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TheNightmare last won the day on April 28 2019

TheNightmare had the most liked content!

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Community Answers

  1. You can automate this using SQL
  2. You can do this with store procedures
  3. Hello! Is possible to add a color picker when we export the BMD to PNG image? Because the background is white, and a lot of weapons have white inside them. The weapon is mixing with the background and this is a problem for design purposes Thanks and I hope you accept my suggestion.
  4. Add Schedule system to LastManStanding like as CryWolf In the current schedule system, we only can set a time of the day. <Schedule> <Start Hour="20" Minute="0" /> </Schedule> But would is very useful set schedule like as CryWolf <Schedule> <Start Month="-1" Day="-1" DayOfWeek="6" Hour="22" Minute="00" /> </Schedule> What do you think IGCN Team?
  5. Is it possible to add an option to determine where the news appears? Example, at line: <MonsterKillNotice Enabled="1"> Add type and colors attribute, like <MonsterKillNotice Enable="1" Type="1" R="255" G="105" B="180"> Where Type is 1 = Global Middle Message 2 = Chat Window Message if 'Type' is set to 1, the color attribute is ignored.
  6. We could have the PlayerMinReset/PlayerMaxReset and PlayerMinLevel/PlayerMaxLevel options in MapMoveNPC Plugin? I think that these options are revelant for a Warp NPC. Thanks
  7. No, isn't - Reset System can give item in to Gremory Case (normaly is ignored) - With ItemBag you can put a Box in Inventory called '[Bound] 30 Resets Rewards' It is more atractive for newbie players that a message 'You have item in gremory case'
  8. This command exists in IGCN
  9. Hello! A lot of percentage of Private Servers are fast server. It's possible to add the options PlayerMinReset and PlayerMaxReset to ItemBags ?
  10. Add Schedule system to MonsterGroupRegenSystem like as CryWolf In the current schedule system, we only can set a time of the day. <Group Index="1"> <Spawn StartHour="21" StartMinute="00" AppearanceRate="100" /> </Group> But would is very useful set schedule like as CryWolf <Schedule> <Start Mode="0" State="1" Month="-1" Day="-1" DayOfWeek="6" Hour="22" Minute="00" /> </Schedule> What do you think IGCN Team?
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