1. Uploading the files to the web hosting
Once your web hosting environment meets the necessary requirements, locate the previously downloaded and extracted files, and upload the contents of the Web folder to your web server.
It is recommended to place these files in a dedicated folder, such as dashboard. You can then access the Dashboard directly via your domain (e.g., https://yourdomain.com/dashboard/) or by setting up a dedicated subdomain pointing to the dashboard folder on your server.
2. Files Configuration
Go to the location of your newly uploaded files and open Defines.php. You will see the following:
<?php define('TEMPLATE_DASHBOARD','Default'); define('URL_DEFAULT','https://mydomain.com/files/dashboard'); // No / at the end define('SUB_DIRECTORY', '/files/dashboard'); // No / at the end define("CACHE_PATH","Cache"); define('CONFIG_HASHER_KEY_CACHE','Wd5uPbTyq62ApNHHrMSnCyVbFgtHyuJg'); define('CONFIG_HASHER_KEY_GENERAL','Wd5uPbTyq62ApNHHrMSnCyVbFgtHyuJg');
- TEMPLATE_DASHBOARD: Specifies the name of the template folder located in the Templates directory.
- URL_DEFAULT: The web-accessible address for the dashboard, which can either be a subdomain pointing to the folder where the dashboard files are located or a simple address that includes the folder path.
SUB_DIRECTORY: The value of SUB_DIRECTORY can be configured in two ways, depending on the URL_DEFAULT configuration:
If URL_DEFAULT is set to a subdomain (e.g., https://dash.mydomain.com), then SUB_DIRECTORY should be set to a forward slash:
- If URL_DEFAULT is configured with a folder path (e.g., https://mydomain.com/files/dashboard), then SUB_DIRECTORY should be set to the absolute path of the dashboard location, starting from the web hosting root.
If URL_DEFAULT is set to a subdomain (e.g., https://dash.mydomain.com), then SUB_DIRECTORY should be set to a forward slash:
- CACHE_PATH: The location of the Cache folder, relative to the dashboard folder.
- CONFIG_HASHER_KEY_CACHE and CONFIG_HASHER_KEY_GENERAL: Both require a hash key for encrypting cache files and other related components.
The value configured for URL_DEFAULT must match value of Link URL set in License Manager when assigning dashboard to server license.
2.1 Directories permissions
Depending on your environment setup, it may be necessary to make the cache folder writable. The default cache folder is named Cache.
2.2. Confirm the validity of the setup
To ensure everything is configured correctly, copy the value set in URL_DEFAULT and paste it into your browser. The dashboard should display and no errors should be thrown, otherwise review your setup and do not move forward to license activation.
3. License Activation
The dashboard application is licensed on a per-server instance basis, meaning each dashboard license is tied to a specific server license.
Consequently, the dashboard can only be utilized within game servers operating under the assigned server license. Once server files are placed on your server machine and you have not activated your license yet, make sure to follow the licensing system guides and proceed with license activation.
A brief step-by-step guide is also available on the License Manager page.