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Feature Suggestions

  1. 3 votes
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    allow us to use jewel of kondar/kundun on rings/pedants

    Please allow us to use jewel of kondar/kundun on rings/pedants, maybe add a config for jewel of kondar/kundun kindA-B usage like jewel of luck

  2. 5 votes
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    Add Reset Buff Reward

    Hi devs,
    Through this I suggest adding a buff bonus for resets.
    As the Player performs resets within the Game, the buff status is improved as shown in the image below.


  3. 3 votes
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    Add strings announcement for Milestone Reward for reset system

    Hi devs,
    I would like to suggest adding a personalized announcement to the screen, allowing you to define colors and how the awards that the reset system allows us to deliver to Players after reaching the reset milestones required by the settings will be announced.
    Something similar to this, I am testing a (private) server for season 20 and I found this extremely cool.

    After reset my character I receive some rewards then, the system reset send-me this information.
    That cools !

  4. 5 votes
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    Add reset display on Character Widow

    Hi devs,
    I hereby request that you include the character interface again (C)
    The reset information, I remember that in the past you added this and it was very cool.
    The Players are suggesting this to me.

  5. 18 votes
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    Map Damage Reduction

    Function to activate Equal Damage reduction like CS/ARKA events
    Add this functionality by maps.
    If possible within the Common File and MapAttribute
    With this, you could create a Custom event type
    On a given map, which may have this damage reduced

  6. 9 votes
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    BotList level requirements & max use

    Add the minimum and maximum character level parameters for the bot configuration. In this way we could add buffers only for users who are lower than the level we specify.
    It would also be good to add a number of maximum uses per day.

  7. 4 votes
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    Add event - Ice Temple (New plugin event)

    Ice Temple
    Battle in the snow where each team must conquer the bases and thus accelerate the accumulation of points to stay ahead of the opponent;
    The event has two teams of up to 10 members each; The formation is carried out at the beginning of the event randomly; Each team has a special skin for differentiation and an exclusive respawn location; Members of the same team cannot attack each other; Map
    Green, blue and red circles: bases; Dark circles: statue spawn locations in each base; Green and red markers: respawn locations for each team;
    To spawn a statue, simply stand still for 10 seconds exactly in the center of the base, the statue will appear at the end of the countdown; Each statue conquered speeds up the score increase of the team that spawned it; The owner team can be identified by the color of the aura at the base of the statue; When a statue is destroyed, it stops counting points and can be respawned; Up to 3 statues can be spawned at the base of the center, while there are two on each side;

    The entrance location can be found in the move menu as Ice Temple; There will be 4 NPCs in this location, just talk to one of them; With each click on the NPC, a Sign of Lord is deposited; At the end of the entry time, the 20 players who have accumulated the most signs are moved to the event; During the entry period, the 20 players with the most signs are highlighted with a special skin; If a player enters a sign and does not reach the necessary position to enter the event, the NPC informs the amount required.
    The team that manages to accumulate the most points in 10 minutes or reaches the 100% limit will receive the following prizes: Rank Victory: +3 points; Defeat: -2 points; Abandonment: -5 points;  

  8. 7 votes
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    OffLevelling: VipType for PickItem

    Add the VipType variable for the Item Pick in Offleveling, in this way it can be limited to free users who can activate offleveling but do not have item pick.

  9. 3 votes
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    Improvement Custom Rank - Plugin (Castle Siege by Points)

    Hello developers, I would like to request a big improvement to the system.
    We know how important GvG events are on our servers.
    I recently had an idea and thought it would be interesting to share it with you, as a possible improvement to the custom ranking plugin.
    The idea would be to create an exclusive ranking for Castle Siege, and through this ranking we could define new plaques for Castle Siege participants, in addition to increasing the value of the event, we would have something different from any other emulator on the market.
    If the idea is interesting, perhaps you could opt to add it as a new plugin.
    First: Castle Siege Ranking understand:
    The idea is to build an exclusive ranking, thus storing the information in the database so that it can be used by us web developers as well.
    The first ranking would be the (Time) ranking, this ranking would store:
    Character name Guild the character is in Total Time the Switch was held (seconds) Total Time the Crow was held (seconds) Kill Rankings:
    Character name Guild the character is in Total number of times you killed someone within the siege Total number of times someone has killed him within the siege Points ranking (This would be the cherry on top of all the other rankings)
    Through this ranking we could determine the appearance of new custom rankings for this system.
    How this ranking would be validated, this ranking would be validated through points stored within the siege, obtaining the points is very easy. (It would be interesting if we could define the amount of points that each of the options below would have)
    How to get points:
    Points for killing a master: 1 Points for holding a switch: 5 Points for killing a member of the enemy guild: 10 Points for registering the crow: 100 Points for holding a switch for a specific time: 80 (4 seconds) Points for defending a switch: 30 Points for defending a switch for a specific time: 60 (4 seconds) This data structure would be simple:
    Guild name: Total sum of the points above: (Or if you prefer, separate by column, which would be better for using the information via the web)
    Now on custom-rank plugin we could define new RANKs using these points.
    Thus bringing exclusivity to the servers and giving an extra attraction to each function within Castle Siege.
    If more information is needed in case of approval, I am available.

