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Whoooa As a part of changes that recently happening around IGCN we silently working on a one of most wanted tool across the community - fully featured World Editor that will help you raise your server to unique experience level making your players fascinated in MU game once again. A short word about.. The editor is based on Unity Game Engine and planned support scope is about to cover all game client versions. It currently can support all basic features of object and attributes manipulation such as height, layers (tiles), light, objects manipulation (position, rotation, scale). This is just beginning The editor is a introduction to new era in MU when new Seasons will be created by the community, independently from official features! An extended plan is to bring support of custom maps, monsters, effects and more! Find below few pictures as a preview of upcoming.. that will shock the community. We plan to bring it on sale up to 3 months, keep watching the forums or discord to get updates. More information about pricing and sale model of the editor will be released at later date.7 points
We are pleased to announce that Season 19 Part 1-3 | 5th Class is about to come in 1st half of January 2024. The development of the version is completed and first test version will be available with complete set of features. The test version will be, as always, free to test by our active subscribers of Premium Plus package (future Suite Plus) Note: Files download will be available at some day of first half of January 2024. New update changes The update brings number of new features and extends range of existing ones. Update content All characters 5th Class and Quest Ability Core AKA 5th Tree Ability Cards: DMG, Skill, Option, Elite Extra damage type for characters: Nuke, Bolt, AoE New attributes in character extended statistics window Extra damage for monsters 5th Wings and Wing Core Fusion Skills for all characters, combined effects of different skills with renewed visual effects Giants: three types of improving moving speed robots New mixes of the wings and cards Test Versions The test version will be available for any subscriber of Premium Plus (future Suite Plus) regardless of purchased season pass (upgrade) level, however will be limited in time (that can be extended as required) and shut down automatically upon expiration date of test period. The open availability of test versions allows to get familiar with new content and perform required test. SeasonPass Pre-Sale We open ability to get Season 19 Part 1-3 Pass at reduced price until end of Test period. To find out the deal visit License Manager and click Manage SeasonPass. Test period ends on 15.01.2024 at 11:59:59 PM GMT+1 (may be extended as required).4 points
We are pleased to announce launch of Season 19 Part 2-1 | Dark Lord Renewal test version available to SeasonPass holders of level 4 of Premium Plus package (future Suite Plus) New update changes The update brings number of new features and extends range of existing once. Update content Dark Lord character class renewal (reworked skill trees, new skills, combat power) Maximum Attack speed change Changes in existing items for the class Changes to existing Dark Lord pets: Dark Spirit and Dark Horse New Pets: Divine Horse, Divine Spirits - Ice, Fire, Holy Dark Lord Mastery Shields New Mastery Item Mixes Test Versions The test version will be available only for Customers who upgraded their SeasonPass to level 4. All test versions are limited in time and will be shut down after launch of official release. Limiting the test version to actual holders of required SeasonPass meant to avoid running live servers on early test versions by Customers not owning the pass what had negative impact on the MU market and its community. SeasonPass Sale We open ability to get Season 19 Part 2-1 Pass at reduced price for 14 days after launch of test period. To find out the deal visit License Manager and click Manage SeasonPass. Test period ends on 08.06.2024 at 11:59:59 PM GMT+1.2 points
We are pleased to announce launch of Season 19 Part 1-2 | Grow Lancer Renewal open test version available to our active subscribers of Premium Plus package (future Suite Plus) New update changes The update brings number of new features and extends range of existing once. Update content Grow Lancer Renewal (reworked skill trees, new skills, combat power) New Mastery Items (9th): Apocalypse Weapons and Shields New Mastery Items (10th): Lightning (normal and ancient) New Map & Monsters: Tormenta Island New Excellent option for shields New Mastery Item Mixes New Muuns Increased maximum mastery level to 1200 (1600 total) Test Versions The test version will be available for any subscriber of Premium Plus (future Suite Plus) regardless of purchased season pass (upgrade) level, however will be limited in time (that can be extended as required) and shut down automatically upon expiration date of test period. The open availability of test versions allows to get familiar with new content and perform required test. SeasonPass Sale We open ability to get Season 19 Pass at reduced price until end of Test period. To find out the deal visit License Manager and click Manage SeasonPass. Test period ends on 15.11.2023 at 11:59:59 PM GMT+1.2 points
