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Showing content with the highest reputation since 20/03/14 in Ideas

  1. Some time ago I made a suggestion about offlevel, I don't know if I explained it well, but I want to try it again. The offlevel is one of the most important features of private servers and the one that gives us the most advantage over GMO, many players currently depend on it and honestly most are dissatisfied with how it works. It would be of great help if this feature were reworked so it would not work the way it currently works, which is under specific configuration, but would work with the muhelper, just as if it were online. That means, that the player configures the muhelper with: - All skills that they want, included buff/debuff etc - range - pick of items - the real character attack speed not one fixed etc... everything that allows the mu helper to be configured and when leaving offlevel it works as if it were online with the mu helper, in few words that the configuration of the offlevel can be done by each player in the muhelper. Currently the offlevel has many problems, which according to the server configuration make it unusable from certain levels and no matter how many changes are made to improve it, it will not be the same as the muhelper and that would be the real goal, that in offlevel the character It will work with the muhelper. I am sure if you release a new offlevel working with muhelper configuration as offlevel renewal I would buy it without thinking twice Thank you. Updated 3. when use command offlevel don't close the game client just send users to select server. so they can loging with a different account.
    8 points
  2. With Season 16.2 - 17 coming, a function for the antilag plugin would be extremely important My suggestion is a shift+'x' to hide the mounts, as they cause LOTS of LAG in the game when there are several people on the same map
    4 points
  3. It's not adding an item list. Rather, it is a fashion item to be worn over the original item for beauty. Just like any other game in this era.
    3 points
  4. Hello friends, I want to make a suggestion about the 3D camera. When you adjust the size you want, it should be possible to save it, because every time you switch maps, you have to adjust the zoom again.
    2 points
  5. Well, my suggestion would be that you can add a plugin with these aspects. Which allows the user to recover their items destroyed in the combining machine (formerly a private Mu Legend server had it) which today is no longer online - Link to a Reference Video. How did it work? Users when using the combination machine of +10 +11 +12 ... +15 If in case you forget to put the Talisman of Chaos Assembly. e of knowing that the item ends up being destroyed. Then the Npc Function gave you the option to recover your item at a cost which was WCoins. Benefits and cons towards Administrators Against: You should know that if a user forgets to put Talisman of Chaos Assembly on their very high-cost item (according to each server's value), the item ends up being destroyed. This causes 2 things 1.- We Adm benefit because in case they can invest again and thus be able to obtain more income since they end up losing the item. 2.- The user becomes frustrated by not having the possibility of recovering his article and ends up withdrawing from the server and thus losing users on the server Benefits: If the User loses his item in the item combination machine +10 +11 +12 ... +15. 1st.- You will have the security and guarantee that if you are careless, the server can give you the possibility of recovering the clear item at a certain cost of WCoins 2nd.- The user will not be frustrated because they lost the item if they were careless and forgot to put the Talisman of Chaos Assembly 3rd.- By being able to recover items that were destroyed, administrators can set a recovery cost in WCoins (high or low value according to each server administrator) and we can consume more income. 4th.- Keep users who once played that server and are currently on one of our servers who liked the mechanics of that NPC. Reference Video
    2 points
  6. Reset system with Auto Resets option when player reach lvl400. Can make this feature work with OffLevel and cost Zen/Wcoins/Ruud/Gp to use
    2 points
  7. This is related to the party exp formula. I've seen topics smth like "exp is gained too much in party" and the only one proposition to solve it - set party gap. But in any case party gap is not a good solution and exp part in FormulaData still be almost unuseful. My suggestion: move party exp formula to lua script or keep it in FormulaData, but move variables to the "normal variables". I mean allow to reuse the same variable in the same formula and have possibility to change variable place. So I propose to use normal variable names, e.g. <Formula ID="4" Data="{soloParty}*{partyAddExp}*{memberLevel}/{totalLevel}" /> In this case a user will be able to change variable place/use the same variable multiple times/remove some variable in the middle and so on as it's needed. I don't think it's a big issue to parse this variables in a code and use it, but very helpful feature for a users.
