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356 ideas

  1. 2 votes
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    NoticeSystem Plugin improvement

    I would like to suggest some additional parameter to the plugin.
    Add the ability to specify a certain map for which pvp notice will be activated. 
    For example I would like to activate it on arka battle or castle siege, in battle maps, and forbid it on other maps.
    Tnx in advance!

  2. 1 vote
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    Support All Item Types Using Database for Alchemist Bot Plugin

    Hello IGCN Team,
    Currently, the Alchemist Bot only supports trading a limited range of items (e.g., Ancient items). I would like to suggest enhancing the plugin to support all item types stored in the database.
    Why this matters:
    It increases the flexibility and usefulness of the Alchemist Bot. Provides a better, more personalized trading experience for players. Therefore, I hope the development team will consider adding compatibility for these item types in upcoming updates.
    Thank you for your continuous support!

  3. 1 vote
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    Custom UI event list improvement

    Hello Developers,
    It would be great if the event list system could be improved. I was recently asked for this as a suggestion on one of my servers.
    So I would like to pass on this suggestion, since you have started building custom UIs for the game.
    What would be the suggestion:
    The possibility of:
    Listing active events, Listing active invasions created through (MonsterSpawn_Group) Showing the number of monsters that are still alive from invasions created in (MonsterSpawn_group) Showing the maps where these monsters were spawned. Time remaining for the invasion to disappear if it is not finished by the players (When eliminating all monsters) This would be an improvement for the plugin in general and would be extremely important.
    We have the dashboard but it does not show this type of information.

  4. 1 vote
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    Possible edit Custom Ranking UI

    It would be interesting if we could change the ranking list. Add daily, weekly and monthly rankings. It would be possible to remove certain information and/or add new information.

  5. 1 vote
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    Bank BaseMaxItemCoun by Account Level

    Hello developers,
    I recently purchased the plugin and noticed that you did not add a setting to allow us to sell bank slots separately by account level.
    It would be very important if you could enable these account level settings in the plugins.
    These are new paid features that can help contribute to the server.
    Is it possible to add the possibility of defining the number of slots according to the account level?

  6. 0 votes
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    Improvement structure (Data\Local) on game client

    The suggestion is simple.
    Now that we support other languages, it would be interesting for you to add a structure to the local folder that separates the translated files by folders.
    And others, this way we can better organize the files and the client.
    Avoiding problems such as improper substitution or confusion with the files.

  7. 2 votes
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    New plugin extend for Dashboard : Journey

    The suggestion is an extension or an additional plugin for the dashboard that allows us to define special missions such as:
    Number of resets,
    Number of levels
    Number of master levels
    Eliminating specific monsters
    Performing specific missions
    After completing missions or reaching certain system requirements, the Player can redeem prizes through the dashboard.

  8. 8 votes
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    Extension for customtext or lang file

