-3 votesRefused
reset system
to reset system
It would be nice if it could be set to reset the 3rd and 4th skill.
0 votesCompleted
ItemBag Min/Max Settings
Addcoin is enabled = Player Max Level 850 -
If a level 851 character kills Ice Queen (screenshot below)- they will not get item, but they get the GP.
I think the player max level should count for EVERYTHING (meaning if 851 char kills this ice queen they should NOT get the GP reward) The MIN/MAX LEVEL attribute should apply for the FULL item bag.
1 vote
Add Gaion to Instance System
Today we are limited to only allowing 1 party to enter Gaion at a time. The only way party #2 can join is if the 1st party WARPS out of the first Gaion Zone. If the first party is AFK it kind of screws the other players too because it will not allow the second party to warp.
I think it would be fantastic if we can have simultaneous Gaions, so there isn't a 500 person queue to get in. Maybe we can add Gaion to the Instance System.
1 vote
Commands that force guilds to attack each other Required
Commands that force guilds to attack each other
When Guild A uses commands
The ability to forcibly attack all other guilds is required.
Korea s8 has been implemented
6 votesCompleted
Cooldown for the SD and Elite potions
AntiHack.ini file. There is settings
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Delay time between use of each potion in Game, expressed in ms, 1s equal to 1000ms ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PotionDelayTime = xxx Please add section for the SD potions
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Delay time between use of SD potion in Game, expressed in ms, 1s equal to 1000ms ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SDPotionDelayTime = xxx ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Delay time between use of Elite potion in Game, expressed in ms, 1s equal to 1000ms ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ElitePotionDelayTime = xxx Why? Because right now there isn't balance with SD potions. Who have more SD potions = win.
Cooldown will increase value of SD potions and PVP will be better.
9 votes
Min/Max entry reset for maps
Add please similar configs as have MapServerInfo.xml to MapAttribute.xml or Warps files.
// MinEntryReset: Minimum reset required to join the map, -1 if not applies
// MaxEntryReset: Maximum reset required to join the map, -1 if not applies
MinEntryReset="-1" MaxEntryReset="-1"
12 votesCompleted
MonsterGroupRegenSystem with weekly Schedule like as CryWolf
Add Schedule system to MonsterGroupRegenSystem like as CryWolf
In the current schedule system, we only can set a time of the day.
<Group Index="1"> <Spawn StartHour="21" StartMinute="00" AppearanceRate="100" /> </Group> But would is very useful set schedule like as CryWolf
<Schedule> <Start Mode="0" State="1" Month="-1" Day="-1" DayOfWeek="6" Hour="22" Minute="00" /> </Schedule> What do you think IGCN Team?
6 votes
Make FormulaData.xml more useful
This is related to the party exp formula.
I've seen topics smth like "exp is gained too much in party" and the only one proposition to solve it - set party gap. But in any case party gap is not a good solution and exp part in FormulaData still be almost unuseful.
My suggestion: move party exp formula to lua script or keep it in FormulaData, but move variables to the "normal variables". I mean allow to reuse the same variable in the same formula and have possibility to change variable place.
So I propose to use normal variable names, e.g. <Formula ID="4" Data="{soloParty}*{partyAddExp}*{memberLevel}/{totalLevel}" />
In this case a user will be able to change variable place/use the same variable multiple times/remove some variable in the middle and so on as it's needed.
I don't think it's a big issue to parse this variables in a code and use it, but very helpful feature for a users.
4 votesRefused
EventEntryLevel split DG event
File: EventEntryLevel.xml / .bmd
Will be great if you can split this events in near future, at least DG event.
5 votes
Weekly shedule
It would be great if it was possible to run events like Illusion Temple, Doblegoer, etc. only once a week. This might look like an extra line in the schedule: Day="1-7", or Day="0" when it need to disable for daily
8 votes
Random Spawner
It would be nice to have a RANDOM respawn time setting for certain monsters. For example, Core mag, Sylvester, maybe Kunduns - medusa , deep dung gorgon.
Or ANY monster for that matter.
11 votes
Anti-Lag Client Add-on Required
Anti-Lag Client Add-on Required
You must make other people's armor invisible.
Or make it look like Leather armor with low FPS
There are a lot of changes in FPS.
Please add the function to Anti-Lag Client
i will buy it right away
2 votes
siege Crown time can be set Can't add functions? very much needed
Crown time can be set
Can't add functions? very much needed
5 votes
Customize Arka War Buff
It would be useful to be able to modify the amount of experience arka buff give to players. 20% may seem too little or too much depending on server configuration.
-1 votesRefused
Read ItemTRSData outside of lang.mpr
Currently in Season 17 client, to add new items, ItemTRSData.txt in lang.mpr needs to be changed, and the client seems no longer read Local/itemtrsdata.bmd. However this is the only file that needs to be changed there and each time we do so, a new lang.mpr needs to be generated and shipped - based on the rest of the files in lang.mpr, there shouldn't be any need to generate this file after the interface is localized, since other custom item related strings are all stored in /local anyways.
