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Custom Ground Target skill damageable

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please make configuration to control damageable aoe skill in different situtation like 

meteor storm for now it can dealt dmg even you click on the ground if target incoming in skill range they will got dmg that it make some class play easy and got benefit than some class so if we have config to adjust like meteor storm can dealt dmg aoe only regular pvp and arena duel but in akar war event and castle siege need to lock on target
to dealt dmg you still cast on ground target but you can't dealt any dmg even target in skill range until you lock on target and that target will taken dmg

it will make any class focus on target then it will make war event intense anyone can't just spam aoe skill and auto win if have many aoe skill defend

this config will bee adjust only a ground target skill only like tripple shot meteor storm evil spirit and etc this is my except config be like

<Skill Index="24" Name="Triple Shot">
<RegularPVP="1" AkarWar="1" CastleSiege="1" ChaosCastle="1" BattleCore="1" /> 
<Skill Index="414" Name="Triple Shot Strengthener">
<RegularPVP="1" AkarWar="1" CastleSiege="1" ChaosCastle="1" BattleCore="1" /> 
<Skill Index="418" Name="Triple Shot Mastery">
<RegularPVP="1" AkarWar="1" CastleSiege="1" ChaosCastle="1" BattleCore="1" /> 
<Skill Index="1081" Name="Triple Shot Enhancement Skill">
<RegularPVP="1" AkarWar="1" CastleSiege="1" ChaosCastle="1" BattleCore="1" /> 
<Skill Index="725" Name="Meteor Storm">
<RegularPVP="1" AkarWar="0" CastleSiege="1" ChaosCastle="1" BattleCore="1" /> 
<Skill Index="1075" Name="Meteor Strike Enhancement Skill">
<RegularPVP="1" AkarWar="0" CastleSiege="1" ChaosCastle="1" BattleCore="1" /> 

just example only tripple shot and meteor storm  if i config like this that mean 
tripple shot can cast on the ground and dealt dmg in every situtation like vulcanus map akar war event siege war etc
and you can see meteor storm can't dealt dmg only akarwar event player need to lock on target

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