    I propose to extend customtext or Lang files with MonsterSpawn_Group. You gave us the ability to display messages from the server in several languages, and this part is missing. I am writing about customtext or lang files because I don't know where it would be better to implement it. Currently the information about what is displayed is in MonsterSpawn_Group. 
    I will show this on the example of Medusa:
    Original part
    <GroupSettings> <Group Enable="1" Index="0" Duration="60" MapNumber="56" BossMonsterIndex="561" BossMonsterName="Medusa" AllowMove="0" SpawnNotice="Medusa and her assistants has invaded Swamp of Clamness!!!" DespawnNotice="Medusa and her assistants are gone" PreNotice="Medusa will spawn in %d Minutes" /> </GroupSettings> <MonsterSettings> <Group Index="0"> <Monster Index="561" MoveRange="10" SpawnType="0" Count="1" OverrideDefaultSettings="1" EventID="150" HP="15000000" DamageMin="1000" DamageMax="1500" Defense="550" AttackRate="2000" DefenseRate="2000" SendKillNotice="1" KillNotice="[MEDUSA] %s killed Medusa! [%d] of [%d]" /> <Monster Index="560" MoveRange="10" SpawnType="0" Count="7" OverrideDefaultSettings="1" EventID="151" HP="150000" DamageMin="100" DamageMax="150" Defense="150" AttackRate="1000" DefenseRate="1000" SendKillNotice="1" KillNotice="[MEDUSA] %s killed Medusa assistant! [%d] of [%d]" /> </Group> </MonsterSettings> and it should look like this
    <GroupSettings> <Group Enable="1" Index="0" Duration="60" MapNumber="56" BossMonsterIndex="561" BossMonsterName="Medusa" AllowMove="0" SendSpawnNotice="1" TypeNotice="1" SpawnNoticeID="1" DespawnNoticeID="2" PreNoticeID="3" /> </GroupSettings> <MonsterSettings> <Group Index="0"> <Monster Index="561" MoveRange="10" SpawnType="0" Count="1" OverrideDefaultSettings="1" EventID="150" HP="15000000" DamageMin="1000" DamageMax="1500" Defense="550" AttackRate="2000" DefenseRate="2000" SendKillNotice="1" KillNoticeID="4" /> <Monster Index="560" MoveRange="10" SpawnType="0" Count="7" OverrideDefaultSettings="1" EventID="151" HP="150000" DamageMin="100" DamageMax="150" Defense="150" AttackRate="1000" DefenseRate="1000" SendKillNotice="1" KillNoticeID="5" /> </Group> </MonsterSettings> we add categories in the language file
    <MonsterSpawnGroup> <Msg ID="1" Text="Medusa and her assistants has invaded Swamp of Clamness!!!" /> <Msg ID="2" Text="Medusa and her assistants are gone" /> <Msg ID="3" Text="Medusa will spawn in %d Minutes" /> <Msg ID="4" Text="[MEDUSA] %s killed Medusa! [%d] of [%d]" /> <Msg ID="5" Text="[MEDUSA] %s killed Medusa assistant! [%d] of [%d]" /> </MonsterSpawnGroup> Explanation:
    SendSpawnNotice -  0 or 1 turns on or off all information about displaying this event. Currently there is no way to turn this off, leaving blank spaces in the descriptions with a large number of additional monsters, the information disappears very quickly.
    Type notice - here we select how to display information about the event
             1 - standard way of displaying information, time counts down by 5 minutes. must contain %s character in text
             2 - one-time information, no countdown, we skip the PreNoticeID in the configuration
    SpawnNoticeID, DespawnNoticeID, PreNoticeID, KillNoticeID - here I enter the message numbers which are in the language file
    This solution gives a lot of possibilities for server administrators to add their own events with killing bosses. please consider this idea dear IGCN administration

  9. 1 vote

    Itembags improvement kinda needed

    1. Ability to have the min/max ruud drop along with the items! Add a setting next to it like trigger with item drop enable="1/0" (when this is enabled to disable ruudgainrate functionality and always drop with the item)

    2. Ability to set 1 item to drop with random durability. Extend Durability function to can put in that setting like 2-10 or 2;10 and to drop random value between 2 and 10.


  10. 5 votes
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    Maps Reset requirements plugin

    It would be great to create a plugin that allows you to set maps (warps) requirements on resets as well

  11. 3 votes
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    Save Skill Tree

    It would be good to add a Tree Save button (3rd -Lvl400) because users always tend to change statistics such as (Pvp to NoPvp) since some boxes only work or get more use out of them in pvp or pvm.
    I say this because in other mmorpg games these types of configurations are also applied to save tree skill improvements.
    Of course this would be with a Plugin from igcn so we can put the Tree Save at a WCoins cost and thus be able to Generate 3 things
    1.- (User) Ease for the user to be able to change from PVM to PVP or vice versa if there is a need to lose time when changing
    2.- (ADMs) Be able to receive more income to the Server for currency consumption
    3.- (IGCN) will have one more plugin for your income

  12. 6 votes
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    /pkclear command cooldown -X Minutes

    Please add a cooldown config for ClearPK command. (something like we have with ctrl+z mount CD)
    People just use macro or use it every 1 kill, which makes the multiplier config useless because it's not working.
    Killing 1 player and using the command will allow you to pk forever for the lowest price. 

  13. 1 vote
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    Arca Battle

    Is it possible to add a function in which the event will be able to register for the alliance, rather than a separate guild (like a castle siege). And the reward - buff, would be added to the entire alliance, or those who directly participated in the event.

