25 votes
It would be excellent to have basic skills formulas in RegularSkillCalc.lua like Energy Ball, Fire Ball, Power Wave, Twister, and so on.
Modifying parameters in SkillList is not as simple as changing formulas in lua file.
-- SkillID: 8, Twister
function TwisterCalc(Class, InDamage, Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, Energy)
local OutDamage = 0
if (Class == CLASS_WIZARD) then
OutDamage = InDamage * 1.0
elseif (Class == CLASS_GLADIATOR) then
OutDamage = InDamage * 1.0
elseif (Class == CLASS_RUNEWIZARD) then
OutDamage = InDamage * 1.0
elseif (Class == CLASS_LIGHTWIZARD) then
OutDamage = InDamage * 1.0
elseif (Class == CLASS_LEMURIAMAGE) then
OutDamage = InDamage * 1.0
return OutDamage
Edited by Arkaniz
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