  10. 0 votes

    don't allow to run a game if user doesn't have ARIALUNI font on the PC.

    People download the client, don't read anything, launch it, see squares, and leave the project. 
    In case if user doesn't have arialuni font on the PC - show an error with a description. 

  11. 4 votes

    PvP within Last Man and Illusion for Guilds

    Within the Last Man Standing and Illusion Temple events, players from the same guild are not allowed to attack each other.
    Please allow this PvP, players need to keep removing their tags to go to the events.
    Rafael Prado

  12. 2 votes
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    ItemDurabillity on custom Jewel

    Hello developers, I would like to ask you to add ItemDurabillity="" to the system so that the quantity of the item can be checked when the durability is greater than 0.
    Currently, you only allow RewardItemDurabillity=""
    It would be very useful to add ItemDurabillity="" so that we can define stacked items.

  13. 9 votes
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    daily reward plugin

    Hello, is it possible that you can develop a daily reward plugin where we can add reward for each day up to 30 days(or custom configurated days) and then to reset based on the cycle end config? An extra game window with the reward infos per day plus claim button would be perfect. I've seen this system on mobile games and i always liked it , its very cool feature to have in our servers.

  14. 10 votes
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    I would like an order for the antihack

    I have noticed that the antihack has certain additions that help in something, even so it needs to be improved, in the video above I send a link where for $ 20 monthly they give you hack, although I have not seen if it is activated in igcn files, this person also talks about administrators that they use for their servers, so I would assume that he has also used it in igcn or so I suppose, even so I would like a request, could it be possible for the antihack to have an instantaneous consumption count of ag / mana usage? Why is this? Because this way we would additionally know if the user uses hack or uses speed since when attacking we know that a certain amount of ag and mana is used and we can test it from when it consumes being at full capacity to be able to use it in the future if a user uses speed since that would show how much ag / mana it consumes per second or millisecond, I think this would cause too many logs, but we would only use it at least in pvp events or castle siege or arcawar
    the antihack shows you the hit count per second, this varies depending on how you configure your server, but I would like something like that with the mana / AG that is similar to that or additional to the side so we would know how the character is executed in full pvp to be able to sanction faster if we find users with hack since as I said, this would help to recognize if a user uses hack by how he spends his ag per second, on the other hand although there are hackers to use the mode (no consumption of ag or mana) we would also know when they are using hack since it would be noticed in the game that they are not consuming AG or mana, this is a great help at least for me to recognize users with hack
    On the other hand, in logs it shows how the hits per second and sd are at the time of being in pvp, but it does not show how it reacts in full pvp, I mean that I do not understand well since it shows the same numbers of hp and sd the same in all or that is what I noticed, could something be done as it reduces or how much hit it gives with each hit it gives?  I mean if a character attacks in pvp that the hits he gives appear in the logs, for example, let's say he gave 8 hits in a second but that shows in each hit how much damage he did, for example: first hit gave a blow of 15,000 DMG and 10,000 sd, second hit gave a blow of 7,000 DMG and 1,500 sd, then we would know how much the variation is for each character when using hack to recognize it more quickly, this still has to be formulated well by the administrator since the skills vary the damage per hit because it is not a stable damage but increasing or irregular as far as most know
    I hope you understand my point of view, to improve the encounter or abuse of hacks at least in pvp, and also if you use transfer it can recognize when the user moves from one map to another with strange behavior in the log making it so that if you change coordinates to another further away in 1 second it can be recognized and appear in logs to be more aware of those who use other similar programs.

  15. 5 votes
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    Add Full Commands.ini by Level Account

    Hello Devs,
    With this suggestion, I would like to ask you to pay a little attention to this suggestion.
    Currently, the VIP system allows us to define small features such as experience gain or increased drop rates.
    It would be very interesting if you considered the idea of allowing Administrators as a whole to define which commands can be executed and which account level the Players need to have to carry them out.
    This way, we will gain more resources for the VIP, having a way to emphasize the VIP levels with new features. We know that selling VIP is essential for the maintenance of our servers, licenses and season updates.
    However, at the moment, we do not have much to offer our Players.
    In addition to the increase in experience, we are forced to create VIP access servers to make such changes, but this ends up being detrimental to commerce and the movement of Players on the main channel.
    The idea is to allow us to define each and every command in commands.ini by account level.
    This way, it would not be necessary to create subservers, separating Players from each other due to VIP level.
    PKClearCMDEnable = 1 PKClearCMDMinVIPLevel = -1 ; For Allow only VIP put: 1 ~ 5 | For used by all Account Level use: -1 PKClearCMDCoinCost = 10000 PKClearCMDCoinType = 0 ; Usage: 0 for Zen | 1 For WC:Coins | 2 For Goblin Points | 3 For Ruuds This is just an example of one of the commands available in Commands.ini
    Then the others would follow the same logic.
    We would have a vast possibility of better emphasizing the VIP system, thus making VIP more attractive.

