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A266690 last won the day on December 30 2024

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  1. It is difficult for all classes to maintain the same damage,There is also a time lag between when players enter the game(Some of them may have been playing for a year,some of them are new),if the monster reward is the highest damage, it will lead to a reward monopoly,Many classes with low PVM damage ************, which has a great impact on the game。This is important for servers that add custom bosses,So I hope this suggestion can be adopted soon。
  2. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Boss monsters kill reward type, 0: Last Hit, 1: Most Damage ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BossKillRewardUserType = 1 We will have some monsters as custom bosses,But this feature doesn't allow our custom BOSS to work as set。 If you can make some changes,it will be more perfect。 Can we get this switch to control all the monsters? Or,Can we add our own monster index to decide which way to use? Suggestion 1:Whether you select 1 or 0, all monsters take effect。 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Boss monsters kill reward type, 0: Last Hit, 1: Most Damage ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BossKillRewardUserType = 1 Suggestion 2:Add the corresponding monster index to control,Either type 0 or 1 can be selected as a controllable option,Unadded monster indexes are of a different type,For example,if the original bonus is the maximum damage, we'll add the index of the last monster hit ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Boss monsters kill reward type, 0: Last Hit, 1: Most Damage ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type 0 Valid monster index= 0,100,500,800,900
  3. Allows the number of combinations of type 255 to be recognized when exchanging items,Better be able to identify multiple groups,For example,to exchange a certain item needs 1000 gems,we have a few groups of 255 gems in the bag,you can directly exchange successfully Now it has to be a single quantity to be identified,and it can only identify the contents of the main backpack,The main backpack can hold up to 64 items,You can't use too many items in exchange for one item,If you can identify combinations and multiple combinations,The exchange setup will be more convenient and perfect
  4. I wish could add a feature Can query the IP of account connection Check their online time Check their offline time I send a picture,It's a function similar to the one in the picture,Maybe you can't read Chinese,So I wrote the introduction below ServerName = Regular Connection status= Offline/Online Connect the IP = Online time = years /month/day/hours/minutes/seconds Offline time = years /month/day/hours/minutes/seconds
  5. Now kill monsters and players with the same message,I wish there was a separate PVP message,This makes PVP messages more obvious As follows: <Messages> <Msg ID="0" Text=" [%s] in %s Picked up %s %s" RGB="255,255,5" /> <!-- PlayerName, MapName, Tag, ItemName --> <Msg ID="1" Text=" %s Killed %s in %s (%d,%d)" RGB="255,255,255" /> <!-- KillerName, VictimName, MapName, X, Y --> <Msg ID="2" Text=" %s has respawned in %s (%d,%d)" RGB="255,255,5" /> <!-- MonsterName, MapName, X, Y --> <Msg ID="3" Text=" [PVP] %s Killed %s in %s (%d,%d)" RGB="255,255,255" /> <!-- KillerName, VictimName, MapName, X, Y --> </Messages>
  6. A266690

    Release S

  7. The player is not in a safe area, They are in the battle zone, But they hid behind obstacles ,Like a big rock in a map, a wall... They draw monsters behind these obstacles , Then attack with the AOE ability , Then kill
  8. I set monster 501, As soon as you set it to a map with buildings, the situation I mentioned above will appear No matter what monster I set up, if there are buildings on the map, this will happen Could you please tell me what document is edited? thank you
  9. How to avoid the player hiding behind the building to fight BOSS? Use walls, trees, stones, road signs The player hides behind , Bosses cannot attack the player , But the player can attack the BOSS Players maliciously use these small structures to kill bosses without damaging them Can you get the BOSS to return to the resurrection point in a certain amount of time? Or a player hiding behind a building can get hit by a BOSS ? Or how the player’s skill is set so that you have to point the mouse at the BOSS in order to attack the BOSS, instead of the mouse pointer being released on the floor
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