New World of MU This is the next level of initiation where MU Community is taken by IGCN. As per our earlier announcement where we informed about our work on new product We are happy to let you all know that it is officially available! The Mu World Creator This is a tool in which you can visually (in 3D) create and modify MU World Maps. Among many other the key features are: Supported map settings and features Terrain Height (holes and mountains) Terrain Light (RGB color and strength) Terrain Layer (Ground Tiles, grass, merging layers) Terrain Attribute (Safe zone, attack zone, etc) Terrain Objects (add/remove/edit - position, scale, rotation, light) Server Terrain file 6K 3D preview of your map generated upon export Navimap file of your map generated upon export 6K minimap of your map generated upon export MU Client Support All client versions are supported and automatically detected You can also export map from one version to another, but this is not recommended since not all features are supported across all client versions (this is client limitation, not Editor) Excited? Keep reading so To allow you to share our happiness together, we run exclusive promotion on this hot-demand tool. Visit our store and upon purchase use NEW_WORLD code and get 15% discount of base price. The promotion is valid until end of 31.08.2022.2 points
Don't rub your eyes, it's not an illusion.. We are glad to announce that Season 18 Part 1 is now available at IGCN for all active subscribers! This little piece update brings new character class, Illusion Knight, along with new skills and items. Just watch it in action! How to get it? You can acquire access to that exclusive update by getting Premium Plus subscription.2 points
We are pleased to announce launch of Season 19 Part 2-3 | Events Info/UI Renewal test version available to SeasonPass holders of level 5 of Premium Plus package (future Suite Plus) New update changes The update brings number of new features and extends range of existing once. Update content [NEW] New Guardian Mount: Leviathan and Leviathan (Rare) [NEW] New map and monsters: Twisted Kalutan [NEW] Fourth (4th) tree Command stat option for Dark Lord [NEW] Artifacts renewal, options grade introduction [NEW] Artifacts UI renewal, extended statistics window [NEW] Artifacts Grade Upgrade Combination event [NEW] Events and Boss Information window [NEW] Enhanced Ability Tree (5th) window [NEW] Ability Skill card conversion Combination [NEW] Seventh (7th) Mastery Earring: Verdant [NEW] Max level extended to 1650 Test Versions The test version will be available only for Customers who upgraded their SeasonPass to level 5. All test versions are limited in time and will be shut down after launch of official release. Limiting the test version to actual holders of required SeasonPass meant to avoid running live servers on early test versions by Customers not owning the pass what had negative impact on the MU market and its community. SeasonPass Sale We open ability to get Season 19 Part 2-3 Pass at reduced price for 5 days after launch of test period. To find out the deal visit License Manager and click Manage SeasonPass. Reduced price is available until 26.06.2024 at 11:59:59 PM GMT+1.1 point
Here it is.. We are glad to inform that Season 17 Part 2 is now available officially at IGCN! We are excited about range of new features that appeared along with the major update. What's new? Elf Renewal - New Skills & Buffs New Mastery Fairy Shields Shining Tail Guardians (Normal & Rare) Fifth (5th) Grade Earrings of Daze Extended Mu Helper Kanturu Undergrounds Map & Monsters New Elemental Elf Muun Monsters Level Penalty System and more.. Apart of the main features we introduced deep improvement of item bags drop system allowing to drop bunch of items at one go, thank to what you may e.g. drop entire set for specified character class. Detailed change-log is available in Release Notes. Where to get it? Wait a second! To celebrate the event we exclusively extended currently ongoing promotion end date from 17.06.2022 until 20.06.2022. Find out more in below article1 point
Discord is the one of easiest way to talk, chat, hang out, and stay close with your friends and communities. We introduce the new way to interact with clients and and regular forum members. You can find there selection of channels that will keep you up to date with most of interesting things that are happening at IGCN but also let you meet each other on some chit chat. Stay synced Apart of general discussion and other talk channels you can find few channels we use to push automated notifications about important news, available promotions and information about new software releases. Whatever was posted on forums will appear in Discord as well, the channels are: #news, #promotions, SOFTWARE UPDATES / #server and #tools. Ready? You can use it as system application or directly in your browser. Get it from https://discord.com/ How to join? Every registered and logged-in forum member may use magic-link invite by clicking discord banner on the right side of forums front page. This way our system will automatically detect your client status and assign appropriate role on discord (psss there are hidden exclusive client areas). You can also manage your Discord account association from your Account Settings. Your forum display names are automatically synced upon joining the Discord channel of IGCN Community, so we can easier recognize each other. We truly hope you will like the new feature.1 point