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Hi there,


The title is because I saw a maintenance a few hours ago and then I was shock after the Wizzy's answer on this post http://community.igcn.mu/topic/478-dl-skill-mana-bug/ ... 


First of all, as a customer I expect to be treated with respect as I do with you, to be supported if I'm wrong and to be greeted. This isn't a free forum, I paid a setup to be here and be part of the community and still pay every month because of the fee. We're the customers, you're the providers. Isn't a free common forum in which one the moderators or administrators answer in their free time like a hobby because they're cool. And believe this, if we report a bug or some abnormality, we're not doing it with pleasure. Au contraire, we feel the same annoyance as you after finding out about a new bug. We wish to never have to contact to you reporting bugs, either requesting support. But what the heck, sh*t happens.

I'm just saying that we deserve so much as you must do, to be polite and if I'm doing something wrong tell me how to do it well.


Besides that, I went to post in the community section because I did report three things in the issues tracker:





The first one was answer almost a month after the post and the other ones aren't even categorized.


So, after waiting for a response of those post, I saw that the forum was very active, so, I decide to post the second above link in there and I received a response within 24hs http://community.igcn.mu/topic/353-client-showing-ugly-black-squares-on-top-of-screen and I was never told that the post were wrong in there, instead, I was answered correctly without any warnings.


Until now, I still don't know if issues tracker is obsolete, if the bugs have to be reported under support section on customer area sending a ticket or how.


Thanks for reading.


Best regards.


It's like a Christmas present, sometimes you just really don't know what you will get, BUT you get something.  I think they really do "look" over the tracker, but because they may not have definitive solutions they neglect to answer. ( WHICH IS OKAY)  I would much rather have a thought out answer than a BS one.  As far as the squares issue, I believe that was already answered in a thread somewhere.  The GM wing bug, IS ANNOYING however I think on the priority list that falls way down below.  The raven issue, I do not have in eX702.  It seems to be more visual and technically game play is not effected. 


Also you must understand, for IGC to make money they are pushing out many updates geared towards the expansion of eX7+  When you run s6e3 now you kinda assume that updates will be slightly slower, hence also why you pay a lower monthly payment.  I'm from America so I know how **** goes here... You get what you pay for and I think I can speak for many eX customers here, we are LOVING the new updates.  The innovation and excitement that comes with the new updates just makes me wanna kiss wizzy on what I imagine to be a shinny bald head. 


I understand your frustration, however there is a business decision to make.  I think all of us would appreciate more responses on tracker, but maybe they just need to test it before coming up with a good answer.  I firmly believe you are part of a great community and the team has shown really good progress.  6 Months ago I would HIGHLY disagree.  Now, I'm thrilled. 

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First thing, Wizzy has the right to ignore your reported issue since it's not in the proper section, second thing is developers keep an eye on bug tracker, doubt they look for something to fix in any other place, third I am sure that you haven't read TOS, so in your case this topic looks like insult to IGCN team.

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  • IGC Management

@j2power, First of all, I do not really understand your complaint about maintenance which we have right and we are obligated to do to assure we are able to provide stable service. Longer maintenance are performed every 2 months or as needed. Yesterday's one was performed on Friday - when most people is out for a party or meeting with friends.


Another thing is is reporting in a valid section. This really matters that you post a content in section it suppose appear in - otherwise you cause trouble to other Customers trying to use this forums and instead finding valid solutions within discussion they find messy posts of reports and other stuff - which should not appear there.


You posted a report as it clearly started with words "I want to report a bug". It also matter of a way you are asking over forum, people who ask specific question get answered, where you posted a bug report you expected solution, that is why you were requested to post in a valid section so our developers may look after your report. Complaining about has no basis as for me personally.


In relation to mentioned by you - unresolved matters - e.g. GM in Blood Castle - thing was reported several times in bug tracker and answered that this issue is unfixable at present in any of existing Game Client of any version. I can clearly assure you will not be able to find version where it is fixed as making it sorted requires huge modifications in Game Client we are likely unable to perform without Game Client source, therefore we assume it is low priority matter as relates to GM in Blood Castle only - we believe Server Administrators can still make successful servers without entering with a GM to Blood Castle event. Instead of that we dedicated our time to developer working solution against sending packets to server thank to what all packet based hacks will no longer work in your server.

