3 votesCompleted
5th generation wings with lucky attributes
Can we do it? Players complain that the 5th generation wings lack lucky attributes and have a 25% lower success rate when reinforced by 15
6 votes
Kundun Shield Skill to other Bosses
Basically, Kundun has the greatest boss/monster skill in-game. The shield that delays its death by a lot, making it harder to kill that bosses with 3x more HP and defense.
A kundun with 100 million HP is harder to kill than a God of Darkness with 1000 million HP. But it would be nice to implement this skill to every boss in-game so they all become difficult to kill (sometimes bosses are easy to kill due to high damage, this prevent bosses from quick dying and not need to increase hp and defense to extrem high levels).
I searched for this skill in monster skills but couldn't find it.
2 votes
Item Price System in specific NPC/SHOP
I am looking to buy the plugin because it is a useful tool but it does not fully meet my needs, since I would like, for example, for the system to only apply to a specific NPC ID. For example, if a user sells a Jewel of Bless to obtain WCoin, I would like the "normal" shops to give him zen, while in a "Custom" NPC he obtains the WC defined in the item price plugin.
2 votes
Announcement for Itembag min/max level
Announcement for Itembag min/max level so users know that they are not receiving a reward because of their level (either max or min) when they kill a monster/boss. Right now we have to set information outside server about this configuration, while it should be announced when a player kill a monster that he's outside the level range for the reward.
4 votesRefused
5th Wings GradeOption
What I want to say here is to make the 5th wings diverse by being able to edit the GradeOption, just like the 4th wings.
+ Up to 4 Grade options or more
+ can be upgraded from level 0 to lvl 9
1 vote
Add ability to Damage Others Except Guild in mapattribute
Add ability to Damage Anything Except Guild in mapattribute. This way we can create custom events that allow AoE damage in those maps and not need to press CTRL to deal damage to others.
It will allow us to create custom PvP events. (or even guild members) thanks.
1 vote
Add Elemental Damage and Defense to Bots Effect Type
Add Elemental Damage and Defense to Bots Effect Type.
System was created before EE had elemental buffs, now with these new buffs system needs to be updated to have the ability to add elemental damage and defense.
1 vote
Last Man Standing Instanced.
I think it's a valid change, all rooms with the event activated would capture player registration, but when starting the event it would play for a single PVP instance.
8 votes
(Reduce Dupe) Extend Trade System
In common settings:
Trade System = 1 (enabled)
Trade System Arca = 0
Trade System Market = 1
Trade System Siege = 0
Trade System instance = 0
Also possibility to add a cooldown to this setting would be ideal. Example:
Trade System Delay = 180 (seconds) You cannot trade for 180 seconds after moving to this game server.
or Move Trade System = 1/0 from common settings to be controlled by gameserver.ini per gameserver. (siege, market etc.)
It is possible today via a workaround (reloading every server with different common settings) but I believe this could be improved.
I have substantially reduced the found dupes on my server by just turning off trade on my game servers, and I believe this setting would help everyone with dupes.
It is not bulletproof but it helps, as most of the dupes happen via trade/vault/drop.
3 votes
EventItemBag - Improvement for MG, Elf and BK estatistic
Hello developers,
Hereby I come to publish this suggestion for improvement to EventItemBag.
Currently in MuOnline there are classes such as BK, Elfa and MG that have more than one type of build or statistics.
Some EventItemBags for special awards sometimes end up not being very useful due to the style adopted by the player.
My suggestion is to create a function in the EventItemBag that allows us to define drops according to the distributed point statistics.
<DropAllow DW="0" DK="0" ELF="0" MG="1" DL="0" SU="0" RF="0" GL="0" RW="0" SLA=" 0" GC="0" LW="0" LM="0" IK="0" PlayerMinLevel="1" PlayerMaxLevel="MAX" PlayerMinReset="5" PlayerMaxReset="MAX" MapNumber="-1" EnegeryDrop="1" StrengthDrop="0"> <!-- Category, Rare Random Item Awards: --> <Drop Rate="8000" Type="1" Count="1"> <!-- Type:[0] Random dropping | Type:[1] All bag items --> <Item Cat="0" Index="" ItemMinLevel="0" ItemMaxLevel="0" Skill="1" Luck="-1" Option="-1" Exc="-10" SetItem="0" SocketCount ="0" ElementalItem="0" ErrtelRank="0" /> <!-- Name: Blood Angel - --> </Drop> </DropAllow> EnergyDrop="1" StrengthDrop="0"
This way it would be possible to create specific drops according to the player's attributes.
0 votesRefused
4 votes
Dark Side Skill (Regular, Master, 4th) Formula Change to fix reset servers
The provided skill formula for Dark Sides makes it impossible to balance for Reset Servers and believe me I tried everything. Tweaking weapon damage, sets, combat power, changing skills in the skill tree, even deleted any double damage or triple damage from sets.
Sadly it applies a barrage of damage so big that it can be nerfed to the ground and still one-shot other players. So the only option is either tune down this skill to a point where it's no longer useable in PvM or keep it on similar damage as other skills and accept the fact that RageFighter oneshot every player regardless of equipped set.