  14. 7 votes
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    ItemOptionSystem plugin improvement

    Is it possible to add more parameters for the plugin, such as max level, that would allow the optionvalue to increase depending on the level of the item. Also Luck and Addition option, as on some items this parameter is considered as an option.
    I also have an idea for new options:
    Skill Range decrease, pvp option which would work with chance for a while
    Remove Buff (randomly) pvp option when attaking an enemy  allows you to remove a buff from an opponent. 
    Push an opponent back a certain distance when attacking them or when someone attacks you.

    And lastly, probably a crazy idea, to create a plugin that allows you to assign monsters any of the available skills (characters skills). 

  15. 6 votes
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    Skilllist PvP Damage Reduction

    Please add a modifier to Skillist or any other method, perhaps an XML file that will allow us to reduce the PVP Damage of a specific Skill. Someone asked to add control for Barrage or Speed but I know that will probably be a lot of work to re-work luas, so how about this instead?
    Skillist.xml <SkillList> <Skill Index="264" Name="Dragon Roar" ReqLevel="30" Damage="12" ManaUsage="42" BPUsage="0" .......... PVPDamage="100"..../> <Skill Index="265" Name="Dark Side" ReqLevel="21" Damage="21" ManaUsage="12" BPUsage="0" ..... .......PVPDamage="30"..../> <Skill Index="266" Name="Spirit Hook" ReqLevel="13" Damage="17" ManaUsage="15" BPUsage="0"........... PVPDamage="100"..../> <Skill Index="267" Name="Spirit Hook Enhancement" ReqLevel="5" Damage="8" ManaUsage="3" ....... ..... PVPDamage="100"..../> ... </SkillList> PVPDamage where 100 is 100% damage. Method could of course be different.

    This would allow us to take out those OP skills on reset servers and provide us pretty much with perfect flexibility in terms of skills.
    I know we can modify formulas, or increase the entire PvM Damage, and that does give us a lot of flexibility already but it is not enough, please read below to understand why.

    Why do this?
    On reset servers, there has always been a problem with balancing certain skills, especially those with a high animation speed or Barrage. For some characters, achieving perfect balance is simply impossible. Let me explain.
    If you try to balance your Rage Fighter- DarkSide, Dragon Roar, and Spirit Hook, you can make them deal the same damage using Lua. However, DarkSide has an unpredictable burst effect that can completely destroy opponents in PvP. Even if all three skills have the exact same damage, DarkSide is still overpowered, while the other two remain weak. 
    This makes it impossible to balance all three skills in a way that keeps them playable. The only options are:
    1. Nerf DarkSide so much that it becomes useless.
    2. Weaken all three skills and leave only one of them playable.
    A similar issue exists with Magic Gladiator’s Havoc Spear—this skill simply deals much more damage than any other and there are few more.

    A setting like that would allow us to balance a character in both PvP and PvM so that all skills are useful. This also helps a lot with configs so you don't have to go with 10mln HP and SD for PVP...

  16. 3 votes
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    Add MaxPlayerPerRoom for BC and DS

    Add MaxPlayerPerRoom for BC and DS, we had it in devil square before, now it is limited to 10 (same as BC). Make it so users can enter the event as many as we want. People were asking to increase BC limit of 10 to higher but instead DS higher limit was reduced to 10.

    I don't know the limitation of game client or gameservers but I think we all agree that we want more players to join the events at the same time, instead having to open multiples market servers.

  17. 12 votes
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    Igcn antihack detects all the free cheats, the problem is with the two three paid ones which are trending now. Thing is we have those cheats in our hands and we cant even dump them like the old simple anti hacks we had on season6. Maybe igcn could develop a simple dumper where we can add the  hash/crc or what is needed from those hack apps to be dumped while the game is running or the game to close upon detection, something very simple so we can complete the protection with the already good enough server side anti hack.  Nothing extreme, literally a simple dumper hooked in main. 

