-1 votes
PVP M-key movement limit
During PVP attack
Please limit the movement of the M key
The problem of attacking and then running away with the M key movement
There are a lot of problems with the server.
7 votes
Improvement MonsterSpawn_group allow add effect type on monsters invasions
Hello devs,
I would like to ask you for the ability to set some kind of buff or some special effect to monsters defined as raids in the MonsterSpawn_group system
It is natural for us Administrators to creating invasions with existing monsters, for example:
ice queen gorgon hydra And many other monsters in the system, but it turns out that these monsters can become camouflaged when an invasion is started the idea would be to add the possibility of being able to define some kind of effect to the monsters such as the news system that applies an aura around the monsters and does not allow the monster to take damage.
It would be something based on these types of effects, it would be a great differentiator for all of us.
6 votes
Add information reset on UI character atributtes
Hello developers,
Through this I come to request the addition of information about the amount of resets that the character contains below level as was done in season 13 many players request this, although we have the information in the main.exe window some players play in full screen!
So they are requesting this, because it is an extra feature, I am asking you to check the possibility of adding this to the interface again.
6 votes
impossible to attack self Guild (need)
impossible to attack self Guild (need) PVP
10 votes
Small JewelsManager.xml update
Add Ability to control how much exc.options add Jewel of Kondar (same like we have on Jewel of Excess)
;-- A count of excellent options to add by Jewel of Kondar
Kondar_OptCount = X
11 votes
limit buy cashshop and npc shop
may be we can set limit for cashshop and npc shop
everyday/everyweek/everymonth can reset.
1、i set the item to cashshop
2、i set everyday buy it 10 times limit
3、if you buy the item 10 times after then put up message:"the item is buy limit in today,please try this tomorrow"
the same as cashshop
i think that's funny extend
2 votes
Add support for Durabillity on JewelUpgradeSystem
Speak devs all right?
Through this I ask you to add support for items with durability to the JewelUpgradeSystem plugin so that we can define the quantity of the item needed to transform it into other items.
1 vote
Improvement ResetSystem, on function ResetMasterLevel
Hello devs,
Through this I come to ask you to change the dynamics of how these functions behave in the reset system, if this is possible 90% of our problems with unfolding and others will be solved.
Currently the ResetMasterLevel function works as follows.
If a character gets regular level 400 and master level 100 then we will have a character with level 500 right?
This character who obtained 100 master levels consequently received 100 points for distribution in skillTree correct?
In this scenario, let's imagine that this player has received these 100 points and has made the distribution in his talent tree.
After distributing the points, the player performs a reset, his regular level will return to level 1 and his master level will return to level 0 if the ResetMasterLevel function is active.
The idea is to make this function check the distributed points and the undistributed points because ?
Because if the system behaves by resetting only the Master Level, we could use this function to solve the problem with the movement using master level.
The problem with this function is that when using the character it returns to level 0 however the character receives master level points again the idea is just to create a check on the points distributed so if the character resets it will return to level 0 and only receive points of master level at levels not obtained in this example the character would only receive points after reaching master level 101 or higher.
4 votes
Message Type for Extended Notices System
Is it possible to add an option to determine where the news appears?
Example, at line:
<MonsterKillNotice Enabled="1"> Add type and colors attribute, like
<MonsterKillNotice Enable="1" Type="1" R="255" G="105" B="180"> Where Type is
1 = Global Middle Message
2 = Chat Window Message
if 'Type' is set to 1, the color attribute is ignored.
3 votes
Improvement ItemOptionStatic add new random option function
The idea is to add to the plugin the possibility to set random options to the items.
Currently we define through an ID the option right?
The idea would be to add the possibility of defining a unique value that would make the system deliver a random option to the item whose value was defined as random.
<Item Cat="0" Index="130" MinLevel="14" SocketCount="0" OptionIndex="3" OptionValue="5" OptionProbability="2" Ancient="-1" Excellent="3" /> In the example above the item would receive the option of Id 3 = :
Stun enemy for %d seconds (Chance %d%%) If the Server Administrator set : -1 in OptionIndex="-1" the system would apply a random option to the item when the item meets the requirements defined in the system.
This could also be done for probability:
If set to : -1 the value is randomly set by the system.
I believe this will bring the plugin more visibility.
3 votes
Event Inventory Space Requirements
I cannot think of other item than white/red/golden cherry blossom branch that occupy more than a 1x1 event inventory space (1x2), why is it a requirement for event inventory to have 4x4 if there's no such item that needs that big of space.
Also Cherry Blossom Play-Box drops the item to the ground, meaning that if there's no 1x2 space to pick the cherry branch, you just don't get it but no error will happens if requirement for using an event inventory item is reduced from 4x4 to 1x1.
It is well-known that the majority of users experience issues when trying to use event inventory items due to space requirements.
It is on any server owner resposibility if he decides to add an item that is claimed into the event inventory directly that requires more than a 1x1 space, because default configuration (and webzen) has non.
This is how it works in webzen, it only check for normal inventory requirement, event inventory can be full.
2 votes
Dropping boxes items at mouse location position
The idea is to change the drop-down location when the character drops the box (so that the item falls in the cell where the mouse was directed) - Now all items fall exclusively at the feet of the character, which creates a mess and difficulty to pick up the right item when throwing a few boxes.
