3 votes
Decreas Points Command Remove Buff Options
Please add remove buff options for Decrease Points CMD
Player can abuse this by reset points and add full to ENE or VIT then Buff another character.
And then they resets points to normal, buff with highest value still stay!
Just add RemoveBuff of skill soptions when use Derease Points CMD
0 votesRefused
possibility to remove the limit of artifacts
It would be great if possibility to use the same types of artifacts / options was added to the config. This would open up wide opportunities for customizing a set of artifacts and make the system more flexible and interesting for the player.
5 votes
Offlevel Command
Make /offlevel command active when a character disconnect. Meaning that once you put /offlevel command it doesn't auto-disconnect your character, but you can disconnect it anytime you want and it will enter off-level mode (just like lock system). This way if users don't want to go off-level but end up getting disconnected they can enter automatically in off-level mode.
This is useful against connection issues or even ddos attacks. Since all accounts will be enter offlevel and keep leveling.
The only change is that once /offlevel command is set, character will enter off-level mode if he exist, closes or is disconnected from the game. Instead being disconnected inmediately after /offlevel command.
4 votes
Antihack - delay switch skill + config
Possible to implement in antihack.config a delay between switching to a different skill?
- switchskilldelay = 1000 (in milleseconds)
Right now people use perfect macro to switch and use many skills at the same time. This will give OP power.
11 votes
Allow users to enable or disable Reconnect System.
Allow users to enable or disable Reconnect System, either as a Launcher checkbox or in-game command.
Reconnect Feature is nice to have, but some users (a lot) suffer from high CPU usage when system is actived, they would rather prefer to be disconnected than to have their PC freezed or restarted.
11 votesCompleted
Chaos machine upgrade logs
[10:51:51] [Enchant UI Mix][PlusItemLevel] Chaos Mix Start
[10:51:51] [Enchant UI Mix][DeleteItem] [acc][nick] Minus Durability (12,15)(12)
[10:51:51] [Enchant UI Mix][DeleteItem] [acc][nick] Minus Durability (14,13)(15)
[10:51:51] [Enchant UI Mix][DeleteItem] [acc][nick] Minus Durability (14,14)(22)
[10:51:51] [Enchant UI Mix][PlusItemLevel] [lebang4][ooKnight] CBMix Fail 0 / 75 Money : 670347035-4000000 [11], CharmRate : 0
Suggestion: add information about the item, which is used in the chaos machine.
Reason: people often forgot to use a toka while upgrade, and i even can't know, what items they are loosing.
1 voteRefused
Change background of Toolkit BMD Viewer
Is possible to add a color picker when we export the BMD to PNG image?
Because the background is white, and a lot of weapons have white inside them. The weapon is mixing with the background and this is a problem for design purposes
Thanks and I hope you accept my suggestion.
8 votes
Ruud drop from itembags
Hello, i would like to suggest the ruud drop from itembags to be the same as wcoins to drop along with the items. I find this ruud drop only or item very outdated and itembags shouldn't act this way.
6 votesRefused
MonsterSpawn Group - Improvement
Hello Dears,
How are you ?
Here I will make a new suggestion for the system ( MonsterSpawn_group ), The suggestion is :
Make the possible random map spawn:
<!-- Group: Invasion : 2.5 Invasion {Aida,Tarkan and Icarus} --> <Group Index="33" Duration="30" MapNumber="33;10;8" BossMonsterIndex="309;63;77" BossMonsterName="**** Maine" AllowMove="1" SpawnNotice="The 2.5 Crafting invasion started now !" DespawnNotice="The 2.5 Crafting invasion has ended now !" PreNotice="The 2.5 Crafting invasion will begin in %d minutes..." /> <!-- --> <Group Index="33" EnableRandomMap="1" MapNumber="33;10;8"> <Area StartX="50" StartY="103" EndX="57" EndY="114" /> </Group>
This is better settings for invasion management ?
Thanks in Advanced !
2 votesRefused
Events BOSS Improvement
This setting makes it easier for the player to calculate the time
Add setting a fixed time instead of a countdown
<Start Hour="0" Minute="20" />
<Start Hour="0" Minute="50" />
<Start Hour="3" Minute="20" />
<Start Hour="8" Minute="20" />
<Start Hour="10" Minute="20" />
9 votes
EventList on plugin LimmitedCommand
Through this I come to ask the developers to create the possibility of defining the events, monsters or even invasions that could be shown by the system.
