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zander1989 last won the day on February 2

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  1. I don't want people to stop PK, I want to use the system how it is supposed to be, but players can just instantly clear it after one death. Giving a penalty for 1 death equal to 10000 deaths is stupidity and so is stopping PK. If I wanted to stop PK i would just turn it off. I appreciate the advice, but you seem not to understand my suggestion or what it is for. I do appreciate the sense of humor, though.
  2. Thank you for this useless piece of information.
  3. Please add a cooldown config for ClearPK command. (something like we have with ctrl+z mount CD) People just use macro or use it every 1 kill, which makes the multiplier config useless because it's not working. Killing 1 player and using the command will allow you to pk forever for the lowest price.
  4. This was explained here> LINK
  5. Please add a modifier to Skillist or any other method, perhaps an XML file that will allow us to reduce the PVP Damage of a specific Skill. Someone asked to add control for Barrage or Speed but I know that will probably be a lot of work to re-work luas, so how about this instead? Skillist.xml <SkillList> <Skill Index="264" Name="Dragon Roar" ReqLevel="30" Damage="12" ManaUsage="42" BPUsage="0" .......... PVPDamage="100"..../> <Skill Index="265" Name="Dark Side" ReqLevel="21" Damage="21" ManaUsage="12" BPUsage="0" ..... .......PVPDamage="30"..../> <Skill Index="266" Name="Spirit Hook" ReqLevel="13" Damage="17" ManaUsage="15" BPUsage="0"........... PVPDamage="100"..../> <Skill Index="267" Name="Spirit Hook Enhancement" ReqLevel="5" Damage="8" ManaUsage="3" ....... ..... PVPDamage="100"..../> ... </SkillList> PVPDamage where 100 is 100% damage. Method could of course be different. This would allow us to take out those OP skills on reset servers and provide us pretty much with perfect flexibility in terms of skills. I know we can modify formulas, or increase the entire PvM Damage, and that does give us a lot of flexibility already but it is not enough, please read below to understand why. Why do this? On reset servers, there has always been a problem with balancing certain skills, especially those with a high animation speed or Barrage. For some characters, achieving perfect balance is simply impossible. Let me explain. If you try to balance your Rage Fighter- DarkSide, Dragon Roar, and Spirit Hook, you can make them deal the same damage using Lua. However, DarkSide has an unpredictable burst effect that can completely destroy opponents in PvP. Even if all three skills have the exact same damage, DarkSide is still overpowered, while the other two remain weak. This makes it impossible to balance all three skills in a way that keeps them playable. The only options are: 1. Nerf DarkSide so much that it becomes useless. 2. Weaken all three skills and leave only one of them playable. A similar issue exists with Magic Gladiator’s Havoc Spear—this skill simply deals much more damage than any other and there are few more. A setting like that would allow us to balance a character in both PvP and PvM so that all skills are useful. This also helps a lot with configs so you don't have to go with 10mln HP and SD for PVP...
  6. now you're beeing greedy johnny 😄
  7. Thank you 🙂
  8. Thats genius and would solve the DarkSide skill bug as well
  9. You mean with server time? Like most players play in a window and they can see their clock or they just have a mobile phone.
  10. Here is a proposal and possible solution to save Bless of Light on Disconnect or Server Switch. I understand that the exp would have to be stored in the Database otherwise the buff will disappear. But we already have a working functionality with Elixir of Strength, Health, Agility etc. They don't disappear like other consumables do. Can you just do the same for Bless of Light consumables? Or at least allow exp option buffs to be used with Elixirs, for example: In the itemoptionmanager. <Item Cat="14" Index="80" Option1="11" Value1="1000" Option2="6" Value2="200" Time="21600" /> <!-- Elixir of Health --> Where Option2= // 6: Exp Increase +d% // 87: Exp gain increase +%d% (Ascension Items, Normal/Master level usable) // 88: Exp gain increase +%d% (Bless of Light, Normal/Master level usable) That way we could just make a workaround or create new buffs from scratch in the form of elixirs. Currently adding these option buffs in the itemoption do not work with the elixir. Or just add a new option (Fyi plugin ItemoptionSystem_Exc also does not work with this item. That is logical though because the item is considered "used".) Before you say anything, yes I know it's "working as webzen" but Webzen almost never crash or disconnects you like our current Clients do. With the rising client issues that occur in newer seasons having Bless of Light active upon server switch or Relog is crucial.
  11. Not to whiteknight or anything but you have to look at this from a business perspective. The monthly fee is to keep the support and services online while new development cost money. It's the same everywhere, you also have no obligation to improve or upgrade your business. You can run an older season. But you want the newest part, to bring more customers, so you're earning money on this deal as much as they do. I just wish we had a breather from time to time, to just hold for a minute, recover and patch everything and fix before releasing new stuff, then again IGCN has to stay competitive with others and these Koreans are crazy with this new content all the time.
  12. Yes, nice idea and also there is plenty of issues with Siege and Market Party when a leader is not present, is on other server map or offline. Known issues in general: 1. Rewards not issued to players or the event not possible to complete (For example turn weapon BC) 2. Experience is not shared or shared improperly between players. The solution that most players use on IGCN files by now is to simply re-do party each time they enter an event map. It is not always bugged but they just do it as a safety because it may happen. That is why it is rarely reported as being broken. But it is happening and was happening since I can remember on various versions S15-19. Not only on my servers but also other IGCN servers I played. That being said I would also like to suggest a "auto-kick from party" when entering event maps. as an option to add to party settings. Let\s say in Gameserver config file a command "Auto kick from party upon GS entry = 1/0"
  13. Any ideas how to counter? Auto RESET Mu Online SS18 File IGCN My suggestion would be to somehow detect the same cords for a player lets say> IF same cords for muhelper are used on a player X longer than 60 minutes then Warning/kick, possible?
  14. If possible please make it so that Oversting skill does not shoot 5 million skills per second 😛 Sadly the below setting does not work on Oversting and it is the most laggy skill in the game at this moment. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Allows to control behavior of skills against high attack speed ;-- Default value for all classes is 15, values range is 0-15 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AgilityBugFixDW = 15 AgilityBugFixDK = 15 AgilityBugFixElf = 15 AgilityBugFixMG = 15 AgilityBugFixDL = 15 AgilityBugFixSU = 15 AgilityBugFixRF = 15 AgilityBugFixGL = 2 AgilityBugFixRW = 15 AgilityBugFixSLA = 15 AgilityBugFixGC = 15 AgilityBugFixWW = 15 AgilityBugFixLM = 15 AgilityBugFixIK = 15 Also using it at only 500 speed. On high stat servers i can imagine its even worse
  15. I see that additional barrage have been added with 5th skills, so if there were lets say 5-6 six individual hits that we could config, perhaps this ability would be much easier to control. Because now 1 hit applies one big chunk of damage
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