1 vote
ProhibitedWordsPost addition
Requesting if possible an addition file to be added like ProhibitedWords settings but to have effect only during /post /gpost messages or could be an extension of ProhibitedWords file with separated post filter settings. Reasons for needing this is because right now we have a lot of filtered words and they affect the player conversations giving them random disconnects while we only want protection for public chat, local chat shouldn't be affected by it as many languages are spoken and have a lot of conflicts in words filtered.
0 votes
Party information
It would be nice to see here not total level, but regular + master.
300+448 e.t.c.
3 votes
Allow /reset in Market server during events and in Siege server
Allow /reset in Market server during events and in Siege server to can reset in crywolf/land of trials
0 votes
When doing a 1:1 duel A system where the winner takes the loser's goblin points I hope it will be added .
Map 64 is a duel arena.
When doing a 1:1 duel
A system where the winner takes the loser's goblin points
I hope it will be added .
1:1 duel
A function where the winner gets xxxxxx money from the loser's goblin points or coins
When a duel is requested, the money of both characters is deducted by 100,000 and stored in the DB.
A function where the final winner takes all the money
32 votes
Custom Plugin Monster Event
Hello. I would like to have a custome monster event to use to create raids. When players need to kill a certain amount of monsters for a boss monster to appear.
1. Player can participate solo or in a party (if players in a party the number of monsters killed counts for the whole party, similar to the fulfillment of the 3 class quest )
2. The usual maps for the event are used (i.e. you can choose the index of the map where the event takes place).
3. Opportunity to run several events on 1 map (by analogy as in the file MonsterSpawn_Group) with determination by coordinates of the event area.
4. Players start looking for monsters (in the event settings you can specify the coordinates of monster spawn area, possibility to choose any monster index from the available in the monsterlist.xml)
5. Killing the required number of monsters (for example, 20, possibility to change the number of monsters required), appears Boss Monster. (available coordinates of spawn bosses and regular monsters)
6. The ability to make the drop for monsters and boss or in the files EachMonsterMapDrop or in the files ItemBags, it is not fundamental
7. Event Periodicity - I would like to be able to specify a regen time for each monster and boss monster.
Thank you for your attention 🥰.
17 votes
Make Notice System plugin global + Monster kill notification to go on the system messages
Hi, we would like to have an option in notice system plugin which when turn on it will give the notifications globally in all servers of the group, that's how it supposed to work unless you are using only one gameserver which none does.
Example , im connected in server 2 and in server 1 there was PK or boss respawn and i get to see the notification and from which server it came from.
[Server1] BK killed SM or [Server1] Kundun7 has respawned
Also the monster kill notifications are going in the middle of the screen, all the other notifications from this plugin are going on the system message except monster kill. Please make the monster kill notification to be the same as the other notifications. Reason for asking this is because the messages disappear when in middle of the screen and you cant keep track or scroll up to see who killed the monster, i think its logical to have them on the side system messages.
2 votes
lua ElfBless LemuriaMageBless LightWizardReflectionBarrier add TargetIndex TargetClass
RegularSkillCalc.lua and MasterSkillCalc_3rd.lua ElfBless LemuriaMageBless LightWizardReflectionBarrier add TargetIndex TargetClass
6 votes
Post item for sell
Hello everyone,
I think that instead of developing crappy features, we should focus on improving the experience and convenience for players.
8 votes
Introduce Skin system
Hello, I would love to see some skin system implemented ingame.
Idea is to have some sort of "skin system" for example you press key / some UI button on screen and you are able to select variety of skins.
4 votes
ItemBags WingCore Set requirements
I hope to add this feature:
// WingCore:
// -1: No Option
// -2: Random count of random options (based on rates from WingCoreOption.xml)
// ID1;ID2
5 votes
Auto pick up zen ItemOptionSystem
Some pets do not have this function, so it is best to set the pickup distance.
1 vote
8 votes
AttackDelay log independent
At present, the log is in log, please develop it independently
25 votesCompleted
Formulas in RegularSkillCalc for basic skills
It would be excellent to have basic skills formulas in RegularSkillCalc.lua like Energy Ball, Fire Ball, Power Wave, Twister, and so on.
