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Bigman last won the day on September 16

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About Bigman

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Community Answers

  1. 🔥[NEW]🔥3D BMD Viewer: Support Season 20 Ep.1-2 bmd files [FIX] BMD Editor: invalid order of columns in item.bmd/mix.bmd (Season 20 Ep.1-3)
  2. [FIX] Object exported with incorrect rotation in some cases [FIX] Support season 20 bmd files load [FIX] Issue with object settings position/rotation/scale changes with keyboard/mouse, in the Object Settings panel
  3. [NEW] BMD Editor: Item.bmd (Season 20 Ep.1-2) [NEW] BMD Editor: ItemSetOption.bmd (Season 20 Ep.1-2) [NEW] BMD Editor: SkillTooltipText.bmd (Season 20 Ep.1-2) [NEW] BMD Editor: Item.bmd (Season 20 Ep.1-3) [NEW] BMD Editor: ItemSetOption.bmd (Season 20 Ep.1-3) [NEW] BMD Editor: Mix.bmd (Season 20 Ep.1-3) [FIX] General: fix issue with Specific exc options not loading for specific items [MOD] General: add support for new ExcOptions file (kind_A upto 12)
  4. Bigman

    Release 86.02

    IGC.LauncherPremium [v1.12.0.2] [FIX] OVH hosting communication issue due to new OVH HTTP requests policy
  5. [FIX] AutoUpdate error on tool startup
  6. [FIX] Unable to open tool due to hosting issue
  7. Bigman

    Release 86.01

    :::: IGC.LauncherPremium :::: Rev.2: [v1.12.0.1] -> [FIX] F shortcut keys not working Reupload: modify version in L_Version.zip file
  8. You can do it inside the news html. No need for it in design tool.
  9. Bigman

    Release 86.00

    :::: IGC.LauncherPremium :::: [NEW] 🔥support GIF images🔥 for custom design (you must remake your design Template with animated GIFs using Management Tools v1.6.0.0 or newer) :::: IGC.LauncherManagementTools :::: [NEW] 🔥support GIF images🔥 for custom design (you must remake your design Template with animated GIFs and use Launcher v1.12.0.0 or newer)
  10. 🔥[NEW]🔥Official support for s19 e2-3 maps and monsters
  11. [MOD] Item Editor: force to select character when adding Pentagram or 5th Wing item [MOD] 'Data\DatabaseSpecification.xml': support DeleteWhereCondition value to fix some possible issue in certain cases when deleting character/account
  12. [FIX] EventBag Editor (s17 ep2.2 v2 and newer): item is not created with the correct artifact option value
  13. i dont know what you mean by "stats"
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