  18. 3 votes
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    Huntpoint Suggestions

    I know that few IGC customers use Huntpoint, but we pay more than the game server to use the system, which has many flaws.
    I'll give you some suggestions for those who have been using the system for a long time on other servers or even on IGC.
    Server Change
    - When the player changes servers and goes to the Huntpoints server, he will go to a safe zone and not directly to the place where he was on the previous server.
    - Defense: When the map is farming Defense, there is no way to take the player to battle, which makes it seem like it is bugged.
    To reproduce this, just look for a map that is farming Defense and try to attack another player. You will not be able to attack and activate the battle.
    Damage: Wizardry classes can benefit from the damage stat, making them even stronger. Classes that use damage need to increase their damage only with the Damage attribute, and not with Damage and Wizardry Damage.
    Battle Crash: When the battle reaches a certain number of players, it simply crashes and there is no way to know why. I have 2 support tickets on Bug Tracker and with several logs and dumps, but no one can solve them.
    This really hinders the game's performance and credibility.
    Rafael Prado

  19. 2 votes
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    Launcher Database ID

    Launcher will assign default server when the database ID is not found , that shouldnt happen at all , it should just not allow game start and not download the default database id hash/patch files that do not belong in that client file.

  20. 4 votes
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    Custom Plugin Raffle

    Random Raffle , Could please  add a mode where players  not have to hit number or buy anything to participate in the raffle??
    RAFLE Draw Online players and get winners...

  21. 2 votes

    Bless of Light DC - Solution

    Here is a proposal and possible solution to save Bless of Light on Disconnect or Server Switch.
    I understand that the exp would have to be stored in the Database otherwise the buff will disappear. But we already have a working functionality with Elixir of Strength, Health, Agility etc. They don't disappear like other consumables do.
    Can you just do the same for Bless of Light consumables? 
    Or at least allow exp option buffs to be used with Elixirs, for example:
    In the itemoptionmanager.
    <Item Cat="14" Index="80" Option1="11" Value1="1000" Option2="6" Value2="200" Time="21600" /> <!-- Elixir of Health --> Where Option2=
    // 6: Exp Increase +d%
    // 87: Exp gain increase +%d% (Ascension Items, Normal/Master level usable)
    // 88: Exp gain increase +%d% (Bless of Light, Normal/Master level usable)

    That way we could just make a workaround or create new buffs from scratch in the form of elixirs. Currently adding these option buffs in the itemoption do not work with the elixir. Or just add a new option 
    (Fyi plugin ItemoptionSystem_Exc also does not work with this item. That is logical though because the item is considered "used".)

    Before you say anything, yes I know it's "working as webzen" but Webzen almost never crash or disconnects you like our current Clients do. 
    With the rising client issues that occur in newer seasons having Bless of Light active upon server switch or Relog is crucial. 

  22. 7 votes
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    Time in client

    It will be nice to see a real-time clock in the game.
    I don't know what else I can add. 🙂

  23. 8 votes
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    Boss monsters kill reward type

    ;-- Boss monsters kill reward type, 0: Last Hit, 1: Most Damage
    BossKillRewardUserType = 1
    We will have some monsters as custom bosses,But this feature doesn't allow our custom BOSS to work as set。
    If you can make some changes,it will be more perfect。
    Can we get this switch to control all the monsters?   Or,Can we add our own monster index to decide which way to use?
    Suggestion 1:Whether you select 1 or 0, all monsters take effect。
    ;-- Boss monsters kill reward type, 0: Last Hit, 1: Most Damage
    BossKillRewardUserType = 1
    Suggestion 2:Add the corresponding monster index to control,Either type 0 or 1 can be selected as a controllable option,Unadded monster indexes are of a different type,For example,if the original bonus is the maximum damage, we'll add the index of the last monster hit
    ;-- Boss monsters kill reward type, 0: Last Hit, 1: Most Damage
    Type 0 Valid monster index= 0,100,500,800,900

  24. 4 votes
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    CalcCharacter PVP Damage multiple decimals

    As damage continues to get out of control in PVP we are forced to make fights based on SD only.  It would be great if we can use smaller numbers for PVP balances:
    For example
    IKToLW_PvPDamageRate = 0.01

  25. 1 vote
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    X-shop in map 6


    Please give us the opportunity to open x-shop in map #6. Why such discrimination 😄

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