Modifying parameters in SkillList is not as simple as changing formulas in lua file.
-- SkillID: 8, Twister function TwisterCalc(Class, InDamage, Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, Energy) local OutDamage = 0 if (Class == CLASS_WIZARD) then OutDamage = InDamage * 1.0 elseif (Class == CLASS_GLADIATOR) then OutDamage = InDamage * 1.0 elseif (Class == CLASS_RUNEWIZARD) then OutDamage = InDamage * 1.0 elseif (Class == CLASS_LIGHTWIZARD) then OutDamage = InDamage * 1.0 elseif (Class == CLASS_LEMURIAMAGE) then OutDamage = InDamage * 1.0 end return OutDamage end
0 votesRefused
Clearbag and its problems
Hello, I suggest you place a confirmation informing the user that you are going to delete their entire inventory, this helps administrators who experience problems all day long due to this clear system.
1 vote
You can purchase items with options attached at the X Shop. Item380Option ,HarmonyItem_Option
You can purchase items with options attached at the X Shop.
If you can add Item380Option and HarmonyItem_Option
Fully optioned items can be purchased at X Shop.
5 votes
Zen Coin
Since it's impossible to make it on your own, i would like to suggest.
Add additional options like these ones:
ElementalRuneBuyPrice = 80000000 ElementalRuneSellPrice = 1000 There is an item "Zen". (14, 15)
ZenPrice = 100000000 ZenSellPrice = 100000000 This will allow players to buy and sell "Zen coin" at the same price. So it will be convenient to store and trade a big amount of zen.
1 vote
A character clone button
Good day, I propose a button in essentialtools where we can clone characters or the entire account to a new account with the purpose of saving time when trying to test a character in case of problems, and thus take this account to a testing area and make the respective changes. I hope I am understood, it is simple.
I press the clone button > your character is copied and pasted into another account with a different name > I test quickly and do not take much time to copy it by hand, thank you.
0 votesCompleted
Support AG display over 65K value
Can IGC team support AG display over 65.000?
1 voteCompleted
Enchantment Event like Webzen Global
it's possible to port this event from Global WZ into IGCN ?
i think this event have useful for many admin who want to burn jewel in server
player can refine item with no concern about fail if you are in range of this event
like this clip
but if possible dev can do i want to extend to this event to cover to pentagram or can adjust range of refine and can adjust item group for this event
3 votes
bat flock dot
Formuladata. Character section:
<Formula ID="9" Data="((((((%d*%d)*0.6/24)+(((%d-800)*(%d-500))/200))/24)+2000))" /> <!-- Energy, Energy, Energy, Energy -->
Hello. Can we do something with it? At least set the first attribute as STR.
The current formula brings chaos. The previous one was much better.
0 votes
Option to hide ScreenShots messages
Option to hide ScreenShots messages, whenever we want to take a nice picture of the game, we always get this screenshot saving message with date and number. Maybe make it smaller (so it is easier to remove with photoshop) and doesn't take 5% of the image.
3 votes
add attack damage percentage to the ItemOptionSystem
The attack power of some physical professions is too low
16 votes
Add possibility to change wings value % in-game
Hello. I've changed the values for wings in increase damage & absorb values, but can't do this in-game.
Via itemtooltip I've changed to the static value for level+0 and added an extra line like "With each level +1% extra" but a lot of players don't understand it.
It will be okay if it will be just a config via lang.mpr or .bmd file. This suggestion I remember was already in the old suggestion tracker. For 4 years.
0 votes
if we have Skill_UseArea to allow skill to use in special zone why don't have Noskill_Usearea to restrict them ?
i think some of admin sometime we need to create event or need to adjust some zone we don't want player to use some skill in that area for some reason
but seems igcn not have config to adjust like this way
From my idea this config will combination of Skill_UseArea.xml and PlayerKillSystem.xml (in freepkzone config)
so config will looklike this
<BlockSkill> <Skill ID="XX" Name="XXX"> <Area MapNumber="X" StartX="X" StartY="X" EndX="X" EndY="X" /> <\Skill> <\BlockSkill>