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Add new string text for command custom

  • Views: 354
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Hello Developers,  @Wizzy @drakelv

I would like to suggest you add new informational strings (text) to these custom commands such as:

/decstr, agi, vit, ene, cmd

Currently the system does not have information after using the commands.
As it is possible to configure new features in some of these commands, such as usage rate and others, it would be fundamentally the addition of new strings (text) of information for these commands.


Open vault and NPC command:

Open main storage in Lorencia (X: 50 Y:135) fee charged 50 WCoins.

Decrease command:

Points reduction effective with success in strength, points withdrawn: 300

Well at first I think that's all that's missing in these commands.

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@drakelvand @Wizzy

It would be interesting to add more information to the Jewels system as well.

Like for example:
When trying to apply gems to disallowed items.

Example: System -> JewelUpgradeSystem.xml
This gem cannot be used on this item : %s
Jewel successfully applied

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