As an alternative, when clicking in the inventory by right-clicking on the box, can make items fall in random order near the character in a circle within 2-3 cells, so at least you can drop 4-5 boxes and only then change the coordinates of the character.
For now you need to change character position on each box dropping, to avoid mess and pickup necessary item.
3 votesCompleted
Lacking Burst (GL Skill) Lua Formula
Lacking Burst (GL Skill) Lua Formula, we would like to control skill time (currently is 10 seconds) but there's no lua formula for it.
6 votesCompleted
Punish damage cap for PVP & PVE
Would be great, if could put damage cap PVP and PVE
Useful for 32k 65k servers where monsters has more HP than players
1 voteRefused
Add SkillTime to Bless Skill
Bless Skill has no Skill Time, please add it so we can increase its duration.
-- SkillID: 1230, Bless Enhancement Skill function Bless_4thEnchant_Elf(Energy) local SkillEffect = Energy / 50 return SkillEffect end
2 votes
Custom Buff for EE
Add a custom buff skill for EE that applys all its buff to a character. Currently EE has 5 buffs + cure (needed to remove debuff in arka) and we are not considering healing buffs to apply to every character. It takes a lot of time to give all these buffs (manually) to all characters in party.
This need an improvement and hope IGCN can deliver it with a custom buff that when applied all buffs are given to the target character.
Make it happen IGCN. This is very functional.
3 votesCompleted
Renewal Illusion template (Custom random party)
Hello developers ❤️
Through this I come to request a rework on the illusion template system, currently the megamu server uses this way and it is very effective.
Or maybe a new plugin as an event extension or something.
The idea is to make the system as follows:
Participants when entering the event enter without a group, after the entry period the system itself creates groups randomly.
So let's say that if between 10 people at the event each group will have 5 participants, if between 9 people at the event a group will have only 4 participants because the system works this way.
The cool thing is that the event gains a great value because does not necessary that to have 2 groups with a minimum of 2 players or more.
Below is a video of the event in action:
3 votes
about EachMonsterMapDrop Settings
monster drops items and versions are not matched
Added items make work busy
EachMonsterMapDrop Generator RC This tool is dead too!
Is it possible to NixieLake the previous map set webzen default drop like ?-team Or develop new tools that make it easier for us to set up and make it feel more reasonable for players.
2 votes
Make a key pressed improvement for Anti-lag system !
Through this I come to ask developers to add a key to activate all features and to disable all features at once.
Or something that can be defined in a file where we would determine which functions would be disabled if the key example: 'SHIFT+X' would disable.
Something like:
<AntiLagKeyPressed> <Key="X" /> <FunctionActiveOnKeyPressed> <HiddenWings ="1"> <HiddenZen ="1"> </FunctionActiveOnKeyPressed> </AntiLagKeyPressed>
7 votes
Lock System to lock inventory and vault items but make character playable
Lock System to lock (trading, selling and mix/enhance) inventory and vault items but make character playable (can kill other players and assist arka and castle siegue event). Work on it and make it a plugin. It is really needed...
Problem: Users share accounts for arka and castle siegue events to strangers which may steal from them
3 votes
Item quest improvement on HuntPoint system
Through this I would like to request the addition of durability to the quest items in the system.
It would be interesting to also allow us to work with jewels in the hunt point mission system.
The durability would be separated by a comma and they would be represented for each Id example:
In the example above each comma represents an identification in:
point ID
5 Jewels (Point Id="0" Reward="1") 10 Jewels (Point Id="1" Reward="3") Please consider this suggestion it would be very interesting to allow this.
1 vote
You are reached a maximum level
I think all will be agree, that everyone already get tired of that annoying line.
Suggestion: when player already got the maximum level, this line won't appears in the system messages.
5 votes
notification plugin much needed update
Hello , i think the notification plugin for item pick up/pk/respawn notifications should not be in triggering in general post because they hide players post messages and there is no way to hide them. Please change them to be shown at whisper chat so you can hide them or in global message system like monster kill with the possibility to choose color of the notification text. Or maybe develop a command to hide such notifications , just giving an idea. Thank you
2 votes
Added increase attack speedy on buffs (HuntPoints system)
I would like to ask developers to add increase attack speedy to the buff list of this plugin.
1 vote
Adde a exclusive list for, added monster allow send HuntPoints after killed
The idea is to add to the system the possibility of adding a specific list of monsters that will also be part of the hunt gain, we know that inactive points are stolen through PVP.
The idea is to add the possibility of gaining hunt points through the elimination of some monsters, it would be interesting to add directly to the file a list where it is possible to define which monsters would send huntpoint to players after the elimination of the same.
<HuntListAllowedMonster> <Monster Index="25" HuntPoints="8" AllowedMap="-1" /> <!-- Any map --> <Monster Index="50" HuntPoints="12" AllowedMap="-1" /> <Monster Index="350" HuntPoints="30" AllowedMap="51" /> <!-- Specific map --> <Monster Index="12" HuntPoints="2" AllowedMap="4" /> </HuntListAllowedMonster> This is just an example.
It would be really cool if you cojitasize this idea.