The Dark Raven thing is a two lines to edit in ItemToolTip_eng.bmd. I will send it to you over Ticket shortly, however - honestly thought you managed to add missing description to the file already as that does not require any skill - I have had no heard from you of any further complaint - thought matter is solved.

The dark squares line at the top of S6E3 version - please note that we prioritize bug reports and schedule the way to make sure all critical issues affecting game play itself are sorted - visual matters mostly go to second scene and are looked after once technically all works fine.

Our bug tracker is is being reviewed regularly what you can determine by the change-log released with every update.  Most of the reports has a reply, however only when further details are needed.

The main thing that makes me sad that people can see only the bad things among 100s of the good ones. Once again, sorry to hear you are unhappy at some stage of your experience with IGCN, despite whole team is really looking after need of the Customers - dedicating a lot of time - very often after office time and what I believe fulfilling their requests and expectations within acceptable timing manners.

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First, @Zentinial, @netzo thanks for your non-constructive replies. I'm not going to answer either both of you, since feedback isn't shareable, is about personal experiences and what I experience, you don't, just I do. And you can see, the forum's title is "IGC Company Feedback", so, it's something between the customers and IGC Company. Isn't my goal of this post to make a discussion, in case you want to tell me something to me or discuss on something, feel free to PM me, I will glad to debate.


@Wizzy, I wasn't complaining about the maintenance, maybe I was misunderstood, that just was an observation according with the title of the post, I just tried to understand your response and I related it with the maintenance. Just to be clear, the maintenances don't bother me I actually support them.


My complain was never related about solution, but about the answers received or in other case the lack of these. And also, about your response in the first quoted post, you didn't even say hello. I think that be polite and kind must be beyond the location of a post. I expect to you to be kind with me, either if I made the post in the right forum or not. Always talking about mutual kindness.

Moreover, with that response, it seems more important to you the location of the post than the resolution of a bug. I understand that rules are rules (not because I'm rude, but because of what I wrote in the first post), but I think you should be excited about the improving of your product, and that improving should be above the post's location.


The links quoted above here wasn't to request an answer of them, I quoted these to explain why I decided to make posts in that forum. I think when some customer reports something, he doesn't really expect for a solution at first, instead, he expects an answer with some information or data, so we, the customers, can have a scene of what are we dealing with and with that base, make our plans and take decisions. But when we don't receive an answer, we really don't know what's happening and neither with what cards we are counting with. I think you know what I mean, if you detect any abnormality on cloudflare and report them, I think that the first you will expect is an answer of any kind, just to know if they receive your report and they are aware from it.


I really don't see only bad things, I'm very gratefull and I'm always giving thanks, liking IGC answers and even rating them. But what I think, is that remarking this kind of things, is the way of real improving and making the service even better.


Thanks for your time and the reply.


Best regards.

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  • IGC Management

Sorry if you have felt treated with not enough kindness at the place. It is important to us to get all your issues resolved in acceptable timing manner what sometimes may cause some type of pressure.


People often notice we reply more over forums and trying to post bug reports over it. We simply cannot accept that, if this is repeating we are requesting to post in bug tracker instead.


You have a feeling our bug tracker isn't reviewed? You are wrong then.  You must understand that Bug Tracker is not a place to discuss, it is a place where we fix bugs and ask relevant information only as needed. Once again, please remember the bug tracker is being reviewed every day and issues fixed as soon as possible.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • IGC Management

I can explain why some bugs in BT stays with no responses for very long time for 3 types of bugs..


1) Some bugs require huge system modifications/rewriting which is taking alot time, and mostly when the time for responsible system rewritting comes, we do it and clear the bugs related to it..


2) Some bugs require many players or is extremely hard to reproduce so they stay open for a longer time too..


3) Some bugs are hard to fix & is very minor (like GM no wing visual bug) so we ignore the bug while we have higher priority problems..


both side are wrong.. @j2power, for post on wrong section, and @Wizzy, some new customers need to be alerted, i think u lose more time explaining here now... that u can answer the player on the post, for example.. "You have posted on wrong section, next time i'll not answer.. but, to fix this, u need do..... bla bla bla "... its not hard..


or, u posted on wrong section, next time you'll not get a answer... i'll move the post to the right section.. "


just calculate how much time o losing writing all this information...

that's what i think..


sorry for bad english...

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