Sorting by type:
0 event
1 Monster (RegTime)
2 Raids (MonsterSpawnGroup)
1 voteCompleted
CustomRanks plugin priority system improvements
Hi devs,
Through this I come to suggest that you can allow 2 priorities to work at the same time, as the system currently does not enable the execution of 2 priorities, for example:
Resets + Master Level
If you create a priority with resets all others will be ignored, so the ranks for master level players become useless.
Another major improvement to the system would be the ability for us to set rankings via the Grand Reset.
2 votesRefused
Itembags specific ancient item
Current item bag functionality only supports random ancient item drops from the whole pool or a specific item, would be nice to have the option to control tier or exact ancient item.
As I found in the forum this is not implemented due to performance issues
The comment was made 5 years ago, perhaps something changed and this can be implemented now?
2 votes
Add per-class checking capability to Limited User Command
The idea is to allow us to define own class awards, currently the system does not have this option.
It would basically be like an EventItemBag however it would be directly to the created command.
Example I want to give a specific item for each class:
AvailableClass DW="3" RW="1" LM="0"
10 votesCompleted
ItemBagScript.lua Add script
BAG_GREMORYCASE = 4 -- Mainly items are sent to the GremoryCase characters.
This way many custom items can be rewarded directly to the character box of the K key
I hope it is accepted?
8 votesCompleted
Combo BK same behavior as GMO
If possible to make Combo same behavior as GMO? If die in Combo it will knock you back like this?
Small details but it would make the PVP/PVM Combo more fun to watch.
11 votes
MonsterInterval plugin suggestion
I took the liberty of creating a file to present the idea, this would really be very useful for any and all administrators active here.
The idea is to allow us to set specific spawn intervals for raids and bosses so that they are not monopolized by our players.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- // ============================================================ // == INTERNATIONAL GAMING CENTER NETWORK // == www.igcn.mu // == (C) 2022 IGC-Network (R) // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // == File is a part of IGCN Group MuOnline Server files. // ============================================================ // //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //~~ This is a product developed by IGCN, it is an exclusive customization and can be purchased in the plugins section //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // # Monster Index: Monster Index listed in \Data\MonsterList.xml // # TimeToStartHour: -1 Ignore this function ( If put value > 1 the first spawn of the monster will be release on the Hour seted here) // # TimeToStartMinute: -1 Ignore this function ( If put value > 1 the first spawn of the monster will be release on the Minute seted here) // # TimeInterval: Interval in hours separated by ; for monster appearance // # TimeFixed: If set to 0 the monster will be spawned via its RegTime settings defined in \Data\MonsterList.xml //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // # Invasions: // # MonsterIndex: listed in \Data\MonsterList.xml // # BuffType: After the invasion, the monster appears with a personalization aura for better visualization of special monsters/invasions // # BuffDuration: Time the effect will remain on the monster in seconds // # DescNameAura: The text set here will be shown above the monster's name //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // // // STRICTLY NO COMMENTS INSIDE TAGS --> <MonsterTimeInterval> <Monster Index="746" TimeToStartHour="-1" TimeToStartMinute="-1" TimeInterval="3;8;12" TimeFixed="0" /> <Monster Index="716" TimeToStartHour="2" TimeToStartMinute="30" TimeInterval="2;6;8" TimeFixed="0" /> <Monster Index="734" TimeToStartHour="8" TimeToStartMinute="15" TimeInterval="4;8;12" TimeFixed="0" /> <Monster Index="794" TimeToStartHour="-1" TimeToStartMinute="-1" TimeInterval="2;8;16" TimeFixed="0" /> <!-- Special buff aplly for Special Invasions --> <Invasion MonsterIndex="25" BuffType="0" BuffDuration="300" DescNameAura="[Special]: IceQueen" /> <Invasion MonsterIndex="49" BuffType="3" BuffDuration="300" DescNameAura="[Special]: Hydra" /> <Invasion MonsterIndex="135" BuffType="7" BuffDuration="300" DescNameAura="[Special]: White Wizard" /> </MonsterTimeInterval>
This is my idea ?
3 votes
Improvement command /clearinventory
Through this I come to ask the developers to make the slots of the artifacts system be reset when using the command that clears the entire inventory of the character.
As it is a new system, it would be interesting to add this to the command in this way in case there is a problem with the slots or the character wants to clean the command.
0 votesRefused
Reset 3rd without need 4th reset
It would be interesting to do a check,
aimed at resetting the 3rd Tree,
without the need to reset the 4th Tree!
