6 votes
Ice throne Castle Area
Hello developers, I would like to suggest a small change to the Castle Area function.
I believe this function refers to the range of the throne chair.
I have done several tests with custom maps and unfortunately nothing happens when sitting on the throne. When I use the original map, the event works properly.
There is probably something to be done on the custom map.
However, it would be much better if you could determine the coordinates and direction of the throne as if it were an NPC. This way, custom maps would not need adjustments. I believe that many customers do not know how to use custom maps.
In my case, I just need to understand what should be done. I created a discussion in the dedicated area and will wait for feedback.
5 votes
Dashboard size
I would like to ask developers to allow us to define the size of the dashboard window using a .json file or something similar.
Some monitors, such as mine, are very large and the current dashboard is extremely small, making it difficult to view the information due to the resolution size.
Of course, everything can be defined with a limit, but it is extremely important to be able to change it to something larger than the current size, given the complaints about the dashboard being small.
9 votes
/store command
Hello, I would like to propose a change in the /store command. Currently, it is enabled on all channels (unless I have a separate data folder for the channel) and you can set the amount and type of currency that you have to pay for using the command. I am asking for the possibility of configuring for vip accounts in the VipSettings.xml file so that players with vip accounts can pay less for it
8 votes
Add a Reflection Dmg calc on Calcharacter.lua
Hello developers, I hereby request the creation of a controllable formula for reflected dmg. PvP leveling requires this.
26 votes
Be able to modify Dwarves's buffs from Santa's Village in ItemOptionManager.xml
Santa's Village is a map that Mu admins use only in December, mostly, and for a reset server the Dwarve's buffs are totally useless.
Is it possible to add them into ItemOptionManager.xml so we can modify their values?
They already are in BuffEffectManager.xml and in Lang.mpr, you can modify them only in client side.
9 votes
Include removal of giant mount on anti-lag
If it would be possible to include the removal of giant mount on anti-lag as it is very laggy when on big PvP events like Castle Siege
12 votes
Monster's Defense and Magic Defense Should Be Separated
We should separate the Monsters’ Defense and Magic Defense attributes in the MonsterList.xml file to achieve better balance between the fighter and mage classes. For melee classes, damage will be calculated based on the Defense attribute, whereas for mages, it will rely on the Magic Defense attribute. Currently, we have a single Monsters’ Defense system, which leads to imbalances between the classes—a concern I have already reported to you. -
11 votes
Suggested function to merge databases.
The administrator has two time slots for the server,
1 is MuOnline1
2 is MuOnline2
Is it possible to develop functionality to merge two databases, 2 into 1.
3 votes
Dashboard list event improvement
Hello developers,
I would like to suggest an extremely important improvement to the dashboard. I noticed that the dashboard lists all events defined by specific days of the week.
Golden Invasion: Monday Golden Invasion: Wednesday Golden Invasion: Friday This ends up making the list of events extremely large unnecessarily.
It would be easier to just list the time of the next cycle, as is done on websites.
Even the definition of events in the JavaScript file can be simplified.
Currently it is something like:
["Event Name", [1], "00:00,02:00", "Event Name", "category"], It is necessary to repeat the process to add the same event just because of the change in the day that this event will be executed.
It would be much easier to define it this way:
["Event name", [1,3,5], ["HERE TIME to first string day"], ["To second string"], ["To third string"], "Event name", "category"],
It would basically look like this:
[ "Event name", [1,3,5], // Days of week ["00:00","02:00","12:00","05:00"], // Day Settings reffer -> [1] ["00:00","22:15"], // Day Settings reffer -> [3] ["01:00","03:00","07:00"], // Day Settings reffer -> [5] "Event name","Category name", ], The layout would also show the closest day, not every day it occurs.
Making the list clearer and more pleasant to view.
16 votes
Allow us to control DMG Count for each spell
Give us damage count config file for all the spells so we can customize the hit counts
3 votes
Season Pass Mastery Horns
Currently the MasteryHornMaxDropPerDay value of the Season Pass is global and we mostly need to control the drop per user, so I recommend adding an additional value for the maximum per day per user that each player can collect.
6 votes
Reset accumulated damage on bosses
I want to suggest that the damage accumulated on the bosses when the character dies either because they were killed or the mob killed them be reset, and that it also considers the case that if the character teleports to another map or passes a certain defined timeout without doing damage also resets.
3 votes
allow us to use jewel of kondar/kundun on rings/pedants
Please allow us to use jewel of kondar/kundun on rings/pedants, maybe add a config for jewel of kondar/kundun kindA-B usage like jewel of luck
5 votes
Add Reset Buff Reward
Hi devs,
Through this I suggest adding a buff bonus for resets.
As the Player performs resets within the Game, the buff status is improved as shown in the image below.
3 votes
Add strings announcement for Milestone Reward for reset system
Hi devs,
I would like to suggest adding a personalized announcement to the screen, allowing you to define colors and how the awards that the reset system allows us to deliver to Players after reaching the reset milestones required by the settings will be announced.
Something similar to this, I am testing a (private) server for season 20 and I found this extremely cool.
After reset my character I receive some rewards then, the system reset send-me this information.
That cools !