The solution would be to add barrage 3 or 4 just like with many other skills, I know its not original but there is no walkaround unless playing with million HP pvp. I would turn the skill off but its a shame for such a signature move to be useless for Rage Fighter
7 votes
Offlevel vip extras
more extra config for VIP like:
<PickItem Enable="0" VipType="-1">
<IgnoreList Enable="0"> <!-- Max 30 entries -->
<Item Cat="1" Index="1" />
<PickItem Enable="1 " VipType="1">
<IgnoreList Enable="0"> <!-- Max 30 entries -->
<Item Cat="1" Index="1" />
3 votes
Buff Raven Lord
I'm trying to buff Raven Lord
In Script/Misc/ItemCalc.lua -> DarkSpirit_CalcValues only accept 2 params : Command and PetLevel
Please add more params to this function, such as : NormalLevel, MasterLevel
And one or more formula to increase Dark Raven damage based on character's wings inc dmg or buff
6 votesCompleted
anti-flood system separated folder logs
Hello , please add separated log folder for anti-flood system , in that way we will just edit the text file with notepad++ to remove all texts except the ips and then block them in firewall with powershell script in an instant without the need to keep the entire log system active and spend a lot of time separating anti flood logs from the big gs log file.
AntiFloodLogCreate = 1
AntiFloodPath = .\\ANTI_FLOOD
12 votes
Combination machine suggestion +10 +11 ... +14 +15 - Npc Noria
Well, my suggestion would be that you can add a plugin with these aspects.
Which allows the user to recover their items destroyed in the combining machine (formerly a private Mu Legend server had it) which today is no longer online - Link to a Reference Video.
How did it work?
Users when using the combination machine of +10 +11 +12 ... +15
If in case you forget to put the Talisman of Chaos Assembly.
e of knowing that the item ends up being destroyed.
Then the Npc Function gave you the option to recover your item at a cost which was WCoins.
Benefits and cons towards Administrators
You should know that if a user forgets to put Talisman of Chaos Assembly on their very high-cost item (according to each server's value), the item ends up being destroyed.
This causes 2 things
1.- We Adm benefit because in case they can invest again and thus be able to obtain more income since they end up losing the item.
2.- The user becomes frustrated by not having the possibility of recovering his article and ends up withdrawing from the server and thus losing users on the server
If the User loses his item in the item combination machine +10 +11 +12 ... +15.
1st.- You will have the security and guarantee that if you are careless, the server can give you the possibility of recovering the clear item at a certain cost of WCoins
2nd.- The user will not be frustrated because they lost the item if they were careless and forgot to put the Talisman of Chaos Assembly
3rd.- By being able to recover items that were destroyed, administrators can set a recovery cost in WCoins (high or low value according to each server administrator) and we can consume more income.
4th.- Keep users who once played that server and are currently on one of our servers who liked the mechanics of that NPC.
Reference Video
1 vote
Enhance NPCMove Plugin
1. Please add a feature to the plugin in which we can control a limited amount of time after players enter the entrances.
2. It will be very nice if you can show the time counting down on client side (like the IceWind Valley Event).
3. Swap the players back to the villages after they reach to the end of their limited time.
14 votes
Divide ZEN for Party Members
I think this was asked already few years.
Let it come true on s19, 21th century, please add function such as:
So anyone from party who is picked up zen from the ground, zen will be automatically divided for all party members.
10 votesCompleted
Anti-Flood improvement needed
Restore gameserver anti-flood system at its original introduced state or give us all the anti flood configurations into a .ini file to can put limits our selves like connect server and launcherserver has. Currently the limits set in gameserver anti-flood are very high and during attacks the impact is huge.
2 votes
Golden Invasion limitations
Here are two issues with golden monster invasion:
There is a total of 3 titan monsters respawned (2 from golden monster and 1 from attack event). Golden Soldier and Golden Wheel cannot be controlled independantly, they spawn around a titan or tantalos. -
13 votes
/Offleveling Plugin Improve - If VIP = X Then Pickup Items
Could you improve the /offleveling plugin so that it is more attractive to VIP Players?
Smth like:
<PickItems Enable="0" PickUpZen="0" PickUpAllExc="0" PickUpAllSocket="0" PickUpAllAncient="0" VIPType=-1 >
VIPType=-1 = Applies to general rule
VIPType=-1 = VIP Bronze Only
VIPType=-2 = VIP Silver Only
5 votes
BattlePass Rewards - Turn off Pass when VIP Ends
You added the possibility to auto-turn on Battle Pass with VIP.
How about also be able to remove Buffs when VIP End so that users have to re-buy VIP to have access to the rewards?
So if VIP Active then BattlePass active.
7 votes
Improvement HuntPoint system
Hello developers, through this I come to suggest you add buffs to the huntpoint plugin system.
Increase Attack Speedy Increase Curse Dmg And if possible, extend the system to some dbuffs, giving the ability to improve them through the system.
-3 votes
Add SubCategory to the ItemOptionSystem_exc system
Hello Devs,
Through this I come to suggest an improvement/personalization to the system.
Currently, the system checks items to apply options, such as:
Minimum Level Quantity: Minimum quantity of old options: Minimum quantity of excellent options: Minimum quantity of free socket options/slots. My idea would be to add a sub category and a sub index to the system, giving the ability to create more complex rules for the options to be applied.
So following this suggestion:
Let's say I equip a +15 Apex Helm and +15 Apex Boots
By equipping these two pieces, let's say I get 2 excellent options:
Increase Excellent Damage Increase Double Damage If I equip Armor Apex and Gloves Apex I activate + 2 options
Auto Combo Increase Defense It would basically be that, this way we would have another way of building more intuitive dynamics, thus giving a different characteristic to the system, consequently the valorization of the items that are added within this dynamic.
If you observe the ancient system works this way.
It would be interesting if the plugin had this capability, and when this dynamic was used, the options visualization tooltip described which options would be applied to the item when equipped with certain parts.
4 votes
Bring back 100% chance to create wings for your class
I know the system got reworked, i wish we could still use the old setting where we guarantee level 4 wings for that class.