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Version S
This is x20 series of Server Suite package (S20 Part 1-3). This submission contains Full Server Suite Package of latest stable version for the series and three of most recent updates which have to be downloaded on regular basis as are being overwritten automatically with new update releases. Summary of reported and resolved issues is provided within below change-log and per specified version in the Bug Tracker If you want to be notified of further updates on this submission, make sure to follow it by clicking follow button at the top-right. CONFIG CHANGES: srv-config/x20-P1-3 Interested in participating in DEV and help testing BETA releases? Check for TEST versions availability trough versions tracker. Relevant notes are attached directly to relevant TEST version.From €580.001 point -
Version 1.0.0
Alchemist is a complete design for purpose of Launcher (Premium) tool. It comes with complete set of files to use with Launcher Designer tool and a Photoshop project file (PSD) of logo. Package content Requirements Launcher (Premium) - tool that can be purchased from License Manager at price of €105 by every active server license subscriber€70.001 point -
Version 1.0.0
Necro is a complete design for purpose of Launcher (Premium) tool. It comes with complete set of files to use with Launcher Designer tool and a Photoshop project file (PSD) of logo. Package content Requirements Launcher (Premium) - tool that can be purchased from License Manager at price of €105 by every active server license subscriber€70.001 point -
Version S
This is x19 series of Server Suite package (S19 Part 2-3). This submission contains Full Server Suite Package of latest stable version for the series and three of most recent updates which have to be downloaded on regular basis as are being overwritten automatically with new update releases. Summary of reported and resolved issues is provided within below change-log and per specified version in the Bug Tracker If you want to be notified of further updates on this submission, make sure to follow it by clicking follow button at the top-right. CONFIG CHANGES: srv-config/x19-P2-3 Interested in participating in DEV and help testing BETA releases? Check for TEST versions availability trough versions tracker. Relevant notes are attached directly to relevant TEST version.From €580.001 point -
MU.ToolKit (Premium) is advanced tool of wide range of powerful possibilities to maintain the server in all the meaning of the word. This is public version of the tool excluding tools dedicated for purpose of IGC Server Suite. Once becoming subscriber (Customer) of Server Plan of IGC-Network it is possible to switch to ToolKit version supporting IGC Features. Overview PC Requirements Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 - x64 OS Internet Connection always online as long as MU.ToolKit (Premium) application is running (no Offline mode) .NET Framework 4.6.2 Installed Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Package€105.001 point -
IGC.Essential Tools is fully featured application that allows to manage server very easy way. Numerous of aspects covered makes looking after the Server a piece of cake. Essential Tools in version v18.2.2.0 and newer is dedicated for server files of Season 18 P2-2, starting from files version, it is not compatible with older Seasons. Version for lower Seasons can be found here Modules of the tool Account Editor Character Editor Item Editor Mix Lost Items Restore DefaultClassType Editor Gremory Case Editor Buffs Manager Character Location Editor Skills Editor Guild Editor Marriage Editor Gens Editor Ban Manager Castle Siege Manager VIP Manager Game Master Manager InGameShop Items Editor (CashShop Gift/Normal Inbox) Items Reserializer Database Management Search and Delete empty Accounts / Characters Clean Inactive Accounts Search and delete duped Items Database Backup manager Character Experience Fixer Item's structure converter to IGC.Format and more. Utilities Item Finder Account Finder Status Checker Requirements - Download & Install .NET Framework 4.8 (including available Windows Updates SharedManagementObjects 2014 SQLSysClrTypes 2014From €580.001 point