    2 points
  8. Hello, i see in some server season 6 or Custom Season 11-12 have function protect item with pass code. In some server, the price of item so high and if player share password to another players, have risk to lost this item. Example: use commands /lock 1234 -> User can lock all wear item/guardian/horse with time. After this period item automaticaly unlock or player can unlock with commands: /unlock 1234.
    1 point
  9. Lock System to lock (trading, selling and mix/enhance) inventory and vault items but make character playable (can kill other players and assist arka and castle siegue event). Work on it and make it a plugin. It is really needed... Problem: Users share accounts for arka and castle siegue events to strangers which may steal from them
    1 point
  10. I have noticed that the antihack has certain additions that help in something, even so it needs to be improved, in the video above I send a link where for $ 20 monthly they give you hack, although I have not seen if it is activated in igcn files, this person also talks about administrators that they use for their servers, so I would assume that he has also used it in igcn or so I suppose, even so I would like a request, could it be possible for the antihack to have an instantaneous consumption count of ag / mana usage? Why is this? Because this way we would additionally know if the user uses hack or uses speed since when attacking we know that a certain amount of ag and mana is used and we can test it from when it consumes being at full capacity to be able to use it in the future if a user uses speed since that would show how much ag / mana it consumes per second or millisecond, I think this would cause too many logs, but we would only use it at least in pvp events or castle siege or arcawar the antihack shows you the hit count per second, this varies depending on how you configure your server, but I would like something like that with the mana / AG that is similar to that or additional to the side so we would know how the character is executed in full pvp to be able to sanction faster if we find users with hack since as I said, this would help to recognize if a user uses hack by how he spends his ag per second, on the other hand although there are hackers to use the mode (no consumption of ag or mana) we would also know when they are using hack since it would be noticed in the game that they are not consuming AG or mana, this is a great help at least for me to recognize users with hack On the other hand, in logs it shows how the hits per second and sd are at the time of being in pvp, but it does not show how it reacts in full pvp, I mean that I do not understand well since it shows the same numbers of hp and sd the same in all or that is what I noticed, could something be done as it reduces or how much hit it gives with each hit it gives? I mean if a character attacks in pvp that the hits he gives appear in the logs, for example, let's say he gave 8 hits in a second but that shows in each hit how much damage he did, for example: first hit gave a blow of 15,000 DMG and 10,000 sd, second hit gave a blow of 7,000 DMG and 1,500 sd, then we would know how much the variation is for each character when using hack to recognize it more quickly, this still has to be formulated well by the administrator since the skills vary the damage per hit because it is not a stable damage but increasing or irregular as far as most know I hope you understand my point of view, to improve the encounter or abuse of hacks at least in pvp, and also if you use transfer it can recognize when the user moves from one map to another with strange behavior in the log making it so that if you change coordinates to another further away in 1 second it can be recognized and appear in logs to be more aware of those who use other similar programs.
    1 point
  11. Its better if IWC have Damage Reduction option like Arca War + Castle Siege or Duels ;-- Damage reduction during Ice Wind Event, applies to all types of damage, expressed in percentage ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DamageReduction = 50
    1 point
  12. Hi. I was wondering if you can modify the rewards of Last Mand Standing. Being one reward for Room 1, another for Room 2, and so on. With this scenario, we can adjust different rewards according to level/reset in each room, because right now it's only one reward for every room.
    1 point
  13. Hello, Just a little suggestion about extending the reset command to be able to reset after reaching the 400 level and auto-add points after reset. /reset auto [on/off] /reset auto [str/agi/ene/vit/cmd]
    1 point
  14. It would be good to have an option in Common.ini which will grant the possibility to disable the use of mounts in safe zones. This would prevent Lorencia from being super laggy when multiple players are afk with mounts enabled.
    1 point
  15. copy paste same settings for different VIP levels so admins can make that VIP player does not have to swich char or return to lorencia on reset, or gets more Wcoins on reset = more VIP sales.
