Key Changes
- [NEW] New Add Stats UI has been added to UIManager.ini, available for "Ranking Panel (Players)" plugin subscribers
- [FIX] Corrected mix.bmd configuration
- [MOD] Reorganized \Data\Items\ folder and categorized various of files into system dedicated folders
- [MOD] Renamed MasteryExcOptions.xml to MasteryWeaponExcellentOption.xm and reworked the file content
- [MOD] Renamed MasteryBonusOptions.xml to MasteryItemBonusOption.xm and reworked the file content
- [MOD] Renamed MysteriousStone_Event.xml to MasteryItemChangeOption_Event.xm and reworked the file content
- [MOD] Renamed MysteriousStone_Regular.xml to MasteryItemChangeOption_Regular.xm and reworked the file content
- [MOD] Renamed MasteryExcOptions.xml to MasteryWeaponExcellentOption.xm and reworked the file content
- [MOD] Ranking database has been reworked, all existing objects have been dropped and replaced by new ones
- [ADD] Added various ranking tables to Ranking database (will be used for in-game ranking in future updates)
- [MOD] Corrected behavior of Monster Debuff resistance, value of DebuffApplyRes from MonsterList.xml is now decreasing chance of debuff, previously was used determine debuff appliance
- [MOD] Renamed PoisonDebuffApplySuccessRate to PoisonDebuffApplyBaseSuccessRate in SkillSettings.ini
- [MOD] Renamed FreezeDebuffApplySuccessRate to FreezeDebuffApplyBaseSuccessRate in SkillSettings.ini
- [MOD] Renamed BleedingDebuffApplySuccessRate to BleedingDebuffApplyBaseSuccessRate in SkillSettings.ini
- [FIX] Corrected configuration of FormulaData.xml
- [FIX] Custom VIP rank could display on random NPC or did not display randomly above player
- [FIX] Corrected Elite Monsters configuration in MonsterList.xml
- [FIX] Updated FormulaData.xml by missing formulas
- [FIX] Corrected strange behavior of CTRL+T (Event Information Window) - randomly changing images
Additional Information
Re-uploaded once, replaced Ranking database update script compatible with MSSQL 2012