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Wizzy last won the day on March 27

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About Wizzy

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Grand Master

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  1. Wizzy

    Release S

    [FIX] Corrected default configuration of elite monsters in MonsterList.xml [FIX] Elite monsters did not apply debuff correctly [FIX] Corrected default configuration of MiniMap.xml [FIX] Corrected default text strings in CustomText.xml/bmd [FIX] Purchased Item Banks did not save in certain scenario
  2. It is like limiting ability of gaining money to yourself
  3. Wizzy

    Release S

    [FIX] Added item bank UI file that was missing in initial upload of previous release [FIX] Charging certain coin types did not work correctly for item bank [FIX] Selected legendary set options did not apply their effect [FIX] Selected options of Legendary Fairy shields did not apply their effect
  4. I do not see how it could work. Any example?
  5. Wizzy

    Release S

    [NEW] Introducing new Item Banks system available as a plugin from our store [FIX] Corrected visual issue where Extra Exp (C section) was not applied correctly on Exp ToolTip [FIX] PK status could be incorrectly applied during Castle Siege event [FIX] Custom UI reset button triggered reset regardless Enable was set to 0 [FIX] Lighting Chaos Combination Amulet pieces did not auto convert to desired target item [FIX] Added missing AC attribute to MuQuestNPCMove.xml [FIX] Selected excellent options were not preserved on reward item after getting it from Alchemist BOT
  6. This would be incredible amount of work to handle this for all skills the way it would not cause any issues but still would, in case of misconfiguration. Benefits are not worth the amount of work.
  7. Never to come in our files, use launcher to download required translations depending on player selection.
  8. Wizzy


    [NEW] Support of Season 20 (main versions included:;; [FIX] Hostname configured in ServerInfo.bmd was not supported [FIX] Characters could sometimes disappear from Dashboard [FIX] Improved specific scenarios when hidden game clients were not restored upon Dashboard closure [MOD] Updated online documentation
  9. Wizzy


    First release of dashboard application Discord Rich Presence Events & Invasions Notifications Character Death Notification Characters list with display of basic character attributes such as HP, MP, Level, Experience, etc. Game Window Hide (after clicking on character image in list of characters) Automated game client folder exception for Windows Defender Ability to run Game Client from the Dashboard Fully customizable Template Capable of complete translation into any chosen language Developer ready Cache support Developer ready Database Connection support (PDO)
  10. Wizzy

    Release S

    [FIX] Use behavior of Mysterious Stone was incorrect for Legendary shields [FIX] Minimum Damage Increase of 4th tree for Summoner did not work [FIX] Corrected file load of CustomText.bmd affecting Ranking Panel [FIX] Kardamahal Underground Temple map was missing in Helper Plus server configuration file [FIX] Old Kethotum map was missing in Helper Plus UI display (MapSearchInfo.txt in Lang.mpr) [FIX] Talisman of Luck did not increase success probability for selected mastery mixes [FIX] Corrected players rankings to not display admin characters
  11. 1. You can add drop of Ruud box as additional item 2. We prefer not do mess in this area, if you need such behavior you can achieve it by doing ItemBagsScript.lua modifications.
  12. Wizzy

    Release S

    [NEW] Introducing new plugin: Alchemist BOT (available from store) [FIX] Client crash upon opening custom UI when using non-English translation [FIX] Improved font rendering quality on Custom UI [FIX] Improved text positioning on custom UI elements [FIX] Reset option from Custom UI was not working [MOD] Changed structure of CustomText.xml/BMD [MOD] Added extra strings to CustomText.xml/BMD
  13. Wizzy

    Release S

    [FIX] Occasional Game Client crash upon placing mouse over various buffs or tooltips [FIX] Occasional Game Client crash upon pressing F12 key while having PK mode switch enabled [FIX] Creating excellent set item using Jewel Upgrade system was not possible [MOD] Enabled support of translations in Custom UI [MOD] Improved font rendering quality in Custom UI [FIX] Reconnect UI did not appear
  14. Wizzy

    Release S

    [NEW] Guild Matching Functionality and UI Renewal [NEW] Improved Mastery/Legendary Items mixes UI: Now the mixes have dedicated category [NEW] Kardamahal Underground Temple Elite Zone and Elite Monsters [NEW] New Legendary Equipment: Temple Guard items & Legendary Sets: Shields Weapons Armors (Helmets, Armors, Pants, Gloves, Boots) [ADD] Added legendary items mix rates to ChaosBox.ini [FIX] Extra damage could cause damage/destroy event objects such as Blood Castle gates before it supposed to be possible to be damaged [FIX] Specific use of "push/rush" skill could result in character ends on same coordinate as monster [FIX] Monsters spawned trough Confusion Stone did not give experience when killed [FIX] Corrected default configuration of Elite monsters in MonsterList.xml [MOD] Renamed existing MasteryitemMix.xml to MasteryItemMixInventory.xml and reconfigured it [ADD] Added new system under MasteryitemMix.xml file name to handle Regular Chaos combinations (subject to rename in future updates) [MOD] Extended ItemPriceSystem.xml/bmd by PriceMode attribute [ADD] Added new option to define Bless of Light working mode [NEW] Introducing CustomText.bmd (XML) file for game client coming along with unmodifiable version Lang.template [NEW] Introducing upgraded in-game Exp ToolTip, now displaying formula matching server along with all bonuses [NEW] Introducing updated in-game players ranking, now possible to sort by class [FIX] Bless of Light (Bound) was continued to be consumed by Mu Helper even relevant buff effect was still active [FIX] Blocked ability to craft Relic using non-Chaos weapon [FIX] Corrected default configuration of MuHelper.xml and MapSearchInfo.txt (Lang.mpr) [MOD] Modified configuration of ItemOptionManager.xml, ItemAddOption.bmd [ADD] Extended support of Jewel of Excess for different kind of items, see JewelsManager.ini [FIX] The /evo command did not fully respect minimum level configuration [MOD] Removed support of in-game play guide (no longer supported by Game Client) [MOD] Moved Custom UI activation from F5 to F1 key [MOD] Renamed "Enabled" attribute to "Run" for Dashboard section in ServerInfo.xml/bmd [MOD] Added missing text 6091 to Text.txt in Lang.mpr [MOD] Updated Elite Monsters item bags configuration [MOD] Updated limited realm drop files [MOD] Temporary disabled camera zoom
  15. * Data file changes are not applied when using Automatic Update. you should apply it yourself. [NEW] Item Editor: support ancient legendary items [NEW] General: support exp table calc based on FormulaData file (see config.ini 'UseLuaForNormalExpCalc' and 'UseLuaForMasterExpCalc' values) [MOD] General: MasteryItemBonusOption upto KindA_15 support [MOD] General: ExcellentOptions upto KindA_15 support [MOD] General: add database minimum version check (IGC_Config table) [MOD->FILE] General: adjust data files location according to server files S [MOD->FILE] General: updated Data files upto latest server files version S [MOD->FILE] 'Data\DatabaseSpecification.xml' compatible with server files S [ADD->FILE] 'LegendaryItemBonusOption.xml' [ADD->FILE] 'LegendaryWeaponSetOption.xml'
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