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originalroot last won the day on July 1 2023

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Community Answers

  1. Bump! Only IGCN can add buffs in Hunt Point System, we can't? We can use only default 8 buffs that is in file? (Just bought that plugin, so don't know)
  2. Is there any chance we can see it in near future? Grand Reset system in game very needed, please IGCN!
  3. Is there a chance we can see this in near future? /reset auto 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 (example) and /addstr auto 2500 ; /addagi auto 1500 ; /addvit auto 250 and etc Other server files provider have it and it's really cool feature for players, really! Please, IGCN!
  4. Also Arka War / Acheron Guardian
  5. My suggestion is to add Boss Battle to /eventinfo There Blood Castle, Devil Square, all other common events, but no Boss Battle.
  6. Reset auto and reset auto 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 will solve a lot of problems on our servers now
  7. I votes "yes", but seems the only one way to fight with bots is disable reset rewards, but enable more rewards for activity (killing invasions, bosses, etc). So there will be no reason to use 3rd party software or macro for automatization.
  8. Hello, My suggestion is to add Grand Reset system in game with wide configuration as Reset system (requirements, rewards and etc.) and in-game command /greset. We have some configs in ex. ExpSystem.xml (MinGrandReset;MaxGrandReset), but we don't have Grand Resets in game.
  9. originalroot

    Reset +VIP

    Each Reset gives 500 free LevelUpPoints, no matter on what level you perform it, you will get 500 Points * Reset count. VIP player get advantage and can make Reset on 390 level. I don't understand what issues it could bring.
  10. originalroot

    Reset +VIP

    That was an example, this screenshot describe idea and we need it
  11. originalroot

    Reset +VIP

    Now we have system that allows to set Reset settings for ALL players, for example move to lorencia or switch to select character or give 10 wcoins as reward. He means add settings for vip players, so we can make different settings for different vip levels and will be more vip sales on our servers. For example we want to make reset level 400 for normal players, 390 level for vip types 1, 380 level for vip types 2 or we want to make for normal players move to lorencia after reset, for vip players reset on same place. And we can't with current settings.
  12. originalroot

    Reset +VIP

  13. Xteam have it and players asking us for same, very needed I tested it too and this is really cool feature on high rate servers
  14. Plus. One of real problems.
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