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Skilllist PvP Damage Reduction

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Please add a modifier to Skillist or any other method, perhaps an XML file that will allow us to reduce the PVP Damage of a specific Skill. Someone asked to add control for Barrage or Speed but I know that will probably be a lot of work to re-work luas, so how about this instead?


	<Skill Index="264" Name="Dragon Roar" ReqLevel="30" Damage="12" ManaUsage="42" BPUsage="0" .......... PVPDamage="100"..../>
	<Skill Index="265" Name="Dark Side" ReqLevel="21" Damage="21" ManaUsage="12" BPUsage="0" ..... .......PVPDamage="30"..../>
	<Skill Index="266" Name="Spirit Hook" ReqLevel="13" Damage="17" ManaUsage="15" BPUsage="0"........... PVPDamage="100"..../>
	<Skill Index="267" Name="Spirit Hook Enhancement" ReqLevel="5" Damage="8" ManaUsage="3" ....... ..... PVPDamage="100"..../>


PVPDamage where 100 is 100% damage. Method could of course be different.

This would allow us to take out those OP skills on reset servers and provide us pretty much with perfect flexibility in terms of skills.

I know we can modify formulas, or increase the entire PvM Damage, and that does give us a lot of flexibility already but it is not enough, please read below to understand why.

Why do this?

On reset servers, there has always been a problem with balancing certain skills, especially those with a high animation speed or Barrage. For some characters, achieving perfect balance is simply impossible. Let me explain.

If you try to balance your Rage Fighter- DarkSide, Dragon Roar, and Spirit Hook, you can make them deal the same damage using Lua. However, DarkSide has an unpredictable burst effect that can completely destroy opponents in PvP. Even if all three skills have the exact same damage, DarkSide is still overpowered, while the other two remain weak. 

This makes it impossible to balance all three skills in a way that keeps them playable. The only options are:

1. Nerf DarkSide so much that it becomes useless.

2. Weaken all three skills and leave only one of them playable.

A similar issue exists with Magic Gladiator’s Havoc Spear—this skill simply deals much more damage than any other and there are few more.

A setting like that would allow us to balance a character in both PvP and PvM so that all skills are useful. This also helps a lot with configs so you don't have to go with 10mln HP and SD for PVP...



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