    1 point
  16. Gentlemen of the IGCN High Table (John Wick reference for you scrubs) I believe we can further enhance the recent HWID/IP connection changes introduced in S2. In the current model, if a server is to limit 5 accounts max per PC we are forced to enable 5 accounts per hwid for live players AND 5 accounts per hwid for off players. This means in the current model a server with a limit of 5 accounts per PC can technically enable a player to have 10 accounts running per PC. Solution: I am proposing we put aside our differences, close the barriers between on/off and have a combined limit. HWIDConnectionLimit_General_Group + HWIDConnectionLimit_OffPlayer_Group = Total_Account_ConnectLimit_Group This total would be inclusive of offline and online accounts so this way we can maintain a server's truly intended connection per pc limits. ❤️
    1 point
  17. Display character's status bar ( SD, HP). 1. Status bar (HP, SD) displayed when pointing the mouse at the target helps players feel more realistic in pvp. 2. It is also very interesting to display match information when spectators watch matches at the Duel arena (like Season 6 and earlier)
    1 point
  18. It would be nice to have a RANDOM respawn time setting for certain monsters. For example, Core mag, Sylvester, maybe Kunduns - medusa , deep dung gorgon. Or ANY monster for that matter.
    1 point
  19. [10:51:51] [Enchant UI Mix][PlusItemLevel] Chaos Mix Start [10:51:51] [Enchant UI Mix][DeleteItem] [acc][nick] Minus Durability (12,15)(12) [10:51:51] [Enchant UI Mix][DeleteItem] [acc][nick] Minus Durability (14,13)(15) [10:51:51] [Enchant UI Mix][DeleteItem] [acc][nick] Minus Durability (14,14)(22) [10:51:51] [Enchant UI Mix][PlusItemLevel] [lebang4][ooKnight] CBMix Fail 0 / 75 Money : 670347035-4000000 [11], CharmRate : 0 Suggestion: add information about the item, which is used in the chaos machine. Reason: people often forgot to use a toka while upgrade, and i even can't know, what items they are loosing.
    1 point
  20. If possible to add DKComboSuccessAttackRateOption = 100 so that we can configure the combo to never miss a damage.
    1 point
  21. siege Crown time can be set Can't add functions? very much needed
    1 point
  22. PlayerKillSystem.xml impossible to attack self Guild (need) PVP
    1 point
  23. Add Ability to control how much exc.options add Jewel of Kondar (same like we have on Jewel of Excess) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- A count of excellent options to add by Jewel of Kondar ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kondar_OptCount = X
    1 point
  24. Is it possible to add an option to determine where the news appears? Example, at line: <MonsterKillNotice Enabled="1"> Add type and colors attribute, like <MonsterKillNotice Enable="1" Type="1" R="255" G="105" B="180"> Where Type is 1 = Global Middle Message 2 = Chat Window Message if 'Type' is set to 1, the color attribute is ignored.
    1 point
  25. I cannot think of other item than white/red/golden cherry blossom branch that occupy more than a 1x1 event inventory space (1x2), why is it a requirement for event inventory to have 4x4 if there's no such item that needs that big of space. Also Cherry Blossom Play-Box drops the item to the ground, meaning that if there's no 1x2 space to pick the cherry branch, you just don't get it but no error will happens if requirement for using an event inventory item is reduced from 4x4 to 1x1. It is well-known that the majority of users experience issues when trying to use event inventory items due to space requirements. It is on any server owner resposibility if he decides to add an item that is claimed into the event inventory directly that requires more than a 1x1 space, because default configuration (and webzen) has non. This is how it works in webzen, it only check for normal inventory requirement, event inventory can be full.
    1 point
  26. It would be great if it was possible to run events like Illusion Temple, Doblegoer, etc. only once a week. This might look like an extra line in the schedule: Day="1-7", or Day="0" when it need to disable for daily
    1 point
  27. I am testing the Icewind Castle and there are some rooms for improvement. So I suggest them here for you. 1) We should show the subtract value message to the user when registering the event such as “You have spent X (Wcoin, GP, Zen..) for the application of Icewind Castle. The registering players need to know what are costing them for the registration. So it will be much better if we prompt them for the registration like “Will you spent X for the registration…” or having a NPC for handling the registering informations, tips, and current Icewind Lord… 2) We should have a short text description on the clock, when leaving the chair to show that they need to comeback and sit on the chair as soon as possible like “Sitting Privilege Remain”. 3) The event do not display all the rewarded currencies when the event ended. It only displays how much Ruud you can get but Wcoins, Goblins, and Contributions). Not sure this one is a bug. 4) …
    1 point
  28. Today we are limited to only allowing 1 party to enter Gaion at a time. The only way party #2 can join is if the 1st party WARPS out of the first Gaion Zone. If the first party is AFK it kind of screws the other players too because it will not allow the second party to warp. I think it would be fantastic if we can have simultaneous Gaions, so there isn't a 500 person queue to get in. Maybe we can add Gaion to the Instance System. Thanks.
