dates beta release, etc, otherwise Bajare my 2 servers, as my main competition have already an…
Last reply by bborges, -
- 4 replies
I want to say thanks to IGC team for adding my requested issue about to seperate master and normal exp on master ranges in events. In the changelog it looks great update! I'm impatient to update on weekend and test carefully. good night and thanks again :) Edit: Title had to be Special thanks for updates on
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 4 replies
For 51 days wit out restarting.. file server is very stable..... total of 180 gamers 40% or less is using offlevel a really amazing file worth to buy.... waiting for s10 update :) upload
Last reply by sahminan, -
- 1 reply
I wonder if it's possible to add an option that can manage every buff of the players, to be more specific, like the duel zone vulcanus when your character moves to the duel zone the map clear all your buffs automatically, that could be awesome if you can add that option in every map and managed on "IGC_MapAttribute.xml" Now why i think it's a good option, you can give your players some buff from the NPC bot to lvl in a random map then there are maps like "LaCleon" or "Raklion" that map can give you pretty good items like 380 or lvl 400 if it's slow with the option clear buffs, the player moves to raklion without buffs and the player is forced to use the inner or soulbarri…
Last reply by sahminan, -
- 1 reply
Hello! I want to say that I'm very satisfied from igc team files, service and customer community forums very much as I was expected at the start of my experience here. But I saw a lot of requests in forums and many of them a bit selfish personal requests which will not going to be used by other customers but will take their time to configurations of that features. My suggestion from customer friends, please think about the feature if it is useful for other customers or not. Because your personal requests will cause; 1. igc team time for 1 customer only 2. Other customer's time for your personal feature in configurations. 3. that personal feature may cause bug or probl…
Last reply by Wizzy, -
First look
by Elif- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Awesome! no need another word. After I worked with muengine(2012) and evolution team(2015) I can say that all others are just a crap. Hi to everyone and thanks to igc-team. Server Files Overview: Awesome! Client Side Overview: Awesome! Premium Toolkit Overview; Cashshop Editor: Awesome ! Shop Editor: Awesome ! Item Bag Editor: Not tested yet. Monster Set Base Editor: Lagging a lot on remote pc :S Can't event set any monster. I will add more ideas about others here..
Last reply by Elif, -
- 0 replies
Thank you IGCN for from 04 / January / 2013's with me .. I will do two years I am costumer and do not regret anything! Thank you all and have a Happy new 0x7e0 or Binary 11111100000 Heheh a hug to everyone! and I wish much success.
Last reply by Tchornobay, -
- 2 replies
The season 8 episode 3 is stable enough! ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ files and stablity ✔✔✔✔✔✔ support ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔
Last reply by sahminan, -
- 0 replies
thanx i IGCN really Its my dream to install mu IGCN files XD and its done today by wizzy help XD thanxx wizzy a lot if i see you i will kiss you mabe XD i know i made hidick XD sory for that wizzy
Last reply by finalchance, -
- 3 replies
Awesome job in this: -/addene 500 - Instant mana update -new RF Skill tree - BOoM! -Anti-Hack system - Better than MuGuard -Launcher System - HashCheck, Salutes -Custom Maps Avalible -Custom Item -Custom item /Normal Items Glows -Good respond team -Awesome Protection in Game Server, non can crack or bother to crack so far. The rest? it might just be for next time. Good Job IGCN Team.
Last reply by diegoads89, -
- 2 replies
Hey i can't see my message panel on forum... look at this picture... i need to see all my messages.
Last reply by Jdev, -
- 2 replies
hi guys Really i like IGCN thats why i wana suggest for make it better than others Dear IGCN i have suggestion for u it will be Better for u and for us(customers) ^^ Provide Websites with defrent designes so people can Make Full Mu Server from IGCN ( client server website) u can Sell it u will earn money and people will have Full things ^^ ( also more Famous for IGCN) i hope u interest on that
Last reply by finalchance, -
- 2 replies
The past updates are good.. running with no errors. even we are experiencing some big problems like speed-hack issue that was fixed from old updates... the thing is server is not crashing at all and this is a good for a server not to discourage their players or else when bad updates like crashing all of our customers ( players will quit ) keep it up team igc hoping to continue your updates upon focusing on stability and security of the game server.