Is there a way to include a configuration that restores this setting so ItemTRSData is read from /Data/Local instead of lang.mpr?
4 votes
Steal PK Gens Point
Steal PK Gens Point
How to steal points from the same gens
Requires auto attack control key
Stealing the Gens Point of a dead character who killed anyone
I really need the feature
17 votesRefused
I need the ability to turn on/off the ctrl key for PK
I need the ability to turn on/off the ctrl key for PK
This function has been added to the mu-free server file in Korea.
You can turn the ctrl key on and off with a shortcut.
It's easy to do PK
2 votes
Hope to add a few days to open an Icewind Dale event.
For example: open once every 2 days
This way I don't have to do it manually
3 votes
Auto post online and offlevel
Auto post online and offlevel
In other servers I have seen that they have the option that users can activate a post automatically and leave every 30 seconds (it is configurable from the server side).
The auto post also works in offlevel.
This option is very useful because users can leave posts to sell items or buy items.
1 vote
How to avoid the player hiding behind the building to fight BOSS?
How to avoid the player hiding behind the building to fight BOSS?
Use walls, trees, stones, road signs
The player hides behind , Bosses cannot attack the player , But the player can attack the BOSS
Players maliciously use these small structures to kill bosses without damaging them
Can you get the BOSS to return to the resurrection point in a certain amount of time? Or a player hiding behind a building can get hit by a BOSS ?
Or how the player’s skill is set so that you have to point the mouse at the BOSS in order to attack the BOSS, instead of the mouse pointer being released on the floor
8 votes
Cashshop Additional Function
I think this will be very useful to most server administrator who have Cashshop as their primary shop in-game
Suggesting to add a function to reduce a % deduction to all cashshop like a promo so us administrator don't need to manually set the price according to our promo if we have this system.
either in Toolkit Editor or Cashshop.xml
;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Defines whether to enable promo 1/0 on/off ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- PromoSystemEnable = 0 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Defines the percentage of the promo - Max is 100% ;-- % is the deduction from the original price of the item ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- CashshopPromo = 80
0 votes
Custom Ground Target skill damageable
please make configuration to control damageable aoe skill in different situtation like
meteor storm for now it can dealt dmg even you click on the ground if target incoming in skill range they will got dmg that it make some class play easy and got benefit than some class so if we have config to adjust like meteor storm can dealt dmg aoe only regular pvp and arena duel but in akar war event and castle siege need to lock on target
to dealt dmg you still cast on ground target but you can't dealt any dmg even target in skill range until you lock on target and that target will taken dmg
it will make any class focus on target then it will make war event intense anyone can't just spam aoe skill and auto win if have many aoe skill defend
this config will bee adjust only a ground target skill only like tripple shot meteor storm evil spirit and etc this is my except config be like
<Skill Index="24" Name="Triple Shot"> <RegularPVP="1" AkarWar="1" CastleSiege="1" ChaosCastle="1" BattleCore="1" /> <Skill Index="414" Name="Triple Shot Strengthener"> <RegularPVP="1" AkarWar="1" CastleSiege="1" ChaosCastle="1" BattleCore="1" /> <Skill Index="418" Name="Triple Shot Mastery"> <RegularPVP="1" AkarWar="1" CastleSiege="1" ChaosCastle="1" BattleCore="1" /> <Skill Index="1081" Name="Triple Shot Enhancement Skill"> <RegularPVP="1" AkarWar="1" CastleSiege="1" ChaosCastle="1" BattleCore="1" /> <Skill Index="725" Name="Meteor Storm"> <RegularPVP="1" AkarWar="0" CastleSiege="1" ChaosCastle="1" BattleCore="1" /> <Skill Index="1075" Name="Meteor Strike Enhancement Skill"> <RegularPVP="1" AkarWar="0" CastleSiege="1" ChaosCastle="1" BattleCore="1" /> just example only tripple shot and meteor storm if i config like this that mean
tripple shot can cast on the ground and dealt dmg in every situtation like vulcanus map akar war event siege war etc
and you can see meteor storm can't dealt dmg only akarwar event player need to lock on target
6 votes
Cash Shop System Expansion
1. Can only be purchased once per hour about specific item
set 1~24 (hour)
2. Only one purchase per account
4 votes
Item Sell System
Is it possible to add jewels or custom item like miracle coin to the plugin?
Because we can just use the Cashshop for this
Thank you
2 votesRefused
ET Set All Quests Request
ET Set All Quests shouldn't set quest that doesn't belong to that particular character type. Example: If I want to set all quest available for a dark lord as completed, it shouldn't set the first 4 quest (Lv. 150 and 220) as completed, since it will bug fruit points for that particular character. After editing probably a hundred characters, it is annoying to always have to unset quest that doesn't belong to a character.