  16. 0 votes
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    Request for Customizable Timer Feature for /ware Command

    As of Season 6, Episode 3, the /ware command still does not allow for adjustment of the 30-second timer.
    Currently, you cannot change this timer to any duration you want. It would be great to have the option to customize this feature for better gameplay.

  17. 8 votes
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    anti lag plugin to hide debuff circles

    The 4th tree debuffs circle animations are causing big fps drops, if its possible please make them to can be hidden with the anti lag plugin.

  18. 9 votes
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    Auto Reset - message suggestion

    Hello developers,
    I would like to suggest removing the message that is displayed when the auto-reset system is active.
    Because every level the player reaches, the message ID: 419 is displayed.
    However, this is very bad because it ends up polluting the system messages.
    You can view :


  19. 1 vote

    Anti hack software or improvements on current one needed , situation is out of control

    The situation with the cheats is out of control , distance(range) hack , speed hacks , hit hacks  you name it , there is a paid cheat for 10$ a month that everyone uses from https://autotrainmu.xyz/  and its undetectable with our igcn anti hack. It used to be only some vietnamese players cheating but now is spreading all over europe players! European donators now own the cheat and donate+cheating which makes the situation insanely difficult for everyone! 

    I suggest to IGCN to either use this cheat and find solution internally or use MHP anti hack software that exists in open source code in the web and implement it on our files so we can at least stop the 95% of the noob hackers by having the new cheats that appear in a dump list where mhp anti hack will reject. Theres also improved MHP antihack in open source where we can even take screenshot of players screen which is the most ideal thing that could happen, when we suspect a cheater we could take screenshot of their desktop screen and see their pc running processes so we can determinate if player is cheating, even if cheat bypass the antihack we can at least see player screen and decide if player cheating or not. This is the antihack all season 6 servers are using right now so i dont get it why we dont have such application in igcn files. It could be introduced as Test software and improve it slowly if has issues. If this is not possible then something else needs to happen because i am really sick of this situation with players leaving our servers because of the cheaters. Like now everyone knows about the cheat going on and no one is trusting other players and all the time complain about cheaters even if a player is not cheating, situation getting paranoid. I hope our devs understand the situation and give attention for a while in this matter so we can solve it and be at peace. 

    @Wizzy @Bigman @drakelv

  20. 23 votes
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    Define Monster Indexes Which Drop Loot Based on TOTAL DMG DONE

    Problem: As an admin I need the ability to define monster indexes that will drop loot based on last hit or most damage so that I can better offer a gaming and loot experience for my players.
    Acceptance Criteria: 
    Similar to the function in Common...
    ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Boss monsters kill reward type, 0: Last Hit, 1: Most Damage ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BossKillRewardUserType = 1  
    Modify the MonsterRegenSpanTime.xml to introduce a new attribute called KillRewardType with a value of 0 or 1 respectively.  0 last hit, 1 most damage 
    <Monster Index="275" KillRewardType="1" RegenMinHour="2" RegenMinMinute="0" RegenMinSecond="0" RegenMaxHour="4" RegenMaxMinute="0" RegenMaxSecond="0" />  

  21. 10 votes
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    Skills to be more stats dependent (having all the stats as a parameter in the lua config)

    I would like if possible that all the skills to have all the stats parameters like you added to the SM skills. For example:
    function PoisonCalc(Class, InDamage, Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, Energy), can you add this to all the other skills?
    This change will make easier to control the scale of the characters based on their stats in game

  22. 1 vote
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    Essential Tool Kit Default Stats

    As a user I want the ability to reset stats to default and add the maximum points based on 3rd quest, 4th quest and 5th quest so that I can easily reset a characters stats and not think about if I am missing any points.
    Stats = level up points
    1. Essential tools should enable user to reset character stats to default
    2. Option should be made available which will add the appropriate number of stat points in the General > Points field BASED on selection (3rd quest, 4th quest and 5th quest)

  23. 6 votes

    Launcher Design modification. Allow us to use mp4 video files as background image!

    Hey, im wondering if its possible to allow us to use mp4 videos as launcher background image! In that way we can create some awesome animations in a video file and use it as background. Maybe also the ability to use the sound of the mp4 file or not 😉 That would be awesome! @Bigman

  24. 0 votes
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    Essential Tool Kit Master and Majestic Tee

    As a user I want the ability to edit master and majestic trees from Essential Toolkit so that I can make builds quickly.  In addition I want the ability to copy builds from 1 char to the other.
    1. Essential tools should enable user to modify 3rd and 4th tees.  
    2. Introduce ability to copy master tree over to like class
    3. If user attempts to copy a master tree from character 1 to character 2 but character 2 class does not match character 1 then error should be shown

  25. 2 votes
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    Bots to can equip wings + weapons show off while being in non safe area

    Can we please have bot buffers wear wings so we can show off a potential custom wings added? Also the weapons are shown in the bots back side , we need them to show the weapons as characters standing in non safe area when bot added in non safe area.

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