Last reply by Lineager, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi there, The title is because I saw a maintenance a few hours ago and then I was shock after the Wizzy's answer on this post ... First of all, as a customer I expect to be treated with respect as I do with you, to be supported if I'm wrong and to be greeted. This isn't a free forum, I paid a setup to be here and be part of the community and still pay every month because of the fee. We're the customers, you're the providers. Isn't a free common forum in which one the moderators or administrators answer in their free time like a hobby because they're cool. And believe this, if we report a bug or some abnormality, …
Last reply by diegoads89, -
- 2 replies
My salutation to the awesome and active support from wizzy and drakelv, including Bigman for respond swiftly and fast for file and customer support. It rediciulous however for the 25usd fine for "critical check box abuse" But what the whack, is there a way to make money, why not?
Last reply by Lineager, -
- 2 replies
Well I have been a member of igc for some years now. had very bad experience with other mu teams [lack of support,lots of un-fixed bugs and many more]. I could surely say your the best team around,a team witch is both professional and experienced. Would like to thank you on all the support giving me all this years,I really appreciate it sadly I probably wont renew my license this month as I cant find someone who will manage the server. I have been looking around for someone to manage the community and taking care of other staff while I'm developing a custom web. I'm sure that once I will find someone who will do it,ill surely renew my license you surely worth the mo…
Last reply by Some, -
- 7 replies
hoping for this release.. is there no target day for the release of this type of licensing?
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 8 replies
Hello, sorry if this is wrong section for my topic, but I didn't know where else should I post it. So, I would like to ask, if it's not possible to provide updates like it was before - not full package but only files which was changed. It will save a lot of time for server administrators I think. Thank you. EDIT: Nevermind, I just saw it :) Please delete topic.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys, I have spent eight years with mu servers, I used files at the beginning cracks but always great when I met configuradosm IGCN and acquired his services, I realized that it is best to have an entrepreneurial provider to ensure stability and durability. server mu has gone through ups and downs like everyone, but success for a community to last so long is friendship with members of the community members, innovation, availability and customer service. I've been lately devoted to personal matters but the server remains stable, I hope to resume my activities administrator and grow more my community with the help of IGCN. I look forward to the season 8 eps3 …
Last reply by EREBUS, -
- 1 reply
Would be nice to see this option in the gs, to do this faster
Last reply by Nike, -
- 8 replies
Hello i have a suggestion here,, you provide us many logs, chat, ítem shop, hack log, many many... including trade log.. but there is something in trade log, personally i dont like, only show who is made trade with who and show their ips, bot there is something very important to dont show... "what is trading" i mean, it must to show us what ítems they are trading, because with that way we can "track" those ítems with who account have stolen ítems or we can find searching in ítem finder secction from editor with serial ítem, but we need really see what ítems and serial are just in trade logs. thanks.
Last reply by Wizzy, -
- 0 replies
About the company: I´m relative new customer, so I was a bit impressed, the forums are active, the staff is responsive, so keep it up (y) About the apps:In my opinion,the general view of the tools are good and apps are good,, one time that you get what do the differents tool The licences of all apps,that enforce you to have all things in the same server,(I mean that you have per example to have connectserver on the same pc),and some tools that runs only in the same server too, it limits you, but is understandable for the licence protection, so is right. The unique thing that I see that is a big missing, is the documentation(A more advanced one,sql procedures descriptio…
Last reply by Mephisto, -
Hi there, when I bought iGC license I was told it was forever licensed And I ask wizzy in a personnel message about monthly subscription and it was about what will happen if you don't pay monthly subscription.. and the answer was license still work but you wont get support thats all. So why do I read there is a license expiring and when will it occur.. there is no proper thread on this. And if there is? I serious will like to have a refund.
Last reply by diegoads89, -
- 2 replies
Hello. Firstable , congrats for the new forum. The thinks now looks more proffesional , like it should be. I have a little suggestion - to make the RIG Specification optional , not required. About the other stuff - Design is just perfect and it have very nice mods.Choosing IPB is the best solution :) Best Regards... and keep up the good work.
Last reply by Wizzy, -