34 votes
Offlevel Improvement
Some time ago I made a suggestion about offlevel, I don't know if I explained it well, but I want to try it again.
The offlevel is one of the most important features of private servers and the one that gives us the most advantage over GMO, many players currently depend on it and honestly most are dissatisfied with how it works.
It would be of great help if this feature were reworked so it would not work the way it currently works, which is under specific configuration, but would work with the muhelper, just as if it were online.
That means, that the player configures the muhelper with:
- All skills that they want, included buff/debuff etc
- range
- pick of items
- the real character attack speed not one fixed
etc... everything that allows the mu helper to be configured and when leaving offlevel it works as if it were online with the mu helper, in few words that the configuration of the offlevel can be done by each player in the muhelper.
Currently the offlevel has many problems, which according to the server configuration make it unusable from certain levels and no matter how many changes are made to improve it, it will not be the same as the muhelper and that would be the real goal, that in offlevel the character It will work with the muhelper.
I am sure if you release a new offlevel working with muhelper configuration as offlevel renewal I would buy it without thinking twice
Thank you.
3. when use command offlevel don't close the game client just send users to select server. so they can loging with a different account.
8 votes
LastManStanding with weekly Schedule like as CryWolf
Add Schedule system to LastManStanding like as CryWolf
In the current schedule system, we only can set a time of the day.
<Schedule> <Start Hour="20" Minute="0" /> </Schedule> But would is very useful set schedule like as CryWolf
<Schedule> <Start Month="-1" Day="-1" DayOfWeek="6" Hour="22" Minute="00" /> </Schedule> What do you think IGCN Team?
7 votes
Ability to Control Spells AoE and Target Number
Add Ability to Control Spells AoE (in tiles) and/or Target Number.
You added the ability to remove AoE from spells in events but that changes the gameplay entirely (not for good) since teleport characters become a problem to kill (you cannot target them while on teleport), also on stacked characters you are unable to select your desired target when needed.
Unfortunatelly, leaving AoE makes some spells broken in PvP events (see image below)
If we can limit AoE for each spell or number of targets, it would be extremly useful while maintaining the original gameplay.
16 votes
Ranking Castle Siege & Arka War
It would be great to have
a SQL TABLE to score
Ranking Castle Siege Crow / Switch Time
Arka War Kill's / Death
Total Damge by Character [Physical / Wizardy / Elemental]
Like This:
SELECT [Name] ,[Name] ,[Kills] ,[Deaths] FROM [dbo].[RankingCastleSiegeKills] SELECT [Name] ,[Name] ,[Kills] ,[Deaths] FROM [dbo].[RankingArcaBattleKills] SELECT [Name] ,[Name] ,[Physical] ,[Wizardy] ,[Elemental] FROM [dbo].[RankingArcaBattleDamage] SELECT [Name] ,[Name] ,[Physical] ,[Wizardy] ,[Elemental] FROM [dbo].[RankingCastleSiegeDamage] SELECT [Name] ,[Name] ,[SwitchTime] ,[CrownTime] FROM [dbo].[RankingCastleSiegeTime]
0 votes
Season 6 features
A lot of season 6 server files have the following features so I was wondering if can be added here too:
* Store Currency: Can use jewels instead of only zen or points. Also would to have off store feature and ability to set different limits per ip/hardware if they have a char on offstore, that way if one of their chars is offstore it isn't penalized in hardware/ip limitations.
* Chaos Castle: ability to modify explosion rate of mobs in percentage 0-100%. Very useful because hard to clean with bk char
* Ancient Items: For item bags etc it would be nice if can specify which ancient set it is instead of it being random (for example can't force it to drop vicious helm vs hyon helm)
* Custom Quest: A lot of clients have feature where can do custom quests, you can make it so that you kill x amount of a specific monster and you get a reward for doing so like items or exp. You can also find an x amount of a specific item bring it back to the quest npc for reward. Also has feature of choosing how frequently the quest can be done (once per day etc)
* Limitations for how often VIP or normal chars can participate in a event per day, for example only Devil Square or Chaos Castle limit of twice per day if normal and unlimited for VIP
* Ability to edit exc drop rates per map basis
* Monsters: ability to add a monster to a list where if they are killed it makes a global announcement. I am planning to make each kundun from kalima 1-7 like a mini event
* Skeleton King: Ability to make it into an event rather than having it only spawn once the GS is booted
6 votes
Combo Skill Attack Success Rate
If possible to add
DKComboSuccessAttackRateOption = 100
so that we can configure the combo to never miss a damage.