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Shanahan last won the day on August 16 2024

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  1. Shanahan

    Time in client

    It's very convenient to have it in-game, like in other MMORPG. Also, when players take screenshots - there will always be a time for it. Not top suggestion of course, but will be cool to see it someday. 🙂
  2. It will be nice to see a real-time clock in the game. I don't know what else I can add. 🙂
  3. Hello. Please give us the opportunity to open x-shop in map #6. Why such discrimination 😄
  4. Add "IgnoreList" section to the mu helper configuration. The same that we have in the "Off-Level". This will give additional abilities to fight against bot farms.
  5. Allowing to use party move on all maps. Especially actually because you're selling a map editor, but on custom maps, one of the main features just doesn't work.
  6. People download the client, don't read anything, launch it, see squares, and leave the project. In case if user doesn't have arialuni font on the PC - show an error with a description.
  7. Hello. Please add a config where we can set the necessary level to equip the Ability Cards.
  8. It would be nice to see here not total level, but regular + master. 400+394 300+448 e.t.c.
  9. Few things, which will make life better. 1) Auto kick from party members who are offline for more than 30 minutes why: players usually just turn off the game without exiting from the party, so they just block the slot. Or a random player connecting to the party where few guys are offline already 2) Auto disband party, if all party members are in the safe zone for more than 15 minutes why: example. Whole AFK party with 1 open slot. Golden Tantalos killed them in the middle of the night. Until morning a lot of players join and exit this "fake" party. 3) The Auto-accept button by default should be activated why: guys just forgot to click on it from time to time. Players are trying to join the party but the chance of success isn't too big. These changes will significantly increase the pleasant game experience.
  10. Edited: added a second suggestion
  11. The suggestion is: to add new parameters. 1) RefreshLimit="1" (for additional commands from list bellow and for each custom command from config) (Is time limit work or not) RefreshLimitTime="1440" (How many minutes should be passed after successfully using the command) 2) Add a MinVipType="0" (0-4) parameter for these commands: Class2QuestChangeMinLevel = 220 Class3QuestChangeMinLevel = 400 DecStatCoinType = 0 DecStatCoinValue = 0 ShopOpenCoinType = 0 ShopOpenCoinValue = 0 WarehouseOpenCoinType = 0 WarehouseOpenCoinValue = 0
  12. Shanahan

    Zen Coin

    Since it's impossible to make it on your own, i would like to suggest. PriceSettings.xml Add additional options like these ones: ElementalRuneBuyPrice = 80000000 ElementalRuneSellPrice = 1000 There is an item "Zen". (14, 15) ZenPrice = 100000000 ZenSellPrice = 100000000 This will allow players to buy and sell "Zen coin" at the same price. So it will be convenient to store and trade a big amount of zen.
  13. Shanahan

    bat flock dot

    I have servers with different stats counts. So on max stat server slayers can have a really good bat flock DOT damage, but on non-max stat servers - they don't have energy. So, they just don't have any damage from bat flock dot.
  14. Formuladata. Character section: <Formula ID="9" Data="((((((%d*%d)*0.6/24)+(((%d-800)*(%d-500))/200))/24)+2000))" /> <!-- Energy, Energy, Energy, Energy --> Hello. Can we do something with it? At least set the first attribute as STR. The current formula brings chaos. The previous one was much better.
  15. Please add option PvE damage increase +%.
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