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  1. Well, it depends on what we are dealing with here, big produce store will always push out a smaller one and dictate the price, but we are talking about a digital product. Since when good, fair and transparent customer service has become a bad practice? When have I said I want anything cheaper? All I am saying is that there would have been more subtle options and approaches how to increase the prices for your customers without going through the complaints you so don't like, but what do I know my logic is wrong as you said. As for me and the prices I have my dislikes but it is what it is.
  2. You know what will happen? It is called competitive market. Store manger will check and if the price is lower elsewhere he/she will sell you the product for the cheapest competitive price, to keep you as a customer. What we have here is abuse of monopoly - don't like it, don't buy it - this is a very poor practice because there is no loyalty. Ask yourself this, if there is another developer tomorrow, that offers you 20% cheaper exact the same product with better customer service- where would you go? Answer is obvious. What triggers me is unfairness and people who are long lasting customers feel betrayed.
  3. Unpopular opinion here, Surely if we are paying monthly premium subscription some of the services should be included, I am not talking about the stability and performance. This looks more like a plugin upgrade rather than seasonal/content upgrades which was advertised as a USP( unique selling point) when buying the premium server package - latest season + any future season updates included. Are there any reductions in the monthly 55.00 EUR subscription then since you have changed your marketing business strategy? Seems just a bit unfair. You have taken away the initial offer and made it more expensive. How about increasing monthly Sub price instead to 65.00? So as a minimum there will be 3 big 150 Eur updates per year. What is included in the monthly subscription now? Or we are just bound to pay extra 450.00 Eur per year to keep the service alive?
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