Key Changes
- [!] Modified ProhibitedWords system to treat words input as case insensitive
- [!] Fixed Attack Delay issue of selected skills
- [!] Fixed invisibility buff for GM making him visible in certain scenarios
- [!] Fixed default spawn zone after dying in Baracks of Balgass
- [!] Fixed ability to enter a party within Chaos Castle using /setparty command
- [!] Fixed Blocked and entry to Chaos Castle with Dark Horse
- [!] Fixed Jewel of Luck does not disappear after use
- [+] Blocked to use Jewel of Kondar and Jewel of Excess on Wings
- [!] Fixed Dark Side skill does not consume mana when targetting monster
- [!] Fixed Pants defense not properly applied
- [!] Fixed Demon and Satan improper damage addition
- [!] Fixed selection of Stun effect issues
- [!] Fixed selection of scenarios when expirable item could become normal one
- [!] Fixed selection of chaos box mixes, options and luck
- [+] Added option to file, ChaosBox.ini -> Wing3LuckRate
- [+] Added option to file, Common.ini -> EnableAntiFlood
- [-] Removed ConnectMember.txt from data folder
- [+] Added ConnectMember.xml to every GameServer folder
- [-] Removed Marry options from CommonServer.cfg
- [+] Added MarriageSystem.xml
- [!] Fixed scenario when doing divorce did not actually divrced one of sides
- [+] Added RegenSpawnZone.xml system
- {+] Added option to file, SkillSetting.ini -> BlockDashSkillsWithFenrir
- [+] Added lang bits to file, English.xml -> 635-637
- [!] Fixed marlon and Zyro NPCs sometimes teleport to same location
- [!] Fixed GameServer crash