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(Reduce Dupe) Extend Trade System

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In common settings:

Trade System = 1 (enabled) 


Trade System Arca = 0

Trade System Market = 1

Trade System Siege = 0

Trade System instance = 0

Also possibility to add a cooldown to this setting would be ideal. Example:
Trade System Delay = 180 (seconds) You cannot trade for 180 seconds after moving to this game server. 

or Move Trade System = 1/0 from common settings to be controlled by gameserver.ini per gameserver. (siege, market etc.) 

It is possible today via a workaround (reloading every server with different common settings) but I believe this could be improved.

I have substantially reduced the found dupes on my server by just turning off trade on my game servers, and I believe this setting would help everyone with dupes. 
It is not bulletproof but it helps, as most of the dupes happen via trade/vault/drop.



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