5 votes
Add reset display on Character Widow
Hi devs,
I hereby request that you include the character interface again (C)
The reset information, I remember that in the past you added this and it was very cool.
The Players are suggesting this to me.
18 votes
Map Damage Reduction
Function to activate Equal Damage reduction like CS/ARKA events
Add this functionality by maps.
If possible within the Common File and MapAttribute
With this, you could create a Custom event type
On a given map, which may have this damage reduced
9 votes
BotList level requirements & max use
Add the minimum and maximum character level parameters for the bot configuration. In this way we could add buffers only for users who are lower than the level we specify.
It would also be good to add a number of maximum uses per day.
4 votes
Add event - Ice Temple (New plugin event)
Ice Temple
Battle in the snow where each team must conquer the bases and thus accelerate the accumulation of points to stay ahead of the opponent;
The event has two teams of up to 10 members each; The formation is carried out at the beginning of the event randomly; Each team has a special skin for differentiation and an exclusive respawn location; Members of the same team cannot attack each other; Map
Green, blue and red circles: bases; Dark circles: statue spawn locations in each base; Green and red markers: respawn locations for each team;
To spawn a statue, simply stand still for 10 seconds exactly in the center of the base, the statue will appear at the end of the countdown; Each statue conquered speeds up the score increase of the team that spawned it; The owner team can be identified by the color of the aura at the base of the statue; When a statue is destroyed, it stops counting points and can be respawned; Up to 3 statues can be spawned at the base of the center, while there are two on each side;
The entrance location can be found in the move menu as Ice Temple; There will be 4 NPCs in this location, just talk to one of them; With each click on the NPC, a Sign of Lord is deposited; At the end of the entry time, the 20 players who have accumulated the most signs are moved to the event; During the entry period, the 20 players with the most signs are highlighted with a special skin; If a player enters a sign and does not reach the necessary position to enter the event, the NPC informs the amount required.
The team that manages to accumulate the most points in 10 minutes or reaches the 100% limit will receive the following prizes: Rank Victory: +3 points; Defeat: -2 points; Abandonment: -5 points;
7 votes
OffLevelling: VipType for PickItem
Add the VipType variable for the Item Pick in Offleveling, in this way it can be limited to free users who can activate offleveling but do not have item pick.
3 votes
Improvement Custom Rank - Plugin (Castle Siege by Points)
Hello developers, I would like to request a big improvement to the system.
We know how important GvG events are on our servers.
I recently had an idea and thought it would be interesting to share it with you, as a possible improvement to the custom ranking plugin.
The idea would be to create an exclusive ranking for Castle Siege, and through this ranking we could define new plaques for Castle Siege participants, in addition to increasing the value of the event, we would have something different from any other emulator on the market.
If the idea is interesting, perhaps you could opt to add it as a new plugin.
First: Castle Siege Ranking understand:
The idea is to build an exclusive ranking, thus storing the information in the database so that it can be used by us web developers as well.
The first ranking would be the (Time) ranking, this ranking would store:
Character name Guild the character is in Total Time the Switch was held (seconds) Total Time the Crow was held (seconds) Kill Rankings:
Character name Guild the character is in Total number of times you killed someone within the siege Total number of times someone has killed him within the siege Points ranking (This would be the cherry on top of all the other rankings)
Through this ranking we could determine the appearance of new custom rankings for this system.
How this ranking would be validated, this ranking would be validated through points stored within the siege, obtaining the points is very easy. (It would be interesting if we could define the amount of points that each of the options below would have)
How to get points:
Points for killing a master: 1 Points for holding a switch: 5 Points for killing a member of the enemy guild: 10 Points for registering the crow: 100 Points for holding a switch for a specific time: 80 (4 seconds) Points for defending a switch: 30 Points for defending a switch for a specific time: 60 (4 seconds) This data structure would be simple:
Guild name: Total sum of the points above: (Or if you prefer, separate by column, which would be better for using the information via the web)
Now on custom-rank plugin we could define new RANKs using these points.
Thus bringing exclusivity to the servers and giving an extra attraction to each function within Castle Siege.
If more information is needed in case of approval, I am available.
0 votesCompleted
don't allow to run a game if user doesn't have ARIALUNI font on the PC.
People download the client, don't read anything, launch it, see squares, and leave the project.
In case if user doesn't have arialuni font on the PC - show an error with a description.
4 votes
PvP within Last Man and Illusion for Guilds
Within the Last Man Standing and Illusion Temple events, players from the same guild are not allowed to attack each other.
Please allow this PvP, players need to keep removing their tags to go to the events.
2 votes
ItemDurabillity on custom Jewel
Hello developers, I would like to ask you to add ItemDurabillity="" to the system so that the quantity of the item can be checked when the durability is greater than 0.
Currently, you only allow RewardItemDurabillity=""
It would be very useful to add ItemDurabillity="" so that we can define stacked items.
9 votes
daily reward plugin
Hello, is it possible that you can develop a daily reward plugin where we can add reward for each day up to 30 days(or custom configurated days) and then to reset based on the cycle end config? An extra game window with the reward infos per day plus claim button would be perfect. I've seen this system on mobile games and i always liked it , its very cool feature to have in our servers.