hello, is possible to have Master level counting when you reach lvl 400 or regular then it can show you the 400 + Master levels.
so in the scenario that you are lvl 1100 then you just reset it show you lvl 1until lvl 399 then when you reach lvl 400 will be added the master levels.
like this we can avoid muonline Bots or macros that with master level after resets they can warp quick to all maps.
;-- Do not add master level in character statistics window (C), 0/1
;-- If set to 1 then then game client, will not display total level as sum of regular and master level.
;-- In such case it will not count master level in calculations of warp/item and other requirements.
;-- A modification of max warp/item required level is then necessary in all files related, from 800 to 400.
;-- The option is directed to servers with reset system enabled where level requirements after reset may fall in conflict in numerous places.
NotAddMasterLevelToLevel = 0
NotAddMasterLevelToLevel Less then 400 = 1