4 votes
Allow Activation of MU Helper in Zone Safe
Problem: An user is required to control support characters in Arka Event to buff/debuff party members since you can buff in safe zone but cannot active helper.
Solution: Allow helper to be actived in safe zone so support characters can automatically buff party members without the need of an human being.
This will increase the free hands available for 'killer' characters (which is what most people want to play).
20 votes
Suggest to make a plugin items fashion.
It's not adding an item list. Rather, it is a fashion item to be worn over the original item for beauty. Just like any other game in this era.
5 votesCompleted
MapMoveNPC width PlayerMinReset/PlayerMaxReset and PlayerMinLevel/PlayerMaxLevel
We could have the PlayerMinReset/PlayerMaxReset and PlayerMinLevel/PlayerMaxLevel options in MapMoveNPC Plugin?
I think that these options are revelant for a Warp NPC.
2 votesCompleted
About Custom CM
Would there be any possibility, to create / Add
New item combinations in Chaos Machine?
It would also be possible to add a module
Whose, you could buy using some other type
I deposit currency to buy items.
I use (200x)Jewel of Bless to buy an Ice Dragon(Rare)
At the NPC.
Would it be possible to customize this for the near future?
10 votes
Implement option to disable use of mount in safe zone
It would be good to have an option in Common.ini which will grant the possibility to disable the use of mounts in safe zones.
This would prevent Lorencia from being super laggy when multiple players are afk with mounts enabled.
2 votesCompleted
Add new string text for command custom
Hello Developers, @Wizzy @drakelv
I would like to suggest you add new informational strings (text) to these custom commands such as:
/decstr, agi, vit, ene, cmd /huntstore /huntware Currently the system does not have information after using the commands.
As it is possible to configure new features in some of these commands, such as usage rate and others, it would be fundamentally the addition of new strings (text) of information for these commands.
Open vault and NPC command:
Open main storage in Lorencia (X: 50 Y:135) fee charged 50 WCoins. Decrease command:
Points reduction effective with success in strength, points withdrawn: 300 Well at first I think that's all that's missing in these commands.
2 votes
Add coinType ruud on LimitedUseCommands
Currently the system allows creating commands only by GP and WC I would like to ask developers to include in the system the possibility of creating commands charging ruud as well.
6 votes
Plugin lock item with pass code
Hello, i see in some server season 6 or Custom Season 11-12 have function protect item with pass code. In some server, the price of item so high and if player share password to another players, have risk to lost this item.
Example: use commands /lock 1234 -> User can lock all wear item/guardian/horse with time. After this period item automaticaly unlock or player can unlock with commands: /unlock 1234.
8 votes
Static Item Option System with EXP Increase
Hello community, the Plugin Static Item Option System should have an option that Increase EXP percent too.
It will gonna be perfect
0 votesCompleted
PlayerMinReset and PlayerMaxReset for the ItemBags
A lot of percentage of Private Servers are fast server. It's possible to add the options PlayerMinReset and PlayerMaxReset to ItemBags ?
3 votes
Custom Monster transformation rings
As one may know that there are various rings you can equip to change your skin to that of a Monster/NPC. (The CashShop Panda Rings, etc)
How about customized items that allows the same function, but can be configured to be any given monster/applicable NPC instead, any added stats/options are also optional.
Sure, item model and entries wise it can be a bunch of reskins of the existing rings, but one can always change their model and description into something else since rings don't show outside of inv screen anyways.
in S17, the high-end Sets kinda made Custom Sets obsolete, so I'm thinking if a WoW styled Transmogrification system would be better fared. Combined with a custom monsters/NPCs system (which I heard is already a WIP?) I think this can be emulated well.
4 votes
OffLevel improvement
The idea is possible manage to the skill list on file (OffLevelling.xml).
This is better for all, then this allow I can add missing skill on the file when new version (season) is available.
This reduced the issues reported in bug-tracker.
<SkiilList> container </SkillList>
6 votesCompleted
Add count string on announcement MonsterSpawn_group
The idea is to let players know how many monsters have been eliminated from the invasions that are running.
Something like that:
"[%d of %d] %s was killed by %s !"
In game:
[1 of 10] Monster was killed by Player !
3 votesCompleted
Suggestions on EssentialTools
I wish could add a feature
Can query the IP of account connection
Check their online time
Check their offline time
I send a picture,It's a function similar to the one in the picture,Maybe you can't read Chinese,So I wrote the introduction below
ServerName = Regular
Connection status= Offline/Online
Connect the IP =
Online time = years /month/day/hours/minutes/seconds
Offline time = years /month/day/hours/minutes/seconds
5 votes
About the improvement of noticesystem
Now kill monsters and players with the same message,I wish there was a separate PVP message,This makes PVP messages more obvious
As follows:
<Msg ID="0" Text=" [%s] in %s Picked up %s %s" RGB="255,255,5" /> <!-- PlayerName, MapName, Tag, ItemName -->
<Msg ID="1" Text=" %s Killed %s in %s (%d,%d)" RGB="255,255,255" /> <!-- KillerName, VictimName, MapName, X, Y -->
<Msg ID="2" Text=" %s has respawned in %s (%d,%d)" RGB="255,255,5" /> <!-- MonsterName, MapName, X, Y -->
<Msg ID="3" Text=" [PVP] %s Killed %s in %s (%d,%d)" RGB="255,255,255" /> <!-- KillerName, VictimName, MapName, X, Y -->
2 votesCompleted
Reset system improvement
There are some issues with reset/grand resets if you are willing to use large experience table and functional reset cost.
For example I had experience table (DynamicExpRangeList) with rules for up to 500 resets and with this setup, you can also create rules for resets (DynamicResetRangeList) and give rewards but here come issues with reset cost, for example, if I set price per reset to 2kk with option "MultiplyCostPerResets" then it becomes heavy after ~100 resets 200kk per reset and up to 500kk which is ridiculously much.
Option is to create a new reset section where we could define requirements for resets, something like this.
<ResetRequirements> <Requirement MinReset="0" MaxReset="100" CostZen="20000000" .... /> <ResetRequirements> Another workaround here is to split the experience table (DynamicExpRangeList) by 100 resets with Min/MaxGrandReset option something like this https://prnt.sc/xwYhezXG9fWa this is working fine however then appears another issue with ResetSystem, I no longer can give rewards (for example additional points) for every 100 reset made, since with this setup I only know that player reached max reset but don't know if this is first run or not (GrandResets), so nice option here would be to add same Min/MaxGrandReset check to DynamicResetRangeList
My whole idea under grand resets is that players receive 5k points for every 100 resets, and these points stay even after resets, so after the first grand reset and reset it will receive 5500 points after the second 6000 points, after two grand resets 10000 points, after two grand resets and one reset 10500 points and so on, but I can't create such setup with current configuration possibilities without losing cost per reset.
Hopefully this makes sense.
9 votesRefused
MonsterSpawn_group Improvement on the MapNumber function
I would like to ask developers to have the ability to define more than one map in just one index of each group, there are invasions that we want to control by the file that when starting should occur in up to 3 different maps, for example: White Wizard that occurs in 3 maps simultaneously.
Because of this I would like to ask the developers for the ability to be able to set more than one map per group if possible, an option to set RandomMap="0" to non ranomic 1 to simultaneously.
Example: Lorencia, Dungeon, Noria and you should if set RandomMap="1" the raid would start on one of these maps, if set to 0 the raid will take place on all maps.
3 votes
Icewind Castle Improvements
I am testing the Icewind Castle and there are some rooms for improvement. So I suggest them here for you.
1) We should show the subtract value message to the user when registering the event such as “You have spent X (Wcoin, GP, Zen..) for the application of Icewind Castle. The registering players need to know what are costing them for the registration. So it will be much better if we prompt them for the registration like “Will you spent X for the registration…” or having a NPC for handling the registering informations, tips, and current Icewind Lord…
2) We should have a short text description on the clock, when leaving the chair to show that they need to comeback and sit on the chair as soon as possible like “Sitting Privilege Remain”.
3) The event do not display all the rewarded currencies when the event ended. It only displays how much Ruud you can get but Wcoins, Goblins, and Contributions). Not sure this one is a bug.
4) …
1 voteRefused
Online number modification
; Setting up too low values may cause errors on launch
PlayerCount = 1000
It is recommended that the number of online people can refresh the re -reading and increase or reduce the restricted players online
8 votesRefused
Converter xml to bmd file on ToolKit premium
The idea is to be able to convert the ItemList.xml into a bmd file more easily so when adding custom items, just convert the itemList.xml into a new item.bmd totally identical to the itemList.xml information
5 votes
LimitedUseCommand Improve
I think limitedusecommand needs a handy tool that can initialize command limits. For example, I think that an option to set the
time so that the same command can be applied only once in 24 hours, or an option to initialize the limit manually is necessary.
Example 1) essential tool - limitedusecommand reset
Example 2)
limitresettime="48" (hours)
limitresettime="0" no reset
Currently we have to modify the database to use that command again.
Otherwise, have to create a new command again.
2 votesCompleted
Improvement chaos card system for the current version
The idea is, added on the system (chaos card) the tags: ElementalItem and SocketCount for the socket system and Elemental system work with the system (Chaos Card).
Because in actual system this does not work, then the system sends for the player items with (invalid element) or with socket count every time with tree empty slots.
6 votes
Important Improvement MonsterSpawnGroup system
The idea is that the system can inform or demonstrate emblem or text string above the monster when it appears on the map, as we use existing monsters to create invasions players end up getting a little confused without knowing what a custom invasion is or what a common monster that is walking around the map.
The idea is to make it possible to add some text or some customization on monsters managed in the MonsterSpawn_group file so that our players can distinguish what is an invasion monster and what is not.
It would also be of immense importance if you could make these monsters when starting an invasion walk around the map. Our invasions are easily found by players because the monster simply stays 100% still waiting until a player approaches its coordinate.
Please consider my suggestion, it is something very important indeed.
Thanks, in Advanced!
2 votesRefused
reload CalcCharacter settings
Hello , can we please have a reload button on gameservers that reloads only the CalcCharacter.ini file? There are many times that we need to adjust that file and it reloads only with common reload, doing common reload on live server is not recommended and can crash the gameserver so it would be super useful to have such a reload feature.
5 votes
PVP forced attack shortcut on / off Guild Wars Forced Attack shortcut key on / off is required
PVP forced attack shortcut on / off
Guild Wars Forced Attack shortcut key on / off is required
Guild War Forced Attack
when on
I like the ability to automatically enter hostile guilds with all guilds.
please add to plugin