    1 point
  29. Currently in Season 17 client, to add new items, ItemTRSData.txt in lang.mpr needs to be changed, and the client seems no longer read Local/itemtrsdata.bmd. However this is the only file that needs to be changed there and each time we do so, a new lang.mpr needs to be generated and shipped - based on the rest of the files in lang.mpr, there shouldn't be any need to generate this file after the interface is localized, since other custom item related strings are all stored in /local anyways. Is there a way to include a configuration that restores this setting so ItemTRSData is read from /Data/Local instead of lang.mpr?
    1 point
  30. PVP forced attack shortcut on / off Guild Wars Forced Attack shortcut key on / off is required Guild War Forced Attack when on I like the ability to automatically enter hostile guilds with all guilds. please add to plugin
    1 point
  31. I think this will be very useful to most server administrator who have Cashshop as their primary shop in-game Suggesting to add a function to reduce a % deduction to all cashshop like a promo so us administrator don't need to manually set the price according to our promo if we have this system. either in Toolkit Editor or Cashshop.xml ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Defines whether to enable promo 1/0 on/off ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- PromoSystemEnable = 0 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Defines the percentage of the promo - Max is 100% ;-- % is the deduction from the original price of the item ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- CashshopPromo = 80
    1 point
  32. Commands that force guilds to attack each other Required When Guild A uses commands The ability to forcibly attack all other guilds is required. Korea s8 has been implemented
    1 point
  33. Add please similar configs as have MapServerInfo.xml to MapAttribute.xml or Warps files. // MinEntryReset: Minimum reset required to join the map, -1 if not applies // MaxEntryReset: Maximum reset required to join the map, -1 if not applies MinEntryReset="-1" MaxEntryReset="-1"
    1 point
  34. Add Schedule system to MonsterGroupRegenSystem like as CryWolf In the current schedule system, we only can set a time of the day. <Group Index="1"> <Spawn StartHour="21" StartMinute="00" AppearanceRate="100" /> </Group> But would is very useful set schedule like as CryWolf <Schedule> <Start Mode="0" State="1" Month="-1" Day="-1" DayOfWeek="6" Hour="22" Minute="00" /> </Schedule> What do you think IGCN Team?
    1 point
  35. Auto post online and offlevel In other servers I have seen that they have the option that users can activate a post automatically and leave every 30 seconds (it is configurable from the server side). The auto post also works in offlevel. This option is very useful because users can leave posts to sell items or buy items.
    1 point
  36. Hello , we need more commands that are important like: /evo = makes your char instantly 4th class (this is very important for reset servers) /decstr = decrease stats by using command /shop = opens shop while you are at spot /vault = opens vault while you are at spot /startgift = command that gives you specific configurated items ,once per character I hope you reconsider this for the next updates. Thanks
    1 point
  37. Make VIP more attractive to players by adding more customization to our current settings, few examples below. This will add lot of value especially to higher rate servers. Some Ideas: - MuHelper cost - (Offlevel Plugin)Add option where item pickup is possible for VIP while disabled for free players. - Allow instant Teleportation rather than RUN to party leader location in party. - VIP rates for Seed creation / removal -VIP rates for pentagram system -VIP rates for Jewel of life / Soul ( IGCN Community, add your Ideas if you agree with this feature)
    1 point
  38. Lacking Burst (GL Skill) Lua Formula, we would like to control skill time (currently is 10 seconds) but there's no lua formula for it.
    0 points
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