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Cooldown for the SD and Elite potions

  • Views: 523
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AntiHack.ini file. There is settings

;-- Delay time between use of each potion in Game, expressed in ms, 1s equal to 1000ms
PotionDelayTime = xxx

Please add section for the SD potions

;-- Delay time between use of SD potion in Game, expressed in ms, 1s equal to 1000ms
SDPotionDelayTime = xxx
;-- Delay time between use of Elite potion in Game, expressed in ms, 1s equal to 1000ms
ElitePotionDelayTime = xxx

Why? Because right now there isn't balance with SD potions. Who have more SD potions = win. 
Cooldown will increase value of SD potions and PVP will be better.

Edited by Shanahan

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The antihack potion delay time is bugged as it affects more than potions like skill learning , jewels adding and more features, it is not recommended to have more than 100ms as it will make players think your server is lagging. I reported the bug few months ago and it was suspended, i hope igcn will fix it soon because is critical part of the pvp balance.



But it's obvious, that HP and SD potion must have different delay\cooldown. For HP bottles it's okay to have delay in ms. For SD potions it's obvious in seconds



Of course , i agree , i just found reason with your post to remind to our developers about this

  